tv [untitled] December 29, 2011 3:01pm-3:31pm PST
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at 10:00. and i heard peter cohen raising similar questions about housing and how everything is one off. why don't you, when you're doing your housing check at the last -- at the next meeting, tell the planning department staff if they don't have a dashboard, if they do not tell us what price points, what level of housing are we being constructing in this city, that you aren't going to approve the projects? why do people like me have to keep bringing it up? what we know is when we see the list, we see we are doing pretty well at the lower end. we are going off the charts at high end. and we have nothing in the middle. and the middle is what people are desperate for. so i would ask who is the price point for? they know. what the rents they are planning on charging and what market is that in terms of the housing needs of san francisco and tell your staff to get off their duff and get it done.
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i've been asking it for at least five years. before you were even the planning director, because we need that information. we need to know who is being served. and i'm tired of extensions. the market has changed since this project was approved. the economy has changed. and we keep chugging along building really high end housing. thank you. president olague: is there any additional public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner sugaya. commissioner sugaya: i have a question for the developer. thank you. you're saying that you anticipated about a year's worth of construction documents, etc. but you're only asking for -- can we extend this longer than a year? no. so it's conceivable that you
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might be back if you fall short of your -- >> it's conceivable. commissioner sugaya: ok. that's all i needed to know. president olague: commissioner antonini. commissioner antonini: i'm very much in favor of this extension, certainly with this particular sponsor who has demonstrated with number one hawthorn, which is of course close to being sold out now. and it was the only project that went forward at a time when we weren't building any new for sale housing. and we've seen a number of developments gone forward recently with building his complex out in mission bay and reason to believe that we are going to see a couple of projects also on rincon hill that will be moving forward with in the next year. and construction -- so i think that this is certainly appropriate. and while i would very much hope that we're able to build more middle income housing, i mean, rincon hill, is one of
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the best sites in the city for a lot of reasons. and by of course because of its citing and because of what's there, it's going to have a higher price point and the way things are going to be because it's close to downtown, dense, and what we approved a few years ago is exactly what we should continue with. and i think within the next few years, we're going to see the community that we envisioned so i would move to approve. >> second. president olague: commissioner moore. commissioner moore: i believe that because we have extended extension to other projects of like kind, that i would be inclined to do the same. however, i would like to put to record that this is getting old. this is a 2006 project. and i do think for many other reasons, and that is in disagreement with commissioner antonini's comment, the science about buildings, and how we design, systems, changes all the time. and the -- there are bayic
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assumptions in the building as it's designed how the systems will work. and i would say that we're coming to almost a crossroad of where should this be in a year from now, i would probably give that more thought. but in the spirit of what we have done and said to others, i am supporting the motion. >> the motion on the floor is for approval on that motion, commissioner antonini. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner fong aye. sugaya scag sugaya aye. vice president miguel: aye. >> commissioners, you're now on 11-a and b. case number -- president olague: commissioner antonini has -- antonini snen because of the location of part of this project -- commissioner antonini: because of the location of part of this project, i would ask to be recused for the same reason earlier at 180 which is like right next door.
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so one would assume it's still the same distance from a property interest i have. so i would ask for recusal for both projects. because they're linked. >> thank you. >> so moved. >> second. >> second. >> commissioner moore. commissioner moore: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye commissioner fong: aye commissioner antonini: aye president olague: aye vice president miguel: aye commissioner borden: aye commissioner antonini is recused. commissioners, again, item 11-a and b for case number 2002.1302-u. for 2235 third street in-kind agreement amendment. and 178 townsend street in-kind agreement amendment. >> good afternoon, president olague, and commissioners, i'm matt schneider of department staff. again before you is an amendment to two in-kind agreements approved by you, about two years ago to provide a childcare center at 2235
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third street, excuse me, 2235 third street, new mixed use development currently under construction in the central waterfront neighborhood. the childcare center is going to be 60 -- 6,200 square feet with a 2,000 square foot outdoor play area. and it will serve roughly 66 children. the agreement is structured to give the project sponsor a free credit for constructing the physical space for a licensed childcare center which will then be provided rent free to a childcare operator. the credit is for a value of $1 .997,608 to be split between the two projects at 2235 third street and 178 townsend street. the agreement that was before you two years ago and indicated that the childcare operation was to include an infant care along with toddler and preschool aged children. however, subsequent to selecting the operator for the
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childcare center, it was discovered by the departments of children and their families and through the selection process that the infant care required separate outdoor space which the property cannot accommodate. therefore, the project sponsor and the operator approached planning, dcyf and c.a.c. about amending the agreement. while disappointed by losing the infant care, both departments are amenable to this amendment, a letter from dcyf in connection with the childcare interagency committee indicated their support for the amendment citing the urgent need for childcare at all ages and the need to bring them online as soon as possible. the eastern neighborhood c.a.c. was also amenable to amending the agreement but wanted any known cost savings associated with removing the infant care ramsed or revised value in the
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associated fee waiver, we did take a look at the cost basis from the -- for the initial fee waiver value. which was based on the nexus studies for childcare for the eastern neighborhoods and there is no differentiation on square footage basis between infant care and between toddlers and -- or between any age value and then the per child cost was about the same between infants and toddlers. therefore, there's no basis to reduce the value of the waiver. it should be noted that within the in-kind agreement that all costs are to be justified through documentation and that if costs are not actually of the maximum value for the agreements, then they should be reduced accordingly. again, the proposal was -- is to remove the infant care requirement for the in-kind agreements. all other aspects of the in-kind agreements will be remain as they are and as was
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approved by you. this concludes my presentation. the project sponsor from martin building company is also here to answer any questions that you might have. president olague: thank you. would the project sponsor care to address the commission at this time? >> patrick mcnerney, martin building company. good afternoon, commissioners. i'm here. you see me quite a few times for these two projects and i'm glad to report that both of them are well under construction. 178 townsend will be complete in february. and 2235 third street is on schedule to be completed in july. and as a reminder, the two projects combined are 290 units. 20% of the units are affordable. at people making no more than 30% a.m.i. and part of our approval was this childcare facility. so i'll just give you a brief background on this and not take too much of your time. but in developing the childcare facility, we took great care in analyzing the space with dcyf and also reviewing it with
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planning staff. unfortunately, now in retrospect, all the emphasis was placed on the interior space and license the ability of it knowing full well we only had 2,000 square foot of outdoor space to complement the indoor space. we went through the process as outlined in the in-kind agreement and selected our operator and began working with them on licensing. and it was at that point that it was determined that we did not have such outdoor space to accommodate a segregated area for infants. infants are two years and under. so with that, we realize that the only way for the childcare facility to move forward was to eliminate the requirement of infants. it is still an option of the provider. should we acquire more space from the next door neighbor. but instead, eliminate the requirement and provide for just children 2 to 5 years. so preschool, toddlers and preschoolers. so we are here before you to just strike that one component to the in-kind agreement. i'm available for any questions. >> thank you.
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vice president miguel: is there any public comment on this item? >> my name is stacy bartlett and i'm the director of patrero kids and will serve as executive director of patrero kids at daniel webster and the new school on third street. just to give you some background information, infants need their own space because they need to be cared for on their own individual schedule. meaning each child sleeps and plays according to their own schedule and not like a classroom schedule like preschoolers would use. additionally for outdoor space, the equipment and surfacing appropriate for preschoolers completely inappropriate for an infant. that's what's the thought behind the title 22 guidelines that we're beholden to. which means that they need to have segregated outdoor space. if we -- as we mentioned, there's not enough space, and we have very little -- we couldn't even have a tree or a
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storage unit to put outdoor equipment, if we don't have much outdoor space -- enough outdoor space. serving preschoolers rather than infants we will be able to serve 16 preschoolers rather than nine infants. and it's also means that we can serve more families because we would serve more children for a shorter period of time rather than growing the child within the program. so there's very little early childhood education in san francisco. and especially in the eastern neighborhoods. this -- we have wait lists that's out the door. we already have more than 2-1 for each space. so converting it to preschool will enable us to serve more of the residents of the eastern neighborhoods. thank you. vice president miguel: thank you. is there any additional public comment? public comment is closed. i happen to pass by both towns and streets but more particularly i'm on third street, in that section a great
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deal. and illinois and it's been a pleasure to see everything moving ahead. i understand the reason for your coming for this change. katie, unfortunately, you're going to have to wait two plus years until you can utilize the project. but that's just how it is. congratulations. and with that, i would move approval. >> second. vice president miguel: oh, i can't. i'm the chair right now. >> go ahead. >> we supported this project from the beginning and a well-designed project and we regret that this particular detailed aspect wasn't noticed before. the project still does exactly la we need it to do. so i move to approve. >> second. >> commissioners, the morings on the floor is for approval.
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on that motion, commissioner borden. borden boshed aye. commissioner fong: aye. commissioner moore: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye. vice president miguel: aye. olague commissioner olague has stepped out. thank you, commissioners. the motion passed unanimously. commissioners, you are now on item number 12. case number 2001.1209tz. the india basin industrial park special use district planning code map and text amendment. >> good afternoon, commissioners. matt schneider nor department staff. before you is a planning code map and text amendment related to the property at 3453rd street and the india basin industrial park special use district. and just for quick clarity, that's india basin industrial park special use district, not the india basin shoreline. this legislation was introduced by supervisor cohen to enable the location of the center for youth and wellness and also the san francisco child abuse prevention center to occupy two tenant spaces at 3455 which is
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-- the supervisor at cohen's staff is here along with the operators of the new uses and we'll discuss the specifics of them all focus on the nuts and bolts of the zoning changes. again, this legislation is essentially two components. it annexes the subject property at 3450 third street and the location we're at the northern end of the bayview neighborhood just south of aslelas creek and north of the third street bridge. it will annex the property on the west side to the india basin, special use district, which is on the east side of the -- of third street. i should note that the subject property is currently partially -- the development and special use district, which does a similar thing that the india basin special use district is. we created that special use district when the industrial park came tout of redevelopment
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and we wanted to specify that use along third street were appropriate to a wide range of uses and community serving uses, smaller scale retail, community uses, childcare, and the like. the design and development s.u.d. had a similar goal when we developed that. and that was to allow some additional office. we believe that by including the subject parcel in the india basin s.u.d., it does essentially the same thing. and it just opens up to some further uses beyond p.d.r., along third street where we think those uses are appropriate. the legislation, the second part of the legislation does, it also allows medical clinics, within the india basin on industrial park, special use district, at a larger scale. it allows up to 15,000 -- the rezoning would allow it up to 15,000 square foot principally and then would require conditional use above that. and for similar reasons we think this is appropriate.
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the location along third street suggests that there should be a wider range of uses, particularly when they are serving the community at this location. staff has recommended approval. i would be happy to answer any additional questions that you might have regarding the actual effects of the rezoning. but i'll hand it over to andrea brus of supervisor cohen's office. vice president miguel: thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. andrea brus from supervisor cohen's office. thanks for agreeing to hear this item today. i know you have a long night ahead of you and thanks to planning staff who have been really wonderful to work with on this project. so as matt has already discussed with you, the ordinance before you rezones the property located at 3450 third street in order to facility the location of the center for -- to facilitate the location of the center for youth wellness and advocacy. it's a partnership with the mayor's office, the district attorney's office, the child adolescent support advocacy and
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resource center, the city attorney's office, department of public health, human services agency, and the police department. all with the goal of providing integrated pediatric, mental and psychological health services to youth and their families who are experiencing trauma. as many of you know, district 10 not only has a high concentration of youth and families but historically suffered from lack of access to adequate medical care and wraparound mental health services. the supervisor believes and our office strongly believes that this project is desperately needed in order to support the growing population in the district, and also not only to serve the growing youth and children population but the population of youth and children as the city as a whole. so dr. burke and katie are here who can walk through the project with you in greater detail. and they can take over. >> my name is dr. nadine burke harris. recently got married. >> congratulationings.
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>> thank you. i am the founding physician of the cpmc child bayview health center and was until july of this year the medical director. i am here today in my new role as a c.e.o. of the center for youth wellness. and also the reason i'm here is because -- the reason i transitioned roles and the reason i'm here today is because in my past five years of clinical practice, serving families and children in bayview it has become clear to me that exposure to violence and trauma is the single greatest health risk for children in bayview hunters point. and we know the effects on development and emotional development. and learning, etc. but emerging data has shown that kids exposed to four or more types of what we call
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adverse experiences are twice as likely to develop heart disease in adulthood. 2 1/2 times as likely to develop chronic obstructive poll monday other disease and more likely to develop learning and behavior problems. we have joined forces to create a first of its kind national model for a multidisciplinary center to do something about this. and that involves co-locating medical, mental health, family support, with the best practices for responding to childcare abuse. and this is all in bayview which we know is a federally designated medically underserved area. in order to do this, we need to relocate the cpmc bayview child health center to allow this partnership to take place. and essentially, that is the big issue for why we need this variance today. this is a key issue that is
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very near and deer -- and dear to my part barcia the kids in the community need this. and we have a number of partners who are wearing our green stickers today to show our support. it is a multidisciplinary community-based operation that we're trying to put together. for the benefit of kids in the community. thank you. and i would like to introduce my partner, katie albright who will tell us more about our programs. >> thank you, commissioners. we appreciate your time this afternoon. i know you have a long day. i am katie albright and executive director of the san francisco child abuse prevention stsh. and a partner in developing the center for youth wellness and the children's advocacy center in san francisco. also for disclosure purposes, i need to tell you that i am also a commissioner on the juvenile probation commission. i've handed out some additional documents and you received some in the mail and gotten additional letters of support that i wanted to ensure were in your packet. as you've heard from nadine, our dream is to ensure that
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kids across the city stop dying and stop being victims of violence. in their homes. and in our city streets. therefore, together, with a dedicated team of partners, many of whom are here today, we are building the center to promote safety, health and wellness for our city's children and families. our dream and our hope is to locate these services at 3450 third street. as nadine mentioned, at this location, we hope to provide comprehensive services with the center for youth wellness, specifically focused on the primary care work, the children's advocacy center, working with the city and county of san francisco, to provide forensic investigation so that kids who have been abused can receive one interview by the best practitioners in california to provide the best services to kids. in addition, cpmc's bayview child health center will be co-located to provide pediatric services.
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this is only possible because we have many partners and amazing leaders working together to make this happen. lisa stone pritsker an advocate for most vulnerable children across the city and country, attorney general pamela harris with institutional partners, tipping point community, cpmc and its bayview child health center, stanford's early life stress program, and certainly the city and county of san francisco. and all the agencies that supervisor cohen's office mentioned to you. we've focused on this building because after a long search, looking at more than 20 properties over 14 months, with our realtor, paul pachana from kidder matthews, we have focused on 3450 as being the ideal location to provide accessibility for the community and our partners. we are also right now working with tom elliott and fish, architectural firm to build and child-focused and child-friendly location. we anticipate seeking permits within the next three months.
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for all of these reasons, i urge you to support supervisor cohen's legislation. i close by introducing our legal counsel, jim abrams, from gibson dunn who is available to answer any questions that you may have. i have to thank jim and his colleagues at gibson dunn because over the many months they have provided significant pro bono support to this project. thank you so much. i appreciate your time. president olague: thank you. is there any public comment on this item or would people like to stand up to show their support at this time? for the project? either/or. >> thank you. any public comment? anyone dying to say something? [laughter] not dying but -- >> hello. my name is sharon segada and i'm a staff member at the bayview child health center. but i also take my children there. as a staff member at the
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bayview child health center, every day i see positive things that the bayview child health center is providing for this community. every day i hear the stories from the parents and children. recently, i had patients come in, their car broke down and they were fortunate that they were able to be seen on that same day and not have to go to the emergency room which is across town for them and sit there for hours. i found just so much privilege to be able to serve this community. they are grateful for the things we can provide for them. no amount of money can replace that. to see their faces when they come in and they are so happy that there is a doctor that listens to them. there is a doctor that sits
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there and listened to every concerned, not just from their illnesses but also what is going on at home. what might cause this child's to feel that way. this health center has gone far beyond what any pediatric clinic would do for these kids and i am so thankful to be able to take my kids there because i have physicians that are extremely thorough and not just looking at what is on the surface but are willing to dig deep into what is going on with my children. i have full confidence in the care that i received there. i am so thankful to have people who are supportive in working hard to try to bring all these different collaborations' so that it is easier for parents to follow up. sometimes is not just what is
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going on in their bodies but things in the communities. to have all of these collaborations come together to serve these kids and communities is something that is unheard of and i hope that you will support the effort that this community needs. >> it is there additional public comment? >> i work at the san francisco child abuse prevention center. i have been living in the bayview for about six years. this is going on my second year as a homeowner. i feel that we need this in the neighborhood. the neighborhood would have access to it and would be able to utilize those services. thank you. >> is there any additional public comment. >> i'm thrilled that they will
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be right up the street from me. this is completely brilliant. i final paper on the work she has been doing, this is really mind blowing stuff and imagine anyone opposing such a thing. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am the assistant district attorney. i have been part of the team that has conducted the forensic interviews of those children who have been abused. we have a memorandum of understanding from every agency that will be involved. it is a dream of ours to have such a thing. we urge you to support the legislation. thank-you. >> it is there additional public
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comment? >> i support this project and i cannot believe what an amazing project. i used to be on the board of the ymca. originally, we did not have space. there was many times that we had to bring in grief counselors because someone had witnessed someone getting murdered in their community. there is a lot of stigma about seeking out health services. i cannot think of a better model for the community across the board, especially because it is on third street. there are zones where people cannot venture
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