tv [untitled] January 12, 2012 5:31pm-6:01pm PST
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ocean avenue across the street. and you did that. in consideration of our d.r. request that we filed. the business was asking to extend hours from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. you maintain the 8:00 p.m. closing hours. for the same reason, we ask that you deny this permit application given the fact of this business will be open until 2:00 in the morning. with noise, people milling about outside, music, it is inconsistent with the neighborhood and it will have a negative impact on the neighborhood. there is no of street parking, so cars are likely to be parked inside the neighborhood, inside the area where fairfield is, and people in the early morning hours are 1 to be going to and from cars, disrupting the
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neighborhood, interfering with the quiet neighborhood and people's ability to sleep. we are asking, given the fact that the general plan and zoning code requires that uses in every commercial areas the consistent with, sir, and not negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood, to deny this permit application. thank you. president fong: speakers in favor of the d.r.? >> are you speaking in favor? >> yes. i have been living in balboa terrace for the past 42 years in. i am a past president of the balboa terrorist homes association. my comments today are my own and do not reflect those of my neighbors. i speak to approve the formation
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of a billiard hall at this section. >> you are speaking at the wrong time. you are speaking in support of the project, not the discretionary review. it is not your time yet. you will have an opportunity. >> i will come back. thank you. president fong: ahead, sir. >> i have lived in the north part of the terrorist, adjacent to the business. i have lived there for over 30 years. i would like to submit a petition that i took to houses around our block just yesterday afternoon. i was stating that we oppose the proposed pool hall and ocean avenue and its operating hours until 2:00 a.m. for seven days a week.
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i want to give these to the clerk. i was wondering how to approach this. it occurred to me this would be a good way to do it. i obtained 22 signatures just walking around yesterday afternoon. more than half of the people who signed this petition are concerned that the pool hall is not a desirable addition to our neighborhood. everyone who signed the petition is concerned about the late hours, overflow parking in our neighborhood, and the accompanying noise and pedestrian traffic that will have an adverse affect on our neighborhood. three people i spoke to declined to sign the petition. in this sample on our block of 25 residents, almost all of them are opposed to the pool hall. we have a 100-year-old neighborhood and have many residents who lived 30 years or more, all their lives.
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we have many newer residents. we have many houses on our block that have had extensive restorations and remodeling. new families in the past few years. i hope that the opinions of our neighbors will be more important to the planning commission that the requests of outside business people. president fong: any other speakers in favor? >> i'm not sure about protocol here, but i am the assistant superintendent of the church and the school that is right across the street from 1948, formally 1950. that is the address of the school location. it is 25 feet, simply across the street from the billiard hall proposal.
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i am speaking for parents and staff members of the school and members of the church. we are very concerned and do not think it is a good idea to have a billiard hall or pull all that coast -- that close to our school. our school has students from pre-kindergarten through high school. the amount of exposure both visually, hearing, everything else, to the corner of 1948 ocean is like being right next door. our school hours are from 8:00 in-3:00 p.m. the proposed opening of the billiard hall was 2:00 p.m. that would always suggest a congestion of vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffic since parents in the gut their students -- pick up their
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students during that time. in general, as a true -- as a school and church community, we have been at that location for 30 years. the school has been in operation for 30 years. i have been teaching there for 30 years. i have daily experience on the location with respect to disturbing -- it is not a good idea at all to have a pool hall at the location. thank you. >> good evening orrin hatch i live at 195 west gate drive. i am just what -- i am just west of where the pool hall would be. we are in neighborhood of about 750 homes, about 500 single- family dwellings, and 300 duplex or condominiums that are down on the ocean avenue area.
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i am known for running an e-mail crime thing for you. if you have a break in or something, you let me know and i zuma out to everyone in the neighborhood. i have about 400 in my e-mail list. when i came across this bill your situation, which not everyone was aware of in our area, i am for blocks west and two blocks north of this location. i will not be affected technically by the noise well, even though it closes at 2:00 a.m. people loiter till 3:00 a.m. is not something that will close and everyone will leave. i send our requests to accept or reject to the people i e-mail out to. i have that here, if you would like to take it all. it reiterates pretty much what you have heard from the other
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associated neighborhood people. concern about late-night activity, additional crime, bringing people into the neighborhood, not being conducive to the revitalization of ocean avenue. we are at the west end. this will be at the west end and it begins in a much more residential field being centered on ocean avenue, which is more commercial. i am told there is not even a bar on ocean avenue, to my knowledge. in the e-mails i sent out, starting from mid-december and just finishing up, i received 70 back. of those 70, five were accepting that they were ok of -- with the pool hall. the other 65 work your projections based on what i just told you. out of that, not one truly
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believes the cool all will make it unless it has a liquor license. billiards and coca-cola and do not go together. billiards and appeared to. -- and beer do. it was not here say. i called the required to get more information directly from the source of what he was planning to do. and i signed that back out. what you see there all came back into me. like as said, about 65 -- president fong: thank you. additional speakers in favor? >> i live in the 700 block of victoria street. i read the planning commission's full analysis of the billions project and our like to comment on a few points that remained in that analysis. the adequacy of parking on
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ocean avenue -- the eastern end of urbano and ingleside terraces are impacted all day buy cars from patrons of 24-hour fitness, the school and church when they have the events, and other ocean avenue businesses. for some reason, the patrons of these businesses tend not to use the metered parking on ocean avenue but rather to part on urbana in that area. the second point is that the planning commission notes that it is a public transit corridor. since the business will be open until 2:00 a.m., i know that the ball but -- the elbow what dart service bands around midnight. the muni service as around 12:30. there is an owl that does run
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once per hour and follows a secure route around the city. it would be hard to get anywhere. i am assuming most of the people who come to the billiard hall will be driving. the billiard hall applicants decided not to serve all all -- alcohol, which pleased us. i do not know whether or not that will succeed. the previous speaker made a point that there is a bar on ocean avenue. in addition, there is a 7-eleven that is one block away. in the same building as the proposed haull, there is a cannabis club and the previous occupants, the senior club, when i spoke with them, mentioned that sometimes they could smell the pot through the common wall. across the street, there is a
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hookah store. i do not know what the impact of all of these would be. it is not open until -- if it was open till 2:00 a.m. there are two massage- acupuncture parlors that are directly across the street. there were open after 8:00 p.m. when we walked by on monday night. in addition, there is a proposal for a foot massage at 1936, on the same side of ocean avenue as the proposed rule all. i am not totally opposed to the billiard hall, but i'm wondering what the impact will be. bringing outsiders into our neighborhood. thank you. >> good evening. i have been a neighbor at urbano
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for over 40 years. i am a retired biology teacher. we're talking about parking. i invite you to come to the east end of urbano drive. from early in the morning until late at night, 8:00, the fitness center members part right in front of my house. i have absolutely -- i am absolutely very seldom able to park in front of my own home on the street. i have two cars i park in the driveway. that is not a big problem, but it is a problem for my neighbors to have children. there are elderly people and people with children who like to bring home groceries, they like to park close to their homes. i am speaking on behalf of not only myself but of my neighbors to have children and some who are elderly.
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the 2:00 a.m. closing our also concerns me. i really believe that is going to add to our parking problems. that is my concern. thank you very much. >> hello. i live at 34 freeway. -- 34 fairfield way. i'm a volunteer on the ocean avenue committee. we have done some cleanup. i want to talk about a few things as far as the basis of recommendation for the report. the project would not enhance diversity by establishing a new billiard hall. it is true there is not a billiard hall, but there is a pool table at randy's place at 1101 ocean avenue.
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finally, it is a neighbor reduce that is well served by public transit. the previously talked about that. muni goes late at night. i think that cars would be used to get to this location. that would adversely affect people in the davidson neighborhood. i want to stress that fact as well. thank you very much. >> i am a resident of ocean avenue on the saxon, half a block south of ocean avenue. my name is michelle. as a resident, i have a dog and i walk my dog quite a bit right in front of where the billiard hall will be located. my concern is around the noise
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that this would bring to the neighborhood, the potential for luring late at night. currently, it is a pretty safe area. my concern is people will be parking all along the street, especially on saxon and some of the streets behind the billiard hall area. my concern is around safety as well. i am somebody who enjoys walking late at night, not very late, but 10:00 or 11:00 sometimes, with my dog. i do have a concern for safety in that area. and noise -- is a very quiet neighborhood right now. there is some street traffic noise. businesses do tend to close around 10:00 p.m. i have seen a lot of positive changes in the one year i've been in the neighborhood. that has been very exciting to me. there is a cvs coming up on the corner, a nice little coffee
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shop as well. i would like to see more diversity in terms of businesses. i think there is a thai restaurant that is coming as well. i know there is a billiard hall not too far from this location that is very popular in the city admission and geneva. that would also be a place that people could go to enjoy billiards. thank you. >> good evening. my name is kathleen woods. i have been a resident at 44 fairfield way for two years. my husband has been there for 10 years. i want to stress that we have been talking about our concerns. i want to add to the two points that are of most concern for us. while we appreciate that want to bring new business and help to revitalize our neighborhood, in the efforts to negotiate, that
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brought up a couple of points i took issue with. they suggested that they would have security cameras on site and security guards on site and date related that to even more security provided by the 24-hour fitness down the street. the issue i take with that is that, it is great they have security, but that does not extend to the neighbors who are a few houses away. we have felt what has happening at 1:00 or 2:00 at the morning, as you ever heard. we have had some incidents with medical -- the medical marijuana dispensary that is next door. on thursday afternoons, i work from home. when i take my dog out for a walk, i see people parked in front of ocean, in front of our home on fairfield, smoking pot. there is a concern that this will be an aggravated problem if we bring in the club on the corner. in addition, in a recent letter, the proposed owners mention their intention was to make this a family-oriented location. i question how that can be.
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if there sang open until 2:00 a.m., i do not know any family who will let their child sale until 2:00 a.m. that closing time is not realistic. there will be people loitering, making noise as they make their way to their cars. we feel that this proposal is unacceptable and is not right for our never agree we hope you'll take our concerns to heart. president fong: any other speakers in favor? the project's sponsor has five minutes. you are going to be right after them. >> good evening. i am the attorney for the operators and owners of legends billiards. i have a little cold today. i want to let you know that all of the operators and owners are here.
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mr. tang is a part-time city college student. mr. yu and mr. yao are workers in the local hospital. there would like to provide a safe and healthy environment, entertainment venue for use in the city. also, it would create job opportunities for the students. this location is accessible by public transportation. in the afternoon, from 2:00 until very late at night, it will be available to them. today, we also have the property owners and community leaders who can testify as to the job opportunities that this business would create. i will not repeat all the material that is in the analysis
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by the staff member. i appreciate the effort in providing a thorough analysis of our proposal. i think my client has complied with all of the requirements as listed by the planning code. i would still like to address certain concerns that have been raised by the neighbors. first, we would provide utmost security for the neighbors as it is our intention to have a harmonious relationship with the neighbors and not to change the character of the neighborhood. with the parking concerns, as we have heard, they are already expressing, a lot of the parking concerns are on the block and my client is not at the operation at that time. some of the people may prefer to park on the street.
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that does not require a fee, versus parking at the meter. we also have the businesses along ocean avenue, 7-eleven is open all night, there is a 24- hour fitness on the other side of the bloc opened very late at night. there is a pizzeria that is also open till 1:00 or 130 in the morning -- or 1:30 in the morning. we have restaurants along ocean avenue that are open until 11:00 in the evening. i have brought some photos so you can see what this building looks like. president fong: upside-down. there you go.
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>> this is a very large building on the corner of ocean avenue and granada. any businesses that will thrive in this building is going to bring in traffic into the area. that is what we want. unfortunately, sometimes traffic does mean vehicular traffic in addition to foot traffic because we have public transportation accessible to the area. many of the students at city college will be going to be placed via public transit. -- to the place the a public transit. we have observed the place during the day and a lot of the meters are full. this photo was taken on january 10, two days ago, at around 12:45. unfortunately, the digital camera has a time and date stamp, but not on the photo.
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meters are available throughout the day. also, this is the view of the building with the surrounding area at night. this was taken december 20, at 12:29 p.m. you cannot see very well, but it shows the building and also the parking around there. i just want to thank you for the opportunity that we will try our hardest to make this operation a success. we hope it will bring benefits to the never could and we would like to work -- to the neighborhood and we would like to work with the neighbors to make adjustments. we thank you for your time and. president fong: speakers in favor of the project sponsor?
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>> i am sorry i was out of turn. i may citizen living in balboa terrace hall's association. i am one of those who responded to the original e-mail. i said, this is an acceptable idea for me. there are many in the community who do not enjoy tennis or golf. my only athletic activity i have engaged to in my life has been ping-pong and billiards, starting as a child. i should point out that i surveyed this neighborhood, it is walking distance from my home. i thought this would be an asset to the community. there was a few comments about the noise and the loitering. the only place i go to now in san francisco is the largest billiard parlor at geary and would -- wood. i have never found loitering,
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noise, disturbance of the community. the last time i went there, at the adjacent table, i went with my son and his friends. he goes to uc-berkeley. there was a 90-year-old woman playing with her 62-year-old son. at that particular -- is called family billiards and they only have people aged 18 and above going there. the reason i oppose the decision by the mass of people you have heard who do not want it in the neighborhood, i do not think it will lead to rowdy behavior, delinquency, someone mentioned a scene from the music man about -- i do not want to sing it again, i cannot sing very well. as you know, trouble starts with 80 -- with a t. i have never had knee problems
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with a billiard parlor. i should mention the queen elisabeth clay's billiards. mark twain's favorite pastime was playing billiards. he had a table and his home and spent hours of relaxation. to me, billiards is a former relaxation and skill. it is one of the things i can do well into my nineties. i look forward to it. i would intend, if it is built, to walk there. it is close to my home in balboa terrace. from my standpoint, this is not a danger to the community. i do not think there is any problem with people walking dogs or children. the activity would be inside the parlor. i would strongly recommend a yes vote for this addition to the community. president fong: any other speakers in favor of the project sponsor? >> good evening. i am in support of this billiards hall. san francisco has only two
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billiards halls. he mentioned his family and one located at geary. it is very well-run. there is no crime. it is just a perception. i think there and billiards bring an average of -- and addition to business in san francisco that builders haul is one of the key small businesses that we need in san francisco. as he mentioned, there is going to be security. this owner is going 100% for the community, adding security where other billiards halls do not have security. he wants to add security and
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cameras. as a small business, he is doing a good job. as a new small business owner. thank you. i am in support of this. president fong: any other speakers? if there are a bunch of speakers, you can't you up here. >> my name is shirley. i am a resident on ocean avenue, in a complex above where the cbs -- dvs going to -- cvs is going to be. i think this project is going to bring in job opportunities. having seen a lot of vacancies over the last five years, i am not opposed to having a billiards hall. i do not think it has a negative connotation and a lot of folks are bringing up. in addition, having lived right on ocean avenue, i have had the opportunity to observe
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