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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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>> our lifetime achievement grand marshal is going to take over my duties and introduce all of the other elected officials. i would like to remark that as an architect it was a great honor to be the team liaison to the joint venture that renovated city hall. worked directly with willie brown to achieve presentations. in our first meeting, you came in and said, do what is right for the building and i will take care of the money and the politics. and you certainly held true to your word. the building is beautiful
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because we made sure that we did the right thing. [applause] >> how about the pink suede jacket? [laughter] [applause] >> it is a great honor for me to be part of what is always an incredible san francisco's celebration. tomorrow, in particular, will be a great day. i do not know yet. but it will be charged to the reconstruction of the building. [laughter] it is my great honor and
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pleasure to let you know that when we finish, in just a few minutes, all of the dialogue behind us, champagne bottles, very important people who are up here, i suppose you might say gives birth in life to the incredible thing triangle which is on the side of this particular hill that has been put here by some incredible volunteers. before that, we have got to hear from a couple of people. we're going to start with the boss of our city, the man who runs the city day in and day out. it is my hope he will run the city for as long as he wishes. mayor ed lee. [applause] >> thank you, mayor brown,
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leader nancy pelosi. quickly, if i could invoke nancy pelosi's story? honros granted? [laughter] i will make it quick. i am not really a big speechmaker. but i do want to say something from the heart as i was listening to all of the previous remarks and how important it is to teach and use these moments to teach other generations. what we have to do two and intolerance. i am proud of the city for so many reasons for it time and time again, i have gone to the u.s. conference of mayors and talk to them about our city being the innovation capital of the world. what i realize and what i have discussed more and more with them is that you cannot have the best mind, the best talent of any city unless you unleased everybody in the city to
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participate. that means we have to work even harder to and intolerance not only in our city but all around our country very it i know that is the really big secret. you cannot be innovation capital of the world unless the gay community, the asian community, the african-american community, the transgender community, all participate at their utmost level. that is how we become the best city. [applause] all of us are probably walking with all of you. we will be looking up to the twin peaks and seeing the bright colors identifying this mark, remembering what it means, educating other generations. i have to admit, when i looked down on this hill, i also got other memories. we had to get the goats up here.
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i am still seeing these dotes on the hillside. where are they? [laughter] patrick, thank you again for all of the effort to clean this up. you see these busloads of visitors who are wondering what it is and they get educated on the meaning of our city. the other thing i want to say -- nancy pelosi has been such a wonderful leader triet -- leader. it has been through her efforts, following her, when the federal government was unable to provide the funds to have enough money for hiv, the state, all of her efforts, the budget was not there. we had a little bit of luck in
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san francisco. we followed their leadership and we made those cuts with the wonderful relationship of the mayor's office working with all of the members of the board of supervisors. that is how we work together. we do not use an excuse. it is all of our responsibility to make sure that these programs are fully-funded, that they reflect our care and concern. with that, thank you very much for all of your leadership. [applause] >> senator mark leno. [applause] >> captured, thank you for
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bringing us all together once again. it is such an honor to have our leader here along with the mayor, former mayor, now lifetime achievement award winner, all of the marshalls, our entire elected family, bishop. i want to thank riat -- rita for being with us. [applause] i have taken on the role of recounting how the nazis did what they did. i'm going to do it in a very abbreviated fashion this year. they broke laws. they change the laws so they could continue to be able to discredit, dishonor, and finally attempt to eliminate an entire population, first making it illegal for jews to own property, businesses, for jews to marry people that they love. all of these provisions. i want to recount how we have
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been making progress in the opposite direction area just 40 years ago, 1972, the american psychiatric association, finally removed from this list of mental illnesses, homosexuality. that was an enormous game changer. once that was done, leaders like willie brown could reverse state law, which at that time, would have been a felony for a consensual adult of the same gender to have relations. willie loves telling the story. it is very dramatic. the vote was locked at 20-20. he air lifted in the lieutenant governor to cast the deciding vote. when he comes home on weekends, goes to church with his wife and children, the church elders would take him aside and say, is
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there something we should note? [laughter] it was not a self-serving act. this was leadership in fighting for civil rights. that is why willie brown is getting a lifetime achievement award. [applause] as i do every year, i bring a proclamation writ this effort starts on friday morning. when patrick takes a u-haul truck to a storage locker, blows up the truck, brings the volunteers, comes back, feeds everybody. saturday morning filling out the triangle. this is an amazing effort and we're so indebted to you. this may help you complete wallpaper in your new bathroom. [applause]
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but, as earnest as your efforts are and all of the volunteers, we would not be here if it were not for edith. we brought a proclamation for edith. [applause] we look forward to celebrating your 90th birthday shortly. thank you all for being here. [applause] >> from san francisco, california state representative tom adriana -- amiano. [applause]
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>> thank you. i just got a text from olivia newton-john and she wants her jacket back. [laughter] ♪ summer days ♪ [laughter] i have been around the block and even when i was young, a whole bunch of people were there for us. it was popular. they could have lost votes. i do appreciate loyalty permit it reminds us about what loyalty is all about. we will never forget those people in germany forced to wear a pink triangle. to my brother from uganda, we will never let you down. you have the force of this community behind you. our history means a lot but the future means more. when you have the horror of rick
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santorum and mitt romney and i have a confession to make. 46 years ago, i threw mitt romney down to the ground and cut and styled his hair. [laughter] [applause] >> that remarks should go viral. [laughter] patrick was kline -- kind enough to identify members of the board of supervisors and the other electorate of san francisco. i do not think you have got a chance to see them. to see them together for a much greater picture. i am not going ask anyone of them -- everyone of them to say
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anything. [laughter] i am going ask if they would. obviously, the president of the board of supervisors, david chiu. get a good photo. supervisor campos, supervisor cohen, supervisor wiener, where are you? the man who collects surtaxes. where is phil? this is part of the official family of the city and county of san francisco. all of them would like to speak, but i have the mic.
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what you are going to your next is the band and then the champagne. [applause]
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>> good afternoon, i'm lawrence kornfield. welcome to our brown bag lunch. the fire department as a lot to do with fire escapes in san
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francisco. we have tens of thousands of fire escapes in san francisco. it's sort of like utility wires, until you start looking for them. you don't even see them. today we're going to look at them and for them and talk a little bit about what they are there for and how they should be maintained. what our standards are. so we are right here in front of building services office at 1660 mission street. we have one of many buildings served by fire escapes. they are typically used when there's a required means of existing or egressfrom the building. this building has a main stairway and all these fire escapes. i don't know about the backside. it probably has more exits that
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would be typically required to have. >> typically fire escapes are the second. the first is for existing buildings. my guess is the building has been broken up. that's why they add more than one fire escape. >> and in fact one of basis of the building code is to get people how the. how do you get people out safely? >> right and the cold always says, if one is blocked there should be another one in 99 percent of buildings >> and there are limitations on how you exit. you can't exit from one tenant space to another if that space is locked. that's why we have extra fire escapes on this building. let's look up at these fire escapes for a second. the fire escapes have a few
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specific elements. and we'll talk in detail about what they are. they include a way out on top fire escape balcony. the fire escape balconies. the ladder from the lowest balcony to the ground and a way to get on to the roof. i think those are the main elements of the fire escape. >> yeah. >> okay. and we're going to look at a bunch of different ones. this is a good example across the street. so first of all, how do you get out on to the fire escape? you can't have to climb out on a little window. we can see there are large, openable window pain doors,
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>> they did allow them to climb out windows and those are grandfathered in. >> as bill mentioned, there's an important part of the codes, they are not retroactive. you had to bring them up to today's standards. it's allowed to be maintained in the original construction. that's one of reasons we have old fire escapes. they are not required to be upgraded. >> if this was built today, a fire escape would not be allowed. they do not meet the second means of egresscode.
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>> but in all the existing ones like this one, you have to maintain them and keep a second means. according to the codes the building was built under. we are allowed to have fire escapes in existing buildings to provide a new exist from a historic building. it specifically allows fire escapes. we are allowed to have fire escapes for new exits. it's under some circumstances >> right. r3. one and 2 family homes. even new ones, which is not under the jurisdiction of the fire department. we will allow new buildings to have fire escapes if they can show reasonable standard for why they cannot put in a conforming stair sway. fire escapes are essentially
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providing a legal second stairway. it's not quite a second stairway. that's 60 to 70 degrees. the fire department does to the agree and the more hazardous. >> if it was built, we allow you to maintain them. >> speaking of maintenance. we will get to maintenance later. we have people that do fire escape maintenance. going back to talking about the elements, we have access to the fire escape and then we have a fire escape balcony, they need a balcony to get access. you don't climb out directly on to a ladder. for one and 2 family dwellings,
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but there are very few of them. we had an exception under there for no balconies. they are almost always required >> jomes are not allowed. they are pole ladders and they open up into a vertical ladder, their product lists doesn't require a balcony. we made a decision that is not even close to provide equivalency to a stairway. how many people. >> yeah, we have a question over here >> what year was this law changes and fire escapes required >> the question was, at who
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point was the regulations change from allowing fire escapes to second stairs? >> that would be under the fire departments jurisdiction. >> it was actually within the last 10 to 15 years. i started 12 or 11 years ago and there was improvement plans with fire escapes. it came from the state. state farm was the one that came out and said, no no ones. >> yeah. so it's pretty recent. i can remember. i'm not that old. >> you're not. you are a young guy. so we have balconies, i handed out to you a whole set of technical standards. we will not go through that unless you have questions. if you are watching this and you want a copy, call us, our
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number is 558-6025. we have the ladders that connect to the next balcony, those are regulated under the local, administrative bulletins and there's retroactive provisions in the state building code about how they have to be. >> the angle and width. i believe that's all covered in the handout. >> typically san francisco fire escapes and we will see, had angles of somewhere between 60 and 72-degree ladders. i can't from this angle tell what that is. the state has made it clean that 60 degrees is what they consider to be the maximum safe angle. most of the existing ones are steeper, up to 72 degrees.
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and these hand rails and they step down on to a landing and you walk around and go down. at the bottom, this is the way to get to the ground. this is great. this has something called a counter balance ladder. it means that as you walk down to the bottom of the fire escape, there's a ladder sticking out horizontally. it will go down because there's a weight. >> it doesn't go all at once. >> so counter balance ladders are what the code currently require. but as we walk around, you will see many of them don't have counter balance ladders, they have drop ladders and accordians and all that.
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this is an excellent type of ladder. you can see from the end of counter balance ladder, there's a chain. if you follow the chain up. it goes up to a pulley and down the other side to a weight. can you see that? the big weight is the counter balance weight and the code prescribes how many force it will take to operate that counter balance. >> is there a maximum height? >> yes. there's a maximum and minimum. >> it's in the handout >> ladder xdto the ground. on page 6, 2.7. a permanent, 50 pounds. 150 pounds 1 quarter of the way will start to swing slowly down.
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and no fire escapes will be less than 14 feet above the sidewalk. when any part falls away, it has to be 14 feet. >> the top ladder too, that's a straight ladder. that's for fire department use. that's not for somebody fleeing a fire. you are supposed to come down. we use these things as a second way to get up. we like this, because we can run up those things. we don't have to go in the building. the stamp pipes are on there. or a wet stand pipe. actually for us, it's a convenience. it's a goose neck ladder over the top. but, once again, that's for
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fire department use. not for civilians. we can always get a ladder up and get them off. i have done that frequently. that's something that happens frequently in the city. >> you don't need a ladder from the roof in it's less than 4 and 12. you need to have a ladder. >> once again, the fire department shouldn't be up there. we are going to walk through this and cross otis street. we will look at sand types and some of the other stuff. >> okay. this is, we are on otis and
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golf. >> this is serving 50 or more people. this is a really interesting fire escape with these curved balconies. and once again, we have the elements that we were discussing. the balconies, access. this accordion ladder. what does the fire department think about the accordian ladders? >> they got dropped out. it's retroactive. they have to bring them up to today's code. i have a story to tell. when i was in the sunset district. you see a crank on the side, you undue a lever and they are supposed to fall down. we did it, 50 to 75 percent of the