tv [untitled] March 19, 2012 7:00am-7:30am PDT
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have not made it here, they have already registered. there certainly here in spirit. yesterday, you heard me talk about our unique opportunity to unite the city and move it forward past old political labels and focus on all of our shared priorities for the city. that is what has been on my mind as i consider this very important appointment to the board of supervisors. as no, i have worked hard to set a new tone of civility, and i said yesterday that ever decision that i make will be in the best interest of all the people of san francisco. that has been my standard and i expect that of any one that i appointed the board of supervisors to also have. that is why i am extremely excited and proud to announce today might appointment of christina olague as district 5 is supervisor.
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[jurors and applause] -- [cheers and applause] i have talked to her quite a bit, and i know that she shares my vision of job creation and economic development in putting san francisco back to work. and i know that is also shared by all of the members of our board of supervisors as well. i know she cares about our neighborhoods and smart economic development, and certainly public safety for our neighborhoods. we also share the same values. in our past, a week -- for both came from backgrounds, fighting for the rights of tenants and
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immigrants. cristina will work every day for the people of district 5, building on a momentum that so many of our community partners that worked hard to achieve. christina olague brings an extraordinary understanding of city government and land use from her time on the planning commission. i am well aware that this may require her to recuse herself from some of the boats immediately before the board of supervisors. i have considered this. but the strengths of what she brings to the office, in my opinion, vastly overwhelms concerned about individual votes and individual projects. this is not about counting votes. this is about what is best for san francisco and her district. [applause] congratulations, christina, i look forward to working with you. i know you will do a great job,
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and this is a great day for san francisco. so if you will step forward. ok, ah, how are you? see, we're working on the last second here. [laughter] please raise your right hand. [laughter] please repeat after me. i, christina olague -- do solemnly swear -- that i will support and defend -- the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california -- against all enemies, foreign and domestic -- that i will bear
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true faith and allegiance -- to the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california -- that i take this obligation freely -- without any mental reservation -- or purpose of evasion -- and that i will well and faithfully -- discharge the duties -- upon which i am is about to enter -- during such time as i hold the office of -- member of the board of supervisors -- and transportation authority -- for the city and county of san francisco -- congratulations. >> thank you. [cheers and applause]
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>> please welcome the newest member of our board of supervisors, supervisor for district 5, christina olague. [cheers and applause] >> wow. thank you all for coming out here. most of you i have known for a long time. and, you know, i feel really overwhelmed right now. i am a little nervous. i did prepare a speech, because i was afraid if i did not write things down that i would stumble over my words, but i do want to thank everyone here that i have
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known and worked with, tenants, activist, and other people that are here. and i also want to thank, of course, mayor lee, for giving me the opportunity to serve and to work with you on the board of supervisors. [applause] i really feel proud to be here standing with you at this moment. so thank you. so, i guess i will go ahead and start my very, you know, i do not know, contrived speech. i hope it is not too contrived. but it is the best i can do. and linda avery herbert, i wanted to point you out. you're sitting in front of me. rita, i feel like i want to name tom comic role, and everyone, mark. anyway, my sister, my friend joyce from way back. mr. shaw, randy. i will go ahead and start. you know, it was just yesterday
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that i was standing under the rotunda listening to mayor lee's inaugural speech, and i think this is an incredible time for our city. a time where the city is coming together and moving past the old political pigeonhole. i want to say first and up front that we are the city where everyone is included. we are the city for everyone. our priorities are clear. we need to focus on jobs and smart economic development for all of our neighborhoods and rolled up our sleeves, get to work, and get things done. to the people of district 5, mayor lee and i share the same standard, that every decision i make will be what i believe are in the best interests of my constituents and the people of san francisco. i think you all know that i am is following in the footsteps of great supervisors who have represented district 5, starting with harvey milk, harry brit,
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matt gonzales, and ross mirkarimi. matt, i know that you're here today, and i want to thank you for your counsel and for being present and for being supportive of me today. [applause] nauert it is time -- now it is time to step up. it is might turn out to represent. it is an enormous challenge and responsibility, and i realize that. but one that i embrace, and i will work my hardest to, you know, to really meet with everyone, to understand what the concerns are. you know, it will be a lot of work, and we will hit the ground running, probably in about five minutes. [laughter] anyway, i did want to acknowledge my background. appointments usually do not
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happen to people like me. i grew up working class, poor. i grew up in the farm labor camp in a town called firebomb, you know, the central valley. with a stainless steel spoon in my mouth, i guess, and a tortilla, in my case. my parents cannot avoid -- afford to send this to fancy schools, so the script of what they could and sentenced to a catholic school. do not be shocked for those of you know me, but i spent eight years learning etiquette and all those things, praying every day and taking it catechism, all that. they sacrificed a lot for me and my sister, and we promised to stay true to ourselves and our passions. i am going to take my parents' advice to heart in my work at the board. in moving the city forward. i agree with an approach that focuses less on a site issues and more on bringing people together to address the problems that we face. because there are simply too
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many conflicts and issues, including the creation of good paying jobs, which i think should be one of the top priorities, and i am sure it is a concern to many of the constituents in district 5. strategies to deal with changes in redevelopment and its impact to our city. improvements to public safety in district 5, and the exploration for obtaining more affordable middle, lower, income housing. these are the basic kinds of issues i want to tackle. with all of your help, i believe we can make the kinds of lasting impacts that will improve the daily life for all of us here in san francisco. finally, i want to conclude with a pledge to the residence in d- 5. i know you did not elect me, but i promise you i will work hard to earn your respect and trust. i am prepared to go that extra mile on your behalf to improve the neighborhood for everyone. the rich and the poor alike. again, i want to thank all of you, all of my friends here and
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new friends and people that i obviously, you know, will spend time with learning more and more about the issues that, you know, you are concerned about. i just want to thank you for coming out and sharing this very special moment with me. so thank you. [applause] >> everybody, congratulate christina olague. thank you very much. we're going right to work. thank you.
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çççç>> want to welcome you . of course, we have former mayor willie brown joining us. we have former supervisor sophie maxwell here as well. we have charlotte, a protocol officer. we have all the members of our board of supervisors, our current board. we have naomi's . harlon, kelly, the kids are here. naomi's mom is here bang today. thank you for being here as well. mrs. lee is here. [laughter] >> yeah. >> of all, today has been a very
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active day of the just wonderful announcements, of decisions being made that really reflected the values of the city. i have another one that reflects the value of this city, someone that i have spent privileged to work with for so many years, one began her career as a special assistant, worked her way up as the purchaser, director of purchasing. before that, one of the most difficult task, kind of reminds me of my dpw day is, she had a difficult task of being the director of the taxicab administration. [laughter] so she has earned some strides there. going on to director of purchasing and becoming deputy city administrator. most recently, and acting city administrator. and now my nominee for city administrator for the next five years, naomi lelly. -- kellyl.
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[cheers and applause] ayman >> to first and foremost to thank her family who have been part of her life. throughout this time, she even raised a family and keep harlon and kelly out of trouble. [laughter] but also, i want to especially thank the whole board of supervisors for just now voting unanimously to confirm her appointment. [ears and applause --years and applause] they have seen in her the leadership, integrity, putting forth that verse communities of
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san francisco first, all the time, making good decisions, working in our communities to lift up everybody and to find those rays of hope. she has never been about herself. she has been about everybody else. whether it has been her family or helping several layers of, including me, adopt the right engine thct or keeping is very focused on what we need to do to make sure the city is administered well, she has been in there and she has done that. she is extremely qualified for this job. and she is one that i have interested for some time now to help me get out those jobs for people who are struggling, to find those business opportunities, people who did not have those opportunities, to focus on a community that had raised their voice to ask for help from this city for so many
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decades. she has been there. she has been there is part of the city family, but she has also been there as our own advocate, advocating for people to be a part of the city in some anyways. and it has been difficult. it is the one we recognized during the month of february, black history month. it is appropriate at this time. and it is also appropriate that we recognize her appointment as part of a history of new appointments. because it is not lost on us that during the month that we celebrate black history, not only the history, but we celebrate soç much of opportuny that we haveçç in it the cityo join in with everybody else,çç african-american city administrator in the city. çççç[mççççcheersç çç]
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÷-c8attorney for joining us as . çu!;ççit is the whole city ft recognizes the ra(ortance of this. ççso,çççç withoutç furthe mu$ey know naomiç get to work right away. çzççwe all [laug&ter] the businessçç done it for everybody. fos0theççç moment,yçççi]ç the requirement of being sworn inç before this is fulfilled,t it is one that i fully enjoy t(ççdoingçç in the presencer willie brown and people who have helped naomi in her first career, her family and friends. it is my privilege to swear in
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ms. naomi kelly. raise your right hand and repeat after me. i --is a solemn lease where -- that i support and defend -- the constitution of the united states and the constitution that against allçw3ççfáçççç ea domestic -- u!çthat iççç wir trueçççççç faith and alleo the constitution of theççççd çççstates and the constitutif çççsthte ofç california -- t çççsthisçw3 obalifornia -- t or purpose of evasion -- and that i will well and faithfully discharge --q which i am about to enter --
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s i hold the office of -- ççóçççcity admi for theççç;ççóçç city andn ççç[cheers and applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, history in our city is being made again, welcome the new city administrator, naomi kelly. [applause] >> thank you. w3ççñrççthank you, mr. mayof supervisors, members of the community, colleagues, and friends. i am very pleased to deliver my first remarks as your new city administrator. [applause] t(ç
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