tv [untitled] September 20, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT
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>> commissioner moore. >> i am supportive of the application, a small entrepreneurial business is trying -- it's a bold move, it's a strong sign for neighborhood revitalization and i'm glad that asian neighborhoods were able to design and mediate some of the problems. the question i have is has the dr applicant been given any language assistance to fully understand that she will also have an on-site coordinator with whom she could later communicate issues should there be any problems which i don't assume will be arising because i think there's enough sensitivity from the operator already brought to the subject matter, however, to create that language assistance in the future i think would be helpful because i sense that this commission will support the approval of this dr, however, i
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feel we should extend the future ability for the two parties to communicate in the future. >> can staff respond to that question? >> michael staff, planning department staff. if i understand you, commissioner moore, you would like the sponsor to have a translator? >> either you or somebody, there's always like -- >> okay, the department does have those services if requested, yes. >> but once a restaurant is realized, there should be a phone number by which any neighborhood complaints could come forward to the restaurant operator and be dealt with in a constructive manner. >> commissioner moore, that would be on a conditional use authorization as one of our
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standards. >> so, that would not be part of it? >> that would not be part of a motion. >> then i think we should at least encourage the future operator to provide continued outreach and sensitivity to the community should any mutually -- issues of mutual concern arise and they can be resolved in an amenable way. >> and i believe the project sponsor has been the liaison for the restaurant and he will ko*n to be. i don't know if we need to necessarily put a condition of approval to that effect. he is there as a lee iaison to the neighborhood if they want to contact. >> they are communicating with the dr requestor's niece who was english speaking and i don't know if she's here right now, but that's how we were
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communicating with the dr requestor. >> i appreciate you explaining that, thank you. >> thank you, commissioner antonini. >> thank you, in terms of the whole parking issue, we had our dealing with the narrow street here, i believe this street was when the subdivision was ut put in probably in the 20's, it was basically residential use and i don't think if cars were parked on both sides of the street, it's essentially a one way street, one car has to wait before the other one goes at least in that little segment, so if you do reinstitute parking, it would have to be on one side because of the chance of collisions going through there and the other thing i would like to see happen is the project sponsor works with the neighborhoods and with the ocean avenue neighborhood association with staff as far as the final appearance of the building on the outside. i mean, presently, i think the
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existing building, i know it's being renovated and turned into a restaurant but it's not really very attractive and the paint job doesn't help it much and certainly it would be nice if, you know, make sure that whatever appearance the restaurant has is one that's compatible with the residential style of the maybe and, you know, clearly it's a restaurant, but it has to have a quiet appearance, not something that calls attention to itself and what is really a residential neighborhood. >> commissioner sugaya? >> yes, i think before we go off implementing commissioner hillis' idea which i am opposed to, i'm looking at my phone here which i'm not supposed to have on i guess, but faxon isn't the only street tho goes all the way through to the two
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boulevardsqrut. miramar and also plimoth, i'm sure they have parking issues. >> okay, that's enough. >> but i'm not in favor of making anything one-way, i can tell you that, living on a one-way street, i'm trying to get it back to two way. it's not something we can resolve and i'm sure mta will hopefully take a closer look at this and try to resolve the issues with the neighbors. >> you can call the question, please. >> commissioners, the motion on the floor is to take discretionary review and approve the project requiring street trees on the property
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side, on that motion, commissioner antonini >> aye. >> commissioner borden? >> aye. >> commissioner hillis? >> aye. >> commissioner moore? >> aye. >> commissioner yao*u. >> thank you, that motion passed unanimous, commissioner, your general public comment? >> is there any general public comment? >> no. >> seeing none, the meeting is adjourned. >> thank you.
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>> i have 2 job titles. i'm manager of the tour program as well as i am the historyian of city hall. this building is multifaceted to say the very least it's a municipal building that operates the city and county of san francisco. this building was a dream that became a reality of a man by the name of james junior elected mayor of san francisco in 1912. he didn't have a city hall because it was destroyed in the earth wake of 1906. construction began in april of
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1913. in december 1915, the building was complete. it opened it's doors in january 1916. >> it's a wonderful experience to come to a building built like this. the building is built as a palace. not for a king or queen. it's built for all people. this building is beautiful art. those are architecture at the time when city hall was built, san francisco had an enormous french population. therefore building a palace in the art tradition is not unusual. >> jimmie was an incredible individual he knew that san
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francisco had to regain it's place in the world. he decided to have the tallest dome built in the united states. it's now stands 307 feet 6 inches from the ground 40 feet taller than the united states capital. >> you could spend days going around the building and finding something new. the embellishment, the carvings, it represents commerce, navigation, all of the things that san francisco is famous for. >> the wood you see in the board of supervisor's chambers is oak and all hand carved on
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site. interesting thing about the oak is there isn't anymore in the entire world. the floors in china was cleard and never replanted. if you look up at the seceiling you would believe that's hand kof carved out of wood and it is a cast plaster sealing and the only spanish design in an arts building. there are no records about how many people worked on this building. the workman who worked on this building did not all speak the same language. and what happened was the person working next to the other person respected a skill a skill that was so wonderful that we have
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this masterpiece to show the world today. >> we all sound very excited because we have some special guests. we have nearly -- mayor lee. [applause] and we also have our very own superintendent coranza. i am sure you want to hear a few words from the superintendent, correct? from mayor lee? the spring them a warm harvey milk will come. -- let us give them a warm harvey milk will come. >> good morning, everybody. welcome back to harvey milk academy. it is my pleasure to join all of
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you, the students, parents, faculty, and school administration, to kick off a wonderful year. how many students want to be mayor of san francisco? how about a mayor from the civil rights academy of harvey milk? we would be proud of that. i want to welcome everybody back. i know you had a great summer. i want you to approach this school like a sponge, soak up everything that you can learn. it is great to have knowledge about everything going on in the world, what is going on in the city. by the way, i will be supporting your parents and teachers and faculty to make this the best school in san francisco. how about that? [applause] and you are starting out fantastic. this is what san francisco is about.
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all the parents involved children and faculty to make this the best school. you have a mayor that will pay attention to our school, education, make sure you get the best education, because i want you to have my job some day. how about that? welcome back, welcome to the great school of harvey milk. you have a wonderful faculty who is going to teach you and expose you to a lot of different things to keep you active. we are going to help the city make sure your after-school programs are solid. thank you and have a great year. welcome back. [applause] >> thank you, mayor lee. superintendent coranza. [applause] >> good morning, boys and girls.
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we can do better than that. when i say good morning, i want to yell as loud as you can. good morning. >> good morning! >> that is beautiful. are you excited to be back in school? and one more time, good morning. >> good morning! >> we are excited to be here with the mayor who has a busy schedule. i will tell you why we wanted to be here at harvey milk. harvey milk looks like san francisco. it is the most diverse school in our district. it is a beautiful school. you know what is also great about harvey milk? we know, based on last year's assessment, we predict harvey milk will have great growth in student achievement again this year. isn't that great? [applause] that is great because we know it does not happen without the
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wonderful teachers you have. so i want you to be sure to listen and pay attention to your teacher this year and do what they say. if you do, they will prepare you to be mayor one day or superintendent one day, or president one day. so listen to your teachers. you have a great principle. she fights for you every single day to make sure you have your resources to be successful. i brought some people with me that wanted to come and see harvey milk civil rights academy. these are people i work very closely with but they are so excited to be here because they heard about all the good news and all the good stuff here at harvey milk civil rights academy. first is our board member. hydra mendoza. the other person is the assistant superintendent that supervises harvey milk's above its academy, margaret chu. [applause]
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i also brought with me the deputies said pete produce superintendent for so solid justice, mr. garrido. this is such a special school, i brought two deputy superintendent. the other deputy is in charge of policy and operations. myung lee. he is jumping back there. does anybody here want to be a lawyer? oh, come on, parents. this is so special, we brought the general counsel, the big lawyer in the district. his name is don davis, and he is over there. and then our director of communications is a factor as well. -- back there as well. why do i introduce the people to you? because we are so proud of
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harvey milk civil-rights academy, we all wanted to be here on the first day of school. this is not the last time you will see us. we want to come back to read in the classrooms. i understand you do a school dance. maybe we get invited to do that. we want you to have a great school year. q want to thank all of you parents for all that you do. we cannot do this without you. let's have a great year. yay! [applause] >> thank you. we have traditions here at harvey milk. one of the traditions is a dance that we do. boys and girls, what do you do? tell us what we do.
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>> we all sound very excited because we have some special guests. we have nearly -- mayor lee. [applause] and we also have our very own superintendent coranza. i am sure you want to hear a few words from the superintendent, correct? from mayor lee? the spring them a warm harvey milk will come. -- let us give them a warm harvey milk will come. >> good morning, everybody. welcome back to harvey milk academy. it is my pleasure to join all of you, the students, parents, faculty, and school
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when a resident of san francisco is looking for health care, you look in your neighborhood first. what is closest to you? if you come to a neighborhood health center or a clinic, you then have access it a system of care in the community health network. we are a system of care that was probably based on the family practice model, but it was really clear that there are special populations with special needs. the cole street clinic is a youth clinic in the heart of the haight ashbury and they target youth. tom woodell takes care of many of the central city residents and they have great expertise in providing services for many of the homeless.
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potrero hill and southeast health centers are health centers in those particular communities that are family health centers, so they provide health care to patients across the age span. . >> many of our clients are working poor. they pay their taxes. they may run into a rough patch now and then and what we're able to provide is a bridge towards getting them back on their feet. the center averages about 14,000 visits a year in the health clinic alone. one of the areas that we specialize in is family medicine, but the additional focus of that is is to provide care to women and children. women find out they're pregnant, we talk to them about the importance of getting good prenatal care which takes many visits. we initially will see them for their full physical to determine their base line health, and then enroll them in prenatal care which occurs over
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the next 9 months. group prenatal care is designed to give women the opportunity to bond during their pregnancy with other women that have similar due dates. our doctors here are family doctors. they are able to help these women deliver their babies at the hospital, at general hospital. we also have the wic program, which is a program that provides food vouchers for our families after they have their children, up to age 5 they are able to receive food vouchers to get milk and cereal for their children. >> it's for the city, not only our clinic, but the city. we have all our children in san francisco should have insurance now because if they are low income enough, they get medical. if they actually have a little more assets, a little more income, they can get happy family. we do have family who come outside of our neighborhood to
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come on our clinic. one thing i learn from our clients, no matter how old they are, no matter how little english they know, they know how to get to chinatown, meaning they know how to get to our clinic. 85 percent of our staff is bilingual because we are serving many monolingual chinese patients. they can be child care providers so our clients can go out and work. >> we found more and more women of child bearing age come down with cancer and they have kids and the kids were having a horrible time and parents were having a horrible time. how do parents tell their kids they may not be here? what we do is provide a place and the material and support and then they figure out their own truth, what it means to
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them. i see the behavior change in front of my eyes. maybe they have never been able to go out of boundaries, their lives have been so rigid to sort of expressing that makes tremendous changes. because we did what we did, it is now sort of a nationwide model. >> i think you would be surprised if you come to these clinics. many of them i think would be your neighbors if you knew that. often times we just don't discuss that. we treat husband and wife and they bring in their kids or we treat the grandparents and then the next generation. there are people who come in who need treatment for their heart disease or for their diabetes or their high blood pressure or their cholesterol or their hepatitis b. we actually provide group medical visits and group education classes and meeting people who have similar chronic illnesses as you do really
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helps you understand that you are not alone in dealing with this. and it validates the experiences that you have and so you learn from each other. >> i think it's very important to try to be in tune with the needs of the community and a lot of our patients have -- a lot of our patients are actually immigrants who have a lot of competing priorities, family issues, child care issues, maybe not being able to find work or finding work and not being insured and health care sometimes isn't the top priority for them. we need to understand that so that we can help them take care of themselves physically and emotionally to deal with all these other things. they also have to be working through with people living longer and living with more chronic conditions i think we're going to see more patients coming through. >> starting next year, every day 10,000 people will hit the
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age of 60 until 2020. . >> the needs of the patients that we see at kerr senior center often have to do with the consequences of long standing substance abuse and mental illness, linked to their chronic diseases. heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, stroke, those kinds of chronic illnesses. when you get them in your 30's and 40's and you have them into your aging process, you are not going to have a comfortable old age. you are also seeing in terms of epidemics, an increase in alzheimer's and it is going to increase as the population increases. there are quite a few seniors who have mental health problems but they are also, the majority of seniors, who are hard-working, who had minimum
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wage jobs their whole lives, who paid social security. think about living on $889 a month in the city of san francisco needing to buy medication, one meal a day, hopefully, and health care. if we could provide health care early on we might prevent (inaudible) and people would be less likely to end up in the emergency room with a drastic outcome. we could actually provide prevention and health care to people who had no other way of getting health care, those without insurance, it might be more cost effecti >> i'd like to welcome everyone to san francisco's planning commission regular meeting for thursday, september 13,
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