tv [untitled] July 4, 2012 1:00am-1:30am PDT
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president chiu: welcome back to the board of supervisors meeting. i would ask people to take their seats. i think are stenographers are back in action. we appreciate your patience. why don't we go back to public comment on behalf of the appellants? >> good evening, supervisors. my husband and i have been san francisco resident since 1994. the boats operate small businesses in the city. we -- we both operate small businesses in the city. we both realize that change is inevitable.
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the 8 washington street represents the wrong kind of change. it destroys a vibrant, existing community. there was no initiation fee when i joined the gateway. my husband and i love the fact that be regularly meet new friends at the gateway. gateway is unlike any other kennedy center were i have spent time. -- unlike any other community center where i have spent time. it is a place where i can spend time your children and elderly alike. it is a gem in the crown of san francisco. the washington street project is
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not a community center. not a space for family tennis. not an adequate space for a recreational meeting place. i urge you to reject the 8 washington street project. thank you. >> good evening. i am an attorney and business owner in san francisco. i am a member of golden gate club. i wanted to vote no on the project. we love this beautiful community. what are you doing? building 100 units and ruining a
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wonderful community of over 3000 people? building a home to ruin a community does not make any sense. one thing that really upsets me, i see a lot of people saying families for 8 washington street project. what families? certainly not my family. we are against this project. my family is against this project. many families enjoy the benefits of this recreation. get this -- they tell us, the people who want to build 8 washington street project, ptolemy i will benefits.
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i would be likely to buy a condominium in this area. i will never do it in a million years. if they take down at the swimming club, and there is no reason for me to live in this city. i do not want to buy a house in the sinking ground that is going to crumble. president chiu: let me call the following individuals to line up. [reading names] next speaker. >> i have been involved in the waterfront since 1987. i have served on many advisory groups.
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i've also been a 54-year resident of telegraph hill. i am here to speak to the eir. regarding the condition of use authorization, it represents spot zoning. extending special privilege to this developer. spot zoning is widely viewed as illegal. it compromises the planning process. you are rewarding the golden gateway -- they have exploited a loophole in prop. 13. has been gradually converting the golden gateway to short-term rental and hotel use without ever going for the regulatory process. you are aiding and abetting and rewarding despite his playground
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flaunting of our laws. i would like to argue that the process was compromised and incomplete in a clearly vindictive mood. three months after the deadline for public comment on the project. this was a change in the project and the draft eir should have been revised and reopened to public comment. i would like to point out that this project is the most blatant example of excess on the part of the 1% that i have seen. i would like to see the -- york -- i hope you'll keep this in mind in determining how he will vote today. thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> i am currently working as a
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citizen with the recreation as a group of citizens who have been working with the city's strategic planning department. with the recreation and open space elements, we are going to introduce a 25-year plan for how the city uses recreation and open space. a lot has been said about having the open space and what it is providing. what is not there and this plan is the recreation. the national recreation parks association says that for a city of our size, we should have 400 tennis courts. in 2007, we had 156. today, we have 128. the number of public tennis courts is dropping very quickly. you have seen the of the poor conditions of this tennis court. they are going to rely on private funds to help them
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sustain themselves. our public tennis courts at golden gate park and some had been renovated by the olympic club. there is a another private entity that has renovated other tennis courts. we're taking a look at the privatization of our public and preservation of our private for the use of the public. that is an extremely important part when you start to consider the fact that you are going to allow huge height as well as bulk to replace recreation when you have an option. with regard to standards, swimming pools. a city in this size should have 40 swimming pools. today, it has nine. you are taking away to private pools. -- two private pools. there will be more interest in
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swimming. i do not believe you should increase the bulk, provide a conditional use. to remain a part of district 5 as we have been from the beginning. >> thank you. >> gillian gillette? >> thank you so much for the opportunity to make comments. thank you for all of your work. it is extraordinary the san francisco has so many citizens willing to step up for hours of testimony. my hat is off to you. thank you for the action you took earlier this week to close the block into 8 and into 9.
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i think it was a mistake you corrected. we're all grateful for that. i want to suggest today that you make another move, that you consider not continuing to gerrymander the neighborhood are live-in -- i live in by not going west on randall and then back east on 29th street. just stay north along mission street and the west on duncan, north on san jose. this is a neighborhood, an emerging neighborhood, trying to reemerge as a result of the freeway wars of the 1950's. san jose avenue is between 280
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and randall. north of that, [tone!] the buildings in my neighborhood were on the east side of growth -- guerrero. none of those homes have rear yards. the city has begun to push about 40,000 vehicles down san jose- guerrero. it has been injuries to the neighborhood. to build capacity in a neighborhood like that, you can get into political -- [tone!] i suggest you consider moving us all the way over to mission street. thank you. >> following joe will be tony kelley.
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>> good morning. dittos to the kudos and thanks and how intelligently you folks have handled this. i am back again to talk about the northern boundary of district 10 or the southern boundary of d6. i am asking again the move the line to 16th street. 10 years ago when the boundaries were drawn up, mission bay was in the development stage. we have redevelopment agency in place. as we move forward now, a lot of people think mission bay has been fully formed and the the medical center and so forth are pretty much a done deal. what you see being built at
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ucsf today which includes a teleport that we're able to move to the other side is half of the hospital. the other half is still to be completed. what i have on this map are couple of other reasons for a community of interest. this will stay in d10. 654 minnesota is a ucsf-owned building that contains their campus planning and police department. to say that ucsf needs to be contiguous up here does not move me at all. in this corner, we have spring park. it was given to the city by the
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spree corporation in exchange for forgiveness of impact fees when they sold what is now a completed project on the south side of 16th at third. it is quite a big building. the reason we were able to get -- [tone!] that park was because it was in what is considered the sphere of influence for mission bay. i honor the fact we're trying to keep mission the united and so forth. the fringes which have been really affected in the neighborhoods that have affected what is now a good program is definitely connected with the project. [tone!] 16th street would be swell. thank you.
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>> thank you, sir. >> i am tony kelly. thank you for your grace and consideration. i will continue the non- population quibble about the ucsf hospital. i want to draw your attention to the mission bay task force that net per year in 2007 and 2008 for the purpose of examining the impact of the future development on the eastern neighborhood. they held eight meetings and two workshops over the course of a year. this is a list of their members. important thing to know is that they had nine residents and representatives from district 6 constituencies and 10 representatives and residents from district 10 on the task force. this is one of the maps the task force came up with. it is a map of community issues and opportunities and future
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development of mission bay. i have highlighted in red what is listed as areas of greatest community sensitivity. think about this. this was a task force with residents of district 6 and 10 and they all agreed the area of the greatest community sensitivity for future development was in dog patch and on petro hill. that matches what you find today on the ucsf website for the advisory group. [tone!] it has representatives from district 6 and 10. if ucsf and their constituent groups have clearly split in the past, we see no reason why you should not continue to do that. that would argue for putting the
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hospital side at 16 as the border between districts 6 and district 10. thank you very much. do not stay up too late tonight. [tone!] >> thank you. >> i gave you a map so you can look at that. my name is angelica with the market community action network. it is a multi-racial organization. we were born out of the advocacy and organizing efforts of many community leaders in soma and the filipino community for over 20 years. i am here to remind you of the community unity map presented to
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you on april 4 at the general meeting. you heard from dozens of community members and leaders who spoke in support of our plan from across san francisco and representing a wide number of communities of concern. we commended you on the draft map presented on march 12 achieving many of the goals of our own consensus process was trying to accomplish. we are concerned about the direction the most recent draft map has taken. one is the understanding of trade-offs among community members and organizations that were able to reach across geographic and ethnic boundaries to develop consensus around and out for the city districts. i am here to echo the need of
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the filipino community to stay in district 6, especially on the 15th street corridor. there are a lot of filipinos in that area. they have the same interests as a lot of filipinos in the tenderloin south of market. we want to make sure they stay in the district to make sure they have affordable housing, adequate services. [tone!] we want to make sure they of culturally competent services that they receive from the community. we want to make sure you continue hearing the community today and a different resonance speaking to keep district 6 south of market together. thank you. >> thank you, ma'am. >> it is ok. [tone!] >> good morning, a task force members. my name is lorenzo.
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miami tenderloin resident and a member of the association has a membership base of over 150 filipino residents in the tenderloin. i would like to ask everyone in the task force to consider the impact on district 6. soma/mission/tenderloin has been the starting point for many filipino residents and families historically. the filipino community has been part of that district since the 1920's. this is where we could find affordable housing, adequate jobs and services that the new immigrants need. it is extremely important that the filipino community stays together. if you move the line to 15th and extended from valencia -- it is really important for us that our communities stay together in district 6.
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>> thank you, sir. >> good morning, a task force. my name is jesus. i am a resident of soma. please keep soma together by including 15th street. thank you. i hope you keep it together. >> thank you, sir. >> good morning. i am a resident of tenderloin. i am also a volunteer. i am representing low-income families in soma, mission,
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tenderloin. the filipino residents in san francisco have faced challenges to development. pushing out our community, the filipino community has been part of the district's six neighborhood. we urge you to support the filipino families and please remove the northern border. remove the northern border. it is important to us that the community stay together in d6. thank you. >> thank you, man. >> my name is raymond castillo. i work with a lot of filipino youth in district 6. soma has been the starting point
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for a lot of filipinos. a lot of filipino immigrants deal with a lot of stuff like culture shock, bilingual, bullying, and all of this. there is no high school in soma. after middle school, all the years go to different high schools. it is the committee that keeps them together. we urge you to keep us together in district 6. if you move the line to 15th, extended from -- extend it from valencia. thank you. >> hello? i am part of the youth group called ye. -- yes.
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i have invested 13 years of my life south of market helping youth, teaching them the issues of what is going on right now. there the next generation -- they are the next generation that will one day influence others, their next generation. they will be the ones that may be one of you guys one day. so, of all of this time we have been working in our organization, we know the hardships and how long it takes to get something done. nothing just happens in one day or one meeting. you guys know, you have been through this topic so many times tried to figure out where to put everything. on behalf of my peers and family members, we request 15th street from valencia to harrison be within district 6.
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we have worked so hard working with the people there. all those years, if we are separated, that connection with everybody will be lost. [tone!] being part of the disparate district -- of a different district has their own obligations and ideas. we want to keep 15th street from valencia to harrison within district 6. we want to keep our community together. thank you. >> thank you. following mrs. henderson will be deanne, doug, and chris. >> good morning. i am a resident of district 10. today i am here is a staff person for supervisor olague in
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district 5. we received quite a bit of correspondence. i wanted to make sure you were aware of what the supervisor has received in her office from members of different neighborhoods. we have gotten a number of letters from the lower haight, particularly around the commercial corridor and 55 laguna. we're wanting to bring it to your attention that there is a significant amount of interest in bringing 55 laguna into the district as well as keeping the haight street recorder complete. we have received correspondence from the [unintelligible] and want to be sure to highlight that sunset feel connected
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mostly to the haight and panhandle. they feel like they would be disconnected if they were cut off and included interdistrict for. -- into district 4. we have received several letters in the past few days from residents on grove and schrader. [tone!] we want to make sure we support the constituents who have reached out to us. we want to encourage you to hear the proposals they have presented in terms of including that block in nopa and making sure they are part of district 5 as well and connected to the panhandle. thank you very much. >> thank you, ma'am. >> hello, task force. i am super short.
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i m and in turn at the south of market committee action network. part of our program involves giving direct service to filipino and latino families which includes information about affordable housing, sro, tru's, and also giving you for leadership -- youth leadership for the communities. we give as much support as we can to the families. the south of market tenderloin has been a starting point for many filipino immigrants and their families. due to high cost and development, many filipinos have been forced to relocate to other parts of san francisco. meanwhile, we have established
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community centers, businesses, and the only pilipino bilingual school. their churches concentrated for filipino residents and families. filipino residents in san francisco have faced challenges do to politics and development dividing our committee. there was the expansion of the financial district. [tone!] with the development pressures in the south of market committee, hopefully this does not continue with the redistricting process. it is really important the filipino community stay together. our youth needs to stay together. please move the line to 15th and extend it always to harrison. it is important for us to keep the community together. [tone!] we want to stay together in district 6. ♪
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