tv [untitled] August 6, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm PDT
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itself. i would like to move on to the next part of the agenda. we're going to have some detailed discussions of the framework. i would like to introduce the deputy associate administrator for the theme office of response and recovery. [applause] >> good morning. we have to keep this going. this is kind of the morning of talking before we get into the nuts and bolts of where we're really here. i want to start by thanking nancy, all of the fema folks, and the inter-agency. does anyone remember about two years ago when we came for the stakeholder out reache?
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we started this process with a blank piece of paper. we did not start with añr plan d say here is what we think the federal government should do for recovery. we started with a blank piece of hp'd asked people their ideas. what is it about recovery? a lot of you may not know me. i came out of state government for 25 years. recovery of has always been my profession, my passion as you will get from this presentation. i am sorry forç all of the peoe for whom this is the sixth meeting. that is what it is about. there are things i learned working of the state level, the floods of was then in utahç in 1983 and 1984. then on to the disasters in arizona. i became very close with nancy and her team.
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working through all of that and knowing as we work with the national response plan working through recovery and the emergency support function and what we did with that, i am very proud and happy thatç wendy is here from the state of arizona to talk about what we did with that and how we grew recovery to document it. that is what this is, the national recovery framework is what we did to document how recovery can work across the country. you can use it. it is scalable. i will get into the nuts and bolts of some of it to set the stage for the conversations you will have the rest of the day. you can see how it is applicable to you in how we move this forward. çit is key to know that this is theçç national disaster recovy from work. this is not the federal recovery framework.
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how many people in this room are government, state, local? that is a lot of view? anyone here from the private sector? awesome. do we have any voluntary agencies? great. any citizens? everybody is a citizen, obviously. [laughter] any aliens? [laughter] çit is key that we are all here together to interact. when it comes to recovery, it is neighbors helping neighbors. we're there to support. the local and state governments and federal government. we do not come in and take over. that is what is key when we look at this and how it really is the whole community. i want to point out the other agencies that leadçç the recoy
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support function and looking at all ofç the agencies that have participated. çto bring in the whole entire federal family. that is one of the things i found most frustrating three years ago when i came to be in fema and looking across the ñrwhole inter-agency. çatñr the state level, we were always callingç trying to shop around to find out how we could get more resources because there is so much more out there other than the stafford act. that is what we think about when weç think about recovery. we think about the men and the stafford act. ç-- we think about fema and the stafford act. they did not make any community hall. çit is everything else that cos to bear and how weç maximize te resources as we move forward. as we look into this, we will get into the free-market self --
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we will get into theq it is a framework. it is not a plan. youç cannotçç cross out one e and put in another. this is a guiding document with key concepts. we got the stakeholders' across the communitiesç andç asked tm what is it about recovery you have lived through, what would you like to see going forward, and what are the key concepts we need to develop. çthe first thing was leadershi. çthe mayor was up here. çyou look to your localñr officials and who they designate when it comes to how we will recover. the industries were thinking of pulling out of communities. when the leaders of the communities said that we will rebuild, our citizens are
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employees of these places. how are we going to rebuild to make that happen? they are looking for leadership. they are lookingç forç pre and post disaster planning. does anybody here have a recovery plan that is older than two years? one year? does anybodyç have a recovery plan in your community? [laughter] nancy, you have lots of work to do. çlooking at the post-disaster organizations and how you manage recovery, everybody comes together, what resources they can bring to bear and provide. one of the key concepts we have as i mentioned is leadership. having somebody in chargeç, working on this. we all wear multiple hatsç. to have somebody with some focus
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on looking at recovery. at the local level, identifying the local disaster recovery manager, somebody who can be there pre and post disaster. that is what communities are looking for, the leadership level, and then the individuals that can carry forth and make it happen at the local level. çlooking at your states,ç tril ñrdisaster coordinator recoverys well. and you go to if you need to get technical assistance? ñrwho will be there after the disaster to lead this forward as it moves ahead? when a disaster becomes declared by the federal government or not, when we have the gulf oilç spill a couple of years ago, and was never a federally declared disaster fema -- fromç fema's sampling,
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but it was a huge disaster. somebody who can be there from recovery and making sure it all moves. it is key that everybody is integrated and working together. çthe recovery of support functions i will get into more. can you read that? [laughter] i know the people in the back cannot read the little plant. looking at the elements, those functions. we will get into those more as we dig into this. what do you need after a disaster? itç is a combination of everyby working together, coming together. we have been pilot testing for the past two years. when we open up our joint field offices, having somebody at the same time doing response. the first thing that is most important when a disaster
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happens is how we get people's immediate needs taken care of. to have somebody focusing on recovery. you start making decisions in your recovery as soon as a disaster happens. how will you recover? the business side, housing, all of these things come to bear at the beginning of a disaster. pulling all that together and how everybody works together to support everybody during the disaster recovery effort. the next key concept is looking into pre and post disaster planning, recovery planning. you all have a lot of work to do. really looking at it ahead of time, thinking about your community. what would happen if your community all the sudden. it's a disaster -- all the sudden gets a disaster?
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you wake up in your community is gone. what would you do differently? greensburg decided to go green. çin tuscaloosa, it wasç a tor. look at what happens with earthquakes and floods. what would you want your community to look like? çwe have community planners out there. are they working with economic development and everyone else in the community? it is key. bringing together the stakeholders, the private sector, the nonprofits, the voluntary agencies, government at all levels. there are a number of cities in two different counties or parishes. how does everybody worked together and come together? looking at the state level, tribal level, federal level. how do we support each other and provide technical assistance what are you doing before the disaster happens to think about recovery?
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i would encourage you to take notesç and start that. think about what you can do and where you want your community to go. the next key concept is that recovery support function. what is really important to communities afterward? looking at the community planning and capacity building. this is all-encompassing for a community. of the 6 recovery support functions, they all have numbers. our recovery support functions do not have numbers. looking at that. you will see that fema only has le for one of thead -- only has
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lead for one of these. mattñr will be leading the breakout sessions on commuting building -- community building and capacity building. i have worked with mat for the last three years. from the emergency support function number 14, long-term disaster recovery, matt has been with that for many years. he has been making that and looking at that. as we transformed into the national framework, the things we need to look at, the assessment tools, how you go forward in doing the planning. for the economic side of it, josh barnes is here with the department of commerce. looking at those things that are important. you will not have citizens if you do not have the economics and businesses. how will you protect small
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businesses? we have folks here from the small business administration. it is key to get to know these peoplm. meanwhile -- mingle and get to know the people in this room to start the interaction. the great work we haveç had wih the department of commerce and economic developmentç, standing up and taking charge. this isç something when i cameo the federal government three years ago, i did not see exist the commitment with these agencies to go forward and taken over. fema would haveç taken itç ovn a coordinatingç role, but we do not have to because these next folks are doing it. get to know theseç people. çit may be something smaller. it ]a6 not be a disaster declared by the federal government, but you may be able to do something to work with them. health and social servicesç, çesmerçelda perrera.
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çhealth and human services stod up the whole office. sheç has byron and other staff with her. çwork and look at those progra. look at the socialç programs. disaster'sç really impact our citizens andç us. çeven if weç are emergency responders or whatever, they still impactç us, how we work, and how we can mentally come back to help the citizens. çlooking at the programs the folks depend on on a dailyçq basis of folks dependç on for their daily lives. we say everybody should have a 72-hour to it. how many people in the country are concerned aboutçç having d today let alone for the next 72 hours? çthese programs are key and çcv i appreciate the work they are doing. housing,ç obviously people need
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to have roofs over their heads. laura mcclure isç here. çthe deputy regional administrator is here. hud has been a fabulous partner with us in taking charge. when i came to fema, i asked why fema did housing. hud has housing in their name. we have worked closely. fema does do temporary housing to get people into something immediately. we work hand in hand. with the tennessee floods a couple of years ago, we were looking at houses lost. a lot of people were being displaced. our great partners from hud got
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in there immediately with us. we were able to move people from one section 8 housing to another. they never had to go into fema housing. they did not have to move from place to place or program to program. we are able to move them into what would be their permanent homes. moving forward by that and focusing on what needs to be done as we're looking at a housing and challenges as we move forward. next we have infrastructure systems. i am not sure if anyone was able to join us from the corps of engineers. great. it is great to see you. çwe know the corps of engineers goes around the world building things and looking at roads systems, utility systems. it is not just the corps of engineers. it is looking at things we need to reconstruct. how will we do that? how do you wanted to come back? natural and cultural resources,
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the department of interior is the lead on that. we need to be cognizant of the great history we have, the environment, and everything else as we move forward. we're going to have the four breakout sessions. we will go into this later about how we will integrate systems. these six recovery support functions are not stovepiped. someç of you mayç think you nd to go into each and every break out. theyç do cross over. that all depends on each other. çremember that as we workç toe integrated and move forward. they all work together. when we go out and to the fieldç using a presidential declaration as the starting peace -- piece,
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when we go and setup a joint field office,ç last year we haa record 98 disasters declared in the united states. about 0.5% or five of those, we deployed in federal disaster recovery coordinator to work with the communities and works through the issues. we still have folks out there from hud and other agencies providing recover its support functions. whether it is presidentially declared or not, who do you need out there immediately to have your communityñr and the citizes taking care of as it looks to rebuild? this can go on on a daily basis in the things you do. çwhenever there is a house fir, we see the red cross helping to
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make sure people have immediate needs taken care of. last year with hurricane irene along the eastç coast, we have3 states impacted by that. there was all the work that had to happen with the crossing over and integrating of support functions providing resources needed for the communities we did needed by the committees for recovery. i have gone on for quite a while. i wanted to set the stage for you and encourage you to dialogue. bring your comments. i hope i have stirred up some pots, things you want to know more about. later we will do a panel of folks. we will allow you to ask questions of them to start a dialogue. as you move into the workshops, this is the sixth workshop we have done rolling this across
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the country. it is fabulous to hear the interaction and dialogue. bring it on. we want to hear it. this is the first of five remarks -- frameworks. we have the nationalç response framework. this is the first framework following the presidential disaster directive saying that we will have those as a basis of how we move forward with recovery. this is the first one as we move forward from the federal level. it is a national framework. how many people are feds? i should have said, how many people are not feds? put that out of your mind. this is how we all come together and work together for recovery as we go forward. thank you all very much. [applause] ç>> before we take a break in
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about 50 minutes, we will hear some state and local perspective. what is particularly important to reflect on is that two years when we have an initial meeting in san francisco, we asked you about the framework and talked about the things that needed to go into the framework to move forward. comments were collected from across the nation and shaped the free market we have in front of us. we are looking to get more input based on the framework about the supporting documents, the organization, the coordination pieces of that. we do not necessarily want to start with a blank sheet. we know there have been excellent examples of the state and local level of recovery planning, coordination, and frameworks developed. we have twoñr excellent state ad
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local speakers. we will have the local speaker before the break. the state speaker will be after the break. and cronin berg -- ann cronenberg will be speaking first and giving us progressive ideas on their approach to recover it to use as practice and ideas to move forward with, potentially as a model for the nation. ann? [applause] >> it is thank you very much. it is a pleasure to be here today. we're proud to be hosting fema and appreciative of the flexibility of fema coming to city hall. many of you received an early notification of this six weeks ago of the upcoming session.
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it was not originally going to be at city hall. we do not always think of our federal partners as being flexible, but i can attest they are. here we are today in our beautiful building hosting you. we're so proud to be able to do that. on a personal note, i want to thank one of my staff members, dave eberly, who was instrumental -- [applause] in working with nancy's people making it a reality today. mayor lee stole my entire speech. [laughter] just off the cuff, he is so amazing. he really gets this. as city administrator, he was in charge of our recovery efforts. he began the whole dialogue in san francisco about resilience.
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he gave many examples already of what we have been able to do in san francisco. much of the work we have been doing already fits perfectly with ndrs. i am so excited we are able to host this wonderful group today to begin to talk about how we think now in advance of how we're going to recover. san francisco has already come up from the flames. we are a phoenix. we have come back once and twice. when the next disaster hits, we will come back quickly again. using the newç framework to put meat on the bones, what does that mean? what do we need to think about today in advance in each of these recovery support functions? what questions do we have to ask
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today to begin to pull our partners in? do we begin to pull those folks in that we need, the leaders from the groups? the nonprofits, the hospitality industry, the lifeline council. we need to be at the table today asking the disposal -- asking the difficult questions and figuring out how we will respond and recover quickly in the future. it is not enough to be talking about advanced mitigation and response. that is what the emergency planners traditionally do. we really have to put recovery on the table now. we have done a lot of work in san francisco on community planning and capacity building. we have this lifelines' council. one of the examples, one of the
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few things he did not mention, is that we created a branch in our emergency operations center specifically to interface with the business community. we did this beginning in 2008. we saw during the h1n1 crisis how valuable that was. we had our eoc and the health department doc activated for about nine months. it was an incredible effort. one particular day, we had a conference call with the business community whereñr over 12,000 people joined the conference call. if we had not done that work ahead of time to pull the business community in as our partners in the response and recovery, we would not have been successful there. we also engage our communities
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in novel ways. the sf heroes iphone app will be coming out on the android quickly. we want to empower the committee. we want san franciscans to feel they have a role in recovery in response. we want people to be self- sufficient in those first 72 hours. you cannot rely on government to come in and take care of things after an emergency. we want people to be self- sufficient now and empowered and çfeel they have a role in the çresponse and recovery efforts. we also knowç any disaster is t going to stop at our borders. if there is an earthquake, it is not going to stop in the seven square miles surrounding san francisco. we have to rely on our neighbors in san mateo, san jose, monterey, the east bay.
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we allç are part of this together. there was a vision we needed to do better regional planning instead of our silos in communities. we have been able to work as a region. all of our communities coming together on different projects like the interoperable radio project funded through rf funding. we're getting to know each other as people and in the roles we have a today so that when the big emergency hits, we will be able to pick up the phone and say, i need this or that. working with our partners in fema, nancy and i have had a number of conversations about how we can work together to pull
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together resources. it is not enough for the federal government to give us the framework or for the state to give us a framework or for the local communities. we need to all be doing it together. one thing that is really exciting to me is i was admitted to the national preparedness leadership institute at harvard. i am part of " for -- i am part of cohort number 8. my project at harvard was working with folks around the country and people at fema as well. we're trying to put together a template for local communities to respond that will hopefully be complementary to the ndrf. we're hoping it will be such a good product that you will want to take it on.
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