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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT

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not just concerned with how they look at the sky level but how they are concerned with on the ground. need to make sure that this has an extension to those controls. continuing further on the topic of the ground level experience, specifically the streets and open spaces. in terms of the streets, it is already a busy district. and it will get busier. this will bring additional people to the district and we really need to make sure that this is a world-class pedestrian, transit, bicycle experience at this lives up to the name of the transit center district. one thing that the district suffers from is the rather uninspired and meager pedestrian
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realm. the streets have rather bleak pedestrian and entities in terms of trees, landscaping, bicycle racks, all the things that you would expect. we need to make sure that there is adequate capacity for the people that are expected to walk around in the district. the plan at a high level recommends that sidewalks should be around 21 feet wide. we want to provide some proper ground space. we worked very closely with our other agency partners, including the mta, to craft a comprehensive proposal for
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reshaping the streets. this is becoming increasingly populated. we want to make sure that this is protected. this breaks down the size of the big blocks. these are very large blocks and these help to distribute people are around the district to avoid bottlenecks. augment the bicycle that works by having additional bicycle lanes and more streets in the district and not stopping with what has been proposed. this is a dense a district and people have these on every block. looking at converting the portions to.
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to emphasize the character of the district for local circulation and neighborhood character as well as accommodate all of the increasing number of movements. this is what the street might look like in the future. there are dedicated transit lanes, crosswalks, sidewalks, and more amenities. up to 7% of the projects are
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devoted to parking and that expands and no matter how big your building is. that kid leave you with many hundreds of spaces even at that ratio. -- that kind of leaves you with many hundreds the spaces at that ratio. there are many spaces that would require additional study that was out of the scope of this plan that was recommended in the future. this supports continuous study. the projections continue to show increasing congestion in the future. and some point, some measurement like that might be needed and the plan would endorse that. there are certain other requirements related to
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transformation. in terms of open space, the transit center, as you have been presented before and are aware of, is going to be building a five and a half acre roof on the transit building which will be the signature open space of this district and not part of the downtown. so, the plan will figure out how to augment and enhance access to this, but the plan look at opportunities to increase this.
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the plan to identify the potential for a relatively large half acre plaza, an open space at the north the center of a second and howard. there is a very limited development of attended because of the grail alignment. -- the rea ail alignment. this can serve as a gateway to the transit center. as you can see, this is confined to alley frontage is. it is about 1,500 feet long. and this does have exposure
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behind the plaza and but it does not have any sort of visual access from the southern side. this could act as a gateway. there is a number of pedestrian passageways that cut through the blocks and how to distribute the pedestrians. the city park is a name for the rooftop. the spaces are being planned in the redevelopment area. this plan will help to create or fund over 11 acres of open space. that is something to remember. what we often don't talk about are the living streets. this is something that was pioneered in rincon hill.
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this is reallocating the alley way for open spaces. through this effort, we fund it and carried out a survey of the resources for the entire plan area and the recommendations of that survey which was initially approved by the landmarks board in 2008 -- excuse me, 2009. then, the h pc recently approved an updated finding to the survey a few months ago. this recommended expanding the
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montgomery conservation district and renaming it the new montgomery commission district to reflect an expansion of the district and to take in more buildings all the way to and across third street as well as expand at the district in the southwest a little bit along howard street. the boundaries that you see are updated and revised from the november, 2009 plan. the only difference is a further expansion in the southwest. the plan will propose to update the individual category ratings for many buildings. i'll get to that in a second and consider steading and pursuing the new landmark designations in the district. this plan in terms of the adoptions will not carry forward
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the landmark designation because that requires further research by the preservation staff and consultants and working with those property owners. the plan proposes to make some amendments to this program which i'll get to in just a second. the other notable change was some changes to article 11 proposal for a number of buildings and this is a map of all of the existing proposed category one through category five buildings in the plan area. of all of those that are great and out would not be changing their current designation. those are marked by one through five and those are being proposed to be changed. some of them are already on the list, some of them are not at all and are being added as a category one, two, four, or
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five. in terms of the program, which is a very important program adopted as part as the downtown plan which requires that the development seeking to exceed certain limits purchased and unused development rights, currently there is a base which is six to 1. there has been extensive analysis. looking ahead at the demand that will be there through this plan , there was not the potential to meet the potential demand. when the downtown plan was first
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adopted, it was understood to that there is twice as much supply as demand. what this plan proposes to do is to keep the requirements. to exceed this, you still have to buy these. every square foot over six to one, beyond that, you would not have to buy -- any further. beyond that, this plan originally in november, 2009 draft plan, proposed creating a credit that development projects could purchase. we have since revised this to eliminate the specific proposal to create this credit and this
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approach to expand the supply and not through other planning. after those efforts are made, they're still not enough. in terms of sustainability, this plan, without doing anything more, it is incredibly sustainable planned in terms of the environmental benefits. just by locating this here, this
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is of substantial benefit in terms of greenhouse gases, air quality, water quality. this is the most transit excess of a place in the bay area. so, certainly that is not the and all be all, we want to look at what opportunities there are to improve the performance of the buildings and the development in the district and to see what we could do at the district scale. they are required to meet some performance standards and there might be a lot of growth concentrated in this area we had a district energy system as well as to advance the recycle water program. so, we did worked with 8the puc
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on these ideas. there are opportunities that are recognized and planning supports. all of these improvements, all of the open space have price tags and the plans added up all the price tags for all of these. you can see this is upwards of $200 million. the transit center itself is about $4 billion. the district utility system can be determined by the scope and feasibility of the time. this is to cost about $140 million. the draft plan in 2009 proposed
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a three new revenue mechanisms to raise some revenue for all of these purposes. there might be some additional fees and at the time, estimated at which is based on a feasibility which we could raise upwards of two moderate billion dollars. there was a special tax, in the facilities district, and the projects in this district which would participate in and they also have the potential to raise over $260 million at the present value. thirdly, the benefit covenant which was the supplemental transfer tax which would also be levied in this district. you can see the november, 2009 draft which is estimated which could raise close to $600 million total of new revenue for those purposes.
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we have continued to analyze and look at those mechanisms but first we propose eliminating the proposal for the benefit covenant. it was a bit complex and in lieu of doing that, we felt that there was the capacity and ability to increase the rate to a higher rate that was considered. the special tax at this new rate, we feel that this would raise over $400 million in net present value. in terms of the impact fee, this was an important work that we did and we would like to work with consultants to do the legally required nexus' studies. one is the open space, the other would be street improvement and transportation feed.
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the planning code, which will be before you, and it will have the new fees. both of them are supposed to be tiered fees. the structure essentially, there would be certainty to an entire building and as a building gets more dense, there would be higher and higher fees that would add up. the others have the financial capability to do so. all of these are always within the limits of the maximum justify limits of the study found. nothing can charge more than what would be legally permitted
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to be charged. an important note, this is related to the issues, we generally feel that the new fees are by and large a financial wash. they are for environmental projects today. they are sold on the open market but they have been priced between $25-$30 a square foot. these seas are roughly within that range. from the feasibility standpoint, we do not think that these would be a substantial new burden to projects. the other major piece of work was to figure out how we are
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going to allocate these funds in the future to these different public improvement. it might be hard to read the chart. this is in the packet that you just received today. we can talk about the details further but essentially we took all of these revenues, the new impact fees, as well as other dedicated sources we have identified from other existing sources which includes tax revenue, places that we think or know that developers would build these improvements, as well as other fees that we know are dedicated to the sources and the funding program to ensure that we find all of these programs.
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all of the planning improvements, putting aside the transit center, are fully funded through this program. they are funded through a combination of impact fees. we don't feel that we need to rely on general fund revenue, all of the improvements in the district. in terms of the project, a city park on the roof. $400 million was dedicated to the program. the majority will be coming from the community facilities district. and about $76 million would come from the impact use from both the open space as well as the
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transportation impact fee. as i mentioned, the one thing that you don't see. this would be billed as part of the program for a private utility. potentially, the development community could participate in that. we don't feel that this funding program is the right fit for the funding. the last important point is that this is the program. this has been submitted to the state. believe that this improvement program through the tax increment is unenforceable,
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obligation that the state has to honor in terms of finding. those that you will see in the chart should find the improvements in some one primarily. if over the next weeks or months, the state decides that those are not able to be enforced, we will have to adjust this program. at this time, if the city feels that we have a good case of this. this new funding program is memorialized and encapsulated in a new document called the district plan program implementation document. there are others that have been approved. the document inventories and summarizes all of the planned improvements.
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there is a summary on how the improvements will be implemented. a couple of notes on implementation, all of these new revenues, the impact fees, and the special use district, these will be administered by the board of supervisors with recommendations by the implementation committee, which was established a few years ago when the city was adopting a whole bunch of new plans to oversee the utilization of these plans. this plan would be administered -- would be administered through the board of supervisors. like other impact fees, this
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commission will have the authority to approve in kind agreements for impact fees. to codify some of the implementation stuff, there are some amendments to the administrative code there is a list of plants that have been reviewed and importantly, to add bart to one of those that can participate. these are very intertwined in the build out of this district. lastly, in terms of my turn, the downtown plan party has much rain requirements. as this plan is a sub area of
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the downtown plan, we propose to add a couple of specific requirements to report on this plan rather than create a new system. so, that wraps up this summary of the plan and the various components. i will run through the different elements that come before you. there will be general plan amendments. there will be a set of planning code amendments.
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the zoning map amendments, bthe conservation district expansion. these will be will for you in a few weeks. there is no administrative code requirements that the planning commission is holding for and the implementation documents.
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this would require initiation by the planning commission. so, that concludes my presentation. i would like to point out for the benefit of the public that all of these documents that i just listed on the previous page of the general planning code map, as low as case reports, draft resolutions. all of these will be posted on the project website hopefully by the close of business tomorrow. the whole package was submitted three weeks in advance. as subsequent hearings, we're happy to go into detail on the planning code amendments or anything today and many of you have not had a chance to review
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the details yet. we will come back with those in the future. with that, that concludes my presentation. >> is an public comment -- >> is there any public comment? >> i have been on the various citizen advisory committees related to the train downtown. i cannot be here for your main meeting and wanted to give you some background on how we got here today. we have to go back to