tv [untitled] July 9, 2012 12:00am-12:30am PDT
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>> i'm sue desmond hell monday, i'm chancellor here at the university of san francisco. thank you. that's very nice. i'm very, very pleased on behalf of all of my colleagues here at university of california san francisco to welcome all of you to mission bay. if you haven't been here before, look around you. here we are, less than 10 years
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from the time this building first went up here at mission bay and now we're a thriving environment for science, teaching and patient care who are all focused on one most important thing. advancing health worldwide. [applause] i'm particularly -- that's good. that's worth applauding. i want to offer a heart felt welcome to leader pelosi and san francisco mayor ed lee. welcome to both of you. [applause] i also want to welcome members of the san francisco board of supervisors and other distinguished guests this afternoon. we're particularly honored to have leader pelosi here as we are very, very grateful for 25 years of public service. thank you. she has worked tirelessly on behalf of san francisco, the bay area and the nation and i particularly want to call out her work as a champion of issues
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in human health including h.i.v. aids, biomedical research and innovation and so many more of the important areas of science that are so important to all of us here at ucsf. thank you, leader pelosi. this is a great day today for us at ucsf mission bay and the entire mission bay community. the transportation secretary's announcement earlier today of a $10 million infrastructure investment in mission bay is yet another vote of confidence in the great city of san francisco and our dynamic mission bay community. the grant which the d.c. insiders call a tiger grant will drink infrastructure that is critical for ensuring access for program at ucsf mission bay. with respect to point out the $1.5 million 550-bed hospital.
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it will provide aid to women, children and cancer patients. construction is underway directly south of us scheduled to open in early 2015. more broadly, the transportation -- will be a key transit source for the full ufsf campus providing bike lines, pedestrian walkways and transit editions necessary to serve this vibe brant and still growing community. as the second largest provider of employment in the city continued success is key to our city and our nation's economic competitiveness. thank you so much, speaker pelosi, mayor lee and the entire san francisco family for working hard. we really appreciate it. thank you. [applause] now i would like to introduce our next speaker and director of the successor agency to the san
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francisco redevelopment agency, tiffany bohe. [applause] >> thank you, chancellor. good morning, everyone. my name is tiffany bohe. i'm pleased to introduce our speaks for this afternoon. our next speaker is the director of the san francisco municipal transportation agency, ed riskin. ed has served in the this capacity for over a year prioritizing balancing budgets, creating greater first quarter sis in our transit system and investing strategicically in our capital complex with the commitment of improving on-time performance. ed riskin. [applause] >> thank you, tiffany. it is so great to be here. to me mission bay is really a model for the nation of how we should do land use and transportation planning and redevelopment. it is a model for us here in san francisco, modeling what will
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happen at treasure island and down in hunter's point. what that means from a transportation perspective is designing the land use of a transportation to serve people, not just building roads for cars to pass through, but designing and building the public rights of way for people to be in for the benefit of the people who are going to work here, who are going to live here, who are going to visit here. what this tiger grant means to us is one of the final pieces to knit together that part of the puzzle that is integral with making mission bay work the way it was designed to work. putting in the last piece of the pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and putting in the road way connections to make for first quarter but safe auto travel and maybe most importantly finishing the final transit connections for mission bay, the loop that you see down there, number four, the loop that is going to enable us to increase the service on the third street, light rail, the
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extension of the 22 fillmore on the other side of this building that is going to serve the beautiful new hospital with a zero emission electric bus. these are the things that are needed to make mission bay work and realize its potential just a short anecdote. i was at a meeting a couple of blocks from here to talk about parking management. there are not that many people who live here yet but those ho do are very concerned with parking and this was an area that was designed so that people could live here without having their own automobile or certainly multiautomobiles. as we're starting to manage parking to achieve that goal people are saying you can't ask us to get out of our cars until the transit service good. until there are bike ways and walkways. i look forward with working with the director of public works, with tiffany, with the mar major's office and the rest of the city family to get these dollars in the ground, to get
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jobs created and to really help realize the vision for mission bay. i very much want to thank mayor lee and particularly leader pelosi who has been a strong and consistent and persistent advocate to help make mission bay realize. i also want to acknowledge tom nolan and director jerry lee who got great support to make this work. mission bay is definitely a model for this country and as the chancellor said, a strong vote of confidence for getting this grant today. thank you very much. [applause] >> our next speaker is mike theriot, the distinguished secretary treasurer of the san francisco building and trades commission and worker in the trades commission since 19835. mike? >> we in the construction unions in san francisco are very grateful for the jobs that this
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grant is going to bring us as indeed we are grateful for all the jobs that federal contributions have brought us in what has for us in the construction industry generally been a depression, not a recession. for example, we had doyle drive. we had the train box. we had 50 united nations plaza. those have kept us alive at a time when otherwise we would be in more dire straits. this grant is not in that scale, but it does a very, very important thing. the mission bay district here, as those of you who know san francisco well understand, is becoming a major economic driver for the -- for san francisco. and it has good transportation bones. it has 280 to the west. it has the cal train station just north of mission creek. those bones tie them to the economic body of the complex. that's what this project does. it provides the linkage between the bones of transportation that
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already exists and the complex developing here and i think it serves as an example for what could be going on in the rest of the country. work is turning around here in san francisco in construction. you can see the tower cranes around but it is not in many parts of the country and there we're looking at an commix economist from the university of utah told us a few weeks ago, a five-year ark before the construction industry comes back to its precrash highs. projects like this, projects that have multiple purposes that put us to work so that it can put other to work in the complex s that areserved by transportation are just what we need and so we are again grateful. we think it is a great example for the country and we'll use it well here. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, mike. mayor lee has kept a laser-like focus on economic development, job creation. doing what it takes to make sure
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that san francisco keeps investing an infrastructure which is the backbone of our city. please join me in welcoming mayor ed lee. [applause] >> thank you, tiffany. well, mike, i just want to make sure you know all of us own this two-word mantra. jobs now has been something we have all heard and i know leader pelosi has said it time and time again, whether she is here or in the air or if she lands in d.c., we have to have these jobs for the american people. that's what has been our joint mantra. i want to just let you know how thankful and happy i am to join our partners at ucsf. leader pelosi, a good friend, to let you know we were hanging out here a few minutes ago. every time we come together is because we are sharing good news about the efforts we have committed to ahead of us and behind us. so we were commenting on that.
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we have got if keep this in context. less than a decade ago, we were august all looking at a rail yard and people said in san francisco we worked with labor. i want to thank members of our redevelopment agency, the commissioners who are here today that are no longer technically commissioners but they are just as committed today as they were years ago when we had a redevelopment agency because they worked with the city to make sure that this area was not only an area to pay attention to, they were part of the team that leader pelosi and i in my previous days in public works were trying to identify with mohammed about what were the lines of boundaries that we could carve out. what we could do with our infrastructure and how we work with muni and infrastructure and all of the other agencies to make sure we built this so when
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we built the infrastructure and we invested in this pressure, private investment and private money confidence would come. well, it has arrived in a big, big way. and if you look at what chancellor has already noted for you, in addition, we have some of the largest world renowned pharmaceutical companies right here setting up their research. they are going to make major breakthroughs whether it is bayer or others. in addition to that, we have a public safety building that d.p. swmbings leading. we are building therefore fire and police headquarters. we have got the giants. in all of their success, they are taking another pod of land to also add more value next door to mission bay. we have got the very successful housing units that are already
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filled up. so as ed riskin said earlier, it is mot just transportation. it is for who and for what. we are building community here with our u.c. partners partners and our private investments and this is what secretary lahood and leader pelosi and president obama has said all along. we won't just give these very limited grants just to give grants out. they have to see the evidence of the public/private partnerships to put it in the context of building community and that's what this $10 million is for. it may sound not as much but it is absolutely critical to fulfilling that loop to increasing the capacity of the bicycle and pedestrian lanes so it really does, at this time, complement everything that we have done thus far, and by the way, without us having done those public/private partnerships, we would not have seen this grant.
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we learned that from the tiger one grants. leader pelosi was up there with me not too long ago when we were complimenting the structure of the old non-safe drive to welcome in the parkway. i know that as more competition comes from limited federal moneys, we have got to prove do we have our game together and our game and our act is about building the whole neighborhood. not just one part or the other. not just getting started. these funds are some competitive now that every time we win one, we're going to celebrate even better because they are in the context of other things that we have to do in a public/private setting. i want to thank fair lawn capital. i want to thank the mission bay development group that has been working on and on. i want to thank our redevelopment partners and
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d.p.w. and sfmta and all of our public agency partners for their working together because this does really create that collaboration that is absolutely needed. but there is always someone who i will always cherish for a long, long, long time and certainly for the rest of my life. you know, leader pelosi has been there from the start. you know, we have named something for her as a complement for 25 years. but i'll tell you, that's just going -- sfu you went to any other part of the city whether it is presidio, mission bay, you could easily name another drive there with everybody's support for her because she has been everywhere with us. mission bay did not happen overnight. it required sustained, long determination and commitment action and who has been there frr for all day one and has
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never ever lessened her commitment to this? that has been leader pelosi. i just want to take this opportunity to thank you, leader, for being with us, not just today, not just for this announcement. i know we're celebrating this announcement. but has been there in the years past and given us the foundation to hope and continue getting these things done and then to have this as another great announcement. thank you to you for your leadership. thank you for giving us that special voice. jobs now, jobs now, jobs now for everybody. thank you very much. [applause] >> as the chancellor and mr. mayor have said, over the course of her 25 years in public service, leader pelosi has been instrumental in shaping and transforming san francisco. people's lives and our physical environment.
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she has been a tireless champion of infrastructure investment in our city which not only creates jobs but also spurs economic development and housing investment. it is my great honor and pleasure to introduce leader pelosi. [applause] >> thank you very much for your kind introduction, mayor, for your very generous words. chancellor, for yours as well. to all of you, congratulations on all that this representeds today. jobs now, jobs now, jobs now. that is our mantra. jobs now and jobs into the future. chancellor, your words about what your purpose is here are so inspiring and it is one of the reasons we are able to attract the resources of that we can for this area. tiger means, just so you know, tiger means and it is completely in keeping with what the mayor
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said, transportation investment generating economic recovery. is this a perfect fit? a perfect example of what a tiger grant should be? [applause] i'm honored to join the chancellor and the mayor and a new title for tiffany, executive director as to the successor. mike, you spoke about jobs and construction and the rest and it is -- we all have worked together, mayors, admirals, generals, you name it, right from the start of my 25 years to say how can we create jobs and grow our city whether it is housing, transportation, health, education, whatever the subject? and right off the bat, nature gave us an opportunity with the earthquake. an unwelcomed change but
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nonetheless, taking down the decision that the people of san francisco had to make and mayor at the time about whether to take down the freeway or to shore it up and that decision to take it it down of course led to so many things south of market. the military decided they were going to close three military bases and this small, teeny tiny seen, 40 square miles and three bases which gave us opportunity for the presidio treasure island has been mentioned and of course very important to us, your neighbor here at hunters point. so all the mitigation, removal of poisons of the past and some of these places, they are all construction nirkt i evers. so -- initiatives.
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for this $10 million, for every dollar, there are 20 times more requests for the grant, so we were sort of pestering the secretary about what this would mean in transportation investment generating economic recovery. how we met the standard of that title. of course, since president obama became president, we have passed the recovery act, so much has happened here in terms of central -- we start with the presidio, the doyle drive. that is one that is in construction now as well as central subway, transbay terminal as you mentioned all of these things before that third street rail all coming out of initiatives. i have to prove to my colleagues that there will be economic development that springs from these projects. i also have to prove that dirt will fly. that the community is together in support of the initiatives
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that are we are putting forth. doesn't mean we have unanimity. but that we have consensus in % mike spoke in some very health science metaphors, didn't he, chancellor, talking about good bones and sinew and tiffany talked about the backbone and the rest of that, though. it all helped to bring us back to where we are. ucsf. this incredible institution for research, for care, for improving the health of the world and national newswide. so with their excellence, we were able to attract resources to the research. that research, in order to attract the talt talent, the nobel laureates and those who would be, need labs, knees the infrastructure. it is all a circle.
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infrastructure attracted talent. talent, additional infrastructure attracts capital and what some of the byproducts -- in the private sector, some great companies serving meeting the aspirations of people in terms of drug development. you just need to look at buyers. buyers -- i don't know what it was. hall? the names indicate so much of the success of the area. we also have to prove, as the mayor said, when there is a public investment, that there will be private investment and non-profit vement that will follow. so -- investment that will follow. we see this philanthropy. the market opportunities that spring for us. perfect. tiger. perfect tiger grant. so i thank you for what you do to make this possible. i want to also acknowledge
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president obama and the recoveryability from which much of this has sprung. the tiger grants first appeared in the recovery act. we were trying to get them in the appropriations bill, conth to get them in the appropriations bill. we do have one other bill on the table. it is 100 days old since our chairwoman barbara boxer, great pride of california, passed in the senate, a bipartisan way, a transportation bill that received on the record 75 members of the united states senate. democrats and republicans. senator boxer, the chairwoman, the ranking republican on the committee, senator degrees, you have to be a contortionist to have a further spectrum of how far they are on most issues, but together on this transportation bill, because everything that we're talking about here is about jobs now. it is about connecting
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communities. it is about transportation. it is about quality of life. quality of air. it is about commerce. product and people to work and to market and back. it is about economic development that takes us -- about growth. about growth. it takes us to a special place. and yes, our projects have to be of national significance and we can compete with anybody on that score. so i'll accept your compliments, tiffany, and others on what i have done. all i can do is advocate for what is happening here and what's happening here in every respect is excellent. excellence at ucsf, in ideas aboutability in our community and in the contributions of the front pi focused in a way to produce the result, excellence in our workforce to respect our workers that we have selective
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bargaining and davis bacon as part of it recognizing that we want the best possible talent so that we can have the best possible results. i'm shrew absolutely delighted. this is a very happy day for me. earlier this month, the $150 million loan to continue the work for presidio parkway formerly known as doyle drive, under another formation, doyle drive. the federal government has recognized, and it is not -- people look at this and say you get everything. they are connected. we proved that we were deserving and it is now -- now it opens another possibility so we celebrate this today for what it does and thank you for spelling out what it does in terms of connecting to other transportation here. but it -- when you talked about how it connects up to the other
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things. it also will lead to other things. we're hoping to get this transportation bill passed and more possibilities spring from that, but i know the way you will exploit and i mean that in a positive way, all of these resources, what it can also attract and what it can lead to, we'll be back celebrating for something else very soon. in closing, let me say one of my big selling points, in the various jobs he has held, he has to get a job done. when i came to the mar major's office, twfs the reputation of his experience in public works and experience in the officer who had to get the job done for the city. before he became mayor and so when he was selected first and then liquiditied after that, -- elected after that, it was clear to everyone who met him or when he came to d.c. or when he
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brought people here, he could get the job bone. he knew of what he spoke. he gave a clear eye of what could happen. i wish you could see him. the federal officials come to town and whether we're looking at central subway or whatever the project is, chapter and verse, totally knowledgeable, understanding the possibility, understanding the possibilities. that's what our mayor is about. people know what he says he is going to do something. the job will get done. totally operational. very inspirational. we're very proud of you, mayor lee. thank you all very much. [applause]
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department and asked for a program to survive for 3 days. there is a 70 percent chance we will have a 6.5 earthquake. 71 large fires. 40 major rescue operations. [inaudible]. rescue operations there were 34 structure fires we need 275 engines to handle this. we have 41. you will be on your own and we should be prepared. we will go over the merge training program. part of the training program is helping you make the decisions that will save lives. in this situation this person carrying a pail of water to put out the fire will not put out the fire. how many people have used a fire extinguis
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