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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2011 3:31pm-4:01pm PST

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a safe place. this should be available for this type of use. i will move to approve. i had a questions about why the code was written in such a way. >> i think what it was was what we were doing when we were doing the special use district. we were looking at uses that would most likely become nonconforming and we did not want to become non conforming. this is a matter of not including it. >> i would think that along third street, i think that this can be very compatible. i don't know if we need to look at different uses.
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>> for disclosure purposes, we served on the board of appeals. >> i did warn that there are some issues about the zoning. the zoning is appropriate. there was a location that was not quite as conducive. we might have a different issue. the fact that we're just extending it so to speak and it is a long third street. this is kind of the edge.
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>> we need to take comprehensive look at situations and not look at housing and nutrition and medical care and individual items. there are solutions and the multi disciplinary approaches. it is not enough just to diagnose the disease and look for causes and prevention. you will be treating the disease is over and over again. i think this is very good and this is a great project and the changes we're making to allow this to occupy it this space. >> this is something of a no-brh
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is often not something that we see and this is not pleasing to see in this case. the other thing to see as a 38- year resident, i find the situation does not and from the north end of the area with the new women and children's hospital that is already topped out. you come down and we find what we just have. >> please don't try to force that door. >> this is going in with a child care center and of you have a constant stream coming down a long this major transit corridor and this is a lot what
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we in fish and when we were talking about these neighborhoods. this will never happen all at once but if you take a look down the line as you travel, you will see what is going to happen in the future here. >> this is a bright light for the last meeting of the year. i do like the fine-tuning of the neighborhood plan for this particular project and in that particular location and i want to acknowledge supervisor cohen for having extended the full support including facilitating it. >> i just want to add my voice to what has been said and i think that more and more there
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is evidence to suggest children who are exposed to a lot of violence are more susceptible to health risks as they get older and in the teenage years. the health challenges, violence is bad for your health. this is still something that people have not necessarily made that connection to. this is something that is not raise enough in this culture. it is really exciting that this project is happening. this is really needed. this is really and truly needed. this is very impressive,
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actually. >> i want to make a comment. this talks about the health care services in the community, specialized services for different age groups and different services. we would like to see what incredible means there are not just on the level of women and children but even on adults and people who don't find the services and enough locations. >> this is still cutting edge. you would think this is common sense but it isn't. good luck. >> the motion on the floor is for approval on that motion.
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that motion passes unanimously. [applause] >> you are now on item number 13, case number 2010. -- 2010.1013d, 7327 geary boulevard. >> is a major alteration of a single story residence. the department recommends approval of this project because of the amount of alteration that is still being considered.
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the department is recommending that you do not take -- and approve the project. given the scale of the project, this is in keeping with the character. i would like to keep my presentation brief and would be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you, project sponsor. >> we simply want to add that this is going to be the replacement of a sub standard structure. if you have any questions, ask. >> thank you. is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i move to approve. >> second.
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>> the motion on the floor is to not take discretionary review and take it as disclosed. thank you, commissioners. that motion passes unanimously. >> there might be a couple of commissioners who have to recuse themselves. >> we are doing some work for the port. this is not related to the incremental report. this was right next to the cruise terminal. that the work we have done is in the eir or anything.
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there are the parents questions. >> i have a small percentage of the businesses within proximity of one of the locations. >> do i have a motion? >> i do not have a conflict but i need to disclose that my sitting on the porch is not a conflict by determined by the city attorney. >> i move to recuse. >> second. >> commissioners sugaya and fung
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are recused. >> we are taking a 20 minute break at this time. >> we are taking a 20 minute break. >> good evening. the planning commission is back in session. commissioner, we were -- we're now at the part of your calendar where you'll have a public comment category on agenda items that have been heard in public hearing and that hearing has been closed. this category is to one calendar item and that's the environmental impact report for the 34th america's cup. on that, i would just remind the
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public that i have a number of speaker cards that -- you should turn off your pagers, any electronic devices that may sound off during these proceed igs. i'm going to ask a couple of things that i'm sure staff is going to repeat this that you speak clearly, slow enough so the court reporter can pick you up. and if there's anyone in here who wants to fill out a card, fill it out. don't try to get my attention. put it on the railing, i'll pick it up. also don't interrupt the court reporter and give the card to the court reporter. also this is a crowded room. we have overflowing room 408. if you really feel the need to enghage a secondary discussion with your friend, we ask that you take that discussion outside. it becomes very3 the process.
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>> commissioner moore? >> here. >> commissioner antonini >> present. >> commissioner olague? >> here. >> commissioner miguel? here >> commissioner borden? >> here. >> i have speaker cards. >> jim chappelle. -- chapel. terry shore. followed by john sindray. >> good evening, commissioners i'm jim chapel, representing the san francisco certification. i actually have read the environmental impact report.
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not every word certainly. this is the longest such document i have ever reviewed but i have read it to know that this is a good project, the analysis is very detailed and i believe the anticipated impact and proposed mitigations are realistic and appropriate. the america's cup will finally get us a new crew ship terminal and either both physical and financial benefits for san francisco. please certify the feir today, thank you. >> i'll keep calling names if you hear your name, please come to the mic. >> good afternoon, good evening, commissioner, my name is terry shore. i'm with we're an international mrn organization based in west marine. ã comments for the america's cup and cruise terminal. first i would like to say that the feir contains strong
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environmental protection for the base, area, water, community and habitat. the imply mentation and enforcement of these protections will be critical ensuring that the america's cup in associated development will be as environmentally responsible. we would like to recognize the city, the mayor's office and the america's cup event authority for working to address the concerns of the environmental community, in particular, my organization appreciates the short-term and long-term air quality measures that are being implemented to reduce marine vessel and other air emissions and to off-set the shutdown of short side power for crew ships at pier 27. the requirements for cleaner engines and a new pier 70 dry dock electrification will be
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great. at the same time due to the fast tracking offer the america's cup eir, some of the documents, key documents like the mmrp and the se qua findings were released recently. it has made it difficult for others to review it completely. and what i would like to do is urge the planning department, the city port and the america's cup and other authorities to continue to work with the environmental community and neighborhood groups to resolve any remaining issues and to work closely with us to make sure that these environmental protections are monitored and enforced. the mitigations even with some of the very good mitigation
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measures in the e.i.r., it will not prevent significant and avoidable and environmental impacts from occurring. so we plan to continue to engage in the public process as it moves forward to make sure that the project is implemented in a timely fashion and the other environmental documents being developed are finalized so that we can have an america's cup that is as clean and green as possible. thank you. >> thank you. john arnt. linda schaefer, mike savage. >> good evening. i'm john sindary, from the san francisco bomb pilot. >> we recommend them to move forward on the america's cup and the new cruise terminal.
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the cruise terminal is very important especially to the mary time commune -- maritime community. passengers will stimulate the local economy and increase the tax revenues and benefits for this city. the san francisco bob pilots support the america's cup and the new terminal. and the plan show a very attractive improvement for the waterfront. thank you. >> good evening, commissioners and staff. my name is diane bailey, i'm a senior scientist at the natch are resources defense council. i'm here to express our appreciation for the efforts of the city and the port of san francisco to address and mitigate many of the issues related to the 34th america's cup in the final e.i.r.
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the america's cup event is large and complicated with numerous potential and community impacts. we know that some concerns remain outstanding and we strong support the city to mitigate these items. that will ensure that all environmental programs and mitigations are successfully ane steps san francisco has taken. we upon the zero ways principles that will help avoid contributing to pollution. we are significantly concerned about air pollution .
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these would have been substantial if left on mitigated. what is proposed will leave san francisco with cleaner air than it has today thanks to these mitigation, and we appreciate that effort. all little more work needs to be done to protect our resources. gooto protect marine animals, we iterates our request. we also strongly recommend that the notice to voters representing the water and air traffic plan be presented to mariners before their entry into the san francisco bay and that
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it contains images. we understand some of these concerns may have been addressed recently, and we will take a close look at that and look forward to working with staff during implementation. we appreciate the dedication to the many important details of the project. with continued efforts to address concerns, we suppor pro. thank you very much. >> if i have called your name, would you start coming to the microphone in any order? >> i am with latitude 38 sailing magazine, and i am thrilled to have them come to san francisco bay. i do want to lend my support,
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because i believe it is going to bring great positive attention to the bay area. it is going to give us an opportunity to introduce local residents. too many people see the bay as an obstacle rather than a great place to go play. the winning america's cup team is from san francisco, and not having the cup here would be like having the world series for the giants in another city. we think san francisco is home to america's cup and that is where it should be held. improved access will benefit the city for generations to come. we know it has been crumbling. we want to mitigate environmental impacts but be able to maximize economic benefits. america's cup will be exciting and economically rewarding, and
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though it is a temporary disruption common and it will be short-lived, but the benefits to the economy and the people will be long lives, so i urge you to vote tonight. it will bring great economic and lifestyle benefits to the city of the bay area. i think in all of these discussions the fund gets lost, but i think it will be great fun for all of the residents as well. thank you very much. i urge you to pass it tonight. >> good evening, commissioners. i know you have had a long day already, so i will try to be brief. my name is linda shaffer. i am a representative of the native plant society. lest you think people who are ardent about preserving and
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native plants cannot be sports fans, you would be wrong. i am very excited as this appears to be coming to the city. however, i do have a couple of concerns that echo remarks by a previous speakers. in my capacity as board member and serving as the committee, they are all going to want to be in these wonderful viewing places to watch these events, and what we are concerned about is if too many of them try to get in the same place.
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for the monitors, we would like to make sure this actually happens, so we are hoping as time passes there will be continued consultation with organizations about what kind of fencing would be appropriate, who the monitors would be, who will be responsible for providing monitors and a lot of other details that still need to be worked out. >> good afternoon, commissioners.
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san francisco has been part of the environmental council working hard for the past 10 months to make sure we have an environmentally correct america's cup. up until 20 minutes ago, my understanding is that hassan -- the mitigation monetary report was missing, which would not give it accountability. i just learned the mitigation report is not on the website, and we have not had an opportunity -- it is on the support web site rather than the planning web site. san francisco would like to ask for a delay. thank you so much for your consideration.
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>> thank you. >> good evening, madame president, fellow commissioners. i am representing golden gate national recreation area and the historic park. we are privileged and feel a deep responsibility to protect park lands, and we have been working with both the city, the race management. we have to work on a compressed tight line -- to impress a deadline, and we have been expressing our issues through many meetings and through our 60
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pages. we resolved many issues, including the potential for special use. other concerns may not addressed in a supporting plans or documents. we may -- other reports are either vague or missing. also the need for serving the underserved transit areas require clear commitments. it is difficult for us to judge
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the true impact of state actions to address these issues. we support america's cup and feel a responsibility to make for the park land is protected. this is a full commitment by the city to cover these costs. while ensuring node diversity -- no adverse impact on park lands at that time. we continue to work with the city. we look to the planning commission to address our concerns, formalizing a commitment for the approval process of this document. we share the objectives of insuring a quality experience