tv [untitled] March 22, 2012 10:30am-11:00am PDT
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the progression of taller buildings with than the financial district to the southwest. increase height is also consistent with the recommendation of the northeast embarcadero study published by the planning department in june of 2010. the second issue is that of open space and public pedestrian circulation. the new open space area will be situated between the residential area from the south and health club building in the self. this area would serve as a new visual and visulinkage. the existing drums free walkway, which a line north and south the train tracks in st. and the embarcadero would be really an escaped and widened. and you open space, also known as pacific park would be subject to the north lily site. it would measure approximately 11,500 square feet it is
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proposed to include grass seating areas, and children's play areas, as well as seating for an adjacent cafe. these bases would strengthen and expand an existing network of richly-landscape pedestrian connections. the project also includes 255 parking spaces within the garages that would be accessible to the general public in order to restore the health club and other resources on the site and to provide parking and other waterfront uses in the vicinity. several other parking facilities have been recently removed or proposed for future removal. therefore the amount of non- residential is appropriate for the project. however, in terms of residential parking, a project proposes 134 parking spaces to serve it well unit, and they are requesting a modification to the limitations
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maximum of 54 residential spaces provided within the district. given the pedestrian-friendly site, that is recommending the residential parking be reduced to correspond to the ratios permitted in the downtown district. therefore, staff recommends the residential parking be limited to no more than 127 spaces. in summary, is that is supportive of the proposed project. -- staff is supportive of the proposed project. the project would restore an active and 5 grant street walk and create new pedestrian connections throughout the site linking the waterfront to the neighborhoodsstaff recommends tg commission approved actions previously described the site modification to reduce the quantity of parking for the
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project. staff would like to know other changes that would be adopted by the planning commission. i can make hard copies available on request to members of the public. the first is an additional plan unit development modification being requested. in lieu of providing an additional full-size loading space, the sponsor would provide two spaces for smaller service vehicles with an underground garage. this type of substitution is allowed by the district and other more intense districts in the city. the other changes are additional languages that would clarify and emphasize the open spaces within the project will be resumed for publicly open space and pedestrian circulation and that jackson, and specifically will be delegated as right of way for
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these purposes. to conclude my presentation, i will begin my discussion of shadow issues regarding the park, and we sup will complete this discussion. planning code section 295 requires the planning commission in consultation with the recreation and park review any application. unless it is determined the shadow would not be significant or adverse. in 1989, the planning commission and park commission adopted criteria of the implementation and included the adoption of cumulative shadow limits for certain parts in and around the downtown core. sue bierman park did not exist when these were adopted. following the demolition of the embarcadero freeway, portions of their freeway ride away were acquired and we convicted --
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reconfigured. therefore, no formal shuttle criteria have been adopted for the park as it exists today. whereas the park measured approximately 1.3 acres in 1989, it currently measures 1.4 acres. existing buildings in the vicinity cast shadows the remove approximately 40.3% of the available annual sunlight that would be available on the part if no buildings were present in the area. this concludes my portion of the presentation. discussed the impact of the new shadow that results from the project. >> good morning, commissioners. lisa buyer. the existing shadow on the park is approximately 40.3% of the annual sunlight for the park. the proposed project would cost
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435 sq 5 hours of net new shadow. and an increase of about 0.00166 %. the total shadow would increase from 40.33597% to 40.36664% of the proposed project. in 1989 a memo identified qualitative factors in order to assess the significance of such a shadow impacts subject to the sunlight ordinance, which includes time of day, a time of year, the size of the shadow, duration of the shadow, location of the shadow, and public good served by the shuttle caster. considering these qualitative factors in terms of the condition, net new shadow would occur from early june to mid july for 50 minutes.
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the proposed project would not cast new net shatt al on suberin park at any other time of the year. -- at sue bierman park at any other time of the year. winds it would move also from the park at approximately 7:00. the affected area of the park would be the northwest corner of the western bloc 23 at the corner of washington and davis streets. there are no benches or other seating in the affected area of the park. the largest evening shadow cast by the proposed appellant occurs june 28 at 6:15, shattering 267 square feet at the northeastern corner over sidewalk and a little bit of
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grass. the affected area would be along the northern edge of the eastern bloc, at the corner of washington street and embarcadero. there are no benches or seating in this area. the proposed project will provide public benefits in the form of new public open space. amounting to approximately 25,000 square feet of new open public space. jackson commons would be developed between the residential buildings and the help and aquatics center along the jackson st. alignment. -- the health and aquatics center along the jackson st. alignment. landscape and meandering pedestrian path will lead to a more hard skipped area with cafe seating at the embarcadero.
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pacific park totaling 11,500 square feet would be developed at the northern end of the project site and contain approximately 4500 square feet, children's and -- square garden and a cafe building would be constructed adjacent to the park, which would include a rooftop deck. the existing guard and what would also be widened, adding an additional 2890 square feet of public open space and connecting the park to bomb -- and jackson commons. the shadow is very small. approximately 0.0067% of the theoretical ana billable sunlight. this would occur for 15 minutes in the morning and evening for june and july. the amount of shattuck would not be significant, and the new shadow cast would not adversely affect use of the park. the commissions are being asked
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to jointly establish a new cumulative shadow limit for the part. the shuttle will not have an impact on the part. the planning commission is being asked to find the shuttle is not adverse and allocate the shudder to the project. staff recommends establishing a new limit of 0.0067% of the theoretical annual available sunlight equal to 4425 square foot hours of net new shadow. this is bounded by washington street on the north, embarcadero on the east, clay street and justin herman plaza an. adoption of findings and the california environmental quality act by the recreation and park commission. staff recommends finding their
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shadow cast will not be adverse as required by planning code section 295 and staff recommends the planning commission authorized the allocation of this cumulation of shuttle position to the proposed project. this includes the -- concludes this that recommendation. >> thank you. we can now have a presentation by the project sponsor. >> my name is jonathan stern, director of waterfront development projects. the project in front of you is a public/private partnership and encompasses the property known as 8 washington and the sea wall on 851.
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i will speak about the public portion. why we have entered a public/private partnership. i first wanted to acknowledge come to think you for this hearing. i also wanted to acknowledge those in the room. ibyrone, the planning director of the port. they have asked me to represent the interest in presenting this project today. again, this project is a public/private partnership, and we believe it it supports the mission. it is to bring this to the waterfront for enjoyment and foster commercial interest that help maritime interest and helps with the preservation of the
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historic district. i wanted to remind people that the very building area has transformed quite dramatically -- the ferry building area has transformed quite dramatically in the past few years. he used to be downtown in the city by the embarcadero freeway. it used to have this very building itself in this repair. we believe this revitalizes the waterfront. we have already done a number of those projects that would involve changing the waterfront and the changing of the embarcadero freeway and roadway. some of those projects were done
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as a public/private partnership. some of those words oere the fe building itself. the building of harry bridges plaza. these are pretty significant changes that have happened in that area. these have all been pursuant to the waterfront land use plan that the port completed an extensive public process with many stakeholders, including many neighborhood groups and various people in the city. i just wanted to take a moment -- this is the building as it used to be. i just want to take a moment and acknowledge there were a number of wonderful things that happened as part of the process of building. we have had great public partners -- private partners.
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i want to acknowledge the work they have done and making it an office building that was in some decay come into being a private center -- vibrant center. there is a number of businesses that are thriving and topping the waterfront to thrive because of the private investment and private stewardship. we're proud to be part of that on the public's eye. there are a number of interest to make these viable. there are number of commercial things that need to happen. i also wanted to acknowledge peers one-and-a-half, 3, and five. this was the condemned building on the waterfront was significant private investment and has really transformed this whole stretch. we have other partners at pier 7. we have restaurants at pier 9. and we have pier 14.
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there are a number of projects. this project shown here represents the last piece of development, the change from transformation of the waterfront. this is really unique id the fact that it represents a seam in the waterfront. if you go of block to the south, you are at the embarcadero center. you have a 220 ft high residential project. we acknowledge this is a very sensitive area. it is a waterfront property. it is downtown and residential neighborhood that blends into the north. we have tried to take a very careful approach. one of the things i talked about in terms of the commercial interest is parking. it is the host of a number of wonderful waterfront businesses. add to the vibrancy of the waterfront.
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there is also a number of users that really true they are dependant and people getting year by other means. specifically merchants, such as golden gate meat company, golden gate winery -- these are people that sell heavy food objects, and people that come down here will not always be taking the very available public transit. they need to get here by car. it is an area that is highly constrained in terms of parking. we are in competition for commuter parking, especially when the economy is very good. we have done some work to study how much parking is currently available. occupancy levels are very high. we are also in an environment where there are a number of parking resources that have
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gone online or in the process of going off line that will be lost. specifically, no longer parking at ferry plaza. as part of the downtown terminal expansion, which emergency transit of 30 is currently exploring, 73 parking spaces will be lost around agricultural building. the parking at 75 howard has a proposal to change that from 550 parking garage to a mixed-use development that significantly less public parking. we view this as an opportunity to have permanent, reliable parking to service interest. i think that is a really important point in the public interest want to identify and this hearing. right now we work very closely to try to accommodate that loss, because people really did a lot -- rely on that.
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people need to know where to go. it causes more congestion and traffic if there is not reliable parking. having 255 parking spaces out of sight will be a significant asset to the waterfront. it should also be noted that having them all the land side is very appropriate policy goal. we believe given how important the waterfront area is, the west side of the embarcadero, that we're very much in favor of getting as much parking half that area as possible so people can enjoy that area. i want to move on from parking and talk about the connections to the waterfront. this is an area that is relatively constrained right now. in a there are connections on washington and the embarcadero that allow for public enjoyment, but the site are not conducive
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for connections, both visual and walking. the proposed project makes those connections. talking about a permanent open spot -- public space in the jackson st. commons and expanding the parkway and connections to the new pacific park on pacific avenue. we think these are a dramatic change from the visual, and the acceptability of this portion of the waterfront. --- accessibilitsability to thi portion of the waterfront. the sea wall lots for study, and one of the things that was brought out in a local process, and also working with the state land commission is that the lots
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are there really to support the ongoing waterfront uses of the west side of the embarcadero. there should be a nice financial connection between those. we believe this project is a good use of publicly and to achieve those financial goals, as well as the land use cold i just talked about. just to review some of the benefits to the port we're talking about a $3 million land payment. and ongoing revenue stream of hot% on each condominium sale that potentially take the private property and private use and has continued public benefits and 120,000 per year read for the commercial use in the park. additionally, there is significant revenue generated from the city and a $9 million
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affordable housing feet. there is $2.5 million of tax increment generated, and $1.1 million in other annual taxes are projected to be generated by the project. the 2.5 million is something that has been subject of port discussion about our financial plan and capital plan. we have been using a mechanism were proceeding to try to use a mechanism in the financial district. this would create the ability to capture that and hopefully bond for the port and city benefit to the magnitude of 25-$30 million. this is an ongoing policy discussion. we do not currently have that authority. we will start that discussion with the board of supervisors if you choose to support the project. finally, there are significant financial benefits to the project. there are significant benefits
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from the parking that will help stabilize the commercial interest and help the private partners such as the ferry buildling. there is also significant connection to the waterfront and permanent open space made by the connections. with that, i am going to thank you for your time and referred to the private sponsor of this project. >> good morning, commissioners. and [inaudible] with san francisco waterfront partners. thank you for hearing our presentation here today. i would also like to thank the city planning and park and recreation staff, the port development staff, and our only partners in this project, the port of san francisco and
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california state teachers retirement system. i would also protect the like to thank our neighbors and the hundreds of people who from left across the city and the entire waterfront have participated in this process. it is almost six years since we made our first public presentation in april 2006. since then, we have held over 70 public meetings, presentations, community workshops and planning sessions. taken together, the input told us that the project should be a balance. a balance between overdue improvements to the waterfront, maintaining the private recreation opportunities that are important to the community, while opening up the area for doublet and families for the city. with an active urban park, a
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children's play area and opened the road fare thoroughfares. we want to thank everyone who has contributed. my partner and i come and our entire team, have approved and passion for delivering excellent public spaces to this waterfront. if you peruse -- approved our proposal today, we will lomake each and everyone of you proud that you voted for it. here is creeks part meant to represent our proposal. -- craig haeartman. >> good morning. i am privileged to be the architect of this project and bring this before you today. it will be transit-oriented, socially and environmentally sustainable project. it will provide long-term
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benefits to protect the waterfront. it is city-wide. and regional importance. the site itself is the embarcadero freeway area, which cut the city off from the waterfront. the 1989 earthquake made it possible to bring together the city and waterfront, despite opposition in some quarters. we are left today with fragmented properties that once offered the city from this freeway and are meant. hours includes a service parking lot, and tennis court. with the combination of port of private investment we have the opportunity to create an integrated holistic fabric. opposition to taking down the freeway reminds us how difficult change can become even the most positive change. quarter mile walk reveals parking lots and walls that
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indicate how important change is for this site. the residual of the freeway is still with us, despite the civil aspirations for the embarcadero. the opportunity to reconnect the city to the waterfront is extraordinary. to take this enormous privatized realm in create a public space. this begins with urban mobility. the district is flat, walkable and bicyclable, and also one of the most transit-rich areas in the city. despite the extraordinary promise, the walk still low wall. our plan is to open up these waterfront with fully accessible pedestrian walkways. new public open space will be
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created. this includes comments on jackson street in a new waterfront park. the entire project is made feasible economically through the creation of 134 dwellings at the southern tip of the site. this occupies less than 30% of the entire street frontage, and this will be housing that will be family-friendly, 2 and 3- bedroom units, supported one-one of bicycle parking, and 1-1 parking for cars. it will be supported by a wide variety of amenities. you have heard about it opens based restaurants and parking to support the waterfront. that is public parking, as well as commuters bicycle facilities. as mr. snowgrove pointed out, this project has been 100
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community meetings and detailed embarcadero study done by the planning department staff at the request of supervisor chu. results are fully reflected in this plan. they include a wide and pedestrian well, st. front retail, and the complete redesign of the original scheme to accommodate the recommendations of the plan. as a result, more than 70% of the area will be devoted to public and neighborhood-serving uses, and it resulted in a reduction of the square footage by over 10,000 square feet. the street level will be made very engaging for pedestrians. it will have many points of access. we are removing curb cuts to approve this brother, and that urban form that has resulted from the process will permanently locked in her urban form along the entire northeast form along the entire northeast embarcadero ed
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