tv [untitled] June 26, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm PDT
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i will read selects choices. the recommended budget for the school district and the san francisco county office of education be submitted for first reading as the budget for fiscal year 2012-2013 and replaced in the official files for the secretary of the board of education. the superintendent is authorized to make any transfers necessary to correct erroneous account specifications or to affect the changes in accounts made necessary by the method of expenditures. i will leave it there. as president yee pointed out, this has been discussed. this will be the third time. it was introduced for first reading to weeks ago on june 12
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and -- two weeks ago on june 12 and the board held a fairly detailed discussion about the recommended budget last tuesday evening, june 19. my comments tonight are going to be fairly brief but i do want to share some important information about our staff's work since that meeting last tuesday and one or two developments about the state budget. >> are the differences between the first reading and second reading you give us? >> they're not differences in the specific budgeted amount for the various resources. there are some differences in terms of informational
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references, footnotes, clarification. some of those have been expanded upon. >> not now, can you send us a memo that tells us that so we do not have to -- [inaudible] the rest of the week? >> i do want to say on a substantive note, even though it is not immediately apparent from looking at that contents of the budget book itself, we have appreciated the feedback that the board provided last tuesday and in general as well as a number of our community partners that have testified at these meetings and given us their feedback in various ways. specifically around the area of credit recovery. we share a lot of the concerns that have been raised this spring and most recently over the last couple of weeks about the needs to provide additional mechanisms to support students
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in the class of 2014 and 2015 who appear to be behind or who are behind in their crowded as ninth and 10th graders and those are the first two courts that will be held to those new a through g requirements. as pursuant to that discussion that took place last tuesday, we have taken a couple of steps. we have identified $300,000 in funds with our improvement block grant to report this to invest in those additional credit recovery strategies. in addition to that, we have had some very recent conversations with the leadership of the city department of children, youth, and families. we do happen to be seeing the possibility of increasing grants from the see if -- dcyf.
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we have talked about increasing that -- taking that increase and investing it in credit recovery. there will be a complementary to hundred thousand dollars from the dcyf grant. it has been at $300,000. we will augment with our own resources with another 300,000. that is not to say that those are the only investments we're able to make in credit recovery, because we do have a lot of other complementary activities that are within our recommended budget. but those are some meaningful enhancements since last tuesday evening. that is $500,000, $300 to repurchase funds within the resources and 200,000 of dcyf
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funds. the staff that is most responsible and have the greatest information about the strategies themselves have already begun working on defining what those plans would be. it is a cross functional department a team. they're very aware of this conversation and we have all taken very seriously that -- the discussion around credit recovery and we are encouraged by the fact that even though it is in some ways a quieter time, our leaders in those areas have hopped to it to get started in developing implementation. even though the budget has to be approved by the board. that is it regarding the priority by the district. one thing i should mention about
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the state budget is a couple of things. since last tuesday, the legislature has continued to discuss and negotiate and it appears to have reached some agreement with the governor about some of the areas that they had not quite landed on in terms of agreements, in terms of education funding. most of those have been resolved. it is very likely that the legislature in the next couple of days perhaps, as early as tomorrow will sign the education budget trailer bills. so if you recall the legislature did pass a budget on june 15. that was understood and known by the time the board had its meeting last tuesday but the education budget trailer bills have not been completed at that point. they're still not all signed and they have not been signed by the governor. it appears that they have reached substantive agreement on
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most of those items. there have not been a lot of surprises in the reports we have gotten and we did review some of those issues last week. i did notice and the board should be aware that one substantive change did come as a surprise to the education community which was that the assembly bill -- budget trailer bill had a provision and is likely to be reflected in the senate's deliberations as early as tomorrow. that if the november tax measure does not pass, there would be relaxation or whatever the euphemism is to allow districts to reduce instructional days by another 15 days each year. if you're a member until
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recently, the governor's proposal has been too -- if you remember, until recently, the governor's proposal has been 175. the reduction of five from the longstanding 180. it has been reduced to five by five already to 175. he proposed that districts be allowed to reduce by another 15 over two years. with a combination of 1213 -- 12-13 and 13-14. that has been what we shared with the board over the last couple of weeks. this new proposal which is likely to be approved, as our understanding is that it would face -- be 15 days each year. a total of 20-day reduction from the 180. going all the way to 160 ion 12- 13 and 13-14. -- in 1212 -- in 12-13 and 13-
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14. it would be up to each school district to determine if instructional -- its instructional calendar subject to collective bargaining with the teachers' unions in each respective district. >> the reason for that or some of the reason for that in san proposal is that they're estimating the per pupil cut will be increased to $457 per student. i would like at some time, i do not know if you have that calculation now, to know what we would anticipate that would increase deficit to our budget should that happen. that is why, they're going to cut more out of k-12. we will give you more ability to deny more opportunity for your students. >> that represents an additional reduction of close to $900,000 for the district?
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that would bring our total cut if that were to be implemented to $24 million. >> any other good news? [laughter] >> we will leave it as that -- at that as far as the state is concerned unless the commissioners have questions. there are details of that specific provision. i do not think that anything aside from that aspect was particularly new or surprising. the last thing that i would like to say is we definitely noted all the comments that the board members made about the presentation of budget information in our budget materials. we will definitely give it a good faith look to explore what we need to do to incorporate some of that feedback.
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i will repeat part of what i said last time. there was some discussion about the city and county's budget document. we looked at it closely and like a said last week, -- i said last week, if there is a way for us to introduce some aspects of that, i think that would be a great thing. i do not disagree with that at all. i do not think any of my colleagues see that as lacking merit. we do have staff capacity issues that we have to contend with. that is going to need to be considered pretty carefully. for starters, i would be interested in talking about their process with folks in the mayor's budget office and the comptroller's office and perhaps commissioner mendoza can help me set up a meeting in that regard. to find out a little bit about what it takes to produce a document like that, what are the key conditions that have to be
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in place to get that done. with that, i will conclude and if you -- >> we just want to make one correction to the requested action. it should be submitted for second reading instead of first. >> thank you. president yee: there are several members of the public who want to make comments on this and i will give you one and a half minutes per speaker. i will call you up. president kelly. sara -- , nancy ayala. gonzalo lopez, jessica,
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[unintelligible] andrea romero, and [unintelligible] >> good evening again. this is specifically on the budget proposal. there are concerns during this time of cutbacks and austerity that austerity must be seen and felt everywhere. we are particularly concerned about some of the things we see in the budget. for instance, your recitals for proposition a lay out $23 million in cuts. 20 feet -- $23 million in expenditures. there are $25 million available and the others are not laid out there.
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you have six departments which altogether are asking for $600,000 in other outgo with the specification of what that money can or will be used for. it is referred to as a parking lot and other times as a slush fund. you have $1.30 million for support for dream schools. they were the product of the consent decree and the consent decree is gone. if you want the additional hour after the teachers work day, there needs to be some consultation with the union over adding that two peoples day. there has not been that consultation. we note with concern that despite the flawed reporting in the papers, central office has grown by 4.29%. and the human resources cut that
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was recorded in the paper as being 30% is actually 0.9 of one position and not the 30% that was quoted in the paper. there are things in here with -- that we would expect you to address. those other outgoes, the d.r.e.a.m. schools. we want with some clarity what is going on. >> good evening. i am a parent of a student. i am here because i heard about drastic cuts that are being proposed to the early education program. i need to speak up for my 4- year-old daughter because she is too young to speak up for herself about the quality of her education. i heard each classroom will have to change teachers dressier.
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i can imagine that would be -- twice a year. i can imagine that would be hard for young children to handle. that is difficult to make the kind of social and emotional project -- progress she needs to make. there are 218 teacher days at my daughter's year-round school. there is a proposal to reduce the teacher days to 191. that means my daughter will have 27 more days without her amazing teachers and a lot of instructional time will be lost. with so many non-teacher school days, i feel like what you are proposing is to actually replace early education with babysitting. my daughter pose a -- my daughter's development is important. you cannot replace it with people who are not monitoring
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her goals that we worked collaborative lead with teachers to said. mostly, i want to know why are you not involving parents in these decisions? parents want transparency so we can work together and be partners. including discussion about our youngest children features. thank you. -- our young best children's futures. thank you. >> iour -- our african american and latino students cannot wait for budgets to get better. students are failing and your graduate as with little opportunity for a successful future. thank you. students do the appreciate you for finding money for recovery although a lot more needs to be done in order for students to be more successful in the future. thank you.
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>> i am about to be a senior at balboa high school. i am also a member at coleman advocacy for children and youth. i want to thank you all as members of the board of education for supporting our budget demands and having money go toward credit recovery. with the support, you will be making social justice a reality. i personally feel that what -- with your support, you will be giving hope for not just only 2014 and 2015 students but also for the next generation and the next and the next. you will hold -- uplift the struggles of families and students. thank you. >> i go to the school for
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equity. i would like to say i appreciate your funding and support toward our budget demands. i encourage you to keep fighting for education and justice this is important to me because it ensures me the 20% of students that were failing are going to be getting the support they need and on their way to graduating. i think i speak for all of us when i say we do appreciate it. and although we appreciate your efforts, we do want to encourage you to keep fighting and the battle has not been one. this is not the end, this is only the beginning. thank you. >> [speaking spanish]
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my name is andrea and i will be a senior at balboa high school. i come here to thank you for your support. for students like me. we still have a lot of work to do. make san francisco a better place for all students. we look forward to continuing to work with the board of education to realize [unintelligible]
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thank you. >> i come to this meeting room more often than not and it is my privilege to be here tonight. we have been in this fight, the fight for equality in education for long time, right? it did not just start with a strategic plan but i will say that as people can testify, i was really scared to come here tonight. i was scared that the board of education for another year was not going to really hear us when we talk about the lowest performing students. it is a hush hush conversation sometimes in many communities in san francisco. why do we need to do credit recovery? why do we need to be focused on the lowest performing students that because they have been robbed when more than anything you have experience in the last four years -- where more than
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anything you have experienced in the last four years. we have graduate them without an opportunity to submit an application for college. they were robbed when they took the placement test and could not get to college level there. there were a lot -- they were robbed for a long, long time. some people think they are winning a slice of the pie because it is a good year for us to do this. no. this is not an easy process. we have read through that budget document just as much as you. we have walked through the process of trying to figure out how do we take care of students who we are setting up for failure? tonight, you kept her promise. you kept your promise and we appreciate you but it is just the beginning. we have to figure out a way to unify across the state and fight budget cuts. we have to find a way to put aside our differences on the board and outside the board and we have to do it now, not tomorrow, not yesterday. we can prevent budget cuts from
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happening. i am sincere about that. president yee: other comments from the board? -- are there comments from the board? >> are we revising the three- year projections that we got two weeks ago or are they pretty much the same? >> let me say two things. our baseline projections, if we do nothing, the natural course there was depicted in the
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numbers last tuesday, there has not been much reason to change that, to change those projections. having said that, another item on your agenda tonight, it is a few items further into the agenda is the approval of the forms which are the official mechanism that we submit our budgets to cdc. so that contains and you will see that if you see your -- if you have your document. these documents, you can see one of the tabs in the district. one is for the city and the county. they do depend on and we will entertain questions and we will get a lot -- will probably have
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a lot of dialogue with the folks from cde who reviewed these assumptions. they count on being able to take steps primarily in expenditures to lecture we close the gaps that are included in our baseline projection. they do not appear in the official forms. it is what we are committed to to doing to maintain our reserves. >> and then another question i had asked last week that still kind of is leftover. for the medicare -- metical billing unit -- medial billing -- medical billing unit. i want some more specificity. it does not seem specific enough. >> if i understand the issue in the process correctly, that is held in that area and i think
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there was a little bit of discussion on tuesday as in some ways a place where that money has not been allocated yet. i believe the process by which the decisions are made to allocate those funds are made through a collaborative. a number of people -- i am looking at dr. blanco. it is a process that has been in place for several years by which people, a staff that are involved in the work that is done that is reimbursable by medical and the work to document reimbursable services are claimed and who have made decisions about what the highest priorities are for the use of those funds. that is done through a collaborative effort. it is literally called the lea
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collaborative. that body has not at least completed its deliberations about how to allocate those funds. that is a process issue. that is the reason why it has not shown up in a different way through positions. >> i am trying to make a point which is that it is hard for the board to pass a budget when there is 900 tricky million dollars that we know will go to something and it is probably really good stuff. we do not know what it is. did i say million? that would be nice. sorry. my order of magnitude is off. you know what i am trying to say. that is the one that i found. there may be other ones in here. i guess what i am saying is, i do not like to vote on a budget
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that has that amount of money sitting in a category that i know it is not going to be used for. if there is a way to be more transparent about that amount specifically. i talked to dr. blanco. it does not feel very transparent to me. >> thank you. so i want to thank everyone for the work and thank everyone for coming to the meeting we had last week which i thought was great. i measure success by how many people come to the budget meetings. i think not know if people pay attention to this, frankly. it is difficult to understand at best for everyone, including us. it is -- thankfully, we have staff who are able to explain things to us. we need the public to be more
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involved in this discussion and thank you all for that. i will think the -- thank the coleman folks for being here. even though -- i am glad to see we have been able to reallocate some money but is not enough and not what we wanted. there is not enough there. given the budget situation, it is pretty good and i am pleasantly surprised we were able to find that much. also the other staff for doing that. we have -- i and my meeting, i said this. we need to get more data into the details so it is not just this amount of money for credit recovery. how are we targeting it effectively and those kinds of things. we should and must work on those things. but i am -- i think the public should know that
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