tv [untitled] May 2, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm PDT
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is a drug and alcohol it dependent. most important, she e-mailed him in prison and quickly denied it. my focus this his wife. it is imperative she is summoned live to state her side of what took place between her and her husband inside their own home. there were no other witnesses, no other adults. this all happened prior. the fact is there were no other adults. the ethics commission and the board of supervisors cannot go forward and make any final decisions without input. any decisions are ruled unacceptable in a court of law,
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and if you do not someone who mrs. mirkarimi, it would be characterized now as a miscarriage of justice. >> i am an activist in the city of san francisco and a founding member of the major nonprofit organization in the city. i have been active in the city for a long time, and i know the work we do in an organization in the city. one of the issues i want to raise is can the ethics commission be ethical? can you be fair knowing how you got to be on the board? and we work in this city and love this city and care about
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this city and care about issues concerning any illegal activities. we want you to know we love this man, and this man has been in the trenches working on sixth street, downtown, on many issues. can you be fair? right now i doubt it. he raised the issue about previous misconduct. yes, willie brown, the fire chief, all these issues, and can he get the same treatment? what is with this man that everybody is going berserk about it. the other issue is an election. who is supporting honewho and te
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election? all these issues in our mind, please be fair and take it into consideration. thank you. [applause] >> i am here in support of his family. i worked very hard to get this man elected as sheriff. for you guys to try to reverse that, because this is a witch hunt. the mayor's guy did not win. he needs to admit this guy did not win and let the people in the jails who are going to suffer the most from not being where he was supposed to be, so i hope you relate take this into
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consideration and to dobecause o be honest, and you were put in here to be fair, and it should not matter who put you here. it is about fairness. [applause] >> my name is francisco, and i have known mr. ross mirkarimi for a long, long time. i have heard nothing about ethics in all of the deliberations and all of the questioning. the attorneys here, as is -- as if this is a perry mason-type operation.
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i cast my vote. so did many constituents, and what i am here to state categorically is that san franciscans want the highest standards. from one side, i have heard comments that are despicable, as if someone is the gestapo. san francisco? you, ethics commission, have had many reports written about you, as have been stated today by those who monitor you. we monitor the deliberations very, very carefully. i know something about it and having worked for a liaison. i know something about the
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freedom of information act and your deliberations. what you have to do now is the ethical. many constituents have come here and said to your face, "i doubt you can be ethical." thank you very much. [applause] >> my name is -- king. i am the bishop of the orthodox church. i came without prepared words but a hard that is true to their real mix of what the san francisco community feels about ross mirkarimi, and i think it is time that the city comes together and close ranks to deal with issues that are pending that are so much more important than something i feel has been over stage.
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ross mirkarimi, i understand, as a provider for his family has been crippled. a city designed to protect his wife and child, then i think there're be more concerned about him being able to do that financially. this is a historical time for us with the reentry of prisoners back into the city. i think sheriff mirkarimi has expressed his desire to have the ability to be able to aid in the success of that program. i think that there is money that needs to be diverted in other areas other than continuing to persecute a man who has demonstrated as a supervisor and in his campaigning in the office for sheriff that he is capable and able to represent the hearts and feelings of the
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citizens of this city. i would also say that there is a sentiment within the streets of san francisco and the people that are not so discouraged that he would not do a good job, but they are feeling that there is a great love for a share of, one who has known what it is to fall and get up again, one that knows how important that phone call is, how important that it is that that plays an institution have dignity. i want to thank you, commissioners, for what you are doing in consideration of these things, and we trust that god, his truth will be established.
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[applause] >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am a pastor. one person to control the media, orchestrated to distract and deceive the public. at its center is an assault on our democracy. with due diligence and vigor, three of the highest elected officials in the city, the mayor, district attorney, and the city attorney have pursued mirkarimi tenaciously. simultaneously, they have ignored my case, sunshine case number 11048, that found supervisors eric mar, malia cohen, president chiu and
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others -- misconduct because all four of them have broken the law. this case was there before the mirkarimi case. furthermore, there needs to be an investigation as to why why supervisor carmen chu got a crosswalk in her district, which she did not disclose. she did not recuse yourself from the vote on that project. that was clearly a conflict of interest. the people of park merced deserve to have their case proceed as tenaciously as this one because we are entitled to equal protection under the law. this case is going to court, and i will pursue it with every spirit in my body. i implore you to not succumb to political pressure and not be used. you are intelligent human
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beings, and thank you. [applause] >> hello, good afternoon. my name is -- i am here to support share of mirkarimi and his family. i came to san francisco because i believed the city is a city of diversity, a city of fairness, a city of fairness, but all i see is injustice and corruption. you guys should dismiss this charge and let the man continued doing his job. suspension without pay is unfair and cruel. he has got family and has to be able to pay. a whole thing is just a sham. it is politically motivated. you guys should drop these charges and let the man continued to do his job. shared mirkarimi is one of the
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best politicians in san francisco. he fights for san francisco. he fights for the san francisco values. he is the type of politician we need in san francisco. i support victims of domestic violence. the victim is not saying that she was abused. she is supporting there has been. the d.a. dropped all of the charges, and there is a new charge of false imprisonment. it is a shame. you guys should not allow this to continue, and it is very unfortunate that we are in this situation right now. this man has got a lot of supporters in san francisco. even removed from his job, he still has a lot of influence in san francisco with his constituency and the people voted for it. they are passionate about this
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man, a hard-working man. he loves san francisco. he loves this city. you guys are doing wrong. [applause] >> good evening, commissioners. thank you for your time. i am kevin, and eight-year resident of district 10. i am not politically affiliated with the mayor or mr. mirkarimi. i think it would benefit the public if this were to be a speedy process, and i think the schedule that you have outlined would be good for that. i would say that it is up to the commission to decide how it is going to make a decision, whether it be majority vote, unanimous vote, or a consensus, and the majority of my comments will be directed towards official misconduct. it is said to be any wrongful behavior in relation to the duties of the office.
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as a top law enforcement official, knowing right from wrong, to know and enforce the law, and also to exercise discretion in areas where the law may be unclear, an unfortunate example of that maybe at uc-davis, where some protestors were sprayed with pepper spray. i would say that anyone who knowingly and willfully violate a federal, state, county, or city statute does not have level of impeccable moral character that is necessary to exercise that kind of judgment as a top law-enforcement official. so i recognize that mr. mirkarimi has many years of service to the city, and i thank him for that, but i do not believe that he is that as our top law-enforcement official because of this character judgment issue, and i think he
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will have a chance to rebuild, but if, in fact, he admits to breaking a law of california, that he has violated the official misconduct statute of the city charter. thank you. >> good evening. my name is tammy bryant, and i did not come here prepared to testify because i did not know we would have that chance, so i am grateful. i am here to support share of mirkarimi and to urge you to dismiss these charges for a glaring lack of evidence that any misconduct occurred. i stand before you as the mother of three survive to domestic violence two decades ago. i know what domestic violence is. i am a constituent who worked closely with shared mirkarimi, and with his leadership, we significantly reduced the incidence of young homicide and violence because of the way he fought for programs that would help serve our community, and
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there was a tangible difference going out and not having to step over dead bodies of kids every day in the street, and this is the kind of leader that share of mirkarimi is. public safety. as a person, i find him to be a gentle soul with eight tender heart, especially towards his wife and child. i have had the honor of speaking to his wife in her native spanish and fully believe her assertion that no domestic violence occurred and resent those who seek to infantilize and marginalize her as if she has no voice, as if she is nothing. she has been reduced to nothing by these proceedings, and i think we need to honor ms. lopez and to honor what she says. having survived domestic violence, i know what it is, and i am confident that they are both truthfully speaking that share of mirkarimi is actually innocent and no domestic violence occurred. this case is based on after the
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fact here say statements that were fabricated for a potential custody battle. i urge you to dismiss this and let our democratically elected sheriff do his job. our kids are dying on the street. that is where our priorities should be. we need him on the street right now. we are losing children while resources are being wasted on this travesty. he is the sheriff that we need, and we need him yesterday. please stop wasting time. thank you. [no audio] [applause] >> good evening. i am a criminal defense attorney, and it certainly has been a very educational evening for me, and i thank you for that. i would just like to make three points in regard to some of the things that were said and some of the other comments that were made. i would submit to you that in the past, perhaps the commission has not been as active as it should of been in regards to some things brought up.
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that is not a reason to be in dereliction of its duty right now. obviously, like any other judicata body, you have to resolve each and every case that comes before you, and i do not believe this is something with the allegations of the share of can be judged. the second thing i would like to point out is that this case did not come about because of a whim of the mayor's office. it came about because the share pled guilty in a criminal trial rather to avoid going through a criminal trial. obviously, he has the option, as everybody else in this country does, to proceed forward and go to trial. if he wanted to take the chance, he could have been exonerating. he chose not to do that. i would therefore strongly request and recommend that you follow the procedures and provide for as much live testimony so that this club can
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be removed both from the city and the sheriff can determine whether he is allowed to remain in office or will be removed from it. thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. my first time before you are, although i was on my way up here before this whole incident happened because i've heard about something i was trying to get some satisfaction from, some sunshine, but it never made it to you, but i am here totally supporting ross mirkarimi. from the western division, he is the best supervisor we have ever had. i am a part of the media. i am the only black media here at city hall. i call it silly hall, and what we are doing now is silly,
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y'all. others have had sex, intercourses, but that was not enough to get people out of office. here a supervisor was having difficulties in his family, but you and whenever force is behind all of this is try to create something that is really not there. we had a share of that was on a point to help the people, and let me just say something here. ♪ my name is ace and i have been on this case some of the people out here do not want me on your case but it is no mystery just check the history ♪ now, let me say that mirkarimi is the best supervisor we have had in the district, and moving up to share, he can help the
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people. if it had been joe blow or somebody else, you would have had no problem, but what is the issue? they can except mayors having sex, but if somebody as a problem in his family, you criticize him like this. ross is a good guy [applause] chair hur: is there any additional public comment? >> hello. my name is maureen dowd ag it -- mauren gdaggett. i have been in san francisco my whole life. i went to robert louis stevenson, high school. i went to san francisco state.
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i went to graduate school year. i have worked here. i have been teaching in preschools. i have been on the board directors for urban schools. i worked all over this city. with children in head start, i was one of the early founders. i care about all kinds of issues, and i really care about ross. my son is a friend of his. they are families together. i know from my son that he is a good family man. my son is really careful with his family. he has of venezuelan wife, as well, and i know what those tensions can be about. family in venezuela and how things weren't about that.
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i know ross is a good man, and he has done so much for our city. he is to be voted for. he got more votes than the mayor, and we want to keep him. [cheers and applause] >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is -- and i am the executive director of a project, responding for victims of homicide and violence. i am here today to commend you for your due diligence, and i would hope that we do not inadvertently perpetuate our own collective misconduct, and i am coming back off of this of all homicides in our community, and i would appeal to you that we not continue to perpetuate this and that we bring closure to this expeditiously, as possible, and we need sheriff mirkarimi
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back in his position. we collectively as a city have the opportunity to mitigate the violence, to end the continued recidivism, but we need leadership to do that, and we need leadership at a physically lean times. i would ask you to consider the following. in the continuance or extension of this continued in greek regarding his legitimate place back at city hall, how much money are we spending? i am a taxpayer. i want to know how much money we have spent, and let's bring those resources back home under the leadership so deservedly under ross mirkarimi. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> hi. my name is jose morales, and i am a member of the senior action
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network, and i am proud to be a member of a group, 50 million together fighting against injustice and foreclosures, and i am here to defend ross mirkarimi, my friend. i admire him. i read one time in the newspaper that he was walking on a sidewalk, and somebody was assaulting a person, and he defended the person from being a assaulted, you know, and all that he did, do not forget, his wife's arm. he is awfully strong, but his intention was not to hurt her,
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and you have heard and read in the paper that it was not his intention to hurt his wife. he was just a little nervous, and he made a mistake. as a matter of fact, this same problem has happened in the city of san francisco to other officials and their wives. like brown. 10 points of law, the 10 commandments. he did not comply with one single commandment or promises. that is outrageous. that is really unethical, but here is one of the best supervisors, most progressive,
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and you should defend him. you will not be representing our city if you do not. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> commissioners, and terry sanders with the in arrears foundation. i am a union and community organizer. i have known ross mirkarimi many, many years. he was one of the founding people to of create the reentry council. he speaks highly and often about the local job issues, helping to create jobs for disadvantaged neighborhoods. being a supervisor in district 5, going over there when they had some boxing matches, and the
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supervisor was there, but what i really want to talk about is our character assassination of a newspaper. it has vilified this person here every day, every day. it is news. distorted news, but it was news. i have got the news here. i have got the news here. look at it here. look at it here. sensationalism. i took a course in journalism. very distasteful, very ugly. it took him away from his family. how could you do that? and you sit in judgment? and he sat in judgment. it should be dismissed before it even goes any further, but would you have the courage to do that? would you have the courage to do that? you are talking about ethics. we are talking about law.
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or are we talking about personalities? [applause] >> good evening, commissioners. i am a community activist. my name is -- i am here to give sheriff mirkarimi my complete support. i would like us to go back to work immediately, have him go back for the job he was elected for. as a mother and woman, i have had long-term relationships. a young child, upset, getting into an argument, if things get heated, stuff happens. that is not misconduct. misconduct is real-life issues that we all have to deal with in today's relationships. enough is enough. i really truly believe share of mirkarimi needs to go back to
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