tv [untitled] May 4, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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i come from the club every day after school and every day when there is no school. boys and girls club is the only youth program on treasure island. my family and i love and need the club as it provides me with the skills needed to help me with my education, life skills, and to be a young lady. [laughter] [applause] >> the club keeps me safe and out of trouble and i am surrounded by people who love and care about me. in order to help me grow and be successful, we need your support to help programs like boys and girl's club, and san francisco a lot.
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thanks to everyone and our supervisor, jane kim. [applause] >> i am linda wong, representing the tnederloitenderloin boys ans club. there are a lot of programs and many kids had experiences like mine. basically, the boys and girls clubs help me. i was not thinking of going to college, because i thought that they would cut the budget. taking everything away from me,
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and when no one believed in me, they believed in me. thank you. >> i will call another group of speakers. we have about five more minutes. i will call these names. henry carnilowitz, scott piper, daniel landry, jaela anderson, and john mark johnson. >> good evening. i would like to thank jane kim for making this happen. south of market -- as we know, small businesses are the
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economic and cultural engine of a city. this needs fuel to keel to keep running. the organization i speka of ak of is urban solutions. i would urge you to make the funds available. particularly in areas like sixth street and bayview and tenderloin. i urge you to set funds aside for that. and one last thing, good to see you here. one speaker said, the police station. we would like to see it happen. thank you very much. >> hello. i am john mark johnson, and i
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work in district six. the city contractor with the direct access -- i wanted to advocate not to throcut funding for the direct access program. the relocation of 109 people would leave 109 eoplpeolpple who are homeless homeless. it would cost around $2 million the first year. it doesn't make sense we we would cut -- we would cut housong aning and leave our most vulnerable people on the street without the support that they need.
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[applause] >> first, thank you. the supervisors -- the call in the town hall meeting. i am daniel landry. i was born and raised in the western addition. what i hear is about economics, i am a small-business owner and was impacted by the redevelopment era. my question, and my thought is that, can we find a way to make certain that those who have been impacted by the redevelopment agency have opportunities, economically, and for housing? the beat goes on. it may seem like the sunset of the redevelopment agency may be happy for some state officials, but some of us have been left behind. a few years ago we took the
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delegation to vallejo, and warned ossie dviavis they were on trouble. the city went bankrupt. this is about how you treat the poor. at the end of the day, nations and states and localities have failed because the poor people do not have an opportunity. i want to put that in the front burner. i thank you for coming out and sharing the information you have on the city budget, thank you. [applause] >> fantastic ideas that we have heard here today. thank you, mayor and supervisors were coming out to hear these ideas. the arts are an incredible value add to san francisco.
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we bring in an enormous amount to the tourism budget. we hvave some funding with the hotel task fund. it has gone into the general fund, and we have a chance that is about to be completed for the 1% for public arts, and is being expanded. thank you, to a large amount of the soma area, and we want to make sure we don't lose this with the new housing developments coming up. there are chances to feed into this and it benefits the members of those programs. consider reinstating these areas and as we discussed affordable housong foing for the
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redevelopment agency, make sure this is included. i hope to see a continued san francisco existence for us. thank you. >> can we give it up one more time for everyone who spoke today? [applause] i know we talk about dollars and cents, but it comes down to how it effects people's lives. all of us, business owners, artists, we make twork togethero make this the best city it can be. this is just the start of the budget process. there will be five more of these and budget hearings. we have heard from everyone about a lot of important issues.
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i ask you to be involved and bring your family to see how these issues effect everyone's everyday life. thank you all, one more time. [applause] >> and so we are going to close. >> give it up for lisha. [applause] >> thank you. it is loud. thank you agian. my role is to thank you. this is your valualbble time. thank you for coming out. i want to thank tenderloin elementary school. and just an example -- this school was able to develop a partnership for free dental care. it is really amazing. i want to recognize the mayor's
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office of immigrant affairs for translation service, and adrian for working with us, and sfgtv for recording this, and you can watch it to test the words. i want to thank my staff, they spent a lot of time on this. there wil lbe more town halls. supervisor olague will announce her next, and thank you. >> i would like to thank ed lee, for years i have organized this event. this seat was always empty. i want to thank hom for engaging with all of us and sharing the priority for the district.
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as promised, there will be more opportunities for you to express your feelings about the budget priorities. we will have this pariapril 25 t the county fair building. there are fliers as you leave. i want to thank you for coming and sharing your priority with us. we will work hard to meet those priorities. thank you. [applause] >> well, we certainly got off to a good start. last year, when we started this, -- i will tell you, one reason why i think there are a
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lot of programs that are safe is because you conducted yourself in a way we listened very carefully because he represented yourselves well. people often say that we are a very rich city. i think that we are a rich city not just because we have a budget of $6.80 billion, we are rich because of the diversity represented in this room, and you are willing to give us your involvement and your ideas, and to give us your passion. i have a lot of notes here and i know that the department's that our represented here took a lot of notes as well. when you talk about seniors and emigrants, youth, all of these programs, all of the diverse populations that exist here, we listened very carefully tonight.
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we will take this under very serious consideration when we make these decisions. it is these opportunities that we have, that tell us what is important. and we listened very carefully over the substance that you are saying to us. this will be reflected in the balanced budget. thank you for your courtesy. thank you very much. >> and i want to recognize dominica henderson and judy bee, and thank you, thank you for coming. have a good night.
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>> i am director an organizer for the cesar chavez holiday committee. this is the cesar chavez breakfast, parade, and festival. with all your help, this is our 12th annual year for the parade. the funds from the breakfast go to cover the cost of the parade. thank you for being here and the supporting the cesar chavez holiday event.
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with me is our and see, joaquin forest. >> good morning, everyone. the morning, everyone. [applause] thank you for being here this morning. thank you for celebrating the life and legacy of cesar chavez. it was an honor to be here last year and hear my father speak as a keynote speaker. it was because of cesar chavez that both my father and myself decided to commit ourselves to a life of public service because of a man who sacrificed so, so much for working people across this state and across this country. so please, please give it up for cesar chavez. [applause] as she said, i am very proud representative of the mayor's office. i would like to bring up now to
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provide our prayer deakin alvarez -- deacon alvarez. >> how many years do you go back with cesar chavez? 66 years. since 1966, so 49 years. thank you very much. he is also from san jose. he is part of the foundation. thank you for being here. [applause] >> thank you. can you hear me now? >> is that better?
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ok. well, once again, it is an honor to be here. york keynote speaker and i were just in washington, d.c., with the president of the united farm workers and delores and secretary sillies -- solis. at the ceremony, the labor department auditorium was named after cesar chavez. i was honored to do the benediction, and i want to share with you part of the prayer that was given at that celebration. so let us bow our heads and ask for god's blessing on -- on this
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momentous occasion where we come again, once again, to recommit ourselves to the farm workers struggle. almighty god of life and peace, you inspire your servant cesar chavez, taking a matter of the misery and exploitation that farmers experienced in the fields. [speaks foreign language] he came out of the body out of san jose to be a prophetic witness for justice and peace in the field of the nation. cesar chavez was blessed to have been instructed by your servant, a father that donald macdonald, on the social teachings of the church on the rights of farm workers to organize as a union,
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and he helped him organize the community service organization. cesar was blessed to have been mentored by fred ross in the spirit an example of st. paul. he was blessed at the example of mahatma gandhi and dr. martin luther king on the ways of nonviolence. cesar was blessed to have it inside [speaks foreign language] and the courageous farmworker women that worked in the fields went on strike, volunteered on boycotts across the nation, and helped to organize the union. the cry for freedom in the mexican revolution was given it new significance during the organizing campaign of the united farm workers in arizona, and cesar fasted against an unjust law. when it delors and declared it
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in arizona, and in america, -- [speaking foreign language] we have gathered here today in this union hall to pay tribute and to recommit ourselves. bless our sisters, secretary of labor, hilda solis, protector and guide her as we gathered daily affairs from her and the nation. was the leader of the california labor movement'. bless president obama, protect him as he leads the nation through these harsh economic times, and defend the historic health reform law that brought the quality to the uninsured. lord, hear the cry of the farm workers that are dying in the fields from sun heat, from
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poisonous pesticides, from injuries, from lack of health insurance, unemployment insurance, from a pension, from legalization in citizenship. bless the leadership of the united farmer is led by our brother, arturo rodriguez. give your embrace in the nonviolent struggle of the farm worker movement. plus the union that has won reforms of the agricultural labor relations act of 1935 in california, that brought an end to the use of a poison that -- poisonous pesticides. plus the farmworkers' children that are being exploited in the fields and who are not being educated by our schools. help us to liberate them from this burden, and bless the prophetic voice is that take action to end this exploitation. lord, we are gathered here to petition for prayers from our spiritual guides, patron of las
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americas, and pray for us. st. francis of assisi, pray for us. pray for us. martyrs of the union, pray for us. brother cesar chavez, pray for us. brother larry, pray for us. brother pete, pray for us. sister jessica, pray for us. brother matt, pray for us. c brother. havez, pray for us. brother are johnson, pray for us. almighty god, we ask that you continue to protect us and shelter as in the shadow of your weans. we are blessed at the farm working eagle, our spiritual guide, helps us to see the working in the fields with the hands of suffering farmworkers that feed the nation. it will apply for generations to come, and there will be truly a
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national union of farm workers that cesar, delors, and the pioneers organize. almighty god, bless us this morning. amen. si se puede. [applause] >> thank you, sal. it is always an honor for me to be able to recognize someone whose career and a service to our city goes without saying. but before i introduce him, and want to make sure that we recognize some of our elected officials in the audience tonight. supervisor cohen, supervisor scott wiener, supervisor david chiu. thank you for being here.
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supervisor avalos, supervisor olague, thank you for being here. ourb reporter ill king, thank you for being here. -- our reporter, bill king, thank you for being here. senator leno. and our assembly member, thank you for being here. our district attorney, george gascón, thank you for being here today. and we all -- we always forget as some of these breakfasts our imports and school board members. kim, thank you for being here in the u.s. are proud to introduce our next speaker, if i could have your attention for one moment -- thank you for being here. i am proud to introduce our next speaker. i am very proud to introduce the mayor of our great city who spent his entire life organizing for tenant rights, human rights,
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making sure our streets were clean, making sure our city has been run effectively, and making sure now, today, as your elected mayor, that he is leading our city and leading our communities into the future. so please welcome me in recognizing to the podium your mayor, my boss, mayor ed lee. [applause] >> good morning, good morning. happy cesar chavez breakfast day. i want to give a shout out -- i believe we have another major in the room, a guest here, mayor schroeder from martinez. thank you. [applause] i am here this morning, of course, to join all of you, and i see so many, not only of our elected and appointed officials
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here, but also many of our representatives from labor as well. and if anything that we all remember about cesar chavez is the honor that he has earned, that he educated us so much about the labor movement, not only in the bay area, not only in the valley, but throughout the whole country. and, yes, he is right, i was indicted by martin luther king and cesar chavez throughout my life, throughout my career -- i was guided by martin luther king and cesar chavez throughout my life and career. i go to every neighborhood and go to meetings, make sure i talk to everybody, collaborate with everyone, getting that input, and then making sure that all the levels of government can work the best we can. guess what -- i think we have a better government for its because of the spirit and the guidance of that cesar chavez had given us, the things that he
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did in that we observed, that we participated in. we have internalized that and made our government better. that is why we have programs that reflect the needs of our community. you look around, all the things we do in san francisco -- it is such a rich place. it is a place that gives all of us busy. keeps the members of our board of supervisors and our tax collector and our treasurer, everybody is busy because the richness of our city demands that we have programs that touch in include every part of our community. so it should not surprise you, we're working hard every day to make sure our sureid car -- our municipal id car reaches out to all our immigrants in the city. we want to reach to every part of the city. to make sure that communities, like the latino and african- american community, do not get victimized by all this cash and
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check-cashing places that when you needed the revenues and you cannot get the revenues immediately, that we have programs to meet that. we are even looking at the way our financial institutions are acting and working with harris to make sure that the foreclosure settlement gets right down to the house is in the mission and bernal heights. we need to do that. [applause] we have worked really, really hard to make sure that as we welcome in the data you see about the economy improving, this should never be the economy for it just a small group of people in business. we make sure that that economy is strong for everyone, and that is why i have worked really hard with supervisor avalos and so many others to make sure our local hire is successful.
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it reaches into every community, and that makes lines of communication, training of the skill sets for the future of san francisco. that local hire is no longer read about construction. while we have created the foundation in construction with our brothers and sisters and the labor unions working with us, we're going to take the idea and the philosophy of local hire and meet it with every level of business in san francisco. every level. [applause] so it should not surprise you that we are going to create those employment training programs linked to mission, language -- mission language vocational school right here. as part of the mission, part of san francisco. [applause] so that the most successful technology companies -- you know the names, twitter, zynga, salesforce,
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