tv [untitled] February 6, 2012 5:18am-5:48am PST
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first chinese-american, asian-american mayor in the city of san francisco. [applause] on the board of supervisors, 11 of us, eight of us, eight members of the board of supervisors are people of color. this is true representation. but what has laid the foundation of the great muscle that has made san francisco well known in its reputation as being forward thinking also obligates us to answering the other questions some of the chals that i remarked on especially as it concerns the african-american population in after. i'm not so sure that the numbers really have dropped to 3.%. that's a quick drop from 6.2 two years ago. but whatever the case is, that decline in population is a healthy reminder that even the most forward-thinking cities have incredible work to do. thank you, everybody, and happy black history month.
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>> thank you, supervisors cohen and mirkarimi. just want to announce also that thanks to the efforts of lamont bishop and others, we do have for the kinseys proclamations or certificates of recognition for shirley and bernard kinsey from senator leno's office, is ash asem blipman ma and we have those and had present them to them later in the program. we'd like to now turn to the -- to our presentation by the -- i'm blanking -- the omnira institute, who will perform for us at this point. the mirror institute. ♪ [drumming]
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in black history month. check them out on line too. they do a phenomenal piece of taking frick music and showing parallels in aof -- some of the african-american gospel. when you can sing those two things in tandem and how they relate to each other. columbia of other mentions we have. naomi kelly was with us. purchaser naomi kelly was here. she is approaching reverend dr. amos brown, former supervisor brown, who is also here with us. of course i really would get assassinated if i don't mention commissioner leroy king, sit -- sitting with former redevelopment commissioner benny yee. welcome, kim. we are really looking forward to working with kim to get students to come visit the
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kinsey exhibit. just one second. and also supervisor scott winer -- weiner is here also. let's welcome him. newly elected schedule. we're back on schedule and graced with the presence of our new mayor. we, as i mentioned earlier, we had the pleasure of working well. are city administrator at the time ed lee and supervisor ross mirkarimi in connection with the adoption of the slavery disclosure ordinance a couple years ago. and we look forward to working with him on many issues to come. please welcome mayor ed lee. >> hello, everybody. you know i don't like to read speeches. i've been doing that in the past, so i want to have a chance to speak from the heart. this is our celebration of
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black history month. and i am so happy to see all of you come to city hall to recognize this and to recognize the great work that pat williams is doing because about the stories that need to be told. and i, as my life becomes unfolding in front of a lot of other people you're going to hear about me and i want you to know there's a lot of part of the black community that has to do in my peam and gsh famed -- family and so i want to tell you a story. it's a true one. so when i was growing up in the projects in seattle, washington, my neighbors were black. we had businesses in the black community because that's where we could start. that's where my dad was able to cook in restaurants. and there was a gentleman who owned the gas station. his name was darnell. and he came to the restaurant every day to have his meal and
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to support my father's struggle as he tried to make that restaurant business succeed. well, it was during those times that i learned very quickly observing things in the restaurant who were the gp friends to my father and who was just business and constituents. and i formed a very, very solid idea of where we were from at a very, very early start. and when my dad suddenly died after a heart attack, darnell was the first person that offered my brother a job at his gas station. these are the kinds of stories that need to be told because it is not just about recognizing african-americans, it's about what african-americans have been doing for us as a society for many, many years. so when i have a chance to talk about my life because i'm just new rookie payor, wants to know
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how am i thinking, where am i coming from, i'm going to tell about these stories that never get told because they're about life. they're about contributions. they're about how we relate to each other and so i am so proud to be up here with malia cohen, who is going to create many, many new stories to come along with all of san francisco and the other supervisors up here and the oop leaders and al williams and the historical society who are doing very important work to document the contributions so that we can justify why we need to make a special effort to make sure that there is no outmigration, to make sure that there are jobs. to make sure we protect the family structure. because from my heart and where i come from and what my family is all about, i know what it is to be helped by the african-american community. i know that that's been a strong tring and -- thing and we wouldn't have survived without that kind of kep --
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help. so i leave you here today to let you know what's in my heart and mind and let's kick off this celebration to unite everybody in this city and be broud -- proud of who we are, and thank you very much. >> thank you, mayor lee. we are about to bring up our keynote speaker. but i did want to mention we also have with us david campos who's joined us. let's welcome supervisor camp ovements and dr. veronica hunnicutt is here also the so with that we're at the point where we really want to get to the real meat of this thing today, our key note speaker. i mentioned earlier we've had a strong partnership with bring the exhibition we have now with the kinsey collection through the kinsey foundation and no stronger partner could we have had than the san francisco public library under the leadership of luis herrera.
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luis has been -- let's give luis a -- [applause] luis has been a real up toer in standing with us in doing what's necks -- necessary to make this happen. stuart shaw, ann carroll is back there. everett, the people in the production department who have helped us. you will see all the hard work they have provideded when you go over to check this exhibit. so without further ado i would like to have luis introduce our keynote speaker. >> thank you, al. what a glorious day it is and happy black history month. i'm honored to introduce our keynote speaker, bernard kinsey. i had the pleasure of meeting bernard had he attended the first meeting with the california council for the humanities and immediately he
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made quite an impact with not only his creative ideas and vision but also his passion. right then and there i said to myself, my only resfwret that i didn't get to meet him way, when much earlier in our lives. his biography reads like an adventure with an extraordinary record of accomplishments and achievements. a business entrepreneur it, guru, philanthropist but perhaps most importantly a community builder. as president of kbk enterprises he's provided counsel to senior executives in both public and private sector and he has provided support for example to software companies in the silicon valley, to urban centers like los angeles and large departments like the police department there. as president of this firm and also in addition to his amazing
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experience with urban revitalization, he has tapped to co-chair, "rebuild l.a.," the revital ilingse -- revitalize apings e founded after the unrest in l.a. in 199 2. he influenced investments by bringing grocery stores, small businesses, loan funds, all of these in the heart of the inner city. prior to this tenure at r.l.a., mr. kinsey also enjoyed a remarkable 20-year career with the xerox corpts -- corporation, and here he ways trail blazer making sure that he broke down barriers in corporate america. through his leadership in der -- xerox it led to the hireb of literally thousands of women and people of color.
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bernard is also highly sought after as an international business consultant and has counseled governments all cross the world from south africa, germany, england, france in economic development and he's also a celebrity in his own right. he's got numerous radio and television programs including the macneil-lehrer rorkts the "nbc nightly news," cnn and national public radio. he's lace family fan. -- also a family man. married to his wife shirley for 44 years, they are one of the most admired and respected couples in l.a. and the proud parents of their son khalil. their partnership represents and alliance based on love, respect, family and friends. and they're also very generous with their success. over the past 20 years they've donate. ed and raised millions of
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dollars for scholarships for college-bound students, particularly african-american students and students going to their favorite institution, florida a and m university, which bestowed an honorary doctorate to bernard. recently the kinseys have also become known for the collection of african-american art, boorkss and manuscripts that document the story of the african-american community. it's called the -- called the kinsey collection, shared treasures of bernard and shirley kinsey, where art and history intersect. it's been on tour to six city as -- cities and opened at the national museum of american history at the smithsonian institute and we anticipate more than 2.5 million folks will visit that exhibit. how's that for success? terrific.
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their wonderful book it that documents the kinsey collection has been selected by the florida department of education for the curriculum to team african-american studies to 3.6 million students throughout the state. so that's also a wonderful accomplishment. it's indeed mip pleasure to welcome a man to waves a wonderful cultural narrative of a people. please, give a warm welcome to bernard kinsey. bernard? [applause] . >> first of all i want to make sure you can hear me. who has the sound in here? just bring it up a little bit so we can do this. first of all, luis, thank you so much to the san francisco public libraries, stewart, shaw, and carroll. up guys have done a super job. you've got to come down to the san francisco african-american
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historical society. we have about 50 pieces of the kinsey collection there that documents the frick american experience from 1600 through civil rights. first of all, al, sh go back to florida. and they knew each other before i knew shirley. we've had this long, what, 50-year relationship and bond. so when al called me about bringing some pieces here to san francisco, we didn't hesitate. i'm going to ask all uven to take, when you go to d.c., on the main floor of the main gearly -- gallery at the american history museum, the most visited museum in the world, there is george washington to the left, the american flag to the middle, and the kiprusoffy collection to the right. and i just want you to know that because you know, luis was trying to tell you who the kinseys are and you know what?
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you need to know who's speaking to you so sometimes you sit up a little bit better and you listen, but we are very grounded in what we're doing and we've lived in san francisco back in the 1970's. we ran a million square feet for der -- xerox out of south san francisco. we ran the oakland branch in oakland for three years there where i had 100 black folks working for me in 1977, just so you know. so we got our roots in the right place. we got our hearts in the right place. and it's a joy to be here in san francisco at this beautiful building here in city hall. i want to thank the supervisor cohen and aughtle supervisors, catchose and others that are here. you get a feel ream quickly whether or not a city really gets it if the mayor -- mayor shows up and the supervisors show up you know what i mean?
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because if they don't show you that tells you something. and it's good to see they're not just showing up but staying. right? am i saying this right? ok. i retired 20 years ago february 1 so i can say basically how and what i want to say, and i do. you follow me? so i am clear about what we're trying to do. claude eberhart, one of our good friends from the bay area and very important this this community and to san francisco and the east barkse let's give claude a -- bay, let's give claude a big round of applause. you know? i'm going to go right to this. jane lieu ellen johnson would not have liked how we sang this song. this was a brother from
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jacksonville. he's a brother from florida. he spoke spanish and french. he was an envoy to haiti and nake rag wa. -- nicaragua. you didn't know that, did you? he also wa the first black man to pass the bar in the state of florida in 1913. can you imagine a brother passing the bar in 1913? and his brother was as bad as he was. that's who james wheldon johnson was. you ever heard of jenny slew? 1719, her smom white. her zad black. you know, even back then a good man was hard to find, you follow me? so we understand this. this thing has been going on for a very, very long time, ok? jenny slew, 46 years later she
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sues for her freedom and back pay. and guess what? wins because in the state of massachusetts a person of color could sue back in those days. you know what the superior court said? well, we can't let this happen because you were married to an enslaved person. let me say this right now. we don't use the word "slave." i want everybody to say "enslaved." say it louder. and you know why? because if you start practicing that you will change how you look at our an set ofers ancestors. it will change how you feel in your heart about the accomplishments of our brother ants dub and sisters because you don't have a clue what they have done and sacrificed to get where we are today. so you know what shirley and i have been doing the last five years? we've taken an exhibition and
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we've gone to seven cities. maybe when it finishes may 1, it will be over thee million people that have seen it. we don't tell the "ain't it awful" story about slavery. we tell how people overcame. when jenny went to court, she says yes, i was married. she all -- actually was married twice. you follow me? she was married to an enslaved person. she told the judge because in the state of massachusetts you don't recognize enslavepeople as being someone human, then my marriage was nullified. you know what the court said? you're right. they gave her four pounds sams back pay and set her free. right behind her, elizabeth brandwell, who you nonet -- don't know either. she said well, heck, if jenny can do it, i can do it too. and elizabeth said -- said you know what? i'm going to sue for all the plaque folks in the state of
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massachusetts. this is like in the 1760's. to be free. can you imagine? they said wait a minute, we're going to let you and three others be free but we're not going to free all black folks. but that's an idea of our -- how our people at the early yert point used the ideals of the constitution for their freedom. so let me get -- i'm going to stay on my time. stay on my time. i want you all to know shirley and i will have been married 44 years on monday of next week -- friday of next week, and she's the best part of my day. her birthday is monday so only al williams could get us to come up here on a friday or thursday and do this but we are really appreciative to do this. up need three things for a successful life. i'm going to give you some little jewels here.
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something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to. think about it. that's it. you need three things for a successful life. something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to mpltd and shirly fulfills all three and when you get the right partner, you don't have to go nowhere. ok? we live our lives on two simple principles. one, two whom much is given, sch required. and a life of no regrefments and let me say this, the second is harder than the first because live a life of no regrets means you life in the present tense. you have to make decisions while they're coming at you because if not you will say boy, i wish i'd done that differently. so practicing this notion of no recigarettes difficult. we have a saying, god grant me a gift that i need so i can give it to someone else that needs it more.
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that's a hell of a practice. you hear what i just said? you can't have a blessing with a closed fist. and a lot of us walk around with both our fists closed all the time and think that you're going to get some blessings. in baseball, you get a glove and you throw the ball back. some of you got two gloves on your hands. you got to take one off. because that's the only way you can share and god does not bless us unless you give to others first. ok? all right. i got our good friend ron brown the commerce secretary who decide -- died suddenly, he had a saying, "leave the door open and the ladder down," and i want to you remember that because far too often we don't help each other. if i have an event and al calls me or he has an event and he
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calls me up, i might say with, i'll help up a little bit. so next time i need help, i call and he helps a little bit and the effort is a little bit successful. you know what happens particularly in the black community, in others too, because we don't help each other, we're not doing as well as we can do. that is a problem we all have to take responsibility for. all right. i don't know what i'm doing. i got to get back to it. the greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without purpose and vision. the greatest treasures in the world are not the companies that make up the new york stock exchange or the oil wells of the middle east but the semteries all ofe the world because of the lost potential did you hear what i just said? in the semteries -- semeteries
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