tv [untitled] February 3, 2012 9:48am-10:18am PST
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translator: i run the everyday operation and make sure the staff are doing their jobs. i am responsible for making budget decisions. also, i coordinate with executive directors of other organizations. because we are small and specialized, we can't do everything, so we divide the responsibilities and avoid duplication of services. narrator: using her cane and public transportation, jelica travels independently to a meeting across town. she uses a vibrotactile crossing signal to make her way across the street. she signals the bus driver about her special needs
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with color-coded cards. the driver knows to stop and traces the route number on her hand, indicating she is boarding the correct bus. translator: i know people are shocked at seeing a cane, and they're shocked at seeing tactile communication, and it's true--it is shocking-- but it's so much better than pretense or denial because then you end up looking really stupid. narrator: at her destination, jelica meets her scheduled support service provider, or ssp. the ssp provides visual information and guidance. today she meets with a representative from seattle's aging and disability services division to discuss the annual walkathon fundraiser.
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the walkathon is an activity that brings hearing, deaf, and blind residents together to learn more about each other. part of jelica's job is to raise money to keep the agency functional. each year, this fundraiser promotes awareness and support for the deaf-blind service center and its programs. "hey, everybody! you guys ready? "this is the second group. "we're going to take off at 11:00, "but first, i wanted to thank everybody "for all of your wonderful support and spirit for dbsc. thank you. thank you. thank you." yeah! translator: this is the kind of work i do every day-- reaching out to others, encouraging them to believe in themselves, urging them to use their own skills and their own minds, especially their minds, which will help them overcome any barriers they encounter.
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narrator: jelica shares her life out of the office with her husband vince. they met while attending college. although he was born profoundly deaf, vince does not have usher syndrome. translator: we've been married for 17 years and have grown a lot over that time. vince has a disability, as well. he depends on me for many things, and i rely on him in different ways. we support each other. there's equality in the relationship. of course, vince and i both get comments about how sweet he is and how lucky i am to have him. my first response is, "no. he's lucky to have me, too." translator: many people don't really recognize the power of love... and don't realize the meaning of true friendship.
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we've let go of people who are not there for both of us and find friends who benefit us both. translator: technology is changing so rapidly, everything soon will be running on braille. the large-print format we have now is not practical for small portable devices, which, in turn, means i realize i'll need to transition to braille because everything is so small. handheld gps systems are just one example. gps would be wonderful while i'm traveling, but the printout would be in braille, and i would have to learn how to use braille. with changing technology, smaller devices like that don't have the capacity for large print. they can only show one letter at a time. it would take forever to read one word. i know that won't work, so when you project out 5 to 10 years, the new technologies will challenge me to become fluent in braille, as well.
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narrator: technology is rapidly changing the way we all live our lives. so, too, medical research is changing the way we view and treat disease. with all this progress, what does the future hold for those who have usher syndrome? this is going to be a very gradual process. we're going to be able to slow it first because that's the easiest thing to do. ultimately, we'll be able to stop the progression of the rp, and finally, we're going to be able to reverse it and give back some of the vision that people have lost. now, this isn't going to happen tomorrow, and it will come in short, little spurts. there'll be a this, that will maybe help a little bit, then something else that will help a little bit. it's going to be just like cancer research, just little pieces, and little parts of the therapy come at different times, and each one has a small effect,
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but ultimately, ultimately, we're going to be able to fix this disorder. now you understand the personal challenges that we are faced with living with usher syndrome, but it's important to understand that living with usher syndrome is not a one-time event, but it's a lifelong process. each change in life can cause challenges that must be dealt with, but more importantly, we've already witnessed that with appropriate support, adaptation, and attitude, people with ushers can and do live meaningful and productive lives. narrator: it would be erroneous to say that people with ushers accept the disease, but they do manage to adapt. in fact, learning to adapt over and over and over
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is what is required to live with usher syndrome. and to see her now, you know, this young lady in, you know, adolescence, you know, changing and becoming so sure of herself and so bright d d so interested in so many things, it makes me feel that that's what i am supposed to do, is help kids communicate, and it was successful. you have a long road ahead of you. you have a lot of work to do, but i think that if you do the work, you'll see great results and that your child can do whatever he or she wants to do. i know she's going to have a good future because i know she's strong and brave and kind and will learn whatever she wants to learn. i know she's going to have a good future.
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captioned by the national captioning institute [applause] >> i would like to report to you that this past year has been a whirlwind of activity as we continue to grow. bringing support and assistance to you, the members, who have so graciously decided to join us today and for the next few days, with great breakouts from wonderful keynote speakers.
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certainly, a great opportunity to networking and figure out those best practices, sharing your knowledge with each other. we have done some webinars at low prices, you might want to check those out on our website. we also have a newsletter that has gotten quite a bit of circulation. we invite people to submit articles for that newsletter. about 14 months ago, we have less than 100 members. today we have grown to over 3000 members. established in 2003 to bring greater focus for latino
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leaders and educational issues. now more than ever in these trying times, the needy exists to further establish partnerships and provide training, and support, for administrators, superintendents, and educators for those that serve hispanic students. my favorite news story [no audio] immigration laws passed, cannot get tomatoes harvested? that was too bad. one of our major goals was to start a superintendent leadership academy. i am proud to report to you that we are now in almost of the third session, coming up in january there is another one called 17 candidates.
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they were selected after going through a rigorous process of being identified. administrators, with mostly their assistant directors, principles, they exhibited the passion and commitment needed to provide the skills and knowledge necessary to run schools and school districts across the country. we have 17 of those people. many of them are here today. please stand if you are a charter superintendent leadership academy participant. [applause] they will be introduced formally tomorrow. they are from new york, california, arizona, just about everywhere you can think of.
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we expect high expectations. in the second week of the leadership academy, one of ours got hired as a superintendent in monterey, california. we are playing in service to that. what do you think of that? [applause] for those of you interested, we are taking applications. there is more information about the second, beginning one year from now. i would like to acknowledge our leadership sponsors this year.
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leadership world and htc. give them a round of applause. [applause] we are greatly indebted to them. this year, we are also sponsored by promethean. please help me welcome the vice president of marketing for prometheus. [applause] >> well, good afternoon. one word comes to mind. courageous. courageous is the word that i used to describe the work that alas is leaving and we are proud to support. you have demonstrated to courage and advocation for this nation and more -- most
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historically underserved. especially in these economic times. you are this nation's greatest hope as we educate children into the future of this nation. we are passionate about education and are delighted to continue our support and commitment for alas. we were the first to say yes to the leadership academy. we listened, responded, and learn from you. we are in the middle of a transformational. . -- period. achievement for all students is our common goal. regardless of background, nationality, language, or economic status.
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promethean and the mexican government are collaborating opportunities to deepen, strengthen, and improve primary and secondary education in mexico. the possibility of sharing real time space information for support of student learning, regardless of their location. this summer, the power of the math program by an indiana delivered a dynamic learning environment determined by individual students' learning progression. imagine, real time assessments and the real time intervention for every student. gone are the days where education technology was about boxes and wires. today it is about learning outcomes. about deeper explorationtogethee
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classroom and we can change the world. thank you for your courageous leadership, and i hope you enjoy this summit. [applause] >> we have a very special guest, carlos garcia is here to introduce our special guest. carlos. >> good afternoon. it is really a pleasure to move the schedule to accommodate this great man. truly a pleasure, because we have made him an honorary latino, even though he is the first asian member -- mayor of the city of san francisco. [applause] he is one of hours.
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honorable mayor lee was appointed to be the mayor and started his term in january, not too long ago. not too long ago he decided -- the community decided he was doing a good job, and everyone decided to push him -- he is a worker bee. he was an administrator in the city in three and a lot of different apartmendepartments aa great job. when the board of supervisors appointed him to be the interim mayor, little did we know he would do such a great job that there was a community out for. so be signed started to appear that said run, ed run. i am not taking sciensides becai work for everyone as a superintendent, but it has been a real honor and privilege working with the mayor who knows what work needs to happen
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to get things done. it is not just go for the photo op, but rolls up his sleeves and knows what it takes it has the will to work with us in a school district to say every child in siemenses go is my child. it is different to work in the city were the major use the children of differences go as his children. he wants to be partners with us. once to be -- the amount of investment that the city and county of san francisco give to our school district is millions and millions of dollars. without those funds we could not do half of the programs we do that bring families together, provide public services for them, and integrate all the services to the other so we're working together and smarter, even in this tough economy to make things right. in addition to that come each
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year for the past three years we have been fortunate. the mayor and the board of supervisors has given the rainy bail fund to bail out the school district. we have been making cuts, and yet they have stepped up the city to say here is the rainy day fund, use it wisely and use it to keep our children better the most important thing in san francisco state and what a great education. i could go on for days, because this gentleman deserves that, but it is an honor and a privilege to invite our honored guest, edwin lee, the mayor of san francisco. [applause] >> thank you, carlos. and i did not get pushed to come here. i ran to come here. and iran to come here because i
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am so enthusiastic. we have a lot of things to work on and celebrate. how many of you are dreamers? this week we got something really big to celebrate. the california dream act was signed by the governor. what about wonderful? [applause] in my previous life, and you know this as a fact, i used to be a civil rights attorney before i started working in government, and it means so much, especially now since carlos and i are from is burt -- immigrant families, and now we have to be leaders of immigrant families to seek good legislation and promises that really start filling the challenges of our youth. not to be able to fill the stream all over the country is the incredible challenge we have before us. we made a great statement in the state of california. i want to make sure we build on that.
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that is why i came here today. i rushed to make sure i congratulate all of you to be part of alas, which means wings. people will take off because of what you do with us. i want to make sure you enjoy yourself while you are here because we brought the sun for you as well. i know you are all here to join government leaders at all different levels to really get going on innovative ideas, best practices, because guess what, besides new york, besides florida, texas, california is next. 25% of the population of kids will be latino. we have to get an agenda forward. we have to make sure we're filling the gaps. that is what we've been doing here in san francisco. that is why i have loved working for carlos, in my education adviser is the school board
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president and works as have my office. county is that? the school board president right next to you, because any other programs that are rolling out every other month --. -- how neat is that? the most exciting days i have is when i can get to the classroom in see the kids in gauge with their teachers and know they are getting agitated. the00- they are getting educated. do you know about the million dollar club? that is the difference between the kids that graduate from high school looking for a job, and the child goes all the way to college. it is a million-dollar difference in their career at how much they can earn. do you want to join the million- dollar club? what is san francisco doing
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about it? we're supporting every new initiative weekend find to do this. beginning with kindergarten. we have our treasurer creating college funds for kids in canada earn in debt immigrant families, aimed at kids that are on the meals program so they and their parents can start college funds when the kids are and in the garden. that is innovation. that is a commitment all the way to education. we have to do that across country. that is what is going to reflect the commitment we have in education that you want to do. i want to come right we all of you for coming here -- congratulate you for coming here for joining us and the industrial leaders to challenge as to the 21st century needs of our kids. i am so excited, because i know you will come out with even
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better ideas, and i will be in the position as mayor of san francisco, along with carlos, to help promote the idea is you have. i will use the position of san francisco mayor to talk about what we can do across the country, the federal government, every area of the country, and be a shining beam every way we can be, because we have to have hope in this country. everyone is filled with so much frustration. you have occupied this and that. i can hear that frustration. i can join with them and that, but we also ought to have hope and programs that work. this is why educators are coming in, because i will pick up on you to get hold of the best ideas coming out. how can we support the professional educators doing their job even better? for the hispanic kids across the country and a growing population, we can do even better. we have double digit did our performance just because of
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carlos' focus on how we can fill those gaps. -- double digited our performance. i am excited about doing that. i am excited about your capacity building. promoting a of best practices, transforming of educational institutions. california will be the next large state where by 2025 latino children will make up 25% of our school age population. we have to do this for ourselves. that is why i am proud to be a mayor of a great diversity of immigrants. everybody is an immigrant in san francisco. everybody came from someplace else, and we're very proud to put that in our -- on our sleeves. we are proud they speak more than one language. and that is fantastic. [applause]
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