tv [untitled] March 21, 2012 10:00am-10:30am PDT
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why you have to accept this nomination -- [laughter] is basically to reinforce what we say at this microphone. i understand you want to be president, and i accept that, but at the same time i think it be a huge missed opportunity not to serve as vice chair because you have served so well. i have no doubt in my mind that you will be president of this commission and the short time going forward. i would ask you please to reconsider if the issue of all that was said here today. i do not think i have ever seen this commission so together on these issues. as president of this commission, i am asking you to reconsider. he reasons i joined the
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commission and want to serve is something that a lot of speakers i thought would bring up, but have not yet, which is the code enforcement function of dbi. yes, it is true building permits pave the way, but an overwhelming majority of housing units in the san francisco are in buildings that were built at the beginning of the century, and we live in an unstable ground in a very moist environment that is prone to dry rock, and they are dictating every day. we have a lot of folks who live in the building, it is the department's responsibility to enforce the accord in the rent controlled environment where there is a lot of complications to making sure people have an affordable and standard place to
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live it. i think mr. mar brings a lot of expertise in to knowing the life of tenants, and also from the perspective of landlords, what it is like to be a landlord in the city. i have spoken to him enough to know and trust his instincts and politics, and i really think we need that perspective in the leadership of the commission. not that i do not think mr. mccurdy brings but also. i have had experience through the years and know him to be very reasonable and intelligent man, but i think that perspective of folks in the community really needs to be respected. i would ask you reconsider and take the nomination for vice president. >> commissioner walker. commissioner walker:
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congratulations. i think working with commissioner mark has really reinforced what you were talking about that the responsibility of this department and the goal of the department is to help our building community and our citizens with building code issues and to issue permits and make sure buildings are safe, and also that it is done correctly, the code enforcement aspect. we have heard over and over again that the lack of focus on code enforcement creates conditions that are unacceptable for living in in the city. working with warren and his ability to connect to the folks using our system, as well as the provide the service, and to really bring us back together is
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one of the reasons why i thought it would be a perfect opportunity to take the experience and continuity that commissioner mar has and the success of working with the staff, public, a development community. i hope also you reconsider. i hope we can take this opportunity to really come together and work as a commission and finished the huge projects we have to help the system be more effective and efficient. i think that's the challenge for me in supporting someone who is a new commissioner on our commission was primarily because of the lack of continuity on the very specifics about working with our department as a commission. one of the reasons why i strongly supported warren,
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hopefully if you reconsider you could be a partner with our president and enter into an usher in an new day of us really coming together to work on these important issues. i really hope you reconsider. i think we need to take our president at his word that there will be opportunity to once again share of the leadership through the commission appointed to bring the city family back together. i hope you reconsider. take a more great comments. -- >> more great commons. commissioner mar: talk about arm-twisting on live tv. this is what it is like to join a commission. first of all, i want to thank my
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fellow commissioners for the comments. i will accept the nomination. i want to say besides being supportive of tenants and code enforcement and all of that, the ironic thing is i am occupying the land board seat on this commission, and i am a small landlord in this town, a very small one. i belong to the association, which is apartment owners. i know what it is like to try to pull a permit and have been successful, but at the same time i hope i am a good way of board, and that is what we want to promote, just like a lot of the builders want to promote good builders and contractors. and when they do it, they do it right. i just want to put my values out
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there in accepting this nomination. i want to feel like there is a ability for this department to serve tenants and landlords and builders of the same time, as well as while everybody tries to do the right thing. >> madam secretary, please call the question period to go public comment on the nomination of commissioner mar as vice president. >> good morning. thank you very much for your reconsideration. i was going to be another arm twister had you not accepted. congratulations.
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in the arena of the public realm, the category of collaboration is very important, but more importantly putting the needs of the department of the four fronts of how to achieve in provide the best level of service, i know the collaboration between all of the commissioners will be a terrific pressure that will continue to move it forward in the right direction. i know the collaboration will happen, and i have faced in that not only the leadership, but those that can rally around the leadership and also help push it carried a heavy load that is needed to make the city an economic recovery. having seen the category of projects that are lined up,
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along with the economic vitality that not only the technology sector brings, but also the small business developers in the residential developers that that will bring it to play in the next generation of building here in san francisco. for that, i heartily wish the commission good health, good work, and keep the good work going. thank you very much. the g>> bob melky. we need representation of the small property owners. the jury that. ank you very much. >> a motion to nominate commissioner warren mar as vice
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president. roll-call vote. president mccarthy. >> yes. [calling roll] >> the motion carried unanimously. >> obviously we will keep the comments short, because i am not used to people talking nicely to me, and i will find it the most uncomfortable part of the job here. thank you for your support in placing this on our on me. i will pledge to do as all have talked about. we have a very real opportunity to help dig at the city out of this very difficult time we of been in. i think the commission has a vital role to play in that.
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i look forward to being a part of that. i do come from a very strong background, and i believe practice and what you create. i am committed to be involved in every aspect of this department. i have tremendous respect for the rank and file. i have experienced what they have to do to make their work go around, and i believe as the commission and myself, i believe we will give the commission the support they need to make things happen in the field. the small business community, which is the community i come from, the developer community has been difficult. i have talked to many people of experience many of san downs in this town, particularly when it comes to how the economy is doing, and they have never seen anything as tough as this. i want to make sure this department never has to deal with that again a.
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that would be one of my main goals to secure our future there. it looks like we're on the rebound here. the smaller developers will beat of a huge factor in rebuilding this town. i want to make it user-friendly. obviously we will have a lot of agendas that need to be processed that started many years ago. we have a catching up to do. i hope to be able to serve with full capacity and do what i was sworn to do, and that is to make one of this the greatest cities in the world. think you -- thing here. ank you. commissioner mar: i feel the most important thing to do is continue on the path we started, which is to get the permit
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tracking system up and running and alive so we can run together the various departments. so that it would be much easier whether it is homeowners or contractors pulling up permits so they know where it is at, and if there is a problem, they know where the problem is so they can deal with it. i think that kind oof thing should be our big goal to streamline it and make it easier for everyone. >> any further commissioner comments? the next item is item five, a general public comment. we will take public comment on matters that is part -- within the commissioners jurisdiction that are not part of this agenda. >> good morning.
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many of the steep coy name is s. >the reason why i am here, and also commissioner walker, i was here back in january with the some of my board members regarding code violations. the deputy city attorney is here, but she is not in that role anymore, so we are moving at a snail's pace because of the issues that are frustratingly in my neighborhood. when i was here mr. sweeney asked me to send out a letter regarding the issues are brought up. there were a couple of issues that have been going on for over a couple of years. one of the addresses that i did
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not put in the letter, and this has been going on for almost 25 years is a guy that lives there but his mother owns a house. she passed away. she was so frustrated the house was not being finished but she moved to hurt childrer childre'e and passed away. she used to be a member of our association and asked me several times to write supporting letters in his building permits and i refuse to do so because the neighbors were so frustrated. this is not going as smoothly. one of my board members that was here it did you worry her father just passed away. immediately the new numbers put
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in a huge picture and paved over the whole front yard. i am really frustrated. i am more frustrated with over the weekend i received to emails from members who are threatening to block the house up for sale and moved out. that is uncalled for. one of our past newsletter editors and his wife were so frustrated with all of the illegal building and violations that they moved out of the city. i am for you that we need help. if you want all of the addresses of the issues we're working on, i would be happy to provide them to you. >> any additional public
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comment? >> i live in bayview. i am the president of bayview residents improving their and our rent. we have members who took off work to come speak to you about a particular concern which is 4801 third street. i should mention this picture has changed. dbi has had this building many times. it has been an eyesore for many years. it is right in the city center. and the plaza is a bit of a misnomer itself. it as a city street, which is a whole nother problem. right around the plaza, the city has spent $38 million to improve the area. opera house, which is the jewel
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of the bayview and right next to it. $38 million around the vicinity to improve the bayview, but you do not notice the beautiful infrastructure, because all it goes to is the structure, right in the center of the plaza. it has been there for over 20 years. the department has taken back fines put on the family. i believe like $6,000 worth that were put on the family. congratulations, mr. mccarthy. it is a good day to be here to ask you to put this at the top of your agenda. and i know what you were mentioning earlier, code enforcement, this comes from the building. there will be lots of building done on bayview as soon as this building is addressed. thank you for your attention to it.
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take a good morning. -- >> good morning. i am a new affordable house owner. i live third street on the bayview, just across from the structure that my friend just talked about. because of this eyesore, it is a cover for criminal activity. the police cannot see behind it. people go and feel free to commit crimes there. i asked you today that you deal with this building. there have been at numerous complaints. numerous going out, but nothing has been solved. at what point will you really deal with this blighted buildings? think you for your time and attention today.
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-- thank you. >> good morning, commissioners. let my name is robert davis from the bay view also. i have a spreadsheet that is 35 pages long. i would like to discuss three things today. the first one is the bishop white building and the city's inability to collect the nine times multiplier for buildings like that in the bayview in the rest of the city. according to the spreadsheet there are over 209 buildings that have been cited for not being registered as a vacant building. if you applied that time 765 times the nine times multiplier, that is $1.4 million. if you take the city newspaper
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number, which there are over 600 abandoned buildings that are not registered, you can multiply that times 765. that is over $4 million in uncollected fees. the second thing i would like to speak about is the notice of violation process and how broken that process is. i came in november. at that time over 10 inspectors had gone out since 2004 there were 30 letters, post. tenet letters were addressed. since november 16, the day that i came here and spoke about it, three more inspectors have been out. the paper work shows all of the violations on the property, as i
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put a star next to everything that has happened since the 16th of november. another list of open violations and cases open. all sorts of things going on. the end result at that address is the third of march the building caught fire. over 30 people were displaced a resulas a result of that fire. i think the city can do better than that. we have seen these properties and the debut -- bayview. the third thing i would like to mention -- >> wrap up your comments. >> the third day i would like to mention is there are three departments covering the white in san francisco, and there
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seems to be no fault line. you have the dbi, dpw, and the department of public health. these issues are clarified. there is a blight ordinance. the problem is, where do the department's top and handomeone? if you get down to the corner of third and fourth, there is a perfect example of applied it business. there is a container were people are living. there are parked cars, abandoned cars. but where does it pick up? from the deep ph. where does the deed ph pick up? from the department of public works. -- where does the dph pick up? >> my name is quincy vladim
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er. >>it hasthis building has fecitd lighted for a number of years. structural soundness is for jerkily concerning. and offices have also stated the building is used as a shield for criminal activity and would like to see reduced. it is used not only as a public urinal, but at least four people to defecate on a regular basis. the department of public works spent a great deal of time and money cleaning that building. it does not make sense the building is allowed to remain under unsafe conditions for so
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violation and give the building, but the department seems to be very unwilling to use the tools at their proposal to bring the property to code and a reasonable amount of time. an example of this would be $6,000 in fines for apparently no reason. it does not seem to make sense. i want to ask the commission to look into this matter and take aggressive action against the owners. thank you. >> think you for your comments. -- thank you. >> any additional public comment? item #6, appeals pursuant to section d3750.4 of t city
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charter. appeal by joseph butler. 6a, discussion and possible action regarding the building inspection commission jurisdiction pursuant to section d 3.750-four of the city charter over this appeal. b, presentation by parties including witnesses. c, the liberation possible decision by the building inspection commission to approve, disapprove or modify the decision or determination being appealed. >> can you tell me what you mean by the procedure?
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explain the timing, i think it is seven minutes. seven minutes for each side, and public comment. each side gets three minutes for rebuttal. commissioner mar: the first thing is to decide whether we of jurisdiction over this issue, correct? take a correct. explain to us what is actually being appealed. -- >> correct. >> the appellate is alleging the appellate bill to render a decision within 15 days of the request to do so. options are upholding it or -- you can find it that the director did not air or abused her discretion and not rendering of decision, or may find --
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>> thank you. >> ok, thank you for that. any comment? i think we will go straight into this hearing if there is no more commissioner comments? ? commissioner mar: i would like to hear from somebody on what is it? to me, it sounds like this is not a determination or lack of determination. it sounds like to me it is just a letter to the director asking the director to answer. maybe there was not a response. >> we've been working with the deputy city attorney. the appeal was expected, so the commission does have jurisdiction over this. you have to hear the department side and then hear the
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appellate. >> i think that is correct. >> my understanding is we do have jurisdiction. >> good morning, commissioners. i was asked to do a staff report. i would like to read some parts of that, because there is a lot of information. the building of 550 jersey street is a single-family dwelling. the date of original construction is 1900 for according to city records. the building -- underwent are remodeled in 2011, which was approved under permit application, and then renewed permit application 201102250973. the building has
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