tv [untitled] September 13, 2012 10:00am-10:30am PDT
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out the type of apprenticeship reports we need to be able to monitor apprenticeship participation. the reason for the two different components is with exception of labors and operators the requirement is there is one apprentice hour worked for every five hours of journeyman labor worked over the course of the job. but the operators and laborers have a different criteria where they are supposed to have one apprentice for every three journeymen on a daily basis. it is a way of tracking and reporting use of apprentices. they have developed the packages to be able to track that specifically, then that is enabling them to work directly with the subs to address where there
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are shortfalls and bring those numbers into compliance. so overall the -- for all of the trades other than laborers and operators, the job as a whole is trending a little bit over the one-to-five ratio. there is variation between subs because some are performing well the ratio. some are at or below. web corp is working with those trailing and will try to bring the numbers up overall for the project. for laborers and operators, the picture is a little different. early when we didn't have a large number of people on the project prior to october of last year, the numbers were tracking very well. you can see the red lines are the number of apprentices that are employed in the green line.
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red is how many they should have based on the number of journeymen on the site. around october of last year we had a large influx of workers on the project site. the contractors were having difficulty bringing in enough apprentices to meet the demand. last spring where we started implementing this to track things more closely, provide feedback to contractors and over the last three manies the contractors have greatly increased their percentages and are coming back closer to the targets. so with that i will turn it over to many flores, who will give us an update on a group of women he brought to visit the site.
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morning, many flores, carpenter's local 22. to be brief and short on outreach to the women for the construction industry. we need women, i got to start someplace to find them, we are out there. i went to the district attorney george gascon and his assistant, rebecca. i told them, point me in the right direction, a program i had never heard of called the woman's resource center. it is located on bryan street next to the the hall of justice. what this is is a women's resource center operated by the san francisco sheriff's department that provides women that have been involved with the criminal justice system -- provides
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services to help them maintain a healthy and safe lifestyle. i went there. met with the staff. had a good talk. i asked him, looking for a group of women that would be interested in the program. but i'm not here to hand jobs out. i'm here to teach you, educate you how it works. they got a group of women together. we talked, had a couple meetings. they said, okay. let's take a tour on a job site to give you a taste. with that also i brought one of my own members, tina howard, eight-year member of local 22. she's been there and back. raised four kids. struggled with the apprenticeship but finished. she came along with me on this tour. so with that -- all right.
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started going out on the job site, talking to one of the workers. he was dressing a couple of the females that came with me. they are all excited because some had never been on a job site. we are talking, getting the input about women on the job. yeah, we need them. they are out there. some of them are more qualified than some of the males we have. so it is pretty encouraging. a couple photos we took from the building on first street. actually we are on the 13th floor, looking down. all the girls and i myself was really amazed on the work. it gave them a bird's eye view. they were real excited, wow. oh, yeah. just looking and i explained it.
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this is the ground level. this is the foundation. this is where life starts. build your foundation. they were excited. entrance, okay. more photos. here i was walking on the job site and tell the women, all right, stay close. which they did. it was pretty fun. they were great. they got a feel of it. they were excited. we went to the trailer across the street. we had to get permission to get on the job site. all the girls came with me. i guess balfour beatty. no problem, okay. we are going to go across the street. just want to take a look. yeah, no problem. they were really good, they were really cooperative. there we are on the job
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site. you can see there is tina howard on the far left and sunny schwartz, she was probation department. she is fantastic. another one, cleo turner, she is in the back for the women and myself. it was a lot of fun. it was good education. just tell them like it is. the only drawback, there weren't a lot of workers, but get ready. you could be part of this. didn't sugar coat it. here it is, it is fun, this is how you get it. not how big you are or any of that, it is what you've got here in your heart. i don't know how that got up there. that is my new granddaughter. she is two months old. i apologize. it looks like a 22-pin but -- >> congratulations, many. >> thank you. >> with that i want to report also the women that went there, i'm happy to report right now there's
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two of them right now as we speak in the pre-apprenticeship for the carpenter's program, they are going through a nine-month program. they sat down. i said you've got to be ready. over and over. it is there but you got to be ready. drug testing, drug testing. you got to remember where these women came from, what they've been through. when they first started, when they had to go, they had to do a drug test. they passed with flying colors, so happy. nine weeks completion, let me tell you, they are going to work, hopefully. if not transbay, hopefully somewhere because they are fantastic. i'm amazed at them. i applaud them. that is what it is about. there is room and there is more. they are out there, we just have to reach out. we are excited. doing the best we can. we may fail but we will get up and keep trying and trying. with that, thank you very much. >> thank you, many.
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i really want to thank many on behalf of the transbay authority. he's been doing a tremendous amount of work. this is what transbay is about. about giving veteran's opportunities, wounded warriors opportunities, our kids in high school and after high school opportunities. minorities, disadvantaged groups. that is what we are doing with this important infrastructure project, sbes, dbes and so forth. it is so important to mention. we hope to be a model for other infrastructure projects that receive public dollars, that you can really do a lot of good. what many is doing a just an example. thank you, many. >> we have a comment from the director. approximate >> yes, thank you. >> i wanted to echo that sentiment. commend not just many and local 22 but the staff and web corp. reading through that report and looking at the outreach to city build, the school district, various veteran's organizations. i didn't realize through
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the women's resource center, this really is a tremendous effort. it seems like some of the spirit of the pla, though it hasn't really formally kicked in in the new construction contracts, it's already yielding some benefit. it was great and surprising to see the apprenticeship numbers for trades overall are right on for the laborers and carpenters after a slip have now -- looks like they have caught back up, which is great. just one question on the trades. if we look trade-by-trade, do we have areas where we need to strengthen in terms of apprenticeship in terms of a lot of hours? >> i will need to look at it. a lot of the trades -- laborers are a lot of the trades. we have had some carpenters, ironworkers, but i will need to look at that on a trade-by-trade
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basis with web corp. >> that would be great to get. i want to echo, director reiskin, and the others, but you have to do that direct and intensive outreach and bring applicants on site and bring them to training centers to get the diversity and recruitment we want to see. i'm a big fan of the women's resource center and the adult probation, so i'm glad you made that correction. >> thank you. >> i have a question for maria. i echo all the words that have been said about thank you for the good job. is the apprentice component, the pla, was that your decision, was part of federal moneys requirement? because it is amazing. >> it was our decision. we incorporated it in the project labor agreement we brought before you. >> i was having a senior moment. >> thank you, yeah. >> it is very impressive.
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>> thank you. >> i would like to have steve ruehl come up and give our construction update. good morning, commissioners. steve ruehl with turner construction providing construction oversight. it's been three months since we last spoke. a lot has changed. see if we can get to the first slide. there we go. good news is, there were no recordable incidents, no near-miss, no sitting even first aid events in the last couple months. that is great, considering the number of craft hours. we are up over 430,000 total craft hours after demolition since the transbay center work has begun. that equates between 220 and 230 workers on site every day, five days a week. some of those are extra shifts around the clock but that is what we are
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averaging right now. it's a lot of people out there. they are doing a great job keeping things under control. the bse contractor, the excavation contractor doing the buttress work completed 128 buttresses through the end of august. that is, what, about 36 more than from the last time we presented. in fact, three more were completed last week, so that is actually -- one more this week, four more on top of that. they are moving along well. it was a year ago to yesterday we first started drilling the buttress shafts, first pour was september of 2011, so we on schedule. excavation continues in zones 1, 2 and now 3. we have pictures of that. other significant events, when we presented in june we talked about how
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successful the first street traffic bridge installation was, we did that over the weekend with fremont street. they finished nearly 30 hours ahead of schedule. they opened it late sunday instead of tuesday, the deadline. everybody did a great job. the next big change will be the below grade structural package which will be out for bid, comes in the end of the week, which is tomorrow. which is good. weeks going quick. that will be incorporating the geo thermal and grounding package. there you will see a big uptick and change from the crafts and operators, so that will be a milestone in the project. coming up in the next 90 days, hopefully the next board meeting that below-grade package will be for you for your approval. we are looking still to do the beale street traffic
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bridge in november over the long veteran's day weekend. continue to work on the buttress area. we should be able to be right on schedule. the next milestone is to have 162 shafts completed by the end of november. that would mean 34 more shafts -- 30 more i guess since we have completed four since i did the tally. the excavation, of course, is going to continue on into zone three and the access trestle work will continue to zone three, the center section. the overall time line for the project, we are still in the excavation phase but you can see the below grade package coming online shortly, followed by super structure and on in to the completion. currently with bs & e work the pre-trenching cdsm, a good majority more than half buttress work is completed. two out of three traffic bridges are completed, excavation is well underway. we are right on the time
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line we had set for completion of all the bse work by early part of 2014. gives you a site overview, the red line represents a trestle. one of the things as we have connected that zone. the contractor has connected that into the first street bridge, which gives them full access in and out for their trucks, making the route easier to manage. there's no ramps coming up the side. it is a little better for traffic people concerned. that access trestle will continue into zone three in the coming months. this is a new graphic that's being maintained, managed for us by the program management office. well farce go has done a great job mapping as it progresses. you can see the darker color represents the deeper hole. down in the southwest corner so that is the far southwest corner of the project closest to howard near second, they are at
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the deepest, they are almost bottomed out with four levels of shoring. in very short time we will be bottomed out in that corner and moving out from there with the rest of the excavation. we will maintain this and start adding the other zones or it will probably have to be on more than one graphic but to give you an idea how the progress is going. you can see the tremendous change from the end of may and early june on the left to where we are right now. the trellis -- access trestle is completed all the way to first street. fremont street is on the bridge. this was taken after the long labor day weekend. got photos of the work going on and excavation. in zone one at the deepest point you can see the equipment working. to refresh your memories, they put heavy equipment down in the bottom of the
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hole. the scrapers and the dozers. they pile the dirt up and extend the reach. the excavator is able to bring the dirt to the surface and put in it the trucks and progress. they can work multiple shifts, stockpiling or trucking where it doesn't impact the traffic and keep moving right along. the internal bracing continues. you can see the multiple levels of that down in zone one. the big change in area two. this is the access bridge completed to first there are shots of that being worked on. down in zone four -- just wanted to clarify, this was where the woolly mammoth tooth was found in the buttress operation, which is why it would be hard to get down to the 110-foot level and do anymore exploring. we have put the
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archaeologists associated -- they have put operators through a training program to help them identify archaeological things. not sure they have gone through paleontologist training but they were obviously aware when he pulled this up. we are happy he called everybody's attention. that happened on buttress 4 near the drills and they will continue to look at the spoils that continue to come out in the surrounding areas, maybe we will find some more. there's the completion chart on the buttress. of course 207 is goal, with 128. now 132 in place. we just keep ticking away. again, that is on schedule. give you a shot. one of the part of the process every month or so is for the quality control team to core the shafts and look at the concrete and test the concrete in the
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shaft to make sure that the melding of the two together is done correctly, as well as the concrete being consistent throughout the shaft. we have quality control coring as part of the regular buttress operation. so the fremont street bridge, as i mentioned, was very successful over labor day. finished early. that is before friday. they have done preexcavation, identified the pge feeder we had to stay away from throughout the weekend and preassembled the bridge to the west side of fremont street and lower right hand picture. friday afternoon was demolition of fremont street and graded and the first picks were done early saturday. all the lifts were completed by the end of the day saturday. of course with paving and striping sunday that bridge
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was completed early. just to give you an idea of what it really looks like. there is a time lapse. that is before we started the demolition friday. now there is the street going away. it actually was completed about 4:00 on friday with fine grading going into the evening and more prep work. it starts to get dark here eventually. worked through the night on preparing the sub grade on where the bridge was placed. and early saturday morning they started the picks. most of the picks were done by two cranes so it had to be closely coordinated. you can see them placed in tandem to replace the
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bridge sections. the workers went to work on welding those two sections together. and the final place was about 5:00 saturday afternoon. the final piece went in. the welders worked on through the night. in order to prepare it for opening we also had to backfill on both sides. that took place partially saturday night overnight, as well as during the day sunday. early sunday morning they started paving. don't you wish all the highway construction projects could go this fast? this was taken from the transbay's mission street construction camera, if you are ever interested in checking out that section. has a great view on zone three and put together by mike on the tgpa team.
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traffic was flowing by the end of the day sunday. we have the utility work, auxiliary is underway. they had to tap into a power and control source on market street there in the sidewalk and had to reinstall that in order to create power and operating controls for that valve, that automated valve you see getting placed in the box there on the right. but that work continued, now they are on mission street and toward the home stretch on utilities. finally to give you an idea, this is the underside of the first street bridge, where they are reattaching utilities. the same will have to happen on the fremont street bridge as excavation continues but all these utilities get hung under the bridge, then the full excavation of the bay area can be completed. of course we had a special event. i think it was late july, early august.
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>> late july. >> late july when the governor came in and signed the hsr funding bill. that was a big event for the project. this is a budget. it remains within the budget. we remain within the budget with what's been committed to date on the construction packages. as i said there was 431,000 hours to date. 63% have been from bay area counties, local areas. gives you a breakdown here on where they are coming from. and this is a listing of the major trades on the project. as you heard earlier, the
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labors, operators and engineers are the bulk of the team. based on body count this is where we are trending. of course the carpenter's side would start going up and the cement masons and finishers when we start the sub work on the concrete. can i answer questions? >> thank you, directors. that concludes my report. thank you. >> at this time we will move to item 6, public comment. >> i have not received any indication a member of the public wants to address you on this item. >> is there anyone who would like to speak at public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> we will move into your consent calendar. >> all matters listed are considered routine, acted upon by a single vote no. separate discussion unless a member of the board or public so requests, in which event it will be removed, considered separate. drokers to i have not received indication a member of the public has something listed.
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>> anyone like to sever items on 7? >> seeing none, we will take a roller coaster. read the items into the record, items 7.1, approving minutes of june 14th, 2012 and item 7.2 authorizing executive director to execute amendment for agreements for stated a voe ka si with mercury and townseasoned public affairs for one year each and additional compensation of 102,000 and option to extend additional three years. we have a motion? >> motion to approve. >> second. >> motion and second. >> motion and second. director lloyd. >> aye. >> ruskin. >> aye. >> ortiz? >> aye. >> kim. >> kim aye as well, that is four ayes * and consent calendar is approved. >> next we have item eight. >> go ahead. authorizeding executive director to execute professional services agreement for legal services with bench of law enforcements consisting or weinberg err, shaw, student loan hold, nix and peabody,
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services within * practice areas on as-needed area for five-year terms, total compensation under bench agreement does not exceed 8 million. >> director sarah jalati will report on this item. >> directors th, is a proposed bench of law enforcements of maximum contribution of 8 million so work would be authorized for each and budget for each firm on an as-needed basis. we conducted an rfp process to solicit proposals from legal firms. we received 19 proposals. we short-listed ten and conducted interviews. the firms really broke out into four main practice areas. general counsel, construction counsel, labor and employment and public and private finance. following the interviews,
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the selection committee determined the four firms -- the four firms here should make up the bench. that is the recommendation. shup maholy and koun. shaw for construction. run haul labor and employment and nix and peabody private finance council. * >> i'm happy to answer questions. we have a representative from shop wine, stein shaw and nix and peabody if you have questions. * >> questions on this item? >> seeing none. >> roll call. >> a member of the public wanted to address. a motion? >> i will move. >> second. >> first and second. aye, ruskin, aye. ortiz, aye. kim? >> aye. >> that's four ayes. item eight is approved.
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>> recommending applicant to the citizens joint bay advisory committee. >> bob will report and i believe the applicant, mr. garcia is here with us. approximate >> thank you, board members. * we brought to you in may several applicants for the board of tgpa citizen's advisory committee. the board accepted recommendations on seven. for the seat of environmentalists, the desire was expressed to see what we could do with additional outreach to identify a deeper background for environmental issues and environmentalism. we re-advertised the position not only to our normal -- through our normal outlets but also doing specific outreach to environmental organizations including the cr club and san francisco department of environment. that outreach garnered
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