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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm PDT

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current size cutting vital servic services. it fails to protect jobs and guarantee new and permanent jobs for the city and leaves san francisco taxpayers, patients and workers facing higher costs. mayor lee, cpmc must provide its fair share of charity care, medical and build and operate a strong and sustainable new st. luke's. it must guarantee that the jobs, wages and benefits of its current employees and guarantee a reasonable number of permanent jobs for san francisco residents. cpmc must limit its prices to city health plans and pay the full cost of its development proje project, affordable housing, traffic and neighborhood impact. we are very concerned about the proposed plans around cpmc's new hospital downtown and cuts to st. luke's.
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the city and needs to be fixed to address many concerns. we are also suggesting funding a training and placement program to trade new people to enter in the healthcare field and find real career jobs. above and beyond the hospital issue, we need to set aside funding for youth services via auditing to close corporate tax loopholes in the city. no cuts to education or healthcare, period. m.t.a. needs to put its money where if is needed for youth passes, better housing programs and we need to be a sanctuary city that doesn't have homelessness. a city that has easy food access and a city that supports gay marriage. thank you. >> good morning, everybody. i'm nicole agbiana i'm twith th
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excelsior action group. i would like to recognize two of our steering committee members. thank you for being here today. i have two brief asks, both predicated on the fact that you are commercial corridor is really the economic heartbeat of the neighborhood hear in excelsior. first is the commercial corridor be included as one of the participants in the upcoming invest in neighborhoods program. i think that will have a tremendous impact on creating local jobs and providing the goods and services we need in the community. the second is on behalf of the excelsior public safety committee i would like to express our support for the multi-year plan for the police department, particularly in regard to the academy classes that he would like to increase. we don't want to see our beat
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officers completely disappear from our corridor and public safety is really the foundation of what we do to revitalize the corridor. thanks for your consideration. >> hello, i'm a youth worker at the youth program inner city youth in oceanview and i'm here to talk about the top three priorities of the youth. number one youth employment. we would like to ask for more employment opportunities because we know like working with the youth we know that the behavior is not a behavior problem. this is the only way we know to get kids off the street to stop drug sales because it is not a behavior issue. it is a money issue. these kids are very poor. that is our number one priority
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is to raise youth employment. number two, the street violence. we would like to reduce street violence and invest more into that. i don't know if everyone is aware of the murder that happened on houk street in march, an asian family were murdered and sfpd invested a lot of time, energy and money to find out who it was. they called a conference call and investigated and within two days they caught the murderer. two years ago we lost two participants to our youth cen r center, and it has been two years and it is unfortunate to say that sfpd did not invest the same time, energy or anything into those two murders. it has been two years until this day both murderers have not been
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found. number three, i would like to talk about the revitalization of the broad street corridor. we would like to open up more small businesses because we have a lot of san francisco commute ers commuting from here out to wherever and it would be nice to have a pizza place open or like a dry cleaning place open so they can stop by. in addition to that, falling back into the first point, it would open up more youth moment units. that is it. we understand your priorities and we would like to accommodate this and work with you guys. we are happy it talk more. so if you have any questions you can contact myself or guinn, and others who work with the inner city youth.
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>> i have a question. when you talk about broad street and revitalization can you give us a cross street? what specific -- what section of broad? >> broad and fleming. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team store.lemi. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team store.emin. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team storming. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team storing. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team storg. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team stor. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team store.p. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team store.l. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team store.y. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team store.m. the whole broad but broad and
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plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team store.o. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team store.u. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team store.t. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team storh. the whole broad but broad and plymouth we had donald andrews open up a dream team store. >> good morning. i'm owen and i'm with the education corridor representing over 80 seniors in our citizenship classes each year. we ask senior funds. this area has a high concentration of asian immigration seniors and yet they are not allowed city funds -- there are not enough city funds. it operates 13 citizenship classes and every class is full and we have a long waiting list. most of our students never learned or spoke english in their former country. just imagine how hard it is for those seniors in their 70, 80 or 90 to learn enough english to pass the citizenship interview. however, despite their tremendous learning obstacles, seniors who attend our citizenship classes have a passing rate of 93%. let me repeat that, a passing rate of 93%.
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asian immigration 55 and older grew 74% and they need to be supported with english classes in both district 10 and 11 where the asian population is the fastest growing segment. we ask for your continuous support for naturalization service in the city of san francisco. thank you. >> good morning, thank you for being here. i'm jacob moody district director of the community improvement and chair person of the congress of african-american organizations. i have nine quick points. first being that a budget not only reflects our priorities but our values. those are important to connect those two. healthcare reform could seriously challenge the community based system of health
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and mental health services we have in the city. we need to preserve that. employment development is a key issue for bayview hunters point particularly training and barrier removal. business development for the historic populations that have lived in the khaupbt for years -- community for years. community safety. we need to build a citizen c.b.o. city department police and d.a. safety infrastructure that recognizes the contribution of all of those folks to the safety and well-being of our community. i want to commend dcyf for working on some of that already. we need to realize the promise of redevelopment which has to do with the shipyard. we need housing that is affordable for the children of the old folks who have the highest number of home ownership in bayview hunters point.
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they need to be able to stay in the community and have affordable housing. i will repeat what some of my colleagues said. we need a cost of delivery service increase for c.b.o.'s that contract with the city and county and intentional cross department support for the bayview superintendent zone and children that go to that san francisco unified district schools and finally we need to take the african-american out migration report off the shelf from collecting dust and move it into the forefront so that we can act on the recommendations and build the african-american community in san francisco, not watch it slowly drain away. >> i'm dawn, resident of district 10 and the public outreach director for the
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foundation and member of ace. i want to start by actually khepbd being the department of health for the amazing work it has been doing in the community particularly with the development of the healthy san francisco program. i would like to encourage you not to do any cuts to public health programs. what you don't realize is there are so many chronic diseases that are facing particularly district 10 and 11. diabetes in particular probably one out of every three people in the district already have diabet diabetes. another third are at risk for getting the disease. particularly with diabetes you are looking at some really, really chronic life-threatening conditions that get very, very expensive. the thing is with most chronic conditions we can prevent it. if we put money in prevention instead of dealing with people in the emergency room when their
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conditions have gone too far we will save a lot of money in the long run. trust for america's health has shown for every dollar we spend on prevention today we are going to save $2 in two years and in 10 years we are going to save $20. so, towards that end we need to continue working on health prevention programs and make sure we don't close st. luke's hospital. >> good morning. the reason i am here is to speak about a very important resources for san francisco in general. i am a member of st. mclaren
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park. we've done a lot of work with help mclaren park. all of us are very interested in making sure that this park finally get some of the investment that it deserves and needs, and that our neighborhoods want. this is supposedly officially a citywide park, but it does that get that kind of investment at all. last week i went to a meeting about a park bond issue that is coming up in 2012. 2008 there was nothing from the park bond issue. the one coming up, we are slated right now to get $6.5 million, but glen park at a huge influx of money from the 2008 bonds and now dipping again in 2012, while
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mclaren park sits with something like $57 million identified capital needs in 2007, and we're just getting a consensus to address those. people talk about part safety, and certainly that includes crime prevention, but also includes looking at the pathways. i use the park a lot. i use my health program. it would not very very healthy, some of those past, but some of those can fall flat in your face. there are so many needs in the area in terms of recreation and supporting passive forms of the park. i want you to take that seriously in all of your budget considerations. thank you all very much. [applause] >> so far we're doing a great job. we want to thank ms. carlo
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johnson for making sure our folks with disabilities are able to participate in today's conversation. somebody lost their keys of the front. i think it has -- somebody lost their keys and there is also a lost photograph. so far, the final 10 participants for this discussion, two minutes. marlene tran, mary harris, nick wolf, eric mersch, carl krammer, charlie skiomis,
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gazelle gazada, sophia aragi, barbara jonas, gia graham. two minutes. >> good morning, merely, supervisors, a city department heads and concerned residents. last week i have opportunity to lobby for what the police chief riposte to train new officers to replace almost 300 officers who are retiring. as you know, public safety in district 10 is our most concerned. as a long-time resident, we know millions are allocated in my district, but who can believe the only dedicated -- dedicated funding for the largest
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population, that his agents, only get $50,000 to serve such a sizable population. and in 2009 the work force development funded on one-stop at 73 leland avenue. it is hard to believe that residents living around this area do not even though the existence of this site. how can this city continued to fund tens of thousands of dollars to such groups when it does not benefits of residence? last year i have opportunity to talk to them, but nothing has changed. please bring transparency and accountability regarding funding for all san franciscans. thank you. [applause]
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>> mary harris, president of district 11 council and all of my neighbors in action. marlene said what i wanted to say about public say the and the academy class is with the drought program and all of the senior officers ready to retire. we need academy class is in young officers to be mentored by the senior officers. and my second point is recreation and park. it is treated like a stepchild in the general fund budget. we now have to play to play. we have become a fee-happy department, and i am very concerned about that. i am also concerned about the new bond measure. i have seen it presented three times, and each time something has been added to put on, it depends on who was screaming the loudest. district 11 is not getting their fair share of the bomb.
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our historic monument, the only historic monument in district 11 is not being funded. we were told it was going to be $15 million that people could apply to. it has now gone down to five. neighborhoods are getting pitted against neighborhoods for this pot of money. that is wrong. last week, mta. i pay $100 per car because i am told i live near bart. i did not your live -- now i have to pay through sunday. i pay my fair share of tickets because i have to work in pacific heights and have to move my car every two hours. i will go to another city to shop, go to the movie, have dinner. that is wrong we have to pay on sunday. but last week, i want to thank
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mr. lee and chair mcdowell for the fabulous job they did. thank you very much. >> hello, my name is eric marsh from district 11. i think everyone for allowing me to state my piece. i'd represent these ocean view. we work hard at these activities come along with all of my neighbors in action, which have great idea for the neighborhood. i believe we have a lot of resources. we are geographically located for people who live in san francisco and commute throughout the bay area. we of a bart line, muni line. unfortunately sometimes we feel we are the forgotten neighborhood.
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the area i am speaking about is broad street to san jose and randolph from 19th avenue. that whole area. just in the past 18 months we have had three documented shootings. shooting at broad and plymouth on march 9 of this year. a man was shot in the foot. this is on the night super miser avalos was there with his children. -- supervisor avalos was there with his children. the next i a man was shot in the head. if you drive down you will see about five but doenitnut rings k by a man driving a car. it is almost like the wild west. we appreciate using the
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resources to help us revitalize our neighborhood. thank you. >> good morning. i am a member and live in the ocean view. i wanted to talk about st. luke's. on thursday, there was a presentation before the planning commission. the talk about st. luke's can secure the future of st. luke's, but they only offer a events at st. luke's, and they think that is a future for us. st. luke's covers district 9, 10, and 11. if i can just say come if we picture in one of our family members has a heart attack. now we end up putting at risk and not just our members at risk, but although the paramedics. the driver to the ambulance and the one attending to our loved ones as they raced across town
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to try to get them to the hospital. it is outrageous all they can think of is offering 80 beds at st. luke's. cpmc should be rebuilt, but rebuilt the white -- the right way, not leaving us out in the cold. they should make sure they know that they need to take care of st. luke's, and 80 beds is not sufficient and not enough. [applause] >> hello, my dear, supervisors. my name is carl kramer with the san francisco living wage coalition. i would like to open my comments from a quote from someone. our ability to make progress is directly connected to giving every family the dignity of a
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paycheck. these other words of our mid- year. it is inaugural address on january 8. thank you, mayor, for both of your thoughts on this subject, for having the budget town hall meetings. to involve, innovates come and invest. involving people in the political process, but also having a budget that involves the neediest people in san francisco fettered unemployed parents in the economy. when we have people that are working at a living wage, we create a healthier economy. that is what robert -- robert wright refers to as bottom-up economics. we have seen the trickle-down theories, and we now need to build an economy that serves the needs of the people.
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innovate. we need to have innovative ways of creating a path to a living wage and jobs. how can someone go from being in the welfare to work transition into a job that is a step and career ladder to a career job. the department of human resources issued a study on the work force succession that showed even in years where there was high layoffs by the city, more than twice as many people were retiring and leaving city employment for other reasons. we are asking the mayor and the supervisors to support legislation that would create an innovative and invest in our parents better and the welfare to work transition to bring them
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into entry-level city jobs. it can be done. thank you. >> good morning, mayor lee. supervisors and department heads. my name is nick wolfe, director of the visitation valley business opportunities, and our reach to merchants program. i would like to follow up a little bit on what my board member neal spoke of when he kicked off this town hall. i would like to make quick points about the career development area. as you know, at the dissolution of redevelopment and the lack of an owner participation agreement in place has meant there are no enforceable obligations to the continued revitalization of that property and the legal and bay shore commercial kroger recorder.
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i have two questions with regard to that. the first, i am wondering how we can get the city of san francisco, whether it is through the planning department or the office of economic development to appoint a project manager to get them to continue to be the liaison between the developer and this city and community, which is overwhelmingly supportive of the redevelopment project, unlike projects elsewhere. additionally, i am curious as to the strategy the mayor's office has for the continued revitalization of the leland bayshore commercial corridor. i will leave you with those questions. thank you. [applause] >> good morning, supervisors.
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i want to thank you all for your public service and taking the time to come to the neighborhood today. i am a resident of district 11, and i wanted to start off -- i know the creation of job opportunities is one of the number one priority is for our city if fenestration. i wanted to make sure every day people are involved in those conversations and that something that is happening in district 11. the community organizations have come together, and we have led conversations in our neighborhood, in-depth conversations come in spanish and english with over 220 residents and stakeholders in the district. these conversations have provided powerful narrative's, of our communities everyday struggle to raise families and survive in district 11. we would like to share the
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themes that came from the analysis. what is the chronic abuse of workers' rights and advocacy. the lack of opportunities to build economic asset. for folks in the neighborhood including working cooperatives. the need for cultural, the tech resources within district 11 that currently exist, none funded by the city, and the need for public policy reforms to create more job opportunities for native represents. we believe you and adults have the skills and talents to build a strong local economy. what we need is investment from the city, and we know that takes a partnership. we have begun partnership with the work force development, and we would like to see your support in order to bring those efforts to fruition. i believe supervisor avalos has a copy of the report he can share with you. thank you very much. [applause]