tv [untitled] February 20, 2012 2:18pm-2:48pm PST
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when you've got a mental illness or substance abuse, it can be very lonely, and you can feel very isolated. you can kind of feel like it only is happening to me. and then they come out, and they realize how many other people are taking this journey, too. it's just very uplifting to people. it makes me not feel alone, you know. there are other people that are around, that have the same issues, and it's not only me that i have to worry about. it's others that also need the support. it is really exciting to see how your great work here in rhode island is being amplified through washington around the country. "recovery benefits everyone" is the national theme this year, and when we see an event like this, when we see people in recovery, family, friends, and allies, everybody getting together, a lot of love, just a lot of celebration. it's very meaningful. it tells the community that people can and do recover and addictions are beatable.
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we have a torch-lit parade which goes down to waterplace park, and there are 300 luminaries, candles, in which people have-have filled out different cards. we have the candlelight procession, the torchbearers, and we're going to march right into the middle of waterfire. that brings it out into the public forefront. when you see the darkness descend, and you see 300 candles, and you see the torches, and then for the first time this year, we will be part of the official lighting of waterfire. rhode island is just, you know, the smallest state with the biggest event. what can i say? we are here today to advocate for recovery alcoholics and addicts, to educate people not only about the disease of addiction but about the process of recovery. we are here to eliminate stigma and, most of all,
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we are here to celebrate you. we are here to celebrate recovery. (applause) texas recovers is puttin' on this event called the big texas rally for recovery. big texas rally for recovery. wow. this is huge, because texas, of course now, is a part of promoting recovery at a statewide level. we've got people from across the state showing up to present a positive face and voice of recovery. we want you to know that recovery is possible. say it loud, say it proud, "i am in recovery!" (crowd: i am in recovery!) it's so important that this event takes place, especially in texas. for so long, people in recovery have been hidden in church basements, and they've kept their anonymity, and everybody needs to know that people do recover and live successful, productive, wonderful lives.
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and this is one way we can make the public aware that recovery is real, and recovery is rewarding, and recovery restores health and families. the reality of recovery is a whole, healthy community. so everybody benefits. we've got to thank everybody. it's a party out here. and that's the name of the theme for recovery month this year, is that everyone benefits. that's the theme for this year. the recovery month effort run out of washington, dc, is a way for different recovery movements from across the country to come together and to provide a common voice and-and a voice that will be heard. you guys are the faces and the voices of recovery, and the state needs to see that and to know that giving us half a chance, we can turn out to be some pretty wonderful people. texas recovers is proud to present thomas "hollywood" henderson, a man in long-term recovery. how you doin', thomas? (applause)
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the suffering need to know that-that there is an us, and the us need to reach out to the suffering. and so bringing events like this around the country lets people know that people recover. people recover. substances took me down some roads that i shouldn't have gone down. i spent 7 months in treatment, aftercare, morning care, every care, give me some care, where is the care? i'm probably the proudest recovering alcoholic in the world. i haven't had a drink or a drug for 27 years, 10 months, and a few days. (applause) you get to build a new life- because a lot of times people who talk about recovery talk about they want things back. "i wanna to get this back, and i wanna to get that back." i think to get so many new things-
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the stories of recovery are the stories of individuals improving their own health and well-being, living self-directed lives, and achieving their full potential. these stories are seen at recovery month events, but, more importantly, they're seen day-in and day-out in people leading a life in long-term recovery. the recovery movement is a wonderful example of
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the greatness of america, where diverse people come together and walk a pathway to healing. lives are saved and forever changed. among the estimated 20 million people in long-term recovery, we see health and prosperity, people working, raising families, paying taxes, voting, and volunteering in their communities. people in recovery have reclaimed their lives and are now giving back. while we can all take pride in the successes of the 2011 recovery month events, we must now turn our attention to making 2012 another great year. i hope this show inspires you to organize a recovery month event next september. you can begin now by going to the web site for information on how to get started. as you can see from the events in 2011, recovery month events come in all shapes and sizes.
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whatever type of event you choose to do, you will be bringing a sense of hope that people can live healthy, happy, and productive lives. thank you for everything you do to support recovery. let's keep up this exciting work in the coming year, and i sincerely hope that your event will be highlighted in our 2012 showcase of events. (music) for a copy of this program or other programs in the road to recovery series, call samhsa at 1-800-662-help, or order online at, and click multimedia.
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[applause] >> not a sunny day, a joyous day. good morning, everybody. we are under some time constraints because they are l -- mayor lee and members of the board have some additional responsibilities and i want to give them the opportunity to say a few words. there are a number of community leaders alike to a knowledge as well. i want to express gratitude for the court of appeals ruling today that strikes a devastating blow to the legal defense of proposition 8. the well reasoned decision reveals marriage discrimination for what it is. discrimination. it powerfully affirms the constitution goes a promise of
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equal protection under the law. this fight began eight years ago, almost to the day when they are gavin newsom will lead decided to issue licenses to same-sex couples. [applause] shortly after, san francisco would distinguish itself as the first government in american history to strike down marriage laws that discriminate against same-sex partners. fortunately, we would not be alone. in addition to the brave plan, we successfully recruited to does another series - -cities -- cities and counties statewide. we are still fighting in california today, six states
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issue marriage licenses to same- sex couples. we owe a debt of gratitude to all that began in this building eight years ago. together, we started an argument for a quality. and we put a human face on marriage discrimination. i speak for everyone in my office when i say how honored we are to continue to work alongside the american foundation for equal rights. the outstanding legal team and the couple's the represent. -also very proud of the deputies in my office that worked so hard on this appeal. the deputy city attorney's. i also want to thank all the city officials whose support has been instrumental from the
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beginning. i know the terms city family is sometimes criticized, but i can't think of a better, more fitting expression of what it means to have the strong support of mayor lee and the board of supervisors with a cause that matters so deeply to california and the nation. we will take your questions shortly, but the mayor and members of the board have some additional obligations. i want to give them the opportunity to say a few words haland express their thoughts. [applause] >> thank you, dennis. i have often said this is the year of the dragon, and that means you have to confront your challenges. what a way to confront this challenge that has been with us for some many years.
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this is the greatest opportunity i have seen, it is one that i truly am celebrating with the city family, but i most want to thank the people that have battled this for some years. on behalf of all families in the state of california, and this is a family issue, one that we felt we were on the right side of history for some many years. without hesitation, i want to thank our city attorney and they're wonderful staff for continuing this battle all the way to the federal court. eight years ago, i watched as all of you, various levels of city hall, we knew that we were on the right side of history that many years ago.
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we knew that there would be some fights ahead of us. we did the writing and as your city minister at that time, going through and getting the marriage is ready. we are doing the same thing, we are getting ready. because your constitutional rights should not have to wait. they really should not have to wait for everybody else to catch up. i know that we still have a court proceedings that will be studying, but we need to take this opportunity to thank everyone that is often part of this great movement. i had a chance of a couple weeks ago to join mayors across the country on the freedom to marry movement, and you are hearing that more and more mayors and the states are accepting, recognizing the constitutional
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rights. for this court of appeals to have made such a significant ruling on this california proposition, it is very historic and very significant. most importantly, in addition, people worked very hard in the communities worked very hard. the hundreds of families that have been waited for so long -- waiting for so long. this is how the society comes together, moments where we can celebrate and recognize there is no difference among all of us. this is a family, in large part, for humanity. congratulations. [applause] >> of what like to point out, the u.s. conference of mayors, these that they have taken to
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brought in the constituency. i want to have the mayor for his leadership in that effort. and mayor jerry sanders from san diego. he was a witness in this case, and we owe him a tremendous debt of gratitude. >> if i hadn't mentioned it, gavin newsom was brave 8 years ago. that was something that i have been very fortunate to take up, it is a cause that we will continue. [applause] >> we are very lucky to have a tremendous support of supervisors that have been supportive. and i would like to invite supervisor scott winer an --
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wiener and newly appointed supervisor chrstine olague. [applause] >> i know i am speaking on behalf of the board to talk about how incredibly excited we all are today. i can say that personally, my past life as a deputy city attorney, i saw firsthand, the steady leadership of my former boss and our great city attorney, dennis herrerra. every so often, we get a court ruling that reaffirms our faith in the judicial system and in our constitution. back with a supreme court struck down the abomination amendment out of colorado that would have made gay people and lgbt people
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second-class citizens. today, to have federal appeals court to recognize the basic humanity of lgbt people everywhere, it is a time for celebration and a time for all of us come together as a community. we have to get back to work because the fight is not done and we have to pass through to the very end where we have marriage equality for every single person in this country. [applause] >> i wanted to mention a supervisor david campos. he can't be here because he is ill. he wanted to send his greetings and he will be thrilled about
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this decision. it reminds me how wonderful it is to live in san francisco. i love san francisco, it is a great city. this is a civil rights victory but it is also a human rights victory. we have a right, just like everyone else, to be married, divorced, to walk down the middle of oklahoma openly queer in the middle of the day and not be harassed and persecuted for who we are. i believe this is a wonderful day for all of us that are not just lgbtq activists, but human rights activists. we want to be treated in a humane way, it is just that simple. i want to thank all of the activists that fought so hard to make sure that this day happen,
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maybe we will catch up with spain and other parts of europe. it is such a catholic country and it has been legal there for many years. we will get there. i am confident of that. >> i want to thank the supervisors. we have everybody here. and before we open it up for questions, i know that there are representatives here from senator leno's office, members of the equaly california. thank you for being here. there is another elected official i like to give the opportunity to come up sf few words, how that as our treasurer-- and say a few words,
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and that is our treasurer. >> as a member of the gay community and as an elected official, more importantly, the incredible work like nclr, and equality california, they have championed the cause. i have seen some many representatives that have kept this issue alive and to make sure that people never forget allen gordon it is that everybody in our state and in our country have equal rights. >> i know we have representatives here. we'll open it up for questions. right now there is a stay in place from the ninth circuit court of appeals. we will have to wait in see what happens.
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the other side has the opportunity to seek a hearing or to try and competition for the u.s. supreme court. for now, the state stays in place and we will take it one step at a time and to monitor as the legal proceedings developed. i will be in close contact with the mayor if that should change. he has assured me that the city mechanisms and machinery stand ready to do whatever it can to expedite marriages in the event that it was to be something that we could do. right now, we are taking it one step at a time. [inaudible] >> i have instructed the county clerk to immediately communicate with all of the county clerk's across the state to make sure we are using the same forms. we want the dignity to be
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reflected in every jurisdiction of this state when the decision is handed down. and that has also been the wonderful part of it. we treated everyone with a the same dignity, that is what people wanted. >> [inaudible] >> the earliest that they could issue them in his 21 days. and we will monitor closely the next three weeks to see how things work. >> the proponents could petition and ask the ninth circuit to extend the stay. i would not be surprised if they
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did. they will have to do that before the mandate issues. >> [inaudible] >> i think you are correct, it is very unlikely that it will be denied. right now we have to see if they will petition for review in the next 14 days. the earliest that if there was not a petition for review, the very earliest something could happen would be going before the supreme court if they were to accept its in the late fall or early winter of this year, but that is a very aggressive timeline. >> [inaudible]
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>> i did. >> [inaudible] >> that's correct. that's correct. that's correct. >> [inaudible] >> yeah. i mean, this is -- if you go back and look at a briefing in this case, that is the exact argument that the city made and terry argued in the ninth circuit. in the chronicle this morning, there could of been a variety of ways that this case went. the ninth circuit chose a narrow approach that applies only to california. and based upon the panoply of
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rights that are already given to lgbt people in califormiania, there was no rational basis to have prop 8 be declared constitutional. they said it was so focused on taking the dignity away from same-sex couples that there was no rational basis whatsoever. it could not be reconciled with the panoply of rice that are already provided to lgbt people in california. they aplpiplied it only to california. we are very gratified by how thoughtful and well-reasoned to the ninth circuit's opinion was
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