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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2012 12:18pm-12:48pm PST

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until february 9, 2012. item #2 is 44218 mission street. proposed for continued to february 16, 2012. item #3 is 5258 mission street, proposed for continuance until february 16, 2012. i am number four, 45234 mission st., proposed for continuance until february 16, 2012. further on your calendar, item number 19 a and b, 147 and over street, we are asking this item be continued until march 8, 2012. we cannot hear that issue today. with that, i am not aware of any
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other item being proposed for a continuance. president miguel: is there any comments on the items proposed for continuance? the item -- public comment is closed. commissioner borden: there were people that wanted item number 16 to be per boat -- to be proposed for a continuance. but we will get to that when we get there. i move that the items be moved. >> second. >> on the motion for a continuance of items one through four as they are proposed on calendar, -- [roll call]
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those items are continued as we just discussed. the next category on calendar is the consent calendar. item #5 makes up the consent calendar this week. it is considered to be routine and will be acted upon by single roll-call vote. there will be no separate of -- no separate discussion on this unless the commission or public wants to comment. this will be considered a separate item at this in future hearings. this is item number five, 3418 -- 3481 18th street. this is a request to add an outdoor activity area to an existing a limited commercial use of prized as a restaurant with endeavor mission residential transit oriented zoning district. following public comment, which would automatically remove this from consent, this matter is
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before you. president miguel: is there any public comment on the consent calendar? >> on the motion for approval, -- [roll-call] thank you, commissioners. that item has been approved. not to commission's questions -- commissioners questions and matters. commissioner antonini: i would be remiss without thinking the san francisco forty-niners for a great season. i hope you were able to hear what i was able to say -- with
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particular reference to that defense, not to the exclusion of the entire team, but one of the greatest seasons and the defense has had in the history of the nfl and that should remind us we always have to be tenacious in the defense of our traditions, institutions, and civic treasures. thank you. >> while i was meeting with him on a second item, talking about some of the things going on with planning -- that have spoken with commissioner more, previously but wondering how they can work more closely with the department on the innovative initiatives with greater transparency and more innovation. they are very interested in learning about the permit
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tracking system we're going to look at next week and maybe we can invite him to join us for that so we -- so we can no more what he is doing in that space. we're looking at how to create innovation's existing departments to make it easier for the public to go through a very serious -- various city process these and the figure at a better work with his office because he is one guy trying to figure out all the different city agencies. if there is a way we can work with him, because we interface with the public so much more frequently, that would be useful. he was eager to hear we were hiring a media person and i would like to look at how that would apply to other departments as well. commissioner moore: i would very much support what you just said. he is a terrific guy and we would have a very good ally,z in
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things that we are interested in being involved with with new technology and communication. i want to bring to the commission's attention, an article i saw and the paper only hinting at something san francisco begins to issuing medical marijuana dispenser permits again. i would like our staff to some point get less than a short- term brief of how they see it from their perspective from the newspaper article. it seems to be pointing into the direction of what the city policy is. the devil will be in bed details, but i found the article quite interesting. i would be happy to pass it around. president miguel: i recently met
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with people from san francisco moma and it was very interesting. have been talking to people at north beach regarding grocery stores and have met with the people at the metro theater which may finally come to pass. it seems a distant memory when that was before us. i was also at a public meeting at of waterfront the other day on the playground proposed. they have done an excellent job with it and there is great enthusiasm, particularly from a lot of little kids who recognize all of the play equipment and really liked it. yesterday, one of the noontime forums regarding retail fresh
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food and trying to get more of it into various areas of san francisco was a very interesting forum. >> thank you, commissioners. we can move for to the directors reports, directors announcements and the review of past week's events at the board of supervisors, board of appeals, and historic preservation commission. >> i just wanted to give you a brief review of my talk in seattle last couple of days i was there at the request of an organization that had been called the cascade of land conservancy and has recently changed their name. on not quite sure why the change except they are expanding their
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purview and they were more a traditional land conservancy agency and they have expanded their mission in recent years because with a basic understanding that's in order for them to take care of the land outside the urban areas and control urban sprawl, they need to spend more time and attention on what happens. to make those more livable and all walkable -- it is interesting to see that perspective. what happens outside cities is related to what happens inside cities and that is interesting. they started a rural to urban transit development program where the development rights are sold and transferred to the center city of seattle. it is pretty interesting.
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it is something we had done 15 years ago in seattle and it is very interesting. i wanted to report on a very interesting toward the city received this past week. it is an international award from the institute for transportation development policy granted to the city. uáp&e%ei primary projects. it's an interesting program they have put together. our program to a takeover underutilized rights of way. they mentioned those two programs and gave us a strong a claim for the works we're doing.
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they also made a strong point of mentioning the city's bicycle plant and network related to those programs, but this is a substantial reward we are interested to receive. congratulations to the staff and the department for all of the work on those things. thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i'm here to give you the weekly pertains to planning and land use. we heard a appeal for the america's cup and northeast waterfront plaza. the appellants included san francisco tomorrow, a golden gate audubon society, telegraph your help -- telegraph hill dwellers and the sierra club san francisco. they alleged 40 different
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arguments in five have a long list of issues. neighborhood impacts, "parks impact, boat count, funding, transportation, recreation, biology, when the, hazards, and water quality. at the hearing, staff responded to the claims and answer the board questions. the project sponsor committed to not provide the jumbo drawn in the aquatic park cove and instead to look for a landside alternative. on the unanimous vote, the board upheld the commission's certification and denied the appeal. this project will be back for possible action on the agreement on february 14. also at the full board was a resolution appointing members to the successor agency oversight for the redevelopment agency
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projects. this was amended to address concerns raised about the number of city staff that would be on the oversight body. the board noted the short time we have to fill the spot to get it up and running, but they did appoint staggered appeals -- staggered appointment so that half of them would be for four years and the other half would be for two years. the board felt this would help them find qualified appointments yet get people immediately on board who are ready to do the job. job. e af legislation introduced this week that i would like to share. the first concerns financial- services and would add those services to our definition of formula retail and regulate them in that same manner. that will be before you with the next three months.
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also, and it -- a hearing on the impact of our fee deferral program and how that might be affecting affordable housing. that will be at the land use committee hearing in future times. also, a hearing request was introduced on the status of dissolving the redevelopment agencies and the city's plans to approach that. that will be up coming at the budget and finance committees. that concludes the report unless there are any questions. >> thank you. commissioner sugaya: who sits on that -- >> the appointees include [reading names]
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>> than there are three others. i don't know that those have been made yet. >> are they all city staffers? >> free of the mayors for our. a< mr. lee is the director of te mayor's house -- the part of housing and that position is required to be that union that represents the majority of employees in their redevelopment agencies. he is with local 21. commissioner moore: there was a second part to the supervisors motion on the america's cup and
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a upholding the approval -- would you be able to power -- be able to paraphrase that? i felt was a strong policy statement made people concerned about the implied development rights of the event authority for a least four or five years was delineated by the president and i thought it was a very strong motion which i think was unanimously supported. kenny paraphrase that? i cannot. >> that was the report i got from staff. i can look into that and report back to you next week. commissioner moore: we all felt uncomfortable about the top vagueness and there's a strong message sent by the board which i very much appreciate because we would not have had the ability to fully present it the way it was.
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commissioner antonini: just a suggestion for the director. i'm interested in hearing more in the future about their role to urban development rights transfer. if we could get a report on that, it would be great. particularly important in san francisco because we have landed other counties alone by the city and county of san francisco. this would also apply to injure jurisdictional situations and i think that's a great tool for us. commissioner moore: i want to support asking for a specific meeting because that gets into a discussion about how the department will work with regional agencies as well as taking on to have a joint representation in san jose because that's the beginning of a much broader discussion.
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>> thank you. i am not aware of their report for the board of appeals but i can announce the historical preservation commission did not meet this week. with that, we can move on to the general public comment category that has a duration of 50 minutes. at this time, members of the public may come and address you up to three minutes on subject matters that fall within the jurisdiction of this commission. the public may not address you on any agenda items listed today, only on matters of interest not on the agenda. i do have speaker cards for you. i would just remind everyone that this category has a duration of 15 minutes. president miguel: [reading
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names] commissioners. i am the girl back and i don't ride part -- not to confuse me with the other person. -- i don't rise bart. i come bearing glad tidings. whether or not you realize it, you gave me a homework assignment and that was how to help resolve the apparent disconnect between the board of appeals and the planning
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commission. poll business of the address labels, i told you i would look into it. i communed with cynthia gold stain. -- sent the gold steen. i have her fax something to me in case the snail mail did not get the original to me. just the facts. as we discussed on the phone this morning, here's a copy of the draft minutes of the port of appeals meeting in january of 2012. i am sending you a copy of the business tax regulation coat, article one, section 12, the provision that requires the board of appeals to send out notification to owners and occupants of properties within
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eight -- within the radius -- as we discussed, our office maintains the will labels from an outside a vendor. the staff at the board prepare the notification postcards and send out mailings. what i can do is leave my copy with you and getq i checked my mail before it came and it did not show. you adopt this policy and that will get rid of the disconnect between the address labels being needed here and some morals. the other thing that is of control to me is the neighbors who need to be notified of a
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change of the building more land usage, inside, outside -- even if people are going to be remodeling their kitchen, the workmen are going to have to go somewhere and that does impact that neighborhood. >> a good afternoon, commissioners. it's ironic this city has been awarded a pavement to parks program, yet we are supporting a parks to pavement program. this project will remove over 7 acres of natural gas and -- natural grass and met no and replace it with artificial turf. it will also add up to 60 ft lights that will be on every
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night of your shining down on the ocean beach until 10:00 p.m. you heard the draft environmental impact last month and we wanted to point out some of the comments you may not have seen. the golden gate audubon society said in their letter that they identified only seven birds species at the soccer field. however, just one volunteer has identified more than 64 species at the site. we support youth soccer and we believe there is an alternative to this project that provides more playing hours while protecting the habitat of golden gate park. we are asking you consider the compromise alternatives as follows -- renovate the field with natural gas and no night lighting. renovate west sunset or other playing field in san francisco with improved lighting services and some night lighting for
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youth soccer. we would like to mention some of the birds that were ignored by the draft environmental impact report, just to give you any impact of the treasure we are going to use. i have a list i'm going to put on the screen. the canada goose, a turkey vulture,'s bray, read tailed hawk, read at shouldered hawk, peregrine falcon, md., calif. gulf, western goal, mourning dove, hummingbirds, i'm going rather fast -- woodpeckers, ravens, crows, swallows, night hatches, mockingbirds, chickadees, waxwings, robbins, warblers. etc and -- etc. and so forth.
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with bubble warming and the rise of sea level, this will be more important. the need for these up land refuges will become vital to the survival of the species. we hope this will be covered more thoroughly in the final environmental impact report as well as supporting the compromise alternative. thank you very much. president miguel: thank you. >> linda chapman for nob hill senior housing. i've been to the federal district court to try to get the filings and so forth and on link electronics, inc. model number: pdr-885 software version: 3.0c the city ought -- the city attorney had a long conversation
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with you. what day are contending is that there is -- you are substantially preventing them from exercising their religious freedom. the statute -- this is a ludicrous argument. in the federal civil rights office, if you approved of the facts of your case, you would still not be able to get a finding under the law. we could move for a summary judgment ann& there must be a procedure here to terminate this. anyway, you have already heard in a line with the alternative is that we propose. the mission of the church, they say, is transforming the world. the specific actions they have done are establishing institutions of higher learning,
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starting shelters for children and the;'t mention building urban housing. the mets this believe the buildings should be recycled when they reach the end of their useful life. the institution must associated with methodism are applied and bethany. they tore down their building and replaced it with senior housing in 1968. it is not that the city has a conflict with the church. there is a developer there who has a contract and we need to help and facilitate the church not being completely manipulated by this because they don't understand how much can a contract force you to pursue a civil rights casegñ win because the court judgments have already established it does not apply to them. it applies to situations -- if they wanted to tear down their church and build a better sank where it -- the letter
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sanctuary, it could apply to that. or if you said the theater was okay but you cannot use it for religious assembly, it would apply to that. not something but they don't want to use it for religious purpose at all and just want to demolish it. it is not at the methodist church is unsympathetic, it's that they are locked into a contract and don't understand what the alternatives are and maybe neither does the city attorney. president miguel: thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i would like to talk yet again about the eight washington project because it's one of the more unusual land use questions we have faced before. our friends have raised a whole
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litany of complex arguments against it, ranging from proposition 13, a little vacation rentals, increased consumption of jet fuel, everything except cruelty to baby seals. but we should not be confused. it is a simple issue being discussed. the folks who opposed development and maintain building houses for the well-to- do is such a poor policy choice that it should remain a surface parking lot. they proposed a become a bike transit center. but this is a curious example. i understand correctly, that park is built on land donated by the city of chicago and whose amenities are under root written by mcdonald's, the well-known health food chain. if a bike transit center is if a bike transit center is being proposed, why doesn't the