tv [untitled] September 20, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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mic. here. >> so, thank you, president fong, fellow commissioners, we appreciate your dedication to our city's betterment for physical condition, just to introduce myself, i'm mark miller, i'm a project sponsor for [inaudible] for boys, i'm a ceo of [inaudible] bank and i serve with the architectural principle in charge of the project, i'm a long-time san francisco resident, i would like to highlight a few critical reference points, town school needs more space for
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its enrollment, it approximates at 54 thousand gross square feet, this is short on california's regulations by about 30 to 40% depending on how you measure, town school also needs to modernize, the school has been existing on the site for 74 years, the last meaningful imprao*ufms in the 1980s, it dates the 1960s and prior, educational requirements have advanced since the construction of these facilities, town school's vision is a mor modern environment than just pure additional space. this project is the result of a ten year search and review of all the options throughout the
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city that have on-site improvement, expansion, splitting the school and all other sorts of options to get the education conditions appropriate for the school for the future, more than four years ago, the school revitalized and wanted fo expand, for three years, the school has worked with the faculty to determine educational requirements, during this time, the school has worked closely with the environment and bidding department with the city of san francisco to explore possibilities on this site and to be on top of the urban contract development issues, through this multiyear dialog, we've worked closely with the neighbors as a group, this project reflects this consensus. if i may, i want to outline some of the key points, we're 54 thousand feet, the proposal
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is 19 thousand square gross feet, to get to 34, 4 thousand square feet is above grade, that gives us basically 2 to three storeys horizontal addition. in questions, i can address the various ways we can make it happen, but the reddish gold environment that's going to be under the current, what we call the lower field in the northwest quadrant of the school, the 4 thousand additional square feet above grade is in this middle stripe to create a more efficient utilization of space. there is street improvements and it was mentioned facade improvements through scott and jackson street facade, these
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diagrams outline the scale, the red represents the multiuse facility, the blue represents the horizontal addition on jackson street which is perhaps a foot or two for the glass and maybe 4 to 6 feet of the [inaudible] all within the property line in that central core part of the building, that was the first and second floor, the third floor, we're zk%fíthe shape jackson street and we have playing field on the roof and to make that accessible, we are bringing the elevator up. the pv modifications, i wanted to highlight them, we made a proposal that's already been approved, with con sen witchy with the community and with the city to extend the loading zone for pickup and drop off, that
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has been approved and accomplished. the yellow represents the existing, the prior white zone, the green represents the new spaces that have been put into play approved in february of this year. the other calculation is on the open space, this is because of existing non-conforming ways that the site was originally set up, the open space calculation, if you use it in a situation that it requires, it's 11 thousand square feet, we currently have 23 thousand feet, we're adding an additional 1 thousand square feet on the roof. quickly and just briefly in section, you'll see where the excavation is for the multi-purpose facility, the section on the right is the
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existing condition, the blue shaded area is representing the massing of the new and the new section is there below, this is cutting through the south which is to my right to the north towards specific property owners to the left. the elevation along jackson street, the existing condition above where the horizontal work would be done, the central area is to accommodate the new core, the blue representing the glass and the taking off of the prechalet shall we call it and the elevations are there at the bottom. along jackson street, the existing photograph at the top, the existing section or existing elevation along jackson street -- scott street where the blue area is, you see the modest areas of addition and the new facade below. we're changing the look, we're trying to bring the school up to date visually, this is along
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jackson street, you can see the existing condition in the upper right, some material uses and moves are done by reference there by some examples on your right and this is the facade looking east. the centerpiece looking from the corner of scott and jackson street towards the new core, on the left, you see the existing condition, and on the right, what the school will look like. how we're doing mitigation in the glass, and that concludes my overall introduction to what we are trying to do in the exterior complex, thank you for your attention. >> is there any public comment on this item? >> good afternoon, president fong, members of the commission, i'm here on the next matter, but having been a town school parent for 11
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consecutive years or 18 paid tuition years, and it ended a year ago, my boys had an exceptional experience at town school and it is a classic urban school recess on the roof, my boys now have recess on 700 acres where they're going to high school, anything you can do to exercise your discretion in favor of this school would be appreciated and i urge you to do that and i welcome this opportunity to say those things, thank you. >> thank you. >> any additional public comment? >> hello, i represent the six units and we live next door to town school and phase 1 happened this summer and it started at 7:00 in the morning
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and went to 7:00 at niekt monday through saturday, so we like town school, we like being the neighbors of town school and we want them to be able to do what they need to do to grow and for us, we'd like to be able to work with being their neighbors so for us, the problems was having it start at 7:00 in the morning and having it also be included on saturdays, so as a building, we ask that the construction go from 8:30 the 30 -- in the morning and go monday through friday, this summer, the cleanup that took place after the construction was just wash down the sidewalk to and in front of our building and we were hoping to have that addressed and then i read the report, but some of us also
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brought up concerns about the [inaudible] that was created in the summer and the next project is going to be on a much larger scale that some people had to leave the house because the dust was too much to handle so that was another concern, and that is it from 2409, thank you. >> thank you. >> additional public comment? >> i'm bruce ster ely, thank you for the opportunity to speak on behalf of town school's construction project, i am a 24 year-long head of the school. town itself is 74 years old and for most of that time, it's been located on the jackson street side, the academic addition by contempt prised
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block, they are happy we are not increasing our foot fingerprint, grateful that we have been considerate neighbors for so long and understand our need to modernize the campus, a common neighborhood theme has been that the majority of homes neighboring the area have been renovated and it is town's logic to do the same. thank you for your time and consideration. >> hello, my name is louise and i'm an 8th grader at town school, the new and innovative design is beneficial to the students for a variety of reasons, my first example is the white boards, we have them on the walls and on big sliding doors, this allows us to collaborate more positively with one another, they provide more flexibility for one another for projects and studying, lastly are the classes themselves, now instead
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of it be teacher led learning, it's student led, the first phase of the renovation focused more on technological, scientific and mathematical aspects of the school, the second phase will be more involved around literary arts, and the dramatic arts, the project you are considering today will improve town school immensely for its students. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon f, my name is nancy, ! finance [inaudible] we are fortunate that our head of school had focused on
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maintaining good neighbor relations for the past 23 years, i want to provide a brief summary of outreach we have done with our neighbors. in 2011, we hosted three meetings with our neighbors which were attended by about 40 neighbors in total, the purpose of two of the meetings was for mark miller our architect to explain our project and to answer questions, the other meeting was a response from our neighbors to reduce the congestion during the morning drop off of students, from the request of those neighbors, we applied and received an extension of our zone to have four more cars, in the spring of 2012, mark miller and i spoke individually with the 8 neighbors who are behind the
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playfield to discuss our plans to excavate, all of these neighbors have expressed support either in writing or verbally for our approach to them and for the project itself. before the summer construction started, both the school and our general contractor wrote a letter to all of our neighbors within a two block radius to have school explaining what would be happening with the summer construction project and if they had any concerns, our construction superintendent was on site daily by 6 a.m., and they sent them away prior to 7 a.m. to minimize many noise on the street. i have as mary woods mentioned 8 letters from neighbors that i can read for the commission and thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> you can leave them on the bench. >> thank you.
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>> any additional public comment? seeing none, the public comment is closed. commissioner moore. >> i'm in support of this project, we've seen a lot of schools come before us where they've had to go beyond their footprint to expand and we've had issues of lost housing, i know it's never easy. the neighbor on scott street, i know the construction hours do start at 7 a.m., i have a project across the street from me, they start before 7 a.m., the noise is not supposed to happen before 7 a.m., they are out there, i wake up super early because they are already doing work and the 7, 7, 7 days a week, so you know, i believe -- if they can figure out a way
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to work with the neighbors, but i know it's the policy and it's a catch 22, if you shorten the hours, the construction takes longer and more months of dealing with the noise versus them having them do longer hours, i do want the project sponsor to address the issue about the sidewalk washing and ask, near the project where i'm here, they're spraying water to reduce the dust. >> first, i'll deal with the noise issue. this summer which was in the -- it was a fair comment, it was an aggressive 64 day very large interior project, that is not the intent of intensity or drawing that we were looking for, we have from a school year
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end to the start of the year after beginning, which is for us is more gracious, so you have a little more time and saturday's not going to be in the plan except major things that need to happen when traffic's very low with cranes, the dust is something we're conscious of, especially because of phase going forward because of there's lots of excavation, we're doing one way traffic through the sites, for noise primarily because of -- to not have backing up of trucks so working diligently on that, we have to work on other streets, we're cautious of that, for cleaning up on the sidewalk, those are the types
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of things you mentioned, both our superintendent is out every day, those things should be improved and shouldn't happen, so we will work on that, that is something we could contain, the general dirt, water spraying, fencing, we're talking with neighbors, my neighbors because there's a combination of view blockage, we're starting to have those conversations, it's a priority on an individual basis, but hoeing -- hosing down is a priority. it has been primarily about dirt and trucks, and the city team has been good and on top of that. >> are you the resource or i guess -- from the school as the resource to make sure that they have this information and maybe to the extent that you're planning not to work on
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saturdays, give them a heads-up on the schedule, if you will be working on saturday to let them know. >> our contact information is always posted on the building, once construction startser, we have a superintendent always on site before construction starts and after it terminates for the day so there is a responsible party for them to go to even for short term. especially when the excavation is starting. >> it's a very reasonable comment. >> great, other than that, i'll move to approve the conditions. >> second. >> i'm supportive of the
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project, i wanted to just acknowledge and thank the [inaudible] zone of anticipating the movements, in terms of startup of time, perhaps the page on the town school website can be set up with construction alerts if there's major movements or things out of the ordinary, i'm not supportive of changing the hours, this is something that has to happen within the context of school hours, i'm glad to see the student body is still at 400 and i think those were my comments and again i'm in support of. commissioner antonini. >> i think it's a great project, being the father that went to other private schools in san francisco and going through the same building process and seeing the difference after the new
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facilities are available, particularly recreationally but also academically, it's utilizing the land to its best use and of course land is precious in san francisco, it looks like a very well thought out plan and i'm supportive of the facade changes, the school is designed at a time that perhaps was not the highlight of architecture when it was first built but i think the new facades look like they're going to be contemporary and maximize light into the school in a much better way than before, so very supportive. >> commissioner 1$úky8m?osugaya. >> yes. >> we weren't given the preliminary neg dec on this, this was not described as a historic resource. >> no. >> can you tell me why?
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>> that's something i was not involved in, but i didn't know it was not considered a resource. i do have copies of the document if you would like it, the document was about an inch thick and since we're including the monetary and mitigation report program, you know, so that was available. >> alright, thank you. that's the only question i had. perhaps i'm reminded that a week or two ago, we took actions that contradicted construction times and prohibited them on saturdays. >> actually, i think you did. >> i know, and i'm just --
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>> they had said their intent was to stop at a particular time anyway, so we deferred to the time they said and the issue that was different was they had performances and they were a theatre and it was little different -- there were events that were happening that we were trying to protect. >> commissioner moore? >> i think this is an early 60s building which makes it mid century, and i don't think its architecture is that noteworthy that it could fall in historic preservation. this building i think doesn't meet the mark, however, i think the modernization which is what it is is a very good step
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forward, particularly in a neighborhood that is characterized with large homes, i think if you were able to win that battle, it is wonderful and it is a good model for a school and i think it's remarkable that within the envelope, you can make as many modifications and adjustments to a contemporary curriculum at energy performances without doing major changes to the building. i think they are like micro surgery and they're skillful and i am definitely in support of it. there is an issue ant -- about this building, i would like to ask the department to consult with labor with construction hours, by union standards or certain blocks of time and numbers of hours in each work day, and i think i am not aware what the rules are but i would rather have advisory from a
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labor council or union to make recommendation of what are in the rules. >> commissioner sugaya. >> i want to respectfully disagree and i would say this extends into the 40's, not into the 60, and to have historic significance, at least four or five or six of them including north beach, that's why i asked the question. i fully understand that this may not have risen to that level, but not having seen the report, it would have been interesting to see what the staff analysis was on that. >> commissioner antonini? >> i think whatever is in the motion now is fine with me
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because not only are you dealing with the school hours which you have to accommodate but then you also have the changing hours of day and that makes it more difficult if you have the days get shorter and your hours, you have to start as early as you can with the time change, so i'm fine with the way it's stated right now. >> could you call the question please. >> commissioner, there's a motion on the floor as approval at currently proposed. commissioner antonini? >> aye. .ing commissioner moore? >> aye. >> commissioner wu? >> aye. >> commissioner fong? . inger thank you, commissioners, the item passed unanimously. >> mike's going to take a five minute break,
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