tv [untitled] August 12, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT
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about their the end of the conversation. she was really wanted to talk about that. what i was going through an assessment of domestic violence and trying to see if it was a cycle and seeing if she needed any support and providing affirmation and referrals and it was the open-ended questions, was there anything else that she wanted to talk about, try to probe what kind of support i could provide. as a person, as a woman, someone who cares about women and social justice and community. but there the end of the conversation she was very -- i do not know what the word is. really stressed about the custody as i talked about the last part of the conversation. commissioner renne: in going to this second conversation which was at 3:31 p.m., approximately
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40 minute conversation, could you separate out what was discussed in that conversation from what you discussed in the first? >> was that the longer conversation after the 40 minute conversation? which one was that? >> the second -- the first conversation, the extensive conversation on the schedule. >> i do not have that in front of you. commissionerc- have that exhibit in front of you? >> where would i look? >> exhibit 83. commissioner renne: the first conversation took place at to -- 1at 11 a.m.
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>> could you help me? ok, which time? we just talked about that. i understand now. commissioner renne: that is the conversation which told me at the conclusion of which there had been a domestic violence incident. >> but not a domestic violence cycle. my conclusion is that she was not in a cycle of domestic violence in my conclusion from her words and a stocking is that she was not in danger. she was not afraid of ross.
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>> in the first conversation, she relates to use the events of december 31, 2011. >> not all the events. everything i told you already. the commission as well as everyone. i did not have all the details. commissioner renne: it only had the details that she told you, right? at the conclusion of that call, you came to the conclusion that there was a domestic violence related incident. >> yes. commissioner renne: that occurred on december 31? >> yes. commissioner renne: looking again at that same exhibit 83, if you look at a time period of 3:31 p.m., do you see that? it is on page two.
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>> yes. commissioner renne: that indicates a conversation of approximately 14 minutes. as you sit here today, can you separate out what was discussed at that conversation as opposed to what you had discussed with eliana earlier? >> that conversation, i asked her what she needed support in generally speaking and also what she needed -- if she needed support from me. what did she need help)v[uj me, since i had given her referrals and she was not so interested although she was appreciative and she was talking more about custody issues at that point. i wanted to make sure, maybe i am trying to see if there is a cycle of domestic violence or
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she needs other help, i am trying to help her as best as possible but that is not what she was calling me about. when she was calling me about -- what she was calling me about it seemed as though from the answer, she wanted to work on her relationship with her husband, she talked about how in that conversation, she talked about that she loved her husband and she wanted to work it out with him, but she was not totally satisfied in that relationship, that he worked a lot. -respected his work. and so she wanted to give it a try and wanted him to part -- prior ties it and that conversation is what she talked about what i had asked her the question bluntly, what can i do to support you? and my being here present for you at that time. at that time, she was talking about marriage counseling but it did not work, she wanted to get custody. commissioner renne: are you
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saying as you sit here today, you recall that was the subject matter of your second extended conversation? >> to the best of my recollection, yes. commissioner renne: then at 3:56 p.m. if you continue on -- there is another conversation of 15 minutes, 36 seconds, initiated by you. as you sit here today, can you recall what specifically was discussed in that conversation? >> actually, i do not recall. and i know we're going through a time by time and i am doing my best to answer honestly. i do not exactly recall. i have shared everything with you that i -- commissioner renne: the
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conversations were initiated by you rather than ms. lopez calling you. >> she had asked me in the previous call. this is really -- she called me. she called me and wide support. and she would say, would you give me a call back or one of the texts, she wanted to talk. aápfçwcommissioner renne: if yod go to page five, i believe it is shows another call initiated by you of 5.5 minutes at 5:35
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p.m. do you recall what you discussed specifically in that conversation? >> no. i do not recall. commissioner renne: you have used the term that at some point in time you on that day after a series of conversations, you thought there was "something fishy." what do you mean by that? >> i thought there was something fishy from the conversation which in fact i did not know ivory madison's name and i did not know there was a callie t( untig
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in the media. i thought there was something fishy about eliana sounded like she is crying and she is saying, please help me, help me, help me. this is not what i want, this is not what i want. and this person on the phone that i did not even know who it is say that i called the police and you hear eliana crying, saying this is not what what, this is not want. this person is determined of what she is going to do. and yet their friends, i thought there was something fishy with how that was handled. commissioner renne: your thinking at that time was that for a friend of the victim of domestic violence, that is fishy to call the police? >> if the person who is going through with whatever she is going through, a person who is
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supposed to be a friend just call this the place without any -- calls the police without any consent or respecting the person's feelings are even exploring if they are in a domestic violence situation where it is an intense physical situation and they're not doing a safety plan are looking at for their safety or their children. it seems a little fishy to me. especially if they're not in the throes of violence were the have to call the police in that moment. it seemed she was not listening to eliana, she was not listening to her friend. that is what i felt like was fishy. commissioner renne: at that point in time, did you have information as to how long a period of time ms. lopez may have been communicating with this woman who you talk to on the phone? >> the woman on the phone said,
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i had been talking to her for several days and i just called the police and said, if you have been talking to someone for several days, i do not know. and then she was so concerned, why did she not call earlier? that is what i was thinking. i did not know what they talked about. i just wanted to get off the phone and i had said, you should get off the phone and talk to eliana and respecter. that is what i wanted to communicate. i have no judgment[$! she was doing. commissioner renne: i have no other questions. chairperson hayon: i think we i have more general questions.
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you have been asked about a lot of specific phone calls and i would totally agree with you that your member 20 different specific phone calls from six months ago would be very difficult for any of us. however, i think that january 4 must have been a very dramatic and memorable day for you. you said at the end of the day, you were stressed out, a lot had taken place. i am thinking, if i have a day like that, and i am describing the totality of the day to somebody, how would i describe that and that is my question to you? with the words dramatic apply? in terms of all the events that ensued during the course of that day? was a dramatic for you or not really? >> i do not know if dramatic is
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the right word but it was very intense. in terms of -- since the war dramatic has come out, since i brought this up. the word dramatic or hysterical applied to the tone of which ms. lopez spoke to, perhaps ebbing and flowing and high points and low points? would hysterical apply at any point, overly dramatic or anything like that? >> i would not use those words. i would use that she was incredibly stressed and like i described, sounding like she is crying, about to cry. chairperson hayon: where she crying when you first said hello? was there someone on the other end crying or sounding agitated or upset. >> no. on the phone call she sounded like she was stressed trade she
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passed the phone off to the female that we now know as ivory madison. chairperson hayon: one question that has been bothering me a little bit and this would go to the first phone call, given their position -- your position as ross mirkarimi's campaign managemer -- manager and to get a call from his wife about these incidents. did you not feel that you should recuse yourself and not involve yourself with this woman? i mean, you are in a questionable position. you are close to mr. mirkarimi, you ran his campaign. you have acknowledged it did not now -- you did not know ms. lopez except for some supervision conversation months ago, you were not friends or
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even true quinces. why would you feel that you are in a position to continue this phone call with this woman who was describing this incident of domestic violence to? also you had not done any domestic violence counseling for quite some time. first phone call and we were talking, i had to do the right thing. i am someone who social justice is important to me, it is my main drive in my life. anti-violence work is and building healthy committees is what i am about. integrity is one of the important things to me. it has been challenging to have my name drugs through the mud say that i covered up and i have lied, when integrity is one of the most important things to me.
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without a shred of evidence or even talking to me. and so when i did that -- i did have that call, i felt like i was supposed to do whatever i was called to. mr. storelli is the most important thing to me -- my spirituality is the most important thing to me about politics. even if you could get benefits in the political world, i want to do what is right. people know that is what i am about. when she reached out to me, i knew that i had to do right thing and be there for her. if that meant, whatever that meant, that is where was going to go. regardless of our professional relationship how it -- relationship, i was going to stand by eliana lopez. i still do not know where i got that call that day.
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i felt -- i tried to be supportive of eliana. i did my best. >> the idea of a conflict of interest, may be the need to recused yourself did not occur to you. r seem like the right thing to do for you? >> i guess, i mean, i thought about it and would be the easy thing to do. i do not think in a moment -- that moment that was the right thing to do. the right thing was to be there for eliana and support eliana. whatever that meant. that is what i did. chairperson hayon: ok. later on, there are all these phone calls that should have been referred to in the afternoon. callskpl
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danger, this was not a domestic violence -- i forget how you referred to it. >> cycle. chairperson hayon: it made the decision it was not -- i do not want to say not that important. it obviously question ivory madison's decision to call the police. >> i never questioned her. >> from what you have described in your testimony. >> when i said back afterwards and here -- hear her and her friend. and having a conversation with eliana, did he ever hit you, going through an assessment and she was saying no, no, no.
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it did seem sl -- like something is not one yet. chairperson hayon: it does seem out of whack but in your experience with domestic violence victims, i am sure you have encountered total of some erotic behavior if you will where people are saying the exact opposite of what they really want to do or to happen. and people can be very emotionally confused and not making any sense whatsoever. i do not know of that can occur -- that can occur, i do not know of that is the case here. >> for the record, one at a time. chairperson hayon: you would acknowledge that can occur. >> yes, i acknowledge that. why would she seek meow -- me
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out and talk to me and then we have this conversation and she is letting me know, no, no, no, and she wants something different. she wants to work on a relationship, having custody issues. not excusing what happened. >>chairperson hayon: you mentiod she had never heard of ivory madison. and you did not know that it was she that you were speaking with on that phone call. madison posted a big fund-raiser for share of mirkarimi. i am surprised that you would not have known about it or have heard her name in the context. >> i did not work on -- like i said, when you have campaign managers, they can take on different roles. i did not want -- work on the finances.
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there was a different person, who was doing the finances and the other person they had as a treasure. i was focused on organizing the volunteers and make -- making sure we had presence at different events and getting out the vote, we had a different focus. someone wide to give out money, i was able to direct them to who was handling the finances but i never work on the fund. there was also a campaign coordinator. chairperson hayon: at the end that you have described this day with all these phone calls and quite a bit of drama, really, and stress, at the end you start off saying your concern for eliana but that at the end of the day in terms of how you have described it, you were concerned for ross and eliana and theo.
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do you see any contradiction in that? do you feel that this feeling were the result of your being kind of in the middle and being in a conflict in position between these individuals. >> it may appear to be that, to be like that, but i took everything one step at a time. meaning that as a campaign manager, my work was to get him elected and i did that. he was down in the polls before we started. i am proud of that. as jack, my job as a campaign manager of a winning campaign pledges to help get inauguration underway. that is generate eight. i will tell you that eliana asked me to continue to support ross, and to help president -- help her husband. she wanted me to help ross.
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chairperson hayon: thank you. >> any other questions for car -- peralta haines. >> i do have a few questions for you. ms. talk -- ms. lopez testified and told you that on january 4, during your multiple conversations and texts with her, did you provide her with any ideas about how to handle or deal with the situation of the video becoming public? >> no. and did not. >> did you provide any ideas about dealing with theú>8ú>qj sn of the video turned over to the police?
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i did not. there were 25 or 30 text with a share for mirkarimi, did you provide him with any ideas or suggestions on how to deal with this situation with the video becoming public? >> no. i did not. >> did you provide sheriff mirkarimi with ideas on how to do with the video being turned over to the police? >> no. i did not. >> let me ask you -- to the asking for help in that regard? >> no. they did not. you testified that ms. lopez was stress and on the verge of tears or crying in the background during one of the conversations when you were handed over the phone -- the fall was handover to you and use -- you ended up -- the phone
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was handed over and you added up with that. during the remainder of calls and text, did you provide her with any ideas about how to communicate with people who were causing her stress that day? >> i did not. commissioner liu: did you ask her about what the situation was with this woman who was causing her to cry? >> i did not. commissioner liu: why not? >> my concern was to make sure that they supported and i was supportingv[y what it sounded like there was not something right, just make sure they can earth -- refer to attorneys, they are the experts. i saw my role as emotional support.
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>> ok. thank you. >> a couple of questions for me and i promise you will be done. >> ok. say the best for last. >> you have not heard the question set. >> between january 4 and january 8, did you talk to anyone about the physical violence other than ross mirkarimi, ileana, or ivory madison? >> no. >> it was a jury for they learned of this. 2012. >> yes. >> that is all i have. >> thank you for your time. it is not an easy time for you. i appreciate you and your attorney being here. thanks for stopping by. >> thank you.
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thank you very much. [applause] >> maybe you should stay for a moment. >> is ms. lopez available tomorrow as well as tonight? what is her -- do you know her preference in terms of when she would like to testify? i understand the city attorney is going to have a couple of hours with her. is that right, mr. keith? >> yes. i do not want to make any promises on time. >> if you tell me it will be longer, i may tell you -- >>
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>> it will not take all night. we could do it in 2 1/2. >> will have to talk about whether that is feasible or not. thank you for the estimate. in light of that, do you have any preference as to how we divide up miss lopez's testimony? >> could i run and ask? likable points are that i think it is 11:30 p.m. or midnight in venezuela. she is still on venezuelan time. she flew, it is a 16 or 17-hour trip. if we started tonight, there would be o.k. but my request was going to be that we stop about 9:00 or 9:30, that is 12:30 p.m.
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her time. she goes to bed very early. [pjit is getting close to pastor bedtime and mine too. can i just run and ask her, please, and i will come right back? >> sure. >> there is one other matter we should decide tonight which is inspector becker. >> we do not need her for that. thank you. ok. let me tell the commissioners, what i was hoping to accomplish tonight was the testimony of ms hianes -- haines and ms. lopez. tomorrow. the other thing we needed to decide now is whether we need to hear from inspector daniel
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