tv [untitled] May 9, 2012 4:00am-4:30am PDT
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or they meant to be two different things and i want prepared for that? >> sure. let me try to represent where we landed. where i believe we landed is we were clear that we wanted and needed to offer justification for deviations, and we had discussion whether or not to do all of them or only to do those plus or above minus 1%. we determined to do all of them. we leave at the second description because the assignment is given upon the agreement to do all of them, the assignment was given to the consultants to please give us the reconnected -- because we were all over the place, i use that loosely, in terms of neighborhoods or not. the document, one page that you have, is the submission from the consultants. and so it would replace then --
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the bullets underneath each of the district one, district two. so you're opening district one negative four points, whatever the deviation is, to preserve the following neighborhoods period no. communities of interest because we agreed there would only be neighborhoods, and not communities of interest. it would be to preserve the fo the data in this document provided, again, by the consultants which would be inserted. >> ok. >> i would just make the clarification and i think the data they submitted is not incomplete and they not that they did something incorrect lip but incomplete in terms of the neighborhood. for instance, the neighborhoods, sort of within the west of twin peeks council, whatever it is, 30 neighborhoods versus the west of twin peaks council, which we did not print to district seven, i think we should be fairly
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clear about the neighborhoods versus the general categories. so i don't think it's complete and reflective of what should go into each of the sections. >> i don't think i understand, i confess. >> the submissions on the consultants, district seven goes west of twin peaks council and district seven. we did not include all west of twin peaks council. we excluded pinelake park and that whole area in district four. and i believe there might be one other distinction. so again -- >> seems like that's a good example of the discussion we had, depending on whose definition one uses, they are accurate or not accurate. >> so my pontiffcation would be that is not accurate by anyone's description because the west of twin peaks council was not included in the entirety but we included 30 of the 32 neighborhoods. >> let me ask this then, through
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this process we identify those and provide the appropriate, i guess additional point i would make is and that said not attempt to try to represent all of them because that wasn't the assignment of the exercise. when i say all of them, i mean every neighborhood, not that we should represent incomplete neighborhoods. >> you lost me there. >> sorry. i lost myself. >> let me get to this section in terms of live editing. we ned to move things to update numbers. >> good enough. continue, sir. >> so moving to the next section entirely. >> yes, please. >> last section in the direct report is six, lessons learned and recommendations and i
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believe that the discussion we held on wednesday evening, the language here around the process, that was our joint member melara and my joint understanding of where we left that discussion, than language exists in this draft based on that. and we also discussed the invitation, that we would submit our own lessons learned and they would be characterized by each individual members, lessons learned and recommendations should they choose to share them in the report. so the last separate handout, with the language member tidwell submitted and how we didn't get but we will try to get now, the recommendations or lessons
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learned that three of us contributed. so if there is anyone who else has contributed or has lightning now that doesn't appear here, aside from member tidwell, then it would be good to -- to clarify that. >> is this on -- what's the topic? >> well t. has to do with some of the lessons learned, individual members. because my recollection of our understanding was that it was not against the rules or against any policy to -- for anybody to write whatever they wanted to write and attach it. the question i thought was that we never really voted that we would do it or not do it. and my concerns is that because -- for me, i didn't understand that we would all submit something separately. i didn't write anything. and this is too late to do it. but so what i would consider,
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what i would request for the members here is to look at these pieces and see if they're reflected already in the report, and if they're not and we want to accept them and just add them, it would be something to do rather than have, you know, a separate piece of paper with two or three people on it. >> so -- >> because i didn't think that we were told that we would -- that we go ahead and write separate things. >> so just as a point of recollection, we did have a discussion, it was in the context of how much of the draft at the time there was consensus around and what became clear is that there were many elements in that section where there was not consensus which led us to the determination that items where there was consensus, those would be completed as they have been and that there would in fact be exception for those members wishing to, not required to, but wishing to desireous of
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submitting their own lessons learned that we would allow that. it was not a requirement. and you're right as point of fact we did not vote on it but general consensus that's fine for those members that wished to do so. >> and having said and having heard that, the issue is i don't think we had any -- any -- we disagreed, for example, member leigh's comments here. don't think we ever discussed this. so if that's some, you know, member leigh, member mondejar, don't know if we discussed her need for her to have this or in a different setting in a different way. i know with member pilpel, we did have the discussion and that's where we were having the disagreement and that's where we said, if he wants to write something, he can do it and anybody can do it. but i didn't realize we were going to end up with, you know, three other things. because the other two, we never
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discussed it and if we want to include it, at this point we agry with it and are fine with it, i would rather include things as part of our report than as part of something different. >> ok sofment to that point here's what i would offer. if members leigh and mondejar because we did, we were at least clear enough to say to members that you were allowed to write your own lessons learned and recommendations and so these three members have chosen to do so, to your point, which is a proposal, if you will, if any one of these members, pilpel, mondejar or leigh would like to have their submission included in the body as a consensus submission, i would look to members leigh, mondejar and pilpel to raise that question because as we agree that they
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could do it this way, i do not want to change that simply because we would like it included in the body. so mr. leigh, would you like to have considered your rather lessons learned considered to become no longer a single submission of your own but to be blended into the larger body of the report? >> i think basically the answer -- my answer is yes. to the extent the task force agrees with this, i would actually love to have it be supported or this notion be supported by the task force of the hole. i have one small concern which i can hold on to. if at the end of the discussion we only have three, i guess we're going to have four with member tidwell. but let's say depending how this discussion concludes, if we have only one or two, it wouldn't bother me as much. but if we only had one member that was captured in sort of in
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the context of individual members, recommendations and lessons learned, i think it could be awkward for the report. it doesn't bother me a whole lot. i could live with it. but it could little a little odd . >> so the answer is yes, and in a moment we'll go back to the top on this. i don't want to stay here too long. i want to be clear when we get here, what we're going to do is review collectively member leigh's submission and determine if there's consensus. if there is consensus, we will move it to the body of that section. miss mondejar? >> i have no objection incorporating my comments into the body of the report. what i would suggest is to instead of sort of rewrite this a little bit so that it doesn't
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-- because it just feels like the way it's written, there's a voice, it's coming from a particular person's voice. i would suggest if you're going to incorporate all of this as one of our voice t. could get edited a little built to reflect that. >> so in answer to your submission, you're open to a, reach a consensus, and b, it being folded in. to be clear with both of you what this means fundamentally is that not being attributed to you? because this section is the opportunity for staff, something attributed to you. the other section is not. >> i for my part don't have any problem that. >> same thing. >> mr. pilpel. >> i'm sorry, have i been busy editing the report but it's been a great conversation i have been hearing. >> fantastic. >> if there's consensus on the language that i suggested, i would be happy for that to be
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consensus stuff. i did revise the language considerably based on our last discussion wednesday night along the lines of what member melara suggested. i tried to reduce some of my stronger feelings. >> we're going to come to review it in a moment. i want a general direction, agreement or not. so clear clear all three that have submitted individual recommendations are respectively open to a consensus around it and moving it into the body and therefore not attributed to any one member to representing the whole. yes, mr. shriber? >> thank you. i wanted to point out i did submit an individual submission but it was folded into the recommendations and editing process and i'm fine with that. >> thank you. >> i didn't know after we did it. >> mr. leigh? >> anything else before we go back to the top. >> with the report as a general
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top snick >> yes, please. >> the only other question that i have just a couple of logistical issues but i just wanted to make sure somebody had been thinking about how to pull all of this together. so first of all the appendsies that are referenced, as the map themselves and draft map thmselves and that submitted by the public, public community, community newspaper, advertisement, don't believe member melara nor i have made any attempt to compile or gather those materials. so just being conscious of our deadline, that's the question i would raise. >> sure. madam clerk? >> ok. i'm finally getting there. i can't talk anymore. the working draft map i can supply copies of that. the map submitted by the public, city wide map, we can -- i can work with and make sure i get the right ones attached. public comment, i'm not really clear on what you would want covered. >> the documents from from my
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point of view, the documents that u.p.f. then sent to us. they simply get printed and they're an appendix. >> so i have them individually with each 30 meetings and separate separate them out and put them in one stack? there were over 1,000 e-mails. >> miss tidwell. >> i just wanted a clarification point in that nothing changes about the public file, so i think it's the goal is to keep them in the public file. that certainly is -- i would recommend excluding the public comment and leaving it in the public file. >> anybody object to that? >> no. just make a note in the report that they are available. >> very good. madam clerk, on the community newspaper advertisement. >> i have a copy of the tear-outs and i can work with mondejar to make sure it gets in there. when you were talking about a note where you can access the files, maybe it might be advisable to put somewhere in the report, not to call kay.
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>> no longer, any longer? >> where you would put it would be, i talked to john arnts while we're on the subject and he agreed to be the archivist of all of the files. they will be there in a month. probably i have everything turned over to them. so some reference to the department of elections. >> you got that? >> yes. very good. miss mondejar and -- i'm sorry, mr. pilpel. >> i would just like to go back to the individual submissions. that we -- i would just like the chair to ask members to vote because she submitted comments, i think and i remember seeing that. >> i did submit but i -- i think it was one of my was due politic tive of the community outreach component and the other one was just a process point about responding to public comment during meetings. >> i think i remember seeing it. and i think we were copied that. thank you. >> so i don't have a particular
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concern oz to whether i need to include for purposes of moving quicker, sooner rather. >> thank you. anyone else? mr. leigh? >> so just a couple of other things. first of all, member alanso's asking me a question which i think is a good question of whether the initial vizzization should be included among the appendsies or fass task force draft maps. i don't think contemplated as part of how this was drafted but something for us to consider. >> the question is whether to include vezzulizations. my point of view before opening it up is again, to, miss tidwell's last point about the public comment, they will be a part of the archive record. we did not post them as potential drafts. there was our initial request to the consultants so we could appreciate the implications of several different options, which why we had 11 to begin with. my point of view would they not
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be included but be part of the archive that gets reference and people can visit them if they would like to. >> ok. then just a couple of other thoughts about things that aren't addressed specifically in the language of the report, but one is the final map itself. how should we incorporate that? should that just sort of be the first item or should it be referred to as an appendix or what have you? along the similar line, district descriptions, meets and bounds. again, we didn't make a specific reference in the report. i guess we just sort of thought they would obviously be necessary components of our time work product but there is not a specific reference in the report should those documents. >> as point of information, meets and bounds will be published in the city charter. so they will be available there. you can refer to the charter in
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the report. >> thank you. and then the last point which i think we've discussed in this item under task force report but i don't know if we landed on anything, which is the question of the traa 'tis ticks, type of statistics that were included in the 2002 report, i don't know that we've attempted to create those but i just did want to point out that they were included in the 2002 report district statistics, various sub populations and the like, as well as individual district maps. so that's it. ok. thank you. >> mr. pilpel? >> several thoughts based on that if i might. in terms of the appendsies, we're not doing public comment? >> that is correct.
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>> i'm not sure -- i agree with not including the visualizations. i'm not sure including the draft maps is actually that helpful. there are some who believe that that shows some evolution in the thinking. i think it in some ways distracts from the final map that was adopted because that's the only map that mattered. so i'm inclined to not ininclude either the draft working map that's we evolved or the map submitted by the public. i think the report is really what we ultimately do and we can reference that maybe the discussion, and then i have a couple other points. >> i want to check them out so we don't have to redo them. first one, task force draft reports. miss tidwell? >> i kind of agree with member pilpel. >> mr. schreiber? >> yes, i agree. >> you agree. ok. mr. mondejar? >> i agree. >> miss lam?
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>> yes. >> miss melara? mr. leigh? >> to make sure i understand, this is to not include any of our draft map? >> i agree. >> mr. alanso? >> yes. >> number one does not get included either. second point then, maps submitted by the public. >> mr. chair, just to let you know, a followup from the department of elections that the website will all be in psychiatristance for 10 years and it will be ssgrdtv and working maps are all available on the website also. we can reference. it will be there for anybody who wants to see it. sorry. >> that's ok, thank you. maps submitted by the public. mr. alanso, in or out? >> out. >> mr. leigh? >> out with the possibility -- i think this is the suggestion i would make just based on what madam clerk has said is that we
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have two sentences tend of this, one referring to the public file and one referring to the website and in the second sentence referring to the website, explicitly mention working map drafts as well as maps submitted by the public will be available 10 years on the website with the url. >> is it accurate then to infur that maybe you or others would like to see almost a table of contents-ish. why call the entirety of our proceedings will be on the website. is there a particular reason why you want to call out either the maps submitted by the public or draft maps as opposed to anything else, minutes, the agendas, the -- everything else that will be available. >> well, i think -- i guess where i would like to include reference to the public maps is just out of respect for the time that people spent in developing
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those maps and acknowledging that. >> ok. miss melara? >> not include them. >> out, ok. >> miss lam? >> not to include but agreeing that -- noting around that all rdtf proceedings will remain on the elections task website. >> thank you. miss mondejar? >> a clarification. when you said public maps submitted by the public, you're talking about only city wide? >> only city wide. >> not district maps. >> not district maps. >> so not included but with a reference to the website? >> mr. pilpel? >> ditto. >> mr. schreiber? >> yes, reference only. >> miss tidwell? >> yes, i would just clarify that since we're already making edits to the process section in part four that we just clarify there we're adding potentially the 100 hours in statistics we just clarified there. >> agreed. ok. so at this point that means the only thing noted in the
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appendsies is community newspaper advertisements. ok. mr. pilpel. >> although we reduced it to that, i would add back in the appendsies the final map. i think that's where it goes, appendix one. i would add as an additional appendix if it's possible to print out the individual 11 district maps that blow up a little better, if it's possible. if not, then not. and the district descriptions, even if it's not the formal meets and bounds, even if it's just the document that -- this document. >> yes. >> and the statistic and whatever statistic, we agree. i think all of those things are appropriate for appendsies, not the body of the report but should be referenced in the body of the report. that's at least one, two, three,
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four, possibly five appendsies. >> thank you. >> can i make an additional comment. >> you may. >> in terms of the recognized neighborhoods which we have as part four, i think that goes wherever we decide to put the map statistics is where the preservation of the deviating from 1% to 5% should also reside. if part five is actually final map statistics, recognized neighborhoods preserved, then that should be that section as opposed to. >> so i guess the point of distinction, his description is different than preserved? >> right. >> his description is what -- >> i think it's similar to what member pilpel is saying, the final section, would i envision at least is the first part is all of our talk, part five is what we're legally required to submit. which is the map. and the statistics and recognized neighborhoods from moving one to five and whatever else falls into that category.
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>> ok. any other comments? yes, map. >> i just wanted a clarification when you're talking about statistics, what exactly is that contemplate something >> there are three african-americans and two asians -- >> i thought something in the san diego report suggested we needed to do a statistical breakdown of some of districts or no? >> that's not legally required. it's certainly an option. >> ok. anything else before we go back to the top? so here's what i propose. going back to the top, we are -- i would like to be able to reach agreement and move by category, not by sentence, not by paragraph, but by category, because unless there are factual errors, we're not looking for preferences on how you would like to see it said but the facts are correct, then the
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facts are correct. don't want to dispute, well, we could have been more articulate this way or that. that may be true. but for purposes of again, representing our proceedings, representing decisions being made, i would like us to err on facts rather than preference of speech. >> can i ask a clarification, who's going to do that? are we doing editing? >> i was going to come to that in a moment. we have a couple of options, one of which is member leigh has agreed to be at laptop and making edits as we go. i suggest we do that so it's being captured as we do it so when we get to the end, we don't have to then incorporate changes into some document somewhere else. i think it gives us the opportunity to review it as we do continue then gives us the opportunity to make a time decision and vote. any objection? >> that one needs to be replaced on the laptop with what you added later or no?
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with my district stuff or -- >> the question is what's available to member leigh on the laptop is the most current version. >> that's right. but it doesn't include your sum are i to districts one through four. >> let's look into it. >> i can put that in. >> i will go first. and then you can switch with me. >> ok. miss tidwell will edit first. and are you -- >> we can share editing. >> sure. are you offering to edit because you're assuming that we're going to go to the section where -- left out. >> i will start editing and somebody can put just me and i will type in my. >> we can do both at the same time. >> excellent. we're on page 1, the introduction. againthere, have been no changed to any of the drafts. i presume we can move forward. yes? >> i didn't -- whatever, we're
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here. if we have changes we need to articulate those now? >> now. >> if we have grammatical changes, should we not have them? what do you want us to do on that? >> this is about content and we're going to leave final grammatical review to -- no. we should finalize it now. >> otherwise you're putting us in the position of deciding what's grammatical and what's substantive. the recommendation -- >> you people are -- here's my problem. even issues of grammatical correctness are debatable. >> yes. >> so i don't want to spend more than that much time on debating that. and we cannot go line by line. i'm sure you have grammatical corrections almost line by line,
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which is fine. but that's not the best use of our time. here's -- >> here's what i would subject. i suggest we go through for substance, have any suggested corrections that are substantive now, take another break at some point and offer any grammatical changes to whoever is going to agree to look at those in short order and make some fast decisions about include or not. and we may not need to see the answer on those as long as there as opportunity to submit that. >> i was going to say for purposes of moving forward -- >> we're not on the mic. hold on. we need you on mic. can we get her on mic, please. >> it was on, yep. >> hello. >> there you go. >> i was justgo
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