tv [untitled] February 10, 2012 2:18pm-2:48pm PST
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the rear of the residents. lane blocked one suspect and placed him under arrest. august gave chase in the dark house. the second suspect jumped out a second story rear window into the backyard area. august advised responding units he had fled to the backyard and immediately went downstairs to give further chase. officer cavanaugh arrived on the scene and assisted lane and was still struggling with one of the murder suspects. lane immediately called for medical assistance. the deputies arrived and were quickly briefed and directed to enter the residence and locate the other outstanding suspect. the into the house without hesitation and were told by the victim's son the they were still in there. the officers moved further into the residence risking their own lives. the officers located officer
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august and began a systematic search of the residence. the first searched the middle level where they located a gun on the dining room table. the officers secured the gun in his shirt. the middle level was cleared as they moved to the upper level. they saw another gun lying on the bed. they moved to the lower level. they heard movement coming from an unknown area. they identified themselves as police officers and observed a woman walking towards the with a kitchen knife in one hand and a cell phone in the other. a woman was trembling with fear and told them she was the one who called police from the closet. when she dropped the knife on command of the officer who could have confused her with another suspect, the officers continued their search in remembered someone else live in the rear cottage.
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they quickly moved to the backyard area. chorizos a movement behind the tree. -- doorherty saw a movement behind a tree and called for the suspects to come out with his hands up. he was taken into custody with the murder victims property and a large amount of money. the officers should always be quick without hesitation and appropriate. during an officer's career, there are times when they will be placed in a position where they have to decide whether to put their safety or the safety of others before their own. there are times when they're called upon to deal with a situation where there is a great likelihood an officer could be seriously injured or killed when no one would blame them for waiting. this was such a moment for the officers involved. in this instance, the efforts of all the officers involved showed great courage, a great decision
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making, and dedication be on the call of duty. the officers constantly respond to calls for shootings and know the potential risk they may encounter every time. these officers knew immediate action was required to save lives. they did not hesitate in putting themselves in harm's way to save lives, to render aid, and take suspects into custody. for this, they are being honored with the bronze medal of valor. [applause]
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is well known to officers as they respond there almost daily. this busy sunday morning stretched staffing to its limits. officers were sent to the fair and a critical incident in the northern district. the officer responded to a call at 11:17 a.m. and climbed seven flights of stairs to room 708. she approached the room with the manager who unlocked the door after numerous attempts to get the occupant to do so. she entered the studio apartment and saw the suspect line on the bed to the left of the door. his arms were behind his head. she saw the wooden handle of a gun on the floor was littered with clothing and garbage. she approached the bed with her gun drawn. she picked up his weapon and back away from the suspect. she backed approximately 10 feet while never taking her eyes off of the suspect. fearing a physical
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confrontation, she placed the unloaded large caliber revolvers with a 9 inch barrel on a chair behind her while keeping her eyes on the suspect. the suspect jumped up from the bed and screamed that he was part of the secret service, part of the cia. he repeatedly stated that she was going to shoot her -- him today. he ignored her verbal commands to get down on the floor. the officer called for a code three backup unit and attempted to calm the suspect. she instructed the manager outside the apartment door to go to the stairs and direct the arriving officers to her location. she continued to give the suspects verbal commands and assurances while keeping her body between him and the gun on a chair behind her. he then complied with her command to get on the floor by kneeling but he instantly leaped up and approached hurt by a few more feet. he was then adjacent to the door. looking straight into her eyes,
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he reached over and slammed the apartment door. he turned a double. he said, now is just you and me. knowing her life depended on getting the door open, she reacted by stepping to left and began unlocking the door. as she stepped left, the suspect maneuver around the right side of the officer and got his gun off of the chair. she turned and faced the suspect with the gun drawn. she was only a few feet away facing him with his gun pointed slightly up in the air. she ordered him to put the gun down. holding a steady with both hands, he pointed the gun directly at her. faced with no other alternative but to use deadly force, the officer began firing her department-issued fire arm. she continued to fire but he did not drop the gun. the suspect spun around as he fell and landed on his back. his head was towards her feet with the gun still in his hands. he brought his arms over his
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head so begun would be pointed at her again. she prepared to shoot him again when the backup officer into the room. that officer saw the injured suspect on the floor with the weapons still in his hands and his bigger still on the trigger, still posing a threat. at officer pointed his department rifle at the suspect and told him to let go of the weapon. at this time, sergeant hernandez entered the room and observe the suspect lower the weapon to his waist, raise his arm back up to the weapon. the officer provided cover while sgt hernandez retreat -- retrieved the weapon. with the assistance of officers, performed cpr until the fire department arrived. despite efforts to save the suspect's life, the suspect succumbed to his wounds and died at the scene. in conclusion, the officer exhibited outstanding bravery above and beyond that expected
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>> since we have the award screening committee in august, we have already received nine more nomination for metals of dollars for members of the department. we will have another one of these ceremonies in the spring to be honoring those folks, too, hopefully. the police department would also like to thank the university of san francisco and their support for cosponsoring this.
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we want to thank everyone who helped to put this event together this evening. we also wanted a woman putting the awards forward. she coordinated the event. we want to thank her for her work on this. this concludes our ceremony this evening. the photographer has asked if the medal recipient would come back for one more photograph with the chief. then we will release you to your families who are anxious to congratulate you. thank you very much. [applause] >> if any members of the families or commanding officers want to come up, you are welcome. please. it is important.
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department of children and youth and their families. i have had a wonderful honor of working with the 50 warriors in the past five months. each warrior before you was nominated by a community-based organization and has dedicated their knowledge, skills, and talents to improving the lives of others living in san francisco. although all warriors are similar in their passion for community change, may differ greatly in their path to positive change. through making documentaries, political organizing, creative workshops, and even boxing, they have made beautiful contributions to others in need in their communities. the youth warriors are also incredibly strong in character and heart. they have demonstrated incredible strength and courage for overcoming difficult life obstacles. throughout card chips that have overcome, they have stayed true to their commitment of self
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improvement and helping others. these remarkable youth leaders took part in a five-month fellowship at provided training on public speaking and city government. these workshops were led by you for your alumni. they facilitated the trainings and help to create the curriculum for the trainings. you if warriors then utilize their newly learned skills to lead you to advocacy day here in city hall on wednesday april 6, an historic day of youth civic engagement when high-school students met with their elected officials to talk about the issues they care about. on youth advocacy day, you for years led interactive workshops with high school students and city government and also help students prepare for their meetings with elected officials. they met with officials from
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some various departments, members of the board of supervisors, and mayor edwin lee. mayor li was gracious enough to address all of the participants. he shared his history and inspiring words about the importance of youth in city politics. i am happy to share with you today that mayor lee is here to help celebrate youth warriors. [applause] throughout the fellowship, youth warriors also has the opportunity to meet other youth leaders throughout the city and share the wonderful work they are doing to run the city. this past thursday, the youth warriors and a group of leaders went to sacramento to our state capital to meet with our elected officials to talk about the community work we are doing. the warriors had an opportunity to get involved in the political
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process and have their voices heard on the city and state level. the department of children, youth, and their families, is proud to be working with such wonderful and inspiring youth. now i would like to introduce the director of the department of children, youth, and their families. she has been an advocate of the use or your award and fellowship. please give her a werround of applause. [applause] >> thank you. i am so honored to be here. on behalf of our departments, citizens advisory committee, all of our staff, i want to congratulate all of our youth warriors for completing disfellowship. i also wanted knowledge the staff who has worked tirelessly to make this all happen. our youth department coordinator, nadia, peter -- who am i missing?
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with all the work, we have been able to make this a successful program. the program could not have been this successful, had it not been for the other members and the audience right now, the parents, caregivers, the adult allies, the friends, the cousin, and we also want to say thank you for supporting our warriors in making this monumental time in their lives. it is an honor for me to be able to be here to express my appreciation for the accomplishments that every one of these warriors has achieved. starting from helping pc y f -- dcyf informing our decisions, to helping us have a transparent
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and community-based project in the mission, to helping us advise the white house on what young people need in our country. i am sure each and everyone of you would agree it is such an inspiration to be in this room, in this space, with all of you, future leaders, and i definitely hope to see you one day in my position so that you can honor the next group of leaders. so i want to personally say congratulations to everyone. now i have the pleasure of introducing our wonderful mayor, mayor edwin lee, who will be giving us a few words. [applause] >> thank you. welcome to city hall, your city hall. i wanted to make sure -- i know supervisor mirkarimi is here. supervisor jane kim is also here. they are both here because i
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know both have a strong commitment to our youth in san francisco. i want to welcome all of you here tonight for two reasons. one, i know we are going to give some awards out for our youth leaders, but the other reason i wanted to make sure you had a good invitation to come to city hall tonight was because we have been waiting for one of you to register, wondering if you are going to run for mayor or not. there is a vacant seat for youth to lead the city. i think you can take this job and run with it. this city needs to be more kid- friendly, more youth-oriented. i think you could have a big input to make sure that what we are doing will be there for you to raise families as well. i want to congratulate all the nominees tonight. all of you who have been participating in this competition for the fellowship
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have been doing great work. i have been reading through some of the accomplishments that you are a part of. i got to meet some of you, luckily, last month when you participated in youth advocacy day, but you also followed up -- some of you were at the old school cafe with what house representatives about what the youths were looking at in terms of their future, participation in the city. here in city hall, we are serious about having programs that not only help you out, but to make sure you get the support you need to be successful. we want you and need you to be successful. without that, we are literally a soulless city. whether it is being able to traverse on a good muni system,
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having a good education system, or being able to work in a company like twitter. i am working with two great supervisors and we are working with tech companies, to make sure if you wanted that job, you would be able to work for a company like them, who has their international headquarters right here in san francisco. did you know that if you kept focus on the educational background that you want and need, you can make it into the top jobs? besides the great money that they pay, the workers who want to be here -- want to be here in this great city. they enjoy the culture, diversity, diversity of food, diversity of people that live here. you are all reflected of those diverse cultures. so we will do our best to make
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sure we are working with our school district, community college, with our san francisco state university, and with private donors, a program i called bridges to success, which we are working closely on with dcyf, school district, school board, to make sure that we not only encourage people to go to college, but when they begin in the experience, that we support you when you are there. that you go all the way to succeed in your degree. as i told you on youth advocacy day -- and i would tell you again to the parents. there is literally a $1 million difference in someone that does not have that college degree and someone who does when they get their first job, and future jobs. i think in san francisco, it will be more than a million
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dollar difference because of the very good salaries that the private industry and public industry pay. if you have a college degree, you can get a good living. it will be expensive for you to have your own home here in the city as well. so with all of that, we want to embrace, and i want to thank the parents, siblings, family supporters here tonight, to share in the announcements of the youth warrior fellowship award east tonight. i want to thank everyone who has participated in this. the voice of the youth is important to people like me, supervisor mirkarimi, jane kim, to listen to what your all about, and to follow your advice in many occasions as to what is necessary for us to do and continue doing to make sure this is a welcome city that is supportive of strong families
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and that we keep on doing the right thing here and not allowing rhetoric or politics to get in the way of being a safe city, a successful city, a city that knows how to come out of this economic challenge in a solid whey. we need your help to do that. i look forward to seeing you in city hall, not just in the rotunda, but when we have internship programs. by the way, when you go to college, make sure you applied to city hall and all of our 60 departments. you can get an internship at the public utilities commission, health department, department of the environment. there are a host of departments that offer internship programs. while you are of studying in college, in the summertime, even during the year, you can be an intern and learn even more about how the government works. then you can think about a
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career, whether in the public or private sector, there will be good choices in front of you if you are focused. now we can start with identifying all of you won this year's fellowship award. you are on your way to very good foundation. [applause] >> thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule and for being our onerous speaker. thank you again. -- honoree speaker. [applause] i now have the pleasure of presenting our youth warrior a warrants. i will read each individual's bio. we have a special treat today because mayor edwin lee will be handing out the awards.
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we also have supervisor mirkarimi and kim who will be helping to hand out the awards and flowers to the warriors. now i would like everyone to stand up and line up over here. as i call your name, please come on up. [applause] first, we have carlos hernandez, 16. he is a positive influence to those in his community who looked up to him and follow his steps towards success and greatness. [applause]
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if we could keep it to just a few photos, that would be great. next, we have -- a film maker of a media crew where she treats me that spreads awareness about important issues and encourages you to make change. she created a film around the oscar grant story and documented youth reaction to the case. [applause] sh andcheyyenne carson is improg conditions of youth who have
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parents and custody. [applause] denise castro, 17, is a college- bound ambassador at marshall elementary school where she helps students with their homework and students with after-school activities. she is an inspiring member to the students she works with. she is also a captain of her high school soccer team. [applause]
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