tv [untitled] December 20, 2011 4:31pm-5:01pm PST
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portion of our discussion is going to be focused on the panelists. i want to publicly acknowledge the hard work the h.r.c. has done to help me organize this town hall meeting, which -- as a point of reference, the way this town hall meeting has come about is through a series of very small conversations i have had with many people last year when i was campaigning as well as this year in office. i am happy to see the people i have talked to, those that call me at 7:00 a.m. in the morning. zula, thank you for your assistance in pulling this together. we would not be here if not for her help. and the h.r.c. staff. i want to acknowledge the many commissioners we have here in the room from the southeast facility commission as well as the commissioners from the treasure island commission and just overall community activists.
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this is the physical manifestation of community partnership as well as private and public dollars coming together. it is no secret that when we talk about the southeast part of san francisco, we talk about the mantra of needing jobs. i am delighted to see so many small businesses here to learn about the opportunities we have going forward. we have a distinguished list of panel itses that -- panelisted that i would like to introduce to you. we have sarah from the trance bay joint power authority. thank you for being here. hold your applause because everyone deserves applause, and we have a lot of work to do and we can divorce ourselves from the pleasantries for just a moment. eddie phillips is here. he is up here. right here in the front.
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virginia harmon, where are you? she is with sfmta. then we have maria cordero. and sheila evans. are they here? they are representing the sfmta. next up, harbaugh alan kelly, jr., batting for the p.u.c. commission. following him, we have edgar lopez, future building manager in construction design. thank you. tiffany, i don't see her. she may be joining us later. she is the newly a.ed director of the san francisco redevelopment agency. for those who don't know her, she has a very intimate understanding of the portfolio that the redevelopment agency has been managing.
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>> jeff newmeyer. did i say that correctly? >> good. >> he is with the san francisco international airport. next up we have barbara smith -- no, we actually have domenica henderson from the san francisco housing authority, one of our community leaders. we have rhonda simmons, who heads up the office of work force development. rhonda, give a wave to the people. thank you. do we have a representative from america's cup? the port authority, the port? [inaudible] maybe they will be joining us a little bit later. so, i think, if i am not mistaken, we are going into a question and answer session that is going to be moderated by mohammed nuru, who had to
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leave earlier. so who is going to do it? [inaudible] no problem. let's get started. i hope you brought your thinking caps because we have thought leaders up here who can answer questions. let's go ahead and begin. thank you. >> hi. i am sarah. i am the chief financial officer with the trance bay joint powers authority. i do want to apologize on behalf of maria caplan, she is our executive director, and she did want to be here, but had some other appointments come up. so i will try to replace her only momentarily. the trance bay transit center program, if you haven't been in
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the san francisco market area lately is under construction. we are replacing the old transbay terminal with a new bus and rail station, and we will be extending caltrain and high speed rail into the new station. we have completed demolition. those free ways that were referred to that are being torn down in san francisco, we have torn some of those down the old bus ramps, and the transbay terminal itself is gone. in its place we have a four-block long active construction site. right now the shoring and excavation package is under way . julie, who has been highlighted
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by others, she is on our project, too. we are glad to have her. the next major contract that we are going to be issuing that you will want to keep your eye out for is the below grade superstructure. the way our project is being managed, we have a construction manager. so all of the construction packages for the transit center and bus ramp are being put out by web core. the next couple of weeks they will be putting out a request for qualifications. what they are doing is prequalifying ow all the subcontractors. this has an overall value of $70 million. if you are interested in being a smaller sub on that package, you don't need to prequalify. you need to keep your eye on our website for the calendar of events so that you can network with the primes that are going
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to be bidding on that package. the r.f.q. is out in a couple of weeks, and the package will be going out to bid next spring. another package we have coming out soon, and this is not being put out by web core, but by the capa directly, an r.f.p. coming out in the next couple of weeks. it is very much geared toward small business participation. it is construction management for our bus storage facility. there will be permanent off-site bus storage under the i-80 free. we are constructing the a.c. transit portion. the rough estimate for construction of that bus storage facility is $18 million, and the r.f.p. is for the construction management. there is something next tuesday. we brought a fact sheet i
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believe in the back of the room, and there is information specifically about that event. that is next tuesday at 3:00 at our offices on mission and beale street next to the construction site. we do have an s.b.e. program, a small business program as we are federally funded. we are not able to put local preferences or hiring goals on our contracts. but we do have a small business program, and if you do have an l.b.a. certification, you are considered a small business in our program. that is one of several certifications we accept. overall, all of our contracting, over 30% of our contracts and subcontracts have been going to small businesses. so we are looking to seeing that number grow. i am going to turn it over, i believe, to virginia, and i
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will be available for questions during the q & a. [applause] >> hi. good afternoon. i am virginia harmon, and i am here on behalf of our director of transportation, ed risken. as most of you are aware, the transportation agency is the seventh largest transit agency in the country. therefore, there are a significant number of opportunities on our contracts and the employment opportunities associated with those contracts as well. >> i'm sure most of you are aware that we are currently bidding and working on the central subway project. that is an exciting opportunity for small businesses. to date we have also exceeded 30% participation in terms of small business enterprises on that project. we have done a couple of small
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business enterprise set-asides. on our tunnel contract upcoming, the work will start shortly. we have 50% s.b.e. trucking set aside. that should ensure we see a significant amount of small and local trucking on that project. i have brought a couple of people with me here today. i would like to introduce them to you and have them stand up because they are really the people you need to get to know if you want to bid specifically on our contracts. i am the agency oversight manager. that means i am responsible for contracts and procurement and the contract compliance expects. asish is head of the contracting section. he has brought several things. you should look for those hand outs at the back, but he is
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able to answer questions about the opportunities. in addition, brash is here in reference to the subway. we have about $550 million worth of work coming up. those are great opportunities for small businesses. additionally andre is here. he mansion the contract compliance office. that is the small business enterprise, disadvantaged business enterprise programs that we imcomplement depending on the funding source. on the f.t.e., it is very similar to another program. we take certifications from the california state department of general services. we take certifications from the department of transportation.
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and we also take h.r.c. certifications on the programs that we run depending upon of funding source. additionally we imcomplement a very strong employment program. pinetta scott is here and can talk to you about the employment programs we run on our projects. we have complied fouly with full source and with local hiring to the extent we are able to do so. i am happy to answer any questions you may have and look forward to meeting those i have not yet met. thank you. [applause] >> again, my name is harbaugh alan kelly with the san francisco public utilities commission. one of the major programs that is currently under way is a water system improvement
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program. it is a $4.6 billion program, and the current status is that we have 50% of the program complete. a lot of the projects are in major construction. a lot of the construction is in the region area which is outside of san francisco. so we have been working with h. r.c. to partner with a lot of our wholesale customers to participate in that. we are looking at ways we can break contracts down. a lot of these contracts are large, and so we are looking at ways can break these contracts down. the other thing we have been working on is a sewer system improvement program. we are in the planning phases, but we do have a couple of projects that are out. we have the channel bay side contract which is more of a design contract that is out in
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the street right now. the other thing we have been working on other than that program, that one is about $6 billion. so that is in the planning stage. the other thing that the p.u.c. has been working on is looking at the way we contract -- like for example we have tunneling contracts. we are providing training. we are actually sending people to -- where is the training course -- arizona to get some training in tunneling. the calaveras dam, we are building a dam costing about $400 million. we have also put micro set-asides.
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we do jock. we are in the midst of starting a construction assistance center. the placement, we have been talking about different locations, but the concept is really to work with the depends so break contracts down and look at the capacity of the l.b.e.'s and try to make a match for the work we can break down. so we are going to offer a lot of courses there. in fact, one of the things that we started doing on our contracts is we start including professional services community benefits. we are asking consultants what can you do in the work that you perform for the p.u.c. to benefit the communities which we are impacting? we are trying it, and we are going some interesting results. a lot of firms are saying we will volunteer time and training, and some will say we
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will adopt the school. we are trying to incorporate that to help leverage all the work we are coming to build better communities. there is a lot of stuff going on. we do have hand-outs that we will pass out of all our contracts. it is on our website, and if you have any questions, i am here to answer them. [applause] >> good afternoon. i am edgar lopez with the department of pickup works. as our director mentioned, we are deeply committed to the hiring program. we have the library in construction right now. this is one of our morris successful projects in integrating work force and l.b.e. it is almost complete in bidding. so far we have bid out 27 packages. 15 have gone to l.b.e.'s.
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this is one of our poster child projects. the l.b.e. goal for that project was set at 30%, and we are currently tracking at 55%. that is thanks to your participation and commitment to follow our project. i wanted to highlight two other projects where we are hoping to achieve similar results of l.w.e. -- l.b.e. project. the tour is the new tour ship port. this is a cmgc contract, being led by turner construction. they have brown down the scope of work into 34 bid packages. like harlan said, we work with the contractors to break down
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the package into work that creates more work for our films and that create second tier work for other businesses. that project is being run by turner. they have started the prequal fashion between subcontractors earlier this month. they are going to be bidding from november through february of next year. we have flyers for the project i am mentioning. they have the project information, the number of the packages and more detail about the scope of work. on the cruise ship terminal, i wanted to add one more thing. in addition to the 82,000 squaret foot building, the scope includes a 2 1/2 acre
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park. there is civil work and landscaping work associated with the project. it is a very exciting waterfront project and will result in a nice improvement to the area. the next project i wanted to mention is the public safety building. this is a building that is being funded by general only bond. it is a significant project that includes police headquarters, a district police station and a fire house station. this contract is going to start bidding and prequalifying contractors. it is being led by panco construction. they have broken down their contract into 34 packages. those are included on the list in the flyer we have in the back. their bitting is this month and
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will go through june of 2012. construction is corrected to take six months. all of our projects are listed on our website, but we wanted to highlight two where we are current and that we will be starting in the next several months. thank you. [applause] >> hi name is jeff. i am here representing san francisco interpret airport, and i'm here with sandra crumple research who heads up our small businesses end price at the airport. we are committed to local participation and your involvement in our projects. you have heard a lot about the trade bid packages, and that is something that is becoming unique to san francisco and it actually aware.
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we just completed terminal 2 and the other part of the contract. that allowed us to break that contract up into 85 packages. to touch base on the success of that program. our goals were set at 13% l.b.e. participation. we have exceeded that. we are doing we are. local businesses was approaches 50%. working through these trade packages and gathering in put for a with the projects we have and the work we have in those projects. that being said, gathering that in put, your input is greatly appreciated on what you can do and what you would like to do. that helps us work with the
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contractors and the teams to help us develop the packages and create meaningful work. at the airport, it is san francisco interpret airport, and it should be all about san francisco. with the success of our terminal two project and how that worked. we are moving forward with a number of exciting projects. i want to touch on some of them. boarding area e, part of american airlines. they have moved into the new terminal two building, which has created an opportunity to remodel and do a seismic retrofit on an old build. it will be similar to what we did on terminal two. it is a $90 million project. we selected hensle research-phelps as a design and builder.
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those trade packages for that contract should probably start going out in the next 2-3 months. another problems we have going is actually a data center project. it is a smaller project, a there are 6 million project. it also will be a design build contract. it will have small mechanical pradges, concrete flat work and civil work, things that would be appropriate and targeted. wold like your input so we can target those packages toward you. one of the premier projects we have going on, we will be building a brand new to your at the airport. that project we will be selecting a design builder in january. we will probably be starting construction of that project
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mid summer of next year. it will primarily be a lot of civil concrete and structural work. it is a structure. we are learning what it takes to build one of those. as we gather that information and become more aware of the trades involved, we will communicate that back to you through out reach programs and meetings we have on projects so that you are aware of what is going on out there. once completed, it will lead to other projects, including demolition of the existing to your and building a connector between the hour and temperature natural to your. we are trying to establish a post security channel. that is probably a couple of years down the road. another program we are engaging in is what we call the runway safety program. that is broken into a number of
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packages because it is citizen, bid, billed. it has to be taken to 100% design. that is a $200 million program. it is a lot of civil work. essentially we have having to provide safety zones at the ends of all the runways. a couple of runways are having to extend. there are a couple of runways we have no more room to extend. we are land locked by the highway and the bay. those packages and individual contracts should start going out in the next threes months. that is where those are at. a couple of other projects that are still in conceptual phase but will be coming up in a year down the road is we have to do our industrial wait project.
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it is too early to talk murphy about it because we are still trying to figure out what we need to do there. with that said, terminal three, which is the board area project i spoke to you about. it attaches to terminal threer, and we are figuring out what is going to be required. it is just in the conceptual phase right now and any kind of work or description of that work is probably a year down the road. again, any in put we can gather from you, contact sandra or myself, and we look glad to talk to you. thank you. [applause]
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>> good afternoon. i am here representing the san francisco housing authority. our executive director, henry alvarez couldn't be here, but he wanted me to let you know about the number of contracts and opportunities we have at the authority for contracting. i will start with the larger projects and end with the smaller ones. we have a number of development contracts, two of which are under way for two of our public housing developments. one is hunter's view and the other is alex griffith. those are full scale redevelopment projects. hunter's view is in the first phase of construction at this point. that contract as well as griffith are both being managed by the redevelopment agency. so if you want contracting
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information and opportunity, you should look for that to come from the redevelopment agency. but those are housing authority projects, and so there is a 20% m.v.e./w.b.e. requirements project. you can contact our office to get information about them, and we can connect you to the right folks at redevelopment to make sure you are aware of the opportunities that are coming up. additionally we have modernization and rehab contracts for the other sites that are not going through redevelopment but have some modernization needs. you can contact our office. i don't have any flyers or anything, but you can call us at 715-3280, and we can add you to the list when we solicit companies to do some of the rehab work at our sites.
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we have over 50 sites in france. we have a number of activitying we do, from roofing repair, landscaping, different contracts that we have throughout the year. we publish them on our website, and we send them out to the local businesses, but we publish them in the local newspapers. so you should definitely keep an eye out for the san francisco public housing authority opportunities, and in some of the newspapers as well. finally we have maintenance contracts. they provide the ongoing maintenance for the 50 developments that we have. they are basically our routine business, and they are a little bit easier to get engaged with the in
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