tv [untitled] September 4, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT
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>> director ramos is anticipated. director rub ke? >> present. >> directors, just so you know, director bridges is not going to be with us. announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting. anyone with one going off may be asked to leave the meeting. no. 4, approval of the minutes. >> motion to approve. >> is there a second? >> second. >> a member of public has indicated they are interested in addressing the matter. >> no one? >> yes. >> directors in favor say aye? >> aye. >> item 5, communications, director, please be advise there had will be no closed session today. >> also, members of board of directors and ladies and gentlemen, a body mechanic died while at work in the upper yard. he was -- 73 years old and an
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employee for 33 years and he was recognized by his colleagues and friends a tireless worker and took great pride in keeping our fleet both clean and reliable. he was a proud member of local 1414 and known to all as outgoing man of cheerfulness and mentoring staff. with that we'll adjourn today's meeting in his memory. any other communications? >> no, mr. chairman, no other communications. item 6, introduction of new or unfinished business by board members. >> i did want to something up. i read an article in the examiner this morning that talked bay dui checkpoint that the sfed pd did this weekend and i know our police department has received awards from the state for their dui efforts and i thought this one was fascinating, 8 of cars, and 13 additional infractions so
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that brings, by my math to 25% of the vehicles that they stopped had something going on, something wrong. and so i just wanted to call attention to that, because it really does highlight how important it is for us to support them in those efforts and what a good job they are doing and i believe they have another one coming up in north beach. >> where exactly is that, cheryl? >> north beach, chairman, nolan, be careful. [ laughter ] >> that is all, thank you. >> other members of board, new or unfinished business? seeing none. >> item 7, directors' report. >> good afternoon, mr. chair. members of board and members of public and staff, i have a number of things to cover today, but happy as always to start for the first meeting of the month by recognizing some of the folks who are doing the good work of the mta, and i want to start with some members. this is a team recognition, team of folks who crossed a few
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different divisions within the agency at on accessible services and communication and so i would like to ask the following to step forward. matt west, our accessibility coordinator, kate torran or paratransit coordinator and lou feliciano our transit communication margin. i'm not sure i is a lulu, but we have three of the four here and what we're recognizing this group for is the professor of muni series of videos that i'm sure you have all watched numerous times. these were requested by the mac, multimodal accessibility committee, but they have adopted to the broader scope of the mta with the rest of us. there were four different videos that they made. they were written and cast by
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matt, [tpa*-eufpbld/] edited filmed and edited by kate and there were a number of other mta employees that participated and these were put out in advance of the july 1st to make sure there was good information or to compliment the information that was going out there. and i think we're going to play a little bit, just a highlight for anyone who was sorry enough to have missed this. [ music ]
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[ music ] [ applause ] >> good. >> an now come travel with us as we visit that bastion of brain activity, the world-famous muni labs. hello there, professor muni at muni labs where the future of transit is being made everyday. let's look at muni's new all door boarding policy. >> we're going into the rear of the bus, hello, hang on, sorry. hello, no, not there either. yes. this is judie.
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what are you doing judy? what are you doing judy? what are you doing judy? oh, no it's jerry. jerry rides muni, too, but boarding never goes fast when he is around. [ music ] [ music ] [ applause ] i want to stress my resemblance to anyone here, including namesakes of board members are completely inadvertent. i'm sure commissioner jerry is a fine [tr-pts/] rider. i want to note that we had a very modest budget for this
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endeavor. the budget was zero. and it was delivered within budge. so not a penny of mta funds went to this. it was really just the initiative and the love and the time of the four people standing up here and lulu has now joined us and i will note also one of our cac members is here also had a camo that you may have seen in at least one of the videos. this was picked up, these videos by numerous media outlets. my notes say it was a viral sensation, and it was all because the initiative of these four on their own time to put something together that was both fun and informative and helpful. so with that, congratulations. >> thank you. [ applause ]
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>> if any of you would care to say a few words? >> on behalf of our creative team, oscar award-winning team, i want to thank the board and directors for giving us the opportunity, as well as annette williams who trusted our instincts in pushing this. i have to say that the team worked offhours after an outreach meeting and just threw these ideas together, having coffee and i think the best ideas come out of these coffee breaks. thank you. >> i just want to say thank you very much. i think it's safe to say that none of us receiving this award today are expecting a call from the academy of motion pictures arts and sciences come oscar time. [ laughter ] i have to say
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working in the marketing department is a job i love dearly and i'm fortunate that my job allows me to work across the numerous divisions and it's dedicated and gifted people like matt west, kate, torran and lulu that i work were on a number of occasions that really makes me feel proud to be part of this project and to realize that we do have within our halls some of the best and brightest people in this city. thank you. >> on behalf of the of the board of directors and people of san francisco, thank you for this creative contribution for making this system work so well. [ applause ] >> thank you. >> next we have a couple of individuals from the transit division, some people refer to as muni. and i would like is to ask mr. john haley to come forward. along with olivero valley and
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mr. valley has been with us for more than 33 years, 28 of which have been in the cable car division. working for 23 years as an accomplished grip man and if anyone has ridden on cable cars can attest to the fact that doing that for 23 minutes is probably difficult enough for most human beings and so doing it for 23 years is certainly impressive. just an outstanding record with muni and the mta, excellent safety record and no avoidable accidents in last 15 years. past five years he has been working at pal and market turn table as an ambassador assisting patrons, as well as his fellow crewmembers. probably one of the most visible ambassadorial positions we have in mta. he is a great role-model for his colleagues in terms of [o-ufrplgts/] attendance also in the years and his customer
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service skills are known to be exceptional. he told me he specialty many, many years on the california line and known as mr. california. which i think speaks a lot about his customer service skills. no complaints, only accolades from the public for his great years of service at cable car. also, we have sun go, who is an electrical transit mechanic who currently works out the green division, which is most of our light rail fleet runs. he is the running repair and defects guy. so when there is a problem on a vehicle out there, and those that haven't gone through the overhaul program have those problems he is one of the first guys out there to get the train back in service or to get it safely is offline, so the service can continue. he is one of the first to
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volunteer, to take on any challenge. that we or our equipment throws at him. extremely dependable, reliable, and a self-starter, which are qualities that we certainly need given the age of our fleet and the complexity of our system. excellent workmanship, produces high-quality repairs such that once he is done touching the vehicle, it's going to stay in service thereafter, which is what we need. i want to thank both of you for your great service and serving as role-models for mta and muni. >> mr. california, as anybody who rides the cable cars regularly, despite the terrific video you just saw, i think it's hard. cable car folks take a back
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seat to no one when it comes to entertainment. so having a distinguished record. sonny have tools will travel, regularly see him on the platform out in various places and he has one of the most challenging jobs in the system to respond and get one crack, one bite the apple. try to make a repair, keep a vehicle in service or move it, so we can get the service going. he is masterful at that. both of them terrific attitudes and i will also say that they are two of the heroes and people responsible for what you will hear from ed in a few minutes about the successful service we ran a couple of weekends ago around america's cup, including reintroducing a new historical line. i want to acknowledge tony
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gonzalez, the division chair. he is over there because he does need to be re-elected and his superintendent. so this is enough said. you are on oliver. we have been working on the speech. >> we have been working on a 30-minute -- well, it's going to be be less than that. thank you so much for the distinction. it's a big honor for me to accept it and let me tell you the cable car has been my passion and my family. i love the whole operation and everybody that is part of it. and thank you so much for the recognition. i really appreciate. it thank you. [ applause ] >> thank you, thank you. >> thank you and thank you
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everybody. >> on behalf of the board and the entire agency, thank you so much for your outstanding service. [ applause ] >> so just while we're on the subject of cable cars and the entertainment that our operators of the cable car bring i want to remind you again this thursday is the 49th annual cable car bell ringing competition. it will be at union square at noon. we'll have our professional ringers, as well as celebrity competition. the proceeds of which will go to charity, and once again, comedian debby durst is the emcee and we'll be honoring the winner by placing their photograph into vehicles and by getting them in front of the media and getting them some recognition for the great work that they do everyday. it's a great event.
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it's a good muni tradition, a great thing for our 100th anniversary here and look forward to seeing all of you there at noon at union square on thursday. a few miscellaneous items. in early april and i think we may have talked about this briefly the sfmta in conjunction with improve sf, an initiative of the mayor's office hold a competition to ask san franciscans to come up with a new logo for the mta, reflecting mobility for the 21st century. we had artists who submitted proposals and went through an online voting process and then a jury of peer process that ended up selecting paul miller as the winner and he is a graphic artist from method design. it was a four-color design of parallel lines that symbolize
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many of the interconnected multimodal paths of travel. that was the thinking behind the design. we have since -- he has been very generouswith his time and again this is something again that cost nothing to muni or for the mta which had we done this on our own would have cost probably quite a bit of money. the consultants who do this kind of work can charge well for it, but he is not only entered the contest for free, but since worked with us to refine it and we are now ready to soft-launch the new logo. we're just going to phase it in, because we don't want to incur any expense. we're not going to throw out old letterhead or old signage. but we are ready to start bringing this logo into the vernacular of the sfmta. we're going to get it up on the screen. that is the logo that won the
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competition, which again we have worked on since then with our graphic staff. and this is the branding that will be applied to future replacement vehicles and to our existing fleet when we're doing any kind of normal change-out. we'll also be introducing things like business cards, letterhead presentations. it does not replace some of the existing things such as what is known as the worm. the familiar muni logo or the older muni logo, which is known at the oshaughnessey logo, but this is for the overall mta. so glad that once again for zero cost initiative, to help us communicate better with the public. next something john haley made
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reference to. the activities of the america's cup a few weeks ago and it was a time that we did a defendant run of many of the initiatives of people plan, many of the elements of people plan that were really developed for the big events next year. but we were able to test out a trial of the eline which ran to fisherman's wharf. we had the limits buses, the 40, the 43, the 47. we had a short run of the 22. we had 25pcos is deployed. we had pretty significant coordination with bart and golden gate transit, presidio shuttle, the ferris and other regional transit provers, other city agencies, police, fire, dpw, the coast guard, really as the development of the plan was the execution on this trial
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week was really a great collaboration among the city family and the broader regional family, including federal government agencies. we had valet bike parking, a lot of different transportation elements coming together to test out for the america's cup. i would say by and large, the service went very well. there were a lot of people and a lot of traffic down towards the marina green, but very little in the way of complaints or concerns. we did a debrief the day after the last event where we identified a number of small issues, things that we can improve upon and adjust for the next time, but by and large, i think a very successful effort. a lost work by a lot of people in the agency and outside of the agency to make that happen and to try to make the experience for people coming to see the cup, as well as everyone else who is going to be in the city when it was happening, as good as possible. so we will
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continue to improve upon that the next event of the america's cup world series is from october 2 through october 7th, which coincides with fleet week. it's going to be an extremely busy weekend, but we're well-served by what we learned from the trial. so happy to report on that. and director heinicke will be happy to hear the next report. something he raised at the last meeting and many prior, including prior to my time here and this has to do with the speed of the trains in the twin peaks [tk-upbl/]. tunnel. and you will recall that a while back, i don't know how long ago back, sometime a year or two ago, because of the condition of the rail in the tunnel for safety purposes, we lowered the speed of the trains to 15 miles per hour, so
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anybody coming in from forest hill or out from castro, noticed that the nice quick clip in the tunnel slowed to what seemed to be a crawl as you approached or departed from castro station. so we spent the time using our own rail crews to replace 5,000' of real between castro and forest hills. we completed that work this summer. and it was done without any interruption of service. we did it all in the overnight hours. so it took a while. but it was done without interruption and for a pretty modest cost. we subsequently had a licensed surveyor evaluate to the insurer that the new rail installed was in conformance with the design. we had our safety folks out there and a number of other folks evaluating and it looks like the work was done well and we have since starting on that same weekend of the america's
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cup, started raising the speed limit in the tunnel. so we're now -- the trains are now 25 miles per hour as they go through the curve. we will continue to evaluate. we'll be taking readings on the rail, evaluating the movement on the vehicles for the next four to six weeks and then evaluate if we can raise it eastern further. a pretty significant step to improve the safety and reliability of the system, as well as just the perception of those of us that ride through that tunnel. and we did again without service disruption or capital outlay. so hats off to mr. haly and his team. a great effort andcopt have come fast enough for many of us, but the trains are now moving at a faster speed, which i'm sure folks have noticed. along the lines of rail
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improvements, we do have our next church line shutdown scheduled for march 13-17th. it should be one of the last of the shuts down that will more or less substantially complete the work around church and debost, as folks have gone through the church and debost area will note that a large part of that work is done. many of the rider amenities, such as the better boarding areas on both sides of the sunset tunnel are in place and being, i would say, fairly well-received. so we're pleased with that. and something that we're piggy-backing on, the church and debost improvements is introducing a pilot that came out of the transit
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effectiveness project, which as you know is focused on making muni service more reliable and efficient. and what we are pursuing at the moment is a piloting of the transit-only lane on church street from 16th to the portal at debost. so we would take the rail right-of-way which is currently open to mixed traffic, and make it transit-om, both for the j and for the 22. we will be not only testing the transit-only concept in terms of the travel time, but also testing some different timeframes, testing colorization of the right-of-way to help delineate it. also, help to delineate the many different modes that operate in that area. it's very heavily used by bike and pedestrians. so we are working with the community. that was a big part of developing the overall church
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and debost project into what it became. we'll continue to work with them and we'll be soliciting feedback and performancing evaluation as it goes along. it's perhaps one of our first pilots of the tep, a good -- kind of a good segway from the church and pebost rail project which was also about rail reliability primarily to further improve service through that area. so pleased to see that moving forward. and that concludes my report. >> thank you, director reiskin. members of board, comments? >> i had the pleasure of attending community meetings for the tep pilot project and i just wanted to say that the staff did a really good job presenting the pilot program to the community that was there and substance keptly i just heard a lot of really great things from people who use that corridor, transit riders, bikes, pedestrians.
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