tv [untitled] February 16, 2012 7:18pm-7:48pm PST
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adequate lighting. i assume that is in the conditions. if not, we can write it. >> there are currently no proposed conditions before you, but we can certainly add that if the commission chooses to approve it. the action should be that we are taking dr to approve this condition. >> president miguel already read this, but let me repeat, adequate and appropriate lighting, contribution to safety and security of the block. that is generic, but i think this means cameras and mr. reed being proactive. çthe aesthetic appeal by adding greenery and maintaining painted facades carmine -- painted
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facades, there is one tree in the front. can we add another one? >> as long as the public works department approves it, i am sure that candy -- that can be arranged. >> i am citing some things. i will need them to add conditions, but maybe we can make that a condition in its public works and does not feel it is appropriate, then we okcannot do it. >> i believe the lighting in the first two conditions, the lighting and increased safety are part of the security plan that has been submitted. the commission wishes staff to work from them, we can do that. >> are you suggesting no on-site
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smoking and? that has already been taken care of. employç local residents, work closely with neighbors to address concerns, and i think that follows up on commissioner wu or commissioner borden suggesting of liaison being named with a phone number they can get ahold of, what ever output they feel would be appropriate that can be discussed with the supervisor, and the neighborhood organization, including the dr requester is organizations. those are amendments. >> a second on the motion.
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the amendment? >> you have heard me before. i am step because the law does not allow what i would like to see -- i am stock, because the law does not allow what i would like to see, and thatok is havig prescription drugs dispensed by pharmacists. there is nothing i can do about that. i feel strongly about that matter, but i am constrained by the codes we work with. if you try andw3 draw circles o( 1,000 feet and take out neighborhood commercial districts with good transportation, youç find yourself very constrained, and i understand that also.
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çi understand, but there have been comments about saturation and clustering, but that is forced upon us by about 1000- foot radius and the restrictions within its, so there is nothing we can do about it. we have to work on the code, and there is nothing in this application that would allow me to oppose it. comissioner antonini:ç i have a question for officer mccarthy. you hear the nature of the motion that is being proposlt/ as but seemed to capture what you were talking about in your recommendation -- does that seem to capture what you were talking about in your recommendations? >> i was not asking for a live feed to the video surveillance.
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i was just requestingç that a video surveillance system would be looked at by our department experts to insure it was adequate, but it would provitu evidence, if there was a crime, maybe within the dispensary itself, so i was not requesting a live feed of people coming and going, but hours of operation. >> i know how valuable that is with robberies that have occurred. they were able to bring up the tapes, and they could get a çlicense plate. are there any mcds/+ in daly cy that you are aware of it? >> no, sir. >> in san mateo county? >> i could not speakç for that. >> thank you. my concernçym is the state las
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similar inç all counties,q would not want to have an extraordinary amount of dispensaries in sentences7s go, and that is what we should see how thingsç are being -- in san and sister, and we should see how things are handled differe jurisdictions. -- in san francisco, and we should see how things are handled differently in different jurisdictions. if there is a need, it shouldçe shared equally. ç>> there are jurisdictions cao not allow it, so it can be done on all local level. i]comissionerç moore: the only thing i would like to add is that staff should really help, that the appearanceçt(ç of the public isç friendly, that it hs to look atç more than a bail bd corner of pawn shopçó -- nailed
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bond ora pawnshop. supervisor avalos talks about some of them, but the staff should encourage that the external appearance relay fits within the commercial neighborhood districtmy. %qcomissioner sugaya: is our understanding that we have incorporated what he said into the motion? what is the proper term and? ç>> it would be looked at and approved by our department experts, which are the video forensic units of bohol of justice. >> it is only that they would work with green cross to make sure the system meets certain
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standards. >> to insure it was adequate, to çprovide evidentiary services f there was a robbery or a burglary, not anything to monitor who is coming and going. it wo]lw only be in for a crime was committed. >> are we ok with that? >> i misunderstood what he said. we have noç problem with that. çif you want aç condition, ths also a. >> thank you. ñrwe mentioned security, but if this could be incorporated. comissioner moore:ç that concen should be raised to a level of general standard and not just be applied to this one. ç sr concerns, like our latest -- when it came to issues of other
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çconcerns, like our latest condition of cell phones. i think you will agree it should be a general condition to apply to everybody. >> in the past we have put a condition on medical marijuana dispensaries to cooperateç and have their security checked by the local station. we have done thatkoç in the pa. >> but it becomes a general condition a. >>ç commissioners, the motion n the floorç as iççó understands said you are approving this project and addingç conditions that were outlined, basically condition one and two, but you çare adding contributions to te esthetic details by adding greenery and maintaining habra
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fet freeç facades -- graffiti- free vote saugus -- facades and that the security system be reviewed by the police department. with those conditions, commissioner antoniniçç was there also a condition for requiring a community liaison? >> i am sorry. ççand a community liaison. >>si think you will recall maybe seven months ago we actually filed a dr on the massage parlor that is half a block away, and you name our association as a liaison. i want to make something really clear. green cross did not come to any of our associationçósmeetings, o they did not reach out to us.
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i think it would be appropriate if we could communicate directly. it works really well if he comes to the meetings. he has beenç great, so i would suggest if and we could do that, i think we could live with that. çó>> mostly you have your partner's chosenç rather than dictate it. i would encourageçñr that you h out to them,ç but i do not want q=u automatically the guardian of that relationship. if it falls out, you can, but i am not going to require that. like>> i would add a they have
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bilingual or try will involve -- or trilingual capacity. >> i agree. i would be supportive of working with the neighborhood group if possible because there is such a historyç there, but i do not think we can make that a condition. >> if we can go back to the motion. i]i am assuming we are adding tt you are requiring as a condition a community liaison and you are not naming anyone and that is possible, -- is b.possibleççó liaison -- ifçe liaison includes bilingual. [calling vote sines]
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thank you, commissioners. that motion passed unanimously. commissioners, you are on item 12a and b. 12a is 45258 mission street and for 12 bq% is for us and 5234 mission streetç, and if we can ask you to leave the room quietly, because we are still in session. >> good evening, members of the commission, planning department staff. before you is the request for a discussion review of a building permit toç establish a medical cannabis dispensary, of doing business on mission street and
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another request to build an application to establish a medical cannabis dispensary, doing business atç 5258 mission street. the projects are two or three blocks away from each other and are located within a neighborhood commercial district fed runs along mission street between -- the drugs along mission street betweenw3 niagara and vernon avenue along mission street between niagara and vernon ave. goomission street would occupy a vacant ground-floor commercial unit containing approximately 5200 sq. ft. net with the proposed hours of operations monday through sunday. it would also occupy a vacant
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ground-floor unit with proposed hours of operations between 9:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. monday through sunday. both would sell canada's food stuff, and it would not allow on-site smoking or growing of cannabis on site,5aç and both would -- would sell cannabis foodstuff, and it would not allow on-site smoking or growing of cannabis on site. it would meet consideration evaluating medical dispensaries. it does not placeç restrictions on the distances, and the department has received a total of eight letters of opposition
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and one letter of supporti] to both progress sincew3 -- both projects. goodi]ç309 signatures in suppf nation organics of 5258 mission street, and today's staff has received an updated security plan, which i own copiesht of, submitted by the project sponsor. i additional files whereok agait both projects by the resident association, oppose ovid game within 1,000 feet of child care facilities and adults centers and nursing homes, and they are concerned it would bring criminalç activity to the 5000
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through 5300 block of mission street. inxd response to the concerns tt itç would bringç criminal acty to the area, both project sponsors have indicated it would have security and installed security cameras to ensure safety. concerning the number of child and adult day care centers, it excludes day care centers and other primary or secondary educational institutions triggered if they are prohibited from being located within 1000 -- educational institutions. they are prohibited from being located within 1,000 feet. the department does acknowledge this is an unusual situationç w3having to within close proximity. however, the department recommends the commission
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approves both projects as proposed, because both project meets the criteria, and in addition, both projects comply with the standards and requirements of planning code and objectives of the general plan. both sides are well served by public transportation, and both will be renovated to provide a safe environment. vat w3storefronts within the çneighborhood corridor and woud provide local employment activities. this includes -- this concludes the presentation, and i am available for questions. >> because you are neutral would you like to speak at this time?
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>> thank you, commissioner. and the police department would respectfully request that working with the applicant we can ensure an adequate security plan as well as video surveillance. we have heard the community is upset with regards to having two on the same block. it is important the police department work with the community because they help us out in so many areas. we want toç acknowledge their concern, and i have no factual evidence to provide a request for denial for the applicants on either location. >> we have the same position of checking with you on security, and that would fulfil anything? 3z>> dr requester? çó>> for the record, i am goingo
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go ahead and state that the saturation on this lot is of serious consequencepáh#ar as i am concerned, and i will not tell you that i will not file appeals, because i think it is important but wexd have to set some standards. commissioner borden said it. commissioner miguel houshas tole we have to goñr to the board of supervisors. i feel backed up on this, but i would like to read one of the gentleman who was here is a merchant on mission street, and he had to leave. it is a tax preparation season,
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and he owns a business. this is not my opinion. it is what he wrote. iona attacks keeping officer -- are known -- i own a tax position on mission street. my business would be affected having this, and i strongly believe that this impactç -- ts will impact the neighborhood based on newspaper articles of research i have done, from increased theft and wagering too high -- and loitering to a high potential of abuse. my own business is badly affected because of individuals smoking marijuana and often drinking beer in front of my office. the smoke filters in.
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my clients complain they are put out by it. i even find myself reading poorly. qi with -- leaving poorly -- breathing poorly. i would like to point out one thing. the owners are from l.a.. they do not know san francisco. i have a grave concern about that. ççthe other ownerç actually e owner's daughter was going to open it. something happened, and a few weeks of for the proposed november hearing, she called and said she was going to run it. my concern is what experience do you have, and she said none. she did say she would hire
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someone who knew about that kind of business,w3 so those are my concerns for that particular block, and i will leave my comments there. xd>> speakers in favor of the dr requester, opposed to the project? ç>> hello from the merchants ad residents association. i first want to address the question about whether there were any dispensaries in daly city. there are not. there are only delivery services. çyou haveu! two dispensaries. you are going to have increased traffic. a block down is the number one transit center in the city. there are a number of kids going from an bayview over to the other side of town, so youç hae
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a large collection of students and children. i understand your hands are tied, but understand the community. i understand it is great and everything is hunky dory, but we do not know what is going to be coming in. they say they are not going to grow marijuana, but they were stealing electricity from pg&e. they had a fire. once you give the ok, the community is left to police the situation, and i do notç think that is fair to the community, who is trying to bring in new businesses. i do not think this is the
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economic development we were thinking of. if there were twook starbucksçd wanted to open, you know that down this would not happen in pacific heights. they would not allow it. >> thank you. are there additional speakers herrmann -- an additional speakers? >> i sit on the board. i have lived there all my life, and i want to staay 3000 signatures means something. it is the voice of the people, the community, and if we oppose something, it is kind of amazing that 3000 signatures of not relate to anything, so i am hoping with these -- does not really do anything, so i am hoping with the signatures it is
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not approved. >> thank you. >> thank you for the opportunity to speak. this strikes closer to home. and we do have a lot of facilities. we have seen your housing, and one thing i wanted to bring out new region we have seen your housing, and one thing i wanted to bring up is in regards to the outbreak on the project in general, and commissioner womwu brought this upq language. i noticedç thatç the informatn that they are applying to open up at thatç location, it is in english, but there is only a
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tiny blurb that clearly states under the planningok code. it concerns property at mission street. a hearing may occur. a development approval may become final unless appealed by 2001. for most people who mightç receive this alert in spanish, and they are thinking, i do not know what it isç aboutç. the same thing about in chinese. i know we have an ordinance where we need to notify people properly in multiple languages, and i have concerns about how many neighbors, though they have other responsibilities, whatever it might be, they would be out here if they knew more
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information about this. it is 2900 in opposition. i am sure the numbers would be more slanted in opposition is people were properly notified. thank you. >> additional speakers in favor of the dr against the project? if not, the project sponsors, any one of you first? >> good evening, commissioners. i am here this evening to speak on behalf of mission organic center, a collective set operates at mission street. mission organics goal is to provide high-quality, lab tests and medical care and a bus to
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qualified patients live inç -- medical care and of does -- cannibusç to qualified patient. we will address their specific ailments. we will give discounts to veterans and terminally ill patients. the founding members previously managed the sunset center and are well trained in operating illegally compliant, saves medical care of this -- medical cannabis a dispensary. we will eliminate a vacant ground-floor space in a commercial corridor. the location would be fully renovated so patients can access medicine. we will provide employment for
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