tv [untitled] June 20, 2012 2:30am-3:00am PDT
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new, with the bristol hotel, the central business district, the mason street, the question of showplace square. precinct 39. the question of that bloc in sunnyside that was highlighted at the overlap of sunnyside and glen park. and then, finally, the northern border of d-6, the question of do you go to 14th or 15th street. >> [inaudible] >> which? >> the last one you talked about. going to leave northern parts, whether 9 goes to 16 -- or are we talking about another place? >> i believe we are talking
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about another place. you may be correct. when we come to it. >> once again, we already captured bristol hotel. that is it. >> in talking about the bristol hotel, if we could also take up the maria manner. it is right around the same area. -- maria manor. and then the issue that mr. bowman had raised about the 39 people at the top of clarendon ave. >> and i thought that the -- >> one moment please. one moment. >> the other issue that i did not hear on your list that i myself would be curious about, and i do not think i have clarity on what the borders are, but what was referred to with
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respect to mission street near duncan -- i'm just not sure exactly where those blocks are. >> i also saw that the trade- off between those blocks in the northern panhandle, the trade- off was new because it is a very easy trade off. >> thank you. and nothing other than what has already been raised. >> thank you. >> with the last one you mentioned, the 15th street to extend to valencia -- >> that was mentioned. it was not the last one. the last one we mentioned was -- no, that is correct. we did capture it. ok, thank you. >> i thought that was a repeat.
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because it is already at the freeway. and we have been dealing with that extension for a long time. >> ok, thank you. >> i had three items, but then i had a recall. i wanted to consider that three- way trade. if there is any interest in that, that was one to revisit. >> it is a revisit. >> understood. >> the second is the ucsf block we heard about today. i did not think that was on the list. >> we just made that move at the last meeting. >> right -- no, we did not. we considered that move and did not reverse it. raising it again? >> if we heard some further
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public comment on that today. >> it was not a different case, though. >> understood. >> so what is the case? >> it is to put it on the list that it has a relationship with d-10. >> here is how we are going to handle the items that are revisits, whether there was, today or not. we will quickly assess whether we are willing to hear it. not whether we are going to do at your not, whether we are willing to hear it. to hear it or not. we are just going to do this -- i am absolutely fine with voting on it -- >> we are voting right now. i am asking you to vote. to revisit or not. >> revisit. >> no. >> no.
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>> no. >> yes. >> no. >> yes. >> so we will not revisit. i don't know. ok, and then the last one i had on my list was treasure island. but my broader comment was -- >> hold on. we need to finish treasure island. what is treasure island? >> it is a revisit of that move -- >> a proposal you made at our last meeting, which we decided not to do. >> correct. >> hold on, hold on. misted well? >> no. >> no. >> no. >> no. >> no. >> no. >> okay, we will not revisit that. >> my broader point was on this
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list, i thought we had reached a discussion that we were not going to make any further tweaks of us were going to discuss whether we were willing to consider any of these changes today and make a rather broader statement about whether we are good with the working map or willing to reopen it. because that is a rather important threshold decision, and i would prefer we do that as a group rather than assuming that we can get into these things. >> i am willing to go through the same assessment, but by virtue of the fact that members have proposed a means we need to consider them. >> but i'm not sure that as a group we have -- >> i understand that, which is what i will -- totally fine to take them case by case. >> i would like to think that if we are going to consider some of the new things that have come to
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the table, that we may have to take on a couple of the things that we made decisions on. so it is not like we are not doing anything, again, unless they happen to need to be done because we may change some things today by taking on some of these new issues that we are bringing to the table. >> thank you. any other comments? ok. in reflection of the question of the other proposals, again, we will move it very swiftly. >> i did not know if we have finished going down the slide. >> we have not. my apologies. >> nothing further. >> the only thing i would raise is instead of the swap, i had an alternative proposal of the nopa issue that would require revisiting, but it is an alternative. >> the subject is the same, but
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it is a different move? >> yes. the other issue, which is somewhat related, is just the cathedral hill campus. i cannot quite honestly remember where we ended up on that. >> just for clarity, when you say you cannot remember where we ended up, what do you mean? >> i would have to look at that area again, but i think the proposal was to add these zero population of the campus to district 5. >> and it is not there right now? >> ok, thank you. ok. >> clarification. going back to the request to consider 15th to extend to valencia to harrison, is that a
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revisit, or are we going to discuss it? >> it is on the list right now, and we are getting ready to make a determination on whether we do consider it, opened it up. so we had a list here that we are going to go down, ok? we are going to determine whether or not we will reopen it, and then based on what is left with the list, we will reopen those items and not those that we determined not to hear it all right, beginning with the bristol hotel. >> my request was not to go one by one but to have a discussion about whether we are going to revisit anything at this point. >> there have been proposals to revisit, so by virtue of making proposals, clearly, there is a readiness to -- so i'm not sure what discussion you want to have. >> individuals made suggestions to reopen. i am still debating in my mind
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and would appreciate some discussion with the broader group as to whether we should reopen any of these things, notwithstanding that there is interest in various corners to do it. >> by show of hands, would like to discontinue making any changes to the map and conclude with where we are now? anyone? >> i am somewhat inclined to lock it down where it is now. >> i understand. anyone, please, raise your hand if you are interested in ending changes to the back right now -- to the map right now. >> ok. >> thank you. thank you very much. presuming that all the others made the list because there is a willingness to revisit them, let's begin to revisit them. >> ok. >> we are going to start first with the representation of the lines and borders, in
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particular, the 64-person . >> ok. this was a two-part project. we looked at the population alignments with existing districts, and we are talking about the assembly, the congressional, and the bart line because those were the lines that the department of elections gave us. what we did is we aligned your lines with the existing boundaries if there was a zero population involved. would you like to see those first? >> no. >> ok, then there are three areas that have population involved. one has nine people, one has three people, one has 64 people. would you like to start with the 64 people? this concerns the border. we are going to highlight it for you right now.
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this area in question actually has a medium that has the 64 people in it. it is this middle area right here. essentially, if we were to align our lines with the bart boundary, then that would require moving 64 people into district 3, which would bring the deviation of district two to -5% even. >> ok, again, population of 64. it would raise the deviation in district two to 5.0 -- >> -. >> -5.0.
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>> in district 3, the deviation would be -4.2%. >> excellent. the question before us is do we make this shift with the implications of deviation just noted, or not? if we do not, the implications -- i am not weighing in positively or negatively, just as a point of fact, it means that -- >> it means that the registered voters would basically have to create a new ballot group here. for 64 people, that is a little easier to do than for one person. >> excellent. >> i had a question for the city attorney. that is whether a deviation of exactly 5% meets the requirements. >> i was just looking in the charter, and the charter language says population variations between districts should be limited to 1% from a statistical mean and less
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additional variations limited to 5% of the statistical means are necessary, so i think you can go to exactly five. >> ok, thank you. >> thank you. >> also, clarifying question. site, on the math, if that takes 64 people are the two and moves to 3, am i going in the right direction? i had district two at 69606, - 64, is 65042, which is less than the 5%. it is 1 percent pure, so unless there's some other -- >> we do not debate that point. whether one does math bug come down, or around, i did not think that will physically changed our decision one way or another. >> my point is that i think it
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would require us to make some other corresponding change to bring it back into balance. >> not we have just been told by counsel that we can go to 5.0. >> i am telling you it would be greater than -- >> you are saying it is more than 510? >> yes. >> can we get clarity of that? >> it is going up two decimal places, so it might be 4.00 or - 5.006 or something like that, and then rounding down. >> we need to look at it. >> we need to look at it and take it out to further decimal places. >> let me be clear. the way i have this figured -- >> hold on, hold on. >> clearly there is a calculation question. if, however, task force determined not to make the change, it is not a relative question.
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let's first take the question up on whether to make the change, and then we can determine in making the change that we have to account for it or compensate for it in some other shift. the question before us now is whether or not to make this change. >> yes, and i had a proposal. >> great, thank you. >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> no. >> no. >> thank you. please make this change. >> just a second. we are going to make the changes. >> we put three decimal points on. -5.001%.
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>> please. >> i suggest that the task force errs on the side of caution and keeps it at or under 5% to as many decimal points as you can. >> there is a proposal? >> the thinking with sort of overall be this is in relation to the swap that was proposed. i am not in favor of it because it think it also breaks of the neighborhood boundaries that were suggested. my thinking was if we drew straight lines, in the district 5 two lines, i think it is worth reconsidering, since we were doing it four straight line purposes as opposed to neighborhoods and communities of interest that we look at putting some of those blocks in. if we move to the outer richmond
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side, i think people have previously suggested a 27-block, and that way, you would then add one block into district 5 going that way. i think that way, you end up with in the variants. >> ok. let's highlight the first. if you could give the consultants direction. >> they are looking -- sorry, let me pull them up. i would say it would have been blocked between -- it looks like bush and setter, peers and scott. i just want to verify that is consistent. >> would you like me to put the
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>> i would then move down one block. >> the highlighted area -- the deviation would become -4.8%. deviation of district 5 would become 1.61%. >> can i ask for clarity on the block to the right as opposed to the bottom going down? >> yes. >> cell -- so deselct this and select this? the highlighted area has a population of 270. the deviation of district two -- 5 would become 1.76%. >> i'm not quite sure on the numbers that we need. if we can look at california and
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links between 25 and 27 -- one moment please. >> could i just offer an observation? i understand the logic, i think, of trying to get it moving between one and two, but just an observation that the 25th avenue boundary is as it stands now, but we have moved blocks on the eastern side that are now in district two over to district 1, and that is another way that we could accomplish -- >> i would suggest that the 25 to 27 is more consistent with the outer richmond compared to the lake street corridor. supervisor farrell testified
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>> i think going across with the 270 people, between two and five. >> stayed there just a moment. >> this is a population of 270, and again, the deviation of district two would be -4.63%. the deviation of district 5 would be 1.76%. >> can also get the racial population for this two blocks. and i can you read just down the list?
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>> this is from the redistricting data from the census from 1994. this is total population usage, not percentages. three american indians and asian population, and that is pretty much it. voting age population for that block is 30 people. latino population on this block is 27 people. 163 people that were identified as white.
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seven as black. two as american indian. 25 as a nation. there is one in the other population, and one in the multiple minority group. sorry, that was 3 in the multiple minority group. >> thank you. >> i was checking on cooling the room. >> the proposal is to make this change, which would require 270 or 278? 270. deviation would be -4.63%. d5, -1 ft. 76%.
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>> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> no. >> thank you. please make this change. ms. tidwell? >> if we want to do the nopa one next. can we did the one block to be consistent? >> that block has a population of 176 people. >> she is just thinking, processing. >> deviation would be 2%. the deviation for district 1
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would be -5.23%. >> i would prefer this. >> thank you. again, population of 176. aviation the district 5, 2.0. deviation of district 1, -5.23%. appreciate that there is another move for the late corridor. >> yes. >> yes. >>yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> no. >> yes. >> thank you. please make this change. lake st.. >> if we could start with the block between 25th and 26. >> that block has a population of 331 people bringing the
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deviation for district 12 - 4.78%, and the deviation of district two two -5.08%. >> can we look at the other side of lake st.? >> can i make one observation? i believe if we reversed our decision about the median strip, i think that what allowed us to stay within 5% and move the 64 people back to d2. we would be finished, i think. >> so proposed.
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>> i think this is actually two changes together the i am proposing. that we move this block, and then as the second accompany an adjustment, to move the three blocks, the median strip -- strips, i guess -- >> yes. >> with 64 people back from d3 to d2. >> ok, anyone have any questions? the proposal is -- one second, let me just take it one more time and come back to you. the proposal is to reverse -- we will take them in this order. i will just reverse the order. reverse the decision we just made around a median strip. 64 as the population, and then additionally make the change that was just proposed a moment that was just proposed a moment ago that would have brought the
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