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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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. this is really tough. i first want to say the person who should be running the town hall meetings is malcolm heinicke, and i am not lying. i sunshined some documents which back up some of the things i had to say. you as directors should realize that there is more to stories then just hearing from intermediaries. if you had any direct contact with malcolm heinicke, there may be some ethical issues involved here because malcolm heinicke, according to these e-mails, has had a lot of input to go with implementing policy. there is a difference between creating policy and approving policy compared to how you implement it. the director claims that it was his plan.
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the documents disagree with your statements today, ed reiskin. they do. there's a few paragraphs. the first as early as august 3. it says "i disagree. i make sure we approve this." also, who wrote this? i believe chris hiyashi had a lot to do with this, but she is supposed to be on leave. according to what was discussed at town hall meetings, the plan was written by somebody other than the staff in the office. also, regarding the waitlist, all current medallions would remain non-transferable, and the drivers cannot drive anymore.
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that was as early as may 17. this plan is already in the books as of may when they had a special meeting. i lost my time because you did not give it, but i want to let you know -- there is a lot of dispute. please do not make this decision today without getting all the facts. please. >> good afternoon. i adjusted my comments a little bit based on the amendments that were made, but the thoughts emily having -- i am really having is during the years the tax advisory committee met, most of the tender was -- tenor was
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the final program. that was pretty much everyone discussing this program. i guess what i am reminded of -- we would not be having this discussion if we were still into copy -- prop. k. we were stuck under a program that had no flexibility. i appreciate the fact that we are under prop. a. while the program presented may not be perfect, i hope as things are analyzed down the road, there may still be opportunities to make adjustments as necessary, which was something that could not be done prior. i hope there is continued tweaking that might go on as we move down the road. again, that is an opportunity that you have that we might not have had under another type of
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legislation. i support what your doing and hope we continue to make it better. >> good afternoon, directors. i sent you an e-mail this morning, and we already knew that mr. malcolm heinicke was going to raise the price back to $200,000. why is he dictating this industry? why is he meeting with people? if this is a true story and if he is running this, all of it is just for nothing. it is sad. they have to lose their money to come here and speak.
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they have to pay $300,000 when there is no business in the city now. it is a different year now. when the drivers are circling around the city hall and did not come to this meeting, what did you do? you just scratched them and did not pay even one word -- you just crushed them. same thing is going to happen. you are adding 200 more calves next meeting, crushing the drivers, but when the companies came and met with malcolm heinicke and gave him the indication they would go for a lawsuit, the price came back. why not cut $300,000 back to $250,000? why can you not run muni from
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some other source? why our pocket? why everything for the muni drivers? why the taxi driver money to feed you? you are incapable, or they are making you incapable. >> i guess i do not like very much the mood over the years, but i think if director heinicke makes an amendment, it will be followed. in this case, i sort of like the amendment. big improvement. i do not know -- this whole idea of income strings from the taxi business is ultimately corrupted. there is no satisfaction. you find a problem and you go
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and pick it -- the average salary in this business is $25,000. somebody gets $250,000 after working 20 years is not getting very much money. you are raising the ceiling up to $300,000. there is no particular reason for it. has the cost of living index gone up $50,000? and then you want to not give any of that money to the drivers who have been driving for 20 or 30 years. you are just playing with arithmetic. you are not dealing with any kind of reality about what is going on in this business or the reality of what effect it will have on the drivers. what i really want to talk about is the driver's list that i think is a very good idea. he seemed to be committed to giving cabs the list. i think you should throw this back into a couple of town hall meetings would be the best
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thing. chris hiyashi is the only person with knowledge to run it. you might be able to come up with something. with your private plan, you had a consensus. you cannot. -- you do not now. you just brought this out of the blue on us. it needs to be worked through it once had the cab drivers. that is what you have to do. thank you very much. >> [reading names] ] -- >> good afternoon, commissioners. i believe the community is an important part of local government.
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there was mention of another potential committee to oversee the driver fund. i would just hope that maybe in the regular report -- maybe there may be a regular report back to the board of directors. we are short on time. in regards to the current process, i am not sure how you guys are going to work out the program with the waiting list. i came back to the industry after you closed the waiting list. i assume at some point that it got cut off and we will pick it back up somewhere else. i do not see how the city would after a successful pilot program take it away. the program is here. it is just a matter of tinkering with some of the nuances. my suggestion would be to continue to work out some of the minor details before we come to a final solution because there
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are still some changes that have happened in the last three weeks that probably could be worked out. director nolan: next speaker please. >> [reading names] >> good afternoon. i have been a cabdriver in san francisco for just about 20 years. i raised a family around this business. i am very close on the list, and i was wondering if this board could put in the amendments for people on the list. is that a possibility? director nolan: we will#wz discs it. jf>> for example, on the italian sales by city, the wording has been changed from "shall continue" to "may."
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is there any way that couldñr be put back? director nolan: what number are you on the list? we will discuss it. >> i am 11. of my friends who dt have got them now. the idea -- i think cabdrivers are assets. a lot of times, we are like ambassadors for the city. we are the first person they talk to. we bring them down to fisherman's wharf. we bring them wherever. i love my job. i started 22 years ago and have not looked back since. i hope you take this into account, that i planned my life around getting this thing. director nolan: thank you, sir. we will talk about these for sure. >> good afternoon. i am president of national
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veterans cap company. first of all, i would like to say that i think the amendments that were offered are an improvement to the proposal director reiskin brought forth to us. i am particularly concerned with the process and the way this came to be brought before you can be brought before us as an industry. when we set up the pilot program, there were a number of town hall meetings, and we had several key problems we had to address. one was house somehow to qualified people on the waiting list. many had no credit or bad credit. to purchase a medallion. how to get a quality lender to engage on this process with them. one of the key elements was to set a price point where the seller could find it attractive enough to withdraw from the industry and at the same time,
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the buyer could see this as an attractive proposition for himself. we said that price point of $250,000 very carefully. it was one that the entire industry basically contributed to in terms of input of what their thoughts were. many people thought it was too low. many people thought it was too high. but people expressed their point of view. the point of view that this particular proposition has been brought before us in many ways i do not think reflects the input of the industry. i would say finally that the most important potential source of revenue we have not tapped is improved service on the part of if we could partner together to do that, the demand for taxicabs is going to increase enormously. thanks. >> [reading names] >> good afternoon, directors.
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i think what you are getting here is something that i think you should take really to heart. this industry feels, and i think rightly so, that decisions are made behind closed doors without any real input from this industry. the process and the way this came up here -- we had to do some very hard lobbying in the last week because it was put in front of you and written up behind closed doors and presented to us now in such a short time. that is disrespectful to the industry and the taxi advisory council that wants to help the mta move in a smart direction. we all inherited a system for 35 years that essentially gave the medallion to individuals to operate on their own. when we transitioned to something else, we have to respect the fact that no one had a choice in the matter in the way the system was previously. when the industry here is that we will only give you half the
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value of the medallion and charge a 30% fee on top of buying the medallion for $200,000, it shows you do not really respect us, our families, and the system we inherited. i am the first person to say we need to transition to a buy and sell system. i have been yelling and screaming that for years, but let's respect the industry smartly without throwing people under the bus. you're going to make $200 million. let's respect the existing medallion holders and the value that they have, and let's not profiteer and basically charge someone 20%. it is unheard of. i have never heard of someone buying something for $300,000 and being told they will have to pay a 20% fee when they sell it again. no other city sells a medallion and gives a 20% fee. because it is perceived as if you want to profiteer on us.
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that is the problem. this is why this industry is upset -- no inclusion, no respect, and profiteering. thank you. [applause] >> [reading names] >> good afternoon, directors. mr. reiskin, i have a question. i do not know if you are allowed to respond. you are the director of the mta board of directors. have you ever gone to your computer and typed in a global search, the transfer fee on a medallion in seattle or chicago or boston? have you ever done that? director reiskin: this is your time to talk to us. >> it is nothing close to 20%. the national standard is between 4% and 7%. this proposal plans to keep the
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profiteering status quo of 20% and act like you are bringing it down. it is ludicrous. it is crazy. if you want people to sell the medallions, they have to have some sort of incentive to do so. $150,000, $200,000 -- that is not enough money to retire on, frankly. it just will not happen. fáwhat is going to happen if you all vote on this is these old guys will hold on to this until the bitter end. the mta is taking too much of a cut. there is no way to retire on that. what do you do when you are 70 years old and have $150,000? what if you live to be 100? finally, to the medallion holders in the room or those people on the waiting list -- put your medallion where your mouth is? you have jim gillespie from
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yellow cabs here, and i support what you're doing here -- tim gillespie from yellow cab -- jim gillespie from yellow cab. maybe it is time medallion holders put their medallion with their mouth is. director nolan: thank you. >> [reading names] our last speaker. director nolan: good. >> there just is so much to talk about. this amendment is a 30-page document. it is pretty much impossible for us to have gone through this 30- page document and come up with any solution. i think you should reject this plan right now and have some town hall meetings where malcolm heinicke and director reiskin
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show up at the town hall meetings and listened to what the drivers are saying and their concerns. all the other plans we have discussed have included half the medallions at least going to those drivers on the list to have changed their lives. we've had no other choice. for the last 32 years, there was no other option. they have made these career choices, and you are just throwing them under the bus. as far as being assets to the city, that originated from prop. k which says taxicab permits are the property of the people and city of san francisco and shall not be sold,, or transferred. the spirit of the statement was not to make them a revenue source for the city. it was to give them to taxi drivers and have them as a revenue source for taxi drivers. now the mta is competing with cabdriver's for the medallions themselves, who have been waiting all their lives for this
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promotion, and now the city wants to take that away and use it for their own revenue. the priority seems to be making revenue for the city and not fostering quality cabdrivers and encouraging cabdrivers to stay in the industry. there is not enough time to talk about this. it is why i think we need a better process than this. this was just sprung on us at the last minute. >> [reading names] director nolan: good afternoon. >> i am a medallion holder. i have been a driver for many years. i do not get it. i do not get it at all. i do not see where the vision is with this. it seems like these are ideas that are just being thrown out there. i see nothing about any of this
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that has to do with customer service. it is not going to do anything for the customer that will better their service. at a time -- we are at a time where we have real competition. putting a heavier debt and charging more for a medallion just does not make any sense. from a business point of view, none of this makes any sense. shutting out the drivers that are on the list, cutting them out does not make any good sense at all, either. by adding medallions and bringing in drivers who are inexperienced, it will add to the problem we already have in the industry. an experienced drivers. -- unexperienced drivers and a low level of service. the changing from "shall" to "may" is just an abomination.
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i do not know how i could look at bill, who i have known for 25 years, and who has changed his entire life to get a medallion, just to have it taken away like that. it is a shame. [applause] >> [reading names] >> good afternoon, commissioners. i always look at this as a celebration. a lot of people that had medallions that were not able to sell them or get any money for them -- now they are able to. if you take this whole deal about a lot of people who are speaking up here are medallion holders -- when you look at the situation, medallions, when you have them, you just do not get them for free. you pay taxes on them all the time. when you purchase something, you get to have a right off on the interest that to purchase something, so i do not really
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see the difference in someone that is getting one for free or someone that is going to buy one because they are able to get to have that right off -- write- off. when you buy something, you have an interest write-off for it for an extended period fo time -- of time. people who have been wondering what they will do with their medallions -- now they have an opportunity to sell them and have something where they had nothing before. i think this is a good thing. i think it needs to be turned up in some ways. raising the price, and lowering the fee could be looked at even more, but it is a movement towards the right way, the right direction. we need cabs on the street. we do not have any soldiers to fight these, and i hope you support these today and we move forward immediately. thank you.
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director nolan: next speaker. >> emile lawrence, and he is the last person to have turned in a speaker card. sfgtv will turn it on as soon as you start talking. >> callous disregard. it is notfá just the bus system. it is taxi drivers as a whole. i heard a lot of terms hear about more taxi service, and it is not clear to me exactly what that means. full-service cap companies -- i thought they were all full- service cab companies. there is no definition of exactly what that means. someone earlier spoke about the new york taxi commission, but he left out the commission. we no longer have a taxi commission in san francisco.
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the assets of new york city are sold out right and trade like stocks. if you forgot, if you go back to 1978, so do the medallions in san francisco. they traded like stocks until they were manipulated into bankruptcy. that is what happened. those are the facts. if you look it over about the medallion program in san francisco, you see 5000ñr people that drive taxis. up to 3000 on the taxi list. what do you do? you shall or may consider people on the list. i put in 14 years of making very little money only to find out, jt &e%ei the list, you were now going to sell them to the highest bidder, but they do not even have an asset. what they have is a permit,
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still controlled by the mta. still money going into your checking accounts and not ours. i thank you for your time. l!x>> the last person who has turned in a speaker card. is there anyone else who wishes to speak -- director nolan: ok, ok, ok, let's go. >> when i first came up to present, i was a little bit flustered. the whole procedure today was not really clear. i was not aware i would be speaking because i did not see it on the agenda. there is a lot i could say and a lot of folks have already said. as an industry member, as a company owner, i want to say at the very least, you should postpone this vote until next meeting. the taxi advisory council has spent countless hours getting
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recommendations from people who have spent decades in the industry and know what they are talking about when it comes to what the industry needs. the reason i am asking you to postpone your vote is at the very least, this is the first you have received a draft of our proposal and our assessment. at the least, have a chance to read over that period i know that will be distributed to you soon -- at the very least, have a chance to read over th -- that. i know that will be distributed to you soon. have a chance to read that over when considering all the lives of the people in this industry. as one speaker said, you have people who want to look with you, who want to cooperate with the mta and better in the industry. you have a lot of folks who want to impart knowledge on you who want to help you out so you can make better informed decisions. i think you should take
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advantage of that. director nolan: ok, the public comment period will be over if there is no one else who wishes to address the board. >> does anyone else wish to speak? director nolan: go ahead. >> today, i drove my full shift, and i had a really great day. i helped a little old lady in and 'q) calves, helped a blind guy get from point a to point b. fáit is a rewarding job, and i m kind of glad to say that i made the decision that there's really not a future in this business for your average working person. that is what this amounts to. it is a nice job to have if you need to make a little bit of money and work on other things, and ultimately, that is what i have decided to do. in a couple of years that i have
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been attending town hall meetings and doing whatever i can, i feel that the agency and the industry -- it is an old cliche, but it focuses mainly on the cab companies and what is good for them, what is in the interests of the regulating agency and what obviously concerns the medallion holders. the majority of the business was made up of thousands of cabdrivers who were not medallion holders. for those people, there really is no future in this business. i have decided that while i still am at an age where i have opportunity to go do something different, that is what i have decided to do. it has been a pleasure to serve you guys and come to these meetings and everything like that, and i hope that as you go forward, you will