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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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we even notified mr. floor as that we felt strongly. a recent document saying that she needed to be in this particular school because she is close to family, anxiety issues and things of that nature. thank you very much. i go see her? >> good evening, members of the board. my son attends isa, his first year entering as a ninth grader and i only have one suggestion for the board. when it comes to raising money for the school district, we need to be more proactive. when you to start raising money districtwide. to win next year's budget comes up, we don't have to lay teachers off or turn around and put in those notices to lay off
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other staff members as well. we need to take a more pro- active approach, maybe a district why a fund raiser for a car wash. protecting our loving in der and caring staff that helps our students on an everyday basis. >> the superintendent, to the president and the board, i came here and my intention was to come here with the same type of story that the parent had. but i am here instead to commend. i want to let parents know that you can't go with these gatekeepers. when i have the same scenario, i went to his office and he
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resolved our issue within five minutes. i did have to get through a couple of gatekeepers and i was very persistent. as a result, i have a 13-year- old this is my grandson -- that is not no grandparents' aspiration. there are nine of us here in san francisco, we have several other people in the school district and we make it happen. i asked him today, because we know that historically, black males usually fall out of the system at an early age. he will be 14 years old. he has been in the program for a long time. his father was, too.
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i asked him today, we are going to tell them thank you because i am always complaining and i felt like i would be remiss if i did not come before you and thank privately and publicly the superintendent, the board, for a job well done. i asked my grandson, and you want to tell them anything? the one to tell them if you like the school or not? how do you like the school? he said to me, go ahead. gosh i am not a talker. >> he said of like everything about the school. we were trying to get him to the marina. i am so happy and proud to be his grandparent to have this young man. thank you very much.
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>> i am the parent of an inclusion student and i am here representing our parent community. our community is very concerned regarding the failure of the school district to hire a special ed teachers before the start of school. we now have the halftime person in place but we are lacking teachers as of today. this will cause chaos and it has a very negative impact on students and families. a lack of identification at the beginning of school. they don't know who the special students were. or what accommodations or support they were to receive. there was no transportation
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schedules figured out. it was forgotten and not put on the bus. we had an accurate service scheduling. they think fully compiled a schedule, but they do not have access to a cumulative files because of confidentiality reasons. in fact, the correct amount of minutes was not available for distribution to teachers until last thursday. we also have a lack of support staff. how are speech therapists and other secondary support staff who were not contacted by the district until late last week. they have been unable to confirm schedules due to a lack of special ed staffing. there are many other issues that have happened, but those are the compliance issues we are concerned about. we're looking forward to hearing from the district and other people on how the situation is
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going to be resolved. >> can we have somebody look into this? >> veronica is in the audience. >> i spoke to her the first day of school. >> she will speak with you. >> my name is robert, i am speaking on behalf of the rosa parks elementary school. specifically of the t-shirt and community council advisory board. we are here on an informational basis to bring an issue that is very much concerning our school. and they are seeking an adjustment for attendance boundaries because northern boundaries are broad and gary strieker that precludes japan down from the attendance area.
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we will be working with staff and the district of leadership on this issue and will forward to doing that. we want to bring this issue before the full board attention because it implicates policy issues that the board should be aware of. for us, the issue in drawing the attendance boundaries is not strictly whine of residential patterns. for the people at the school and the children, the issue is one of history, community, and culture. japan town has been part of rosa parks attendance area for almost 85 years. it is inconceivable to the community that any issue be excluded from the attendance boundary. i mentioned rosa parks built in
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1927 in the midst of one of the most of the verse of multicultural neighborhoods in the city. japan town has been, and the residents have been a proud part of that community for that time. it was interrupted by the internment of japanese-americans during world war two and even more recently by the redevelopment. these factors are all part of determining what a boundary should be, and i will discuss with staff those issues. >> and good evening, commissioners. my name is karen and i am here as the second part of his statement. we really do have a school
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community that is based in both the western fell more at rosa parks hysterically and culturally. for us, it is symbolically and in terms of the diversity of our school, just the sense of true community that exists there to have our attendance boundary encompassed japan town hall as well as the western addition. other governmental agencies have been recognizing this alignment of the planning department which engaged in a japan town plan process. they originally drew the southern boundary for japan town. that was at our request, and that includes a rosa parks community. that boundary was extended for
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planning purposes to include or rosa parks school in japan town. when the supervise oriole districts were being redrawn, district 5 which had traditionally encompassed of the fillmore and japan town was divided at geary boulevard. we asked, and rosa parks was part of japan town be kept in district 5, where your community and neighborhood that has a long history. we worked together and we want to be at our neighborhood school. we really hope that we will have a good opportunity to work with staff. we presented to the leadership team and the data caught committee. i will look forward to coming before you. this is a handout that we gave
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to the committee and the leadership team. we brought copies for the board members that haven't received it yet. >> we are going to move on to item k. that ended public comments. supporting advisory committees by board members. seeing done, item zero. special order of business. a public hearing and adoption of annual budget and annual service plan for special education. we are getting there. public hearing adoption for the annual budget. a motion and a second.
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on the annual service plan. a reading of recommendations by superintendent. >> i would like to call dr. elisabeth. she is coming. she is the assistant superintendent for special education services. and lisa miller is the supervisor. >> i do have our budget person, and our coordinator was here to help answer any questions that you may have with regards to the annual service and budget plan.
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the surface of the annual surfaced budget plan is stated in the handout. i will read that statement for you. assembly bill 602, special education local planned area to submit an annual budget and service plan adopted at a public hearing on page 2 as required and education code. these plans must identify revenues and services, expenditures, including description, and collocation of services, and must demonstrate all individuals with exceptional means have access to services and instruction appropriate to meet their needs as specified in the individual education program. a service plan shall be adopted at a public hearing.
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i am not sure if you would like to go -- he requested action is that the board of education of san francisco convene a public hearing ended of the annual budget and the annual service plan for special education. on page four, there is a listing of the annual budget plan. they did review these documents publicly in june 28 and answered questions of the audience. we had a report that had a comparison of two years and our chair i believe afforded this to you. no changes have been made to the plan. and then the service plan goes on from page 3230 to 30.
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this follows the board's adoption tonight. are there any questions regarding the services or budget? >> before we do questions and comments, there is a public speaker and i would like to bring her up at this moment. >> you have two minutes. two minutes start when you start talking. >> i sent you by e-mail a packet of just some of my thoughts about the service plan. we have had five different special lead directors in five years. we really need continuity of leadership. we look forward to having this continuity. it makes it hard because we are
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told, and give them a year, they have a plan, it will be sorted out, and then they are gone and we start again. we're hoping the doctors six around. the other thing i mentioned was the administrative costs, over two years have gone up about 200%. that is not really clear to me the administrative structure. that would be great. the you have any questions from the package i sent you? >> we will address in in board discussion and if people want to follow up, they will. >> any comments from the board?
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>> i don't know that you really are prepared to discuss the question that ms. franklin brought out in terms of the increase in administrative costs. is there an easy answer to that? >> in the packet had some notes on page 2. what happened, some of the coding issues have changed over the years. we have hired additional and administrators as part of the redesign, a total of two physical bodies have been added, one of them as not tired yet. the major change is that substitutes are in their because of the 5000 code being unspecified in one year.
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a lot of work has been done cleaning up the resources. that is part of the reason. >> before we go to another subject, can you give us in writing and analysis of something that is comparable so that we are able to see here is what is not in the budget that we have been doing all along? and also just a reference to the positions that we have so that we can -- is so that it is comparable and we are able to analyze it in that way.
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>> we are in process of analyzing all the staff and making sure that this report is based on the full co. so with the 10-day count of students and staff, we're going to clean up every person. not just these few. but that will take a month. i'm not sure what your timing is. >> i understand that we have to produce reports, and i appreciate that. your presentation started as required under this law because it should make clear to the public that the form and content is not a choice that we make. but since the question has been raised, i would like to know the answer to that when the appropriate form when you have that information. it is not specific to this report as far as i am concerned.
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>> the other question i wanted to pass, if you can give us a sense of where we are compliance was. part of the audit that we did two years ago found that we were out of compliance in a lot of areas. what i am hoping is that we have addressed those compliance areas. and according to this day, this is our certification that we say we are going to comply can deliver services. but how are we doing? >> the annual service plan and the actual budget plan and not related to compliance. we received funding and we need to document how we are using this funding. what services are we providing to account for the funding? it is not at all related to compliance.
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how to address your question, compliance is something that we are talking about every day. we are aggressively doing professional development with staff and teams to improve compliance. we are truly addressing it at every opportunity. i am not sure if the commissioners have received on this, they are working with us. we have a representative who spends quite a bit of time with us. they're coming back until we get 100% correct. i don't have the data in front of me to tell me that difference. that is not going to be the data or the package that you see here tonight. >> i thought that there were some attestations or affirmations of the local
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planned to say we are complying with all of this. >> not to the annual service plan. this is just to tell the state that the money we received, we are using that money to address special education in certain areas and services and categories. it is not about if we are doing it come quietly. that is our hope and our aim. >> in the communications from katie frankland, there is a positive suggestion about continuing the work on a procedural manuals as a former director started. i wanted to understand your perspective on whether that work would continue. >> i was going to review the manual because i see the manual as complete.
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talking to staff, they said there was a section where the cac was going to give participation and parent visits to classrooms. i was going to call and talk about that unless there is another manual that i do not have in my possession. we also have a document from cecilia that she worked on called the three legged stool. i feel that we have addressed all of the issues in that manual. there could be something else that i was not able to locate. >> i want to briefly at the that, in addition to the hand but which was something -- the new on-line internet system, we actually have a lot of how-to's
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and procedural guidance. one of the complications of that is that it is not available to the public. it is not on the internet and that is what we are trying to work on. identifying what we can put in a safe checkout to move over to the procedural handbook. >> i also want to add my voice to thank the cac. i have had the privilege of attending several of their meetings, three of them out. they engaged in substantive conversation with our parents. i think it is appropriate to a knowledge that there is a modicum of disbelief in the minds of some of our parents about what the district's approached a special education services will be. i want to be very clear this evening that we are not going to
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be talking about special education as a silo. the term is going to expire because we cannot affect the kind of cultural and pedagogical shift in our district if we continue to categorize it as a program. it is a service. you'll be hearing about the instructional corps and how teachers are being trained and supported in differentiating instruction, providing the instruction that they need. and we are providing that support as a whole as part of the institutional approach to change the way we deliver students -- services to students with disabilities. it hasn't been in incredibly supportive in they hold accountable to that goal. and we appreciate the work that they do to hold us accountable. there is a lot of clean up
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happening and everybody has been diplomatic about this. if you don't know where to charge an expense, put it in the special ed budget. as the doctor and her team are very diligently billing, they are starting to tease that out and expenses are being charged to the appropriate places. it will make some expenses look out of order at times, but we have a duty to provide a clear explanation of why certain things look the way they look. as we get clarity, we will all be very clear about what are the actual expenses, and how do we mitigate those expenses with increased instructional capacity for students with disabilities? this is really an exciting time for us, although there are concerns about the transition in leadership. it was a very smooth transition
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and her team has remained intact. every year, we are building more and more capacity. my commitment is that we will keep this at the front of the burners and that we don't forget this is a priority to increase the instructional course. i want to thank all the members of the special ed see a sea. >> roll call, please. [roll call vote] >> six ayes. >> ok. thank you very much.
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ok. i now call the public hearing for the initaial proposal for a successor agreement for the craft unions for locals 718, 377, 66, 40, 42, 104, 38, 1314, 1176. the superintendent or designee. address the proposal. >> and both sides have sunshine of their proposals. our joint craft unions, you heard earlier tonight that we
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are also in other negotiations with our civil service unions such as laborers and i t. the craft unions to speak to the board about their concerns. i also want to mention we are in the process of arranging a meeting with the superintendent so he can directly hear their concerns. >> of q public speakers on this item. >> can i make my required announcement? for the record, i will be rich using myself because i have a potential conflict of interest because my husband is the