tv [untitled] February 1, 2012 12:48am-1:18am PST
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foundersne end. this is a space for more entrepreneurs, technology and innovation. supporting it is near and dear to our heart. we are happy to welcome ron and mayor lee here. founders and that is almost one year old. we have had 40 companies come through here to raise over $40 million in venture-capital. without further ado, i want to introduce you to one of our most preeminent angel investors, ron conaway. [applause] >> thank you and welcome. for those of you who do not know me, i am a third-generation san francisco and, for better or for worse. it was a decision my parents
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made in high school to move to atherton. i ended up staying there until three years ago and have been active in civic activities ever since. it is important to be involved in civic and philanthropic activities. my day job -- and i am still very active in this job -- as an angel investor investing in bay area companies when they are what we call babies. these are start-ups that have two or three people, and sv angels funds those start-ups. one of the starters -- smartest decisions i made was only to invest in internet and software. we have invested in over 600 companies, many of them in the city of san francisco. for sure, today, we have set a record for any city in the
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country that has rallied and united the tech community to support collective, civic action. this never happened before. we are in the perfect storm with the election of mayor ed lee, to make this happen and to accomplish a lot. ed lee, as interim mayor, stepped up for the tech community, he kept twitter in san francisco, got private stock option tech abolished, with the help of david chiu, and convened last april the ad hoc council, which i know he plans to reconvene as mayor. it was not easy to get ed lee to run for mayor. warren hellman and myself, and i know dianne feinstein and mayer brown as well, helped convince
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the end lead to run. it is one of the best meetings that warren and i have had, when we sat in his office for one hour, and we felt like we meant some headway, and we must have, because he is here. it is not a coincidence -- it is a coincidence, that the tech community it is following the example that warren hellman has set for this community. warren hellman and i were very close friends, and i think upstairs right now, he has a huge smile on his face. he cared as much about san francisco as any of us. he loved the tech community. a majority of his investments were in tech. he really gets what we are
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trying to do, and we should advance his cause of civic engagement. after ed decided to run, the tech community rallied around him. in an effort today, not to lose any of them momentum, we are forming this organization called sf citi. we do not want to lose the momentum for the tech agenda in san francisco, and we think this is an exciting day for us. we heard from ed in his neck inauguration when he declared san francisco the innovation capital of the world, and that is the charter that sf citi wants to but -- promote. his inauguration speech was not just a speech, but a call for action, and the tech community is responding today, less than one week after he gave that speech.
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we represent the new economy in san francisco, and with this partnership, we hope to create thousands of new jobs. that will be our first quarter. -- charter. we witnessed mayor ed delete during his inauguration be the first elected official as far as we know who ever treated during their inauguration. not only did he tweet, he tweeted an infographic. a couple of people stayed up all night creating this, and guess what, it is all about jobs. both of them are here, and we want to thank them. [applause] before i tell me more about s.f. citi, i want to introduce our elected officials here. scott wiener, mark farrell,
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david chiu, the president of the board of supervisors, and christina olague, our newest supervisor. [applause] jane kim is here. awesome. we are in jane kim's district. jane and zynga have been the forbearers of the jobs issue, raising our consciousness about that. ed lee adopting that as well. there is somebody in the room, if we could of educated him fast enough, we could have had him stand here instead of me because he is the best speaker i have met. where is mayer brown? [applause] -- mayor brown? [applause]
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if you were at the dinner last saturday or the inauguration, he can be a stand-up. ed lee announced jay knapf as the chief innovation officer. he is the chief innovation officer, but his nickname is chief heck officer. because we are going to adopt a charter to create jobs in san francisco, we want to think back to where jobs really originate, where people start their work ethic, and that is in grade school. we are to partner with community organizations in san francisco, and we have with us today chuck collins from the ymca, robert connolly from the boys and girls club, and eric mcdonald
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from united way. as we grow, we will put in a structured programs to give kids a path to employment. now let's talk about the team that will execute our vision. that is our member companies, many of whom are here. in your packets, there is a list of all of our member companies. we could not be prouder of the number of tech companies in san francisco who have already joined s.f. citi. at 5:00 yesterday, we had 72 members. this morning, we had 85 members. from 7:00 -- yes, we should clap. [applause]
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why don't any member company not standing, stand. [applause] this is s.f. citi, really not the people up here. it is the member companies that have adopted us. s.f. citi -- the power of s.f. citi is in our membership. from 7:00 this morning, the following companies have also joined who are not on a placard. yelp, rippleseed, advent, yammer, and we have added a new organization to s.f. citi, the black founders, who are here. every time we have a new member company, it will go on our website. please watch the list grow.
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our member companies today represent 90% of the tech jobs in san francisco today. need this to say, we represent the tech community. let's talk about the structure of s.f. citi. i am going to be the chairman of the governing board of s.f. citi. the governing board members initially will be representatives from, zynga, and jawbone. there will also be an executive board for other companies to contribute donations to s.f. citi for the day to day operations. everyone in the tech community could not be more excited than our vice chairman of s.f. citi, none of them heather hardy, a folk hero. [applause]
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>> she is already standing, so we cannot get her to stick out. heather was ceo of techcrunch, the company that announced 90% of these companies -- they announced their existence. techcrunch is the fabric of technology here in san francisco. heather just less rigid left the company and agreed to take the volunteer position as vice chairman of s.f. citi. before that, she was at news corp. and went to harvard business school. we are not holding out against her. in the meantime, we have an executive search going on for an executive director. in the meantime, it is important for everyone here to know that we have five people working full-time already for s.f. citi in an interim capacity. judge ginsburg, brian brokaw,
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alex turk, kelley oil and, and the sixth wheel is takes after stain. i do not know anyone at "the chronicle." however, this team is very well connected, they do their job and produced this great article today with "the chronicle." we are in good hands with the day to day, because all of you know i am busy with my day job. we will be raising a budget to hire the executive director and donate money to other causes that fill our mission. code for america, who you will be hearing from, is an example of that. i want to talk about our logo for a second. and our logo, which is right behind me, and there is a write-
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up in your press kit, has some tech folklore in it, too. it was designed by a twitter engineer and designer. andre is here, introduced to me by way of biz stone, the founder of twitter, and he uses standard coding conventions, using parentheses and semicolons, in keeping with tech and open source, the code designed by another member company employee at google. on the jobs front, which is what we would like to switch to and talk about now, we think jobs is
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the biggest initiative where we can make a big impact on san francisco very quickly. today, there are 30,000 jobs in san francisco. the people in this room represent a huge majority of that. it is interesting to note, there is a migration of tech companies to cities nationwide. just in the bay area, in the sv angel portfolio, 50% of our portfolio was out of san francisco, 25% was here. that has put plot. the number of tech companies in san francisco has doubled, and now 50% of our pulp folio is in san francisco. -- flip-flopped. social media and community
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websites, it is no coincidence. they have to be in cities with lots of people. mayor lee understands what the tech sector can do to help. he has a 17-point plan. probably a third of that has to do with job creation. mark pincus and zynga will be a key partner on that initiative. zynga will be the lead tech company on the jobs initiative. we have already started work on that. we know there is a skills gap, and an experience gap with the implied base in san francisco, but with training, we can fill those gaps and employ more san franciscans in san francisco. all of our member companies will get their h.r. departments involved and analyze their hiring for the next year, give
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that to the zynga jobs team, we will aggregate those, and develop programs to employ and educate the job force to fill those positions. san francisco already has a great web site, hiresf, it's akin to, and the tech community will be going to the website to try to fill positions posted there. ed lee said in his inauguration is the year of the dragon. that represents confronting challenges and embracing innovation. that is what we are going to do. we are the city of the 100%. we are partnering closely with code for america. we would not be a tech organization without a website. our url is
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with the headquarters city of twitter, it would be heresy not to have a twitter handle. #sfciti. with that, i want to introduce our great mayor, mayor ed lee. [applause] >> thank you for that very detailed explanation. first of all, i want to thank the board of supervisors. they are my partners here. president david chiu, you and i, jane kim, have spoken, mark farrell, christine olague, have spoken in depth about what our future holds for us. i want you to know that i am sharing this excitement with them. we have a constituent that is in great need. i am going to take a page from what willie brown has always
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represented to me. he said as good advice, if you feel passionate about something, don't did there. move on it fast. i cannot think of an initiative -- it has not even been one week since i took the oath of this elected office, and here we are on the first friday, moving this and what the technology really like, an accelerated pace. we cannot wait for bad news to happen to us. as i have said, every time i turn around, the state and the fed's are going to say what we are going to cut. we are not waiting. we are going to create our own culture, our own obligations, create and support an industry that wants to support us. s.f. citi is the right thing. when i announced one year ago that i was very much in support of local higher, we did something similar here.
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we created a mechanism for stakeholders. we called it citybuild. we got the unions together, contractors, and we focused on construction. how could we hire and train a workforce so they could build the best and most beautiful and most green infrastructure for the city? here, another industry is starting. it is creating jobs. on the eve of that decision to create a tax exemption for the middle market, there were some people who suggested, are those jobs for us? we said, with all confidence, absolutely. i know the ymca, the boys and girls clubs, other agencies in the community that have been in the trenches. they were struggling with this concept called the digital
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divide. we had to address that for our communities, for places where people might feel they would be displaced. how can they be a part of it? and we wanted to be a city for the 100%, for everyone to participate. the technology industry is that opportunity. s.f. citi is our ability to take stakeholders, companies who want to be here, the 85-plus and continuing to grow, to get their talent and employment opportunities they have and to share it with everybody, train them. we do not create jobs for people by simply announcing an idea. we have to roll up our sleeves and go to work. this is what i meant when i said, let's get it done. we need the right curriculum. we have to have the industry engage with us. what skill sets to are they going to look at when they are hiring people? how can we bridge the gap with
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folks who have felt they have been left out of this digital divide? this training idea, employment training, is to get that skill set, match it up with company needs, and if there is a gap, to create the internship programs that are needed by these programs, so they can become familiar, and then to get the jobs cemented. that is how we fill that gap, and that is what we want to do with s.f. citi. it is technology, innovation, and it is coming together on a dedicated training program, one that unites the interests the board has, me as mayor, to welcome the industry, and to be fearless in doing it. we're moving this together. then i think we take another page of this local hire, and it is similar to sf hire. we are focused on the residents
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of the city. s.f. citi has the opportunity to gain the innovative ideas that these companies have. when we announced one week ago we were working in a strategic partnership with code for america, i said we need not only are jobs, not only your philanthropic ideas, we need your innovation, your talents to help us and reinvent the delivery of servic get the fres, not sit comfortably and bureaucracies, but to invite. i am excited about this because i want it to happen quickly and want to deliver services better. and i want to instill hope in our kids, or in those people who are in their careers looking for a chance, or the hope instill in a returning veteran coming to
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san francisco and saying, can i give back something to the city, for the country that i worked so hard for? i wanted to believe not in what the state is doing, what the fed's are not doing, but what san francisco and is critical industry partners are doing to help improve the city. again, i am excited about jay knapf's entry to be our chief innovation officer, the first in the country, right in the mayor's office, and you have not only a partner but somebody who is very dependent on what we do together with our tech industry, to create an additional culture to complement the wonderful tourism industry that we have, which we cannot depend upon, but to complement the industries of biotech, clean tech, and the other construction jobs we are creating, and to say to you this new industry of technology
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leaders are going to be part of our government delivery and public-private partnership. this is going to be done and it will be signaled through our strategic partnership with code for america. at this time, i want to welcome jen as our great strategic partners >>. -- partner. >> thank you. i am so grateful to ron and mayor lee, and everyone else that reached out to us for this initiative. when i started code for america, i did it for two reasons. working in the tech industry, i saw all the talent that goes into building is amazing platforms and apps that make our lives so dramatically different. when i started working in government a little bit, i saw that talent was not often going
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into building the institution that is meant to benefit us all, government. with all the exciting things we see, still coming in general, there is an amazing innovation curve that we are all on in the private sector. we need to get government back on that innovation curve. we also saw there were such challenges in this that we needed to create a program to bring it all together. what code for america is, essentially, in its first year, a peace corps for geeks. we have been working in 10 people -- 10 cities across the country asking people, i can give one year of my life to make government better. having worked with those 10 cities, we have learned a lot, and we met jay knapf, who has been a leader in this up until now, and his promotion is so
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reserved and will will serve the city of san francisco. i am so excited to be able to work in our city, where we think there is the most innovation. our fellowship program takes start of culture and puts it inside city government. we help cities write apps, we help them understand how start- ups were, we use the lean start a methodology, and we helped change the culture within city government. what we are doing now, enabled by s.f. citi, are some new platforms. so many people applied to be part of code for america. it if you have ever wondered whether the tech industry cares about government, i can tell you i see it every day. we had 525 people apply for 25 slots. and that is applying for the opportunity to work for a small ti
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