tv [untitled] February 14, 2012 1:18pm-1:48pm PST
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pleased. i look forward to signing this of the mayor's new desk and look forward to working with you as we see improvements in every single district and neighborhood of the city. thank you very much. [applause] >> part of the program is dedicated to improvements that will bring benefits to the many muni riders. a key part of that is the mta. during his tenure, the bond was brought to life and successfully passed. it is my pleasure to welcome the director of the mta and former director of dpw. >> it is like the former director gathering. [laughter] having spent four years doing right of way infrastructure work in san francisco, it is not
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sexy, it is critically important to the economy and quality of life for those of us in san francisco. this bond will make it easier and safer for people to get around san francisco on foot by improving sidewalks, intersections, better striping, countdown signals it will make it easier and safer for people to get around on bicycles by improving and adding more bicycle lanes, making them safer, separating them from traffic wherever we can. it will make it easier and more efficient to get around on transit because we will be improving our traffic signal controllers so the traffic signals talk to the others so that the buses move faster. this will be helping -- happening on the smoother
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pavement that these dollars will bring to san francisco. it is an important investment in infrastructure. you put those things together making it easier and more attractive to walk, bike, and take transit. that is how we meet the goals set back in 1973. it is only with this kind of investment that we can become the transit first city we all want to be. i want to thank the leadership standing behind me, particularly a supervisor wiener, without whom the spawned would not have passed. i want to thank some people who worked hard behind-the-scenes to do the legwork, analytical work, the packaging of this. i want to acknowledge douglas legg, gloria chan, and others from dpw.
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we stand ready to work with dpw, stakeholders, and the public. we're ready to go to work to invest for san francisco and create jobs. thank you very much. [applause] >> power agency also works very closely with the san francisco -- in our agency also worked very closely with others to address pot holes and provide smooth rides for bicyclists. we depend on the bicycle coalition and its members to give us information, assessments, and conditions of the streets. i would like to introduce the executive director to say a few words. [applause] >> you know we will tell you what we think. we will keep on that. i want to thank the political leadership behind me and the amazing leadership of the family around me.
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we're so proud to be part of the bond passing. i bike regularly on 17th street. this is a very welcome news of the bond funds to repay the 17th street. it is a great example of how far our money can go. these planes were strike less than a year ago. we have seen noticeable increases in the number of people biking on the street. this has happened throughout the city. every time we have dedicated space to biking, we see increases in the number of people biking. we will see the same kind of improvements and changes in safety when our roads are paved and smooth. it could not matter more to someone on a bicycle. the numbers of people boking in san francisco -- the numbers of people biking in san francisco
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are skyrocketing. that is good for our environment, public health, and quality of life. it is also good for our local economy. more people biking and walking means more people visiting our commercial corridors, shopping, eating, in the local economy. that is for all the neighborhoods in our city. there is a great new study by -- i have to get the name right and give them credit. the political economy research institute in baltimore. the new study shows infrastructure projects around biking and pedestrian projects create more jobs than traditional road projects. on average, the projects create 11 to 14 jobs per $1 million spent. traditional road infrastructure projects create on average seven jobs per $1 million spent. we are really proud of that. we want to make sure we're
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pumping more money into our local economy with more jobs, more people biking, and frequenting our commercial corridors. we look forward to repaving 17th street and many more. [applause] >> one more important partner. we've touched on improvement for drivers, transit riders, and bicyclist. this bond will also repair sidewalks all over the city. what san francisco is premier pedestrian advocacy organization. i would like to introduce the executive director. [applause] >> walk s.f. is eager to see new investment in wider sidewalks and smarter street design throughout the city.
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in san francisco, even though we all walk, we still see 800 people here get hit by cars. that is too much. thanks to the mayor's pedestrian safety task force, we know that only 7% of our streets are where over half of all of the serious and fatal injuries occur. that means we know where to focus our resources to save lives. smart investment will pay off for everyone in the city because more walkable streets means more foot traffic. that is better for local businesses. that means safer streets for kids to walk to schools, families to walk to parks, and for everyone to enjoy lives, works, and visits san francisco. thank you. [applause]
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24 in front of us. any public comment on the minutes? seeing none, all those in favor? the motion carries. mr. secretary, would you call public comment? >> general public comment. members of the public might address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction, but not on today's agenda. we have no speaker cards. president moran: i believe you have a couple at the rail. >> sorry. i did not see you. president moran: welcome. >> happy birthday. i do not know the number. i would not dare to say. but from all of us. [applause]
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>> [inaudible] [laughter] think you very much. as the knowledge jackson -- esp inola jackson. it is a pleasure to be here today. i have a package for you, mr. courtney. you can make sure the rest of the commissioners have it. this is something that goes back to 1976. also in that packet -- i cannot talk about it now, but i have my budget in there. you can take it off line and give me my budget. i want to thank you. i have been talking with the staff.
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i would like you to know that everything is going to be working out with the southeast sewage plant. as you know, i have been one of your persons that has been heavily involved making sure that the sewage plants do not leave san francisco, because i am getting calls from people saying, "we don't want it." we have to have it. it was put there in 1952. i moved into the area in 1948. there will be a lot of discussions. i am glad i will be working with staff. we are coming to a solution. the fact that we are bonded, bayview hunters point and this commission, at the hip -- you cannot slack me off. you're going to have to work with me, and i am going to work with you, to make sure all of us are happy -- not only the commissioners, but the bayview hunters point community. thank you very much. president moran: we look forward
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to working with you for another 79 years. [laughter] >> good afternoon. david pilpel. if there is not an answer today, maybe staff can get back to me. the new advanced water meter installation in the city has been continuing to progress. i have seen more pullbox covers replaced. my understanding is that the old covers do not allow the are of -- the rf frequencies to transmit. the new covers are made of some sort of composite. have resource them, such that they are using as much recycled material as possible, and when they become not usable, that they too will be recycled? and what are we doing with the previous covers? are those being ground up for reused concrete?
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just a question of staff can get back to me. president moran: we will get back. >> thank you very much. >> good afternoon, president, commissioners. my name is bruce keene. i am president of the russian hill improvement association, and want to thank you for your time this afternoon, and bring to your attention the worsening problem and future promise of francisco reservoir. it dates back to the 1850's and is the focal point of our neighborhood, but has not been used in decades, has fallen into disrepair, and has become a collecting place for trash in the middle of our community.
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located on the hyde street cable line, the ongoing deterioration has long been a concern of residents, and has gained the attention of thousands of tourists who pass by every year. physical structure aside, the reservoir property provides views of the bay, out patras, and the golden gate bridge, -- alcatraz, and the golden gate bridge, and are used by high school physical education class is looking for open space. as a favorite place to watch the blue angels and the fourth of july fireworks, the reservoir will surely be popular during the america's cup races. but in its present condition, the reservoir not only reflects poorly on our neighborhood and the city in general, but also presents a public liability. the russian hill improvement
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association has worked to remove this structure since the property was first designated surplus in 1958. we do not believe the removal can be put off any longer. we have had many community meetings and are currently working with other neighborhood associations on cost-effective removal of the structure, and improvements that would benefit residents and tourists. to this end, and as trustees of this open space, we look for your support in adoption of the resolution we have drafted and submitted. thank you for your consideration. president moran: thank you. as i am sure you are aware, we cannot consider your resolution today. it needs to be put on the agenda. it is timely, in that we will be discussing today, and at future meetings of land use -- this commission will be considering those issues. your input to us is timely in that regard.
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>> would be happy to be involved. thank you. president moran: do we have a public comment? seeing none, commissioners, we have a rich stack of communications for this meeting. and i think there is some of it that i think we will want to revisit at future meetings. the water supply levels of service are one. i think we have a full agenda today. i think if we have issues we want to discuss further, we should probably flag those for future consideration. any thoughts, comments, or questions about the communications? any public comment on any of the items of communication? seeing none, we will move on to other commission business.
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>> could we talk about the advance calendar? i wanted to verify the real estate issue. >> we have not finished the report. we have a number of real-estate issues on this meeting. commissioner caen: ok. president moran: anything else? other commission business, we have a resolution honoring ron myers. i would like to make the comment that the endeavor we are currently involved in with the water system improvement program is among the most important things that this commission or the city has done in a long time. we have had some very aggressive budget requirements as well as performance timelines, as part
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of that. the key to that is making sure there is peace with in the family, that there is a common vision between the organization and the people we work with as to how we need to do our business. i think the pla we have in place is instrumental in keeping that peace and defining the nature of a healthy relationship. i am delighted we have this in front of us today. as a matter of privilege, i think commissioner courtney would like to say a few words. commissioner courtney: let me start by thanking the members of the laborers' union, probably the most progressive trades union in san francisco. i see business leaders. i see community leaders. i see michael therriot. i see ramon hernandes.
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i see a lot of folks who worked to make is probably the biggest, most effective utilities district in the country. i am excited to be here today, but i have to confess that this idea did not come from either my desk or my office. it did not come from our organization. this idea came from the public utilities commission management team. they recognize, as do we, that there is a tone in this administration that reflects not just labor solidarity, which to here as often talk about, but city solidarity, engaging in a way that is in the best interest of the city as a whole. we are not afraid of that as a labor organization. we know that what is good for the city of san francisco and what is good for the community is good for the men and women we represent. i think it is an honor not just
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-- it is an honor for me to be here, representing our union, representing wonderful community leaders. i see a brother in the room. people who live in the community and our members of our organization, but also other labor organizations. because public utility stretches far and wide. we go all the way up. there are a lot of other local labor organizations that are impacted by this work. i want to commend not just my colleagues, but also the general manager, the assistant general managers, and all the general managers for working seamlessly with our organization, and taking time out of their day to recognize that people like ron myers are people we should promote. if we do not promote those folks, nobody will recognize those efforts. those are the people that fail every single time to promote
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themselves, because they are promoting the interest of the community and workers we represent. i would like to take a personal privilege. i would like them -- and am honored to introduce my brother, roscoe david, and to ask our vice-president and regional manager to step up to the front and say a few things about ron. [applause] >> mr. chairman, commissioners -- a privilege and honor to be here today with you, as you recognize a true hero and champion within the laborers' union. i would like to say as an organization, we thank you for the opportunity to participate in the pla on this project, and for the opportunity it allowed us in the building trades to show how we can put our differences to the curb and show we deliver a project for
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the taxpayers and city of san francisco that is on time, on budget, efficient, done right, and will deliver quality water to the city for decades, if not longer to come. ron has been -- we have been friends for pretty close to 20 years. for the last 10, he has been part of my staff. i do not look at my staff as my staff. i look at my staff as arm-in- arm, locked in battle, victories together, defeat together. the work we do, we do together. what makes ron myers unique is that he has never forgotten where he came from. he was a tunnel labor. he is a laborer's labor. you see all the orange shirts in this room today. what ron
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