tv [untitled] February 27, 2012 12:00am-12:30am PST
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>> i was thinking last week we were talking ask that was so much thinking going on about the interview and how i was going to do it. >> i feel like, me, as an african-american woman and older woman with children i feel i have to set an example. a lot of people don't know how to deal with anger and conflicts. the kids here look up to me. if i do something and don't set an example then they are going to follow. since i've been a positive roll model, coming to school everyday. some of those kids pick up on that and i see the improvement in them. >> one thing that i knew but the class helped reinstate is that you have to check yourself.
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we are all grown adults. >> i try to be motivated in everything i do in my life. if you don't encourage yourself to do something or do things for yourself you can't expect somebody else will do it for you. some people didn't make it to class because they have a bad attitude and decided it wasn't worth it. >> when you do something you have to understand why you are doing it and you can't say and come in and say, i will make good money. construction's not like that you have to want to do it because it's not aedz work. you have to want to get up and go to work and do physical labor for 8 hourses. >> i lived next to biotechnology companies and was a recruiter. i was getting tired and felt sluggish. >> i knew from the first day we
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were outside being outside having fun, climboth ladder and hammer and the physical labor i knew it was something i would enjoy. to say i put 15 years into this and not retire a multimillionaire but retire healthy and feel good about the work i have done. >> the greatest accomplishment is you drive by a building or bridge and say, i helped build that bridge or helped build the building on market street. the most greatest reward for me is i taught that student to work on the bay bridge. taught the student operating the crane that student was in my
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class. >> our goal is to have a core group of people, we are hoping it's over 50 percent of your grads complete and become journey people andup standing good roll models and citizens. the largest public works our city has season in many years going on now the private project that 1 rincon hill. huge project. we had 5 or 6 people work on that project thus far. the rebuilding of the academy of science in golden gate park. the rebuilding of our public hospital laguna honda this is on going work with the same contract ors that move successful apprentices from one project to another and keep them working for several years. the construction workers of the
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future to be the superintendents the construction owners. that's the perfect thing there. that's success. çççç>> want to welcome you . of course, we have former mayor willie brown joining us. we have former supervisor sophie maxwell here as well. we have charlotte, a protocol officer. we have all the members of our board of supervisors, our current board. we have naomi's . harlon, kelly, the kids are here. naomi's mom is here bang today. thank you for being here as well. mrs. lee is here. [laughter]
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>> yeah. >> of all, today has been a very active day of the just wonderful announcements, of decisions being made that really reflected the values of the city. i have another one that reflects the value of this city, someone that i have spent privileged to work with for so many years, one began her career as a special assistant, worked her way up as the purchaser, director of purchasing. before that, one of the most difficult task, kind of reminds me of my dpw day is, she had a difficult task of being the director of the taxicab administration. [laughter] so she has earned some strides there. going on to director of purchasing and becoming deputy city administrator. most recently, and acting city
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administrator. and now my nominee for city administrator for the next five years, naomi lelly. -- kellyl. [cheers and applause] ayman >> to first and foremost to thank her family who have been part of her life. throughout this time, she even raised a family and keep harlon and kelly out of trouble. [laughter] but also, i want to especially thank the whole board of supervisors for just now voting unanimously to confirm her appointment. [ears and applause --years and applause]
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they have seen in her the leadership, integrity, putting forth that verse communities of san francisco first, all the time, making good decisions, working in our communities to lift up everybody and to find those rays of hope. she has never been about herself. she has been about everybody else. whether it has been her family or helping several layers of, including me, adopt the right engine thct or keeping is very focused on what we need to do to make sure the city is administered well, she has been in there and she has done that. she is extremely qualified for this job. and she is one that i have interested for some time now to help me get out those jobs for people who are struggling, to find those business opportunities, people who did not have those opportunities, to
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focus on a community that had raised their voice to ask for help from this city for so many decades. she has been there. she has been there is part of the city family, but she has also been there as our own advocate, advocating for people to be a part of the city in some anyways. and it has been difficult. it is the one we recognized during the month of february, black history month. it is appropriate at this time. and it is also appropriate that we recognize her appointment as part of a history of new appointments. because it is not lost on us that during the month that we celebrate black history, not only the history, but we celebrate soç much of opportuny that we haveçç in it the cityo join in with everybody else,çç
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african-american city administrator in the city. çççç[mççççcheersç çç] ÷-c8attorney for joining us as . çu!;ççit is the whole city ft recognizes the ra(ortance of this. ççso,çççç withoutç furthe mu$ey know naomiç get to work right away. çzççwe all [laug&ter] the businessçç done it for everybody. fos0theççç moment,yçççi]ç the requirement of being sworn inç before this is fulfilled,t it is one that i fully enjoy t(ççdoingçç in the presencer willie brown and people who have helped naomi in her first
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career, her family and friends. it is my privilege to swear in ms. naomi kelly. raise your right hand and repeat after me. i --is a solemn lease where -- that i support and defend -- the constitution of the united states and the constitution that against allçw3ççfáçççç ea domestic -- u!çthat iççç wir trueçççççç faith and alleo the constitution of theççççd çççstates and the constitutif çççsthte ofç california -- t çççsthisçw3 obalifornia -- t or purpose of evasion -- and
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that i will well and faithfully discharge --q which i am about to enter -- s i hold the office of -- ççóçççcity admi for theççç;ççóçç city andn ççç[cheers and applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, history in our city is being made again, welcome the new city administrator, naomi kelly. [applause] >> thank you. w3ççñrççthank you, mr. mayof supervisors, members of the community, colleagues, and friends. i am very pleased to deliver my first remarks as your new city
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administrator. [applause] t(çççççthis has beenççxd. earlier today,ç i am sure you heard t, downxdç proposition 8,çç and affirming judgeççç walker's decisiní. [applause] in their ruling, the court started out that proposition 8 served no purpose and had no effect other than to lessen the statusç of gays and lesbians in çcalifornia. this really does not have come atç a battered time as we celebrate black history month çand the civil rights movement- i]and this cannot have come at a better time. as we celebrate meeting the first african-american city administrator in san francisco. [applause] as many of you know, i hold maya angelou's words to heart. members of the means rich
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tapestry, and all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value. special thanks to my husband. >> whoa. [laughter] [applause] he has >> been my biggest tavon, along with my mother, my sons, my family. antiwhite to mayer brown, whose job potential in me when i was right -- and thank you to mayer brown, who saw potential in me right out of college. i would like to thank allçççu have assembdee hereççç raisee from the beginning of my career to this juncture. you supported me. you shared with me, you laugh with me, you stood by me. and because of you, and i am committedç long ago today whats right and defied the goodçq forç the city of san francisco. çtogether weç have plenty ofxk ahead of us, and i humbly ask for yourççç help and support. forxd now, i am honored, and i wouldçñr like to askççoku!cea
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[applause] >> good evening. welcome to the third annual palo awards. thank you for allowing me to participate in this event. i hope you understand how out of place i am here. i mean that sincerely. it is an occupational hazard i have encountered the past few years, taking on this role in "the big bang theory." this is not the first invitation to events for which i am ill suited. i once introduced nobel prize- winning physicist george smoot, because i play a character who is a physicist and a genius. i am neither. science class was the only class
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i ever failed. while i am not an absolute dunce, i learn the signs phrases i speak on the show. i memorize them the same way you learn english phonetically. it is a good trick. i often speak at comiccon, because i play a character obsessed with, and books. i don't know anything more about comics ben -- than "cathy" or "calvin and hobbes." i finally had to admit i had never seen an episode of "star trek." i am so sorry. i never know if my thumb is supposed to be in and -- in or out when i do the hand signal. i do not know what it means. i apologize to all of you. tonight, i have the privilege of speaking at the tech awards.
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regarding technology, my knowledge is limited to a few facts. i know the character i play on tv uses a pc. i use a mac at home. the only difference to me is i think the mac is prettier. i just joined facebook in the past year. i have for the friends. [laughter] -- 40 friends. i joined twitter around the same time. i have no followers. i changed pseudonyms a dozen times. i sent messages to politicians and athletes to congratulate them on living after loss. despite all of this, i am here with you, the most tech-savvy people of all. i am grateful. i will not understand most of what you talk about, but i will listen carefully, and may be able to parrot back a phrase or two. i have very good memory. the pact follows award honors 20 individuals for their
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outstanding achievement in one of four critical areas of entrepreneurship -- general management, disruptive innovation, product marketing, and engineering. for each category, 5 tech fellow awards will be permitted. to be fair, ask everyone to hold their applause until all the winners have been named. i always find it difficult, so i apologize. tonight, we recognize the men and women who have revolutionized the way we communicate. the rest of us will populate what they invent with videos and dancing babies. they will be only the third class admitted to the fellowship. the winners will invest over $2 million. this event honors the creative
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individuals to this great -- displayed courage in pushing the envelope and believing the genius of their own ideas. the world needs more of you. without further ado. san francisco is, of course, famous for many things. there are cars, the golden gate bridge, alcatraz, the forty- niners. it is known as an incubator for innovation. more than 500 technology firms call this city home. a major reason for this is the welcome and support the city gives those who are willing to take big risks and think different. tonight, it is my honor to introduce a man who is a great friend to the technology -- technology committee, and the leader of this great city. please welcome the 43rd mayor of this great city, mr. ed lee. [applause] mayor lee: good evening.
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thank you for that introduction. welcome to the third tech awards in san francisco, the city of innovation. i want to welcome you here. i understand there are 20 awards, $100,000 each. i think there will be 21 awards. i slept in one nomination that you might recognize. i want to thank the hosts here, techcrunch. a little over a year ago, they invited me to their media center and announced me as the first non-politician office holder. i want to thank the founders and the founders fund, our partner, and new enterprise associates. thank you for being the host of this great event. i am also very excited to hear
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all the nominees. so many of them are part of san francisco bay companies. i am proud to see their names pop up. they are all great companies. every week, i do not know if you know this, but part of my schedule every week is i get to visit a new technology company and find out what is behind the name i do not understand. i was trying to understand that. look out. of course, i had a chance to google square and all these other companies. each time i have gone there, they had wonderful questions for me. the employees as well as the ceo's. i am glad to understand what they are doing here, how they are building themselves up, but the recruitment is like, and what we can do as a city to support your growing and staying here in san francisco.
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i am busy myself. these are forged with interactions with you, the dialogue i have with you on a weekly basis. it should not surprise you that we began over a year ago getting rid of the payroll taxes in market. for those of you who do not want to be taxed, that is a good sign. it is a good sign when the mayor can agree with that. we are going to go beyond mid- market and change the peril tax and eliminate it, so we can find a way to support this growing industry. in addition, we got rid of something the city wanted, stock options taxes. with those two things, which allow you to -- [applause] we open up the door so you can converse with us. we are taking a few more steps further. as you know, i am one mayor in a country of mayors. but guess what? the cities are where things are
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happening? -- are worse things are happening. in my first u.s. conference of mayors, held in d.c. a few weeks ago, i had a chance to do a couple of things, with your advice and support. we announced the city of san francisco, the first city to oppose pipa and sopa. [applause] thank you. we started a dialogue with other cities who had blindly signed on to those things, not knowing what they were about. now we have a conversation going that we cannot use the excuse that just because we are trying to end piracy that we curtail innovation. coming from san francisco, it means a lot to the city. i took advantage of our staff. i went to the president of the u.s. conference of mayors and said, "since we are innovating in san francisco, why not allow us an audience with the rest of the mayors across the country? could we create a task force?"
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they said absolutely. i get to head the task force for the u.s. congress of mayors. when you innovate, and i talk to you about what you are doing, and get to present those on an annual basis to the rest of the mayors. if you are going to win tonight, that is the list i am going to start working from. i will then give you a national audience, so that if, by chance, your innovation would not only have the attraction of san francisco, but might have the attraction of several other mayors, the great merits of all the other cities -- that is the first, and i will be excited to introduce that on a daily basis, when we start the first task force with the u.s. conference of mayors. we are already working on this year. i want to tonight announce an exciting program i have, that my
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staff and i are going to be presenting. tonight is the first announcement of our innovation portfolio for 2012. it takes three parts to it, and the first part is we are going to continue inviting you to help us change the way we do government. in gauge san francisco. that is first. that is where we announced that. something we have done, during the budget time, when we asked our citizens to give us the best ideas -- we are going to do that year round. we are going to make that improve san francisco year round and engage you on a daily basis. you are tech companies and cities of san francisco. give us your best ideas. that improves san francisco year round. that is objective number 1. objective two, we are going to change the business process in the city. we are going to use your technological expertise to help
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us figure out how, when you start a business now, you go to five or six different agencies and challengers up with different bureaucracies and strategies and fees. how about putting that all online, centering that, so you can go to one place and get all your form's online, pay all your fees, and understand the city in a more collaborative way? that is is in the business challenge it in the city. number three, working with code for america, we are going to hack our way into solutions, whether it is taxis, muni, or other things we are challenged with. this saturday, i get to participate in our cities first -- city's first hackathon to fix our taxis in the city. we are getting ready for america's cup. [applause]
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we have to be able to at least get taxis to where people need them, so they can get around the whole city. the dispatch has been plagued with munich cannot do this and taxis cannot do that. why not use our spirit of innovation, our peerless ability to disrupt our cells, and get ourselves into a culture where we invite technology and hack away at the solution? i think days after that saturday, we will have solutions to get taxis to were ever people need them at whatever time they need them. that is how we figure out problems in san francisco. these three announcements are part of my 2012 objective in the innovation portfolio. i am excited to announce those tonight. i am excited for the 20 nominees tonight that will be winners. a great start, great support for you.
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