tv [untitled] September 23, 2012 12:00am-12:30am PDT
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that the farmer's market. >> and go for it. >> incredible. you have shown us how to make super healthy, refresh chapino from the farmers market on the budget, that for the whole family. that is outstanding. >> thank you peter i am glad that you like it. i think anybody can do it. >> if you like the recipe for this dish, you can e-mail us at or reach out to us on facebook or twitter and we >> good morning, everybody. welcome to the technology summit. we are looking forward to a fantastic day. we are going to start with a demonstration of the wii system.
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it is an interactive gaming system that allows people to play different activities and participate in different fitness activities together. a lot of wii systems, about 40, are being deployed around the city to different senior centers and residents facilities to encourage older adults to get more involved with physical activity using technology. we're going to spend the first 30 minutes or so demonstrating the wii. not only will we demonstrate how to use it, but we will doe demonstrate adaptive devices so that it can be an inclusive activity for all adults and children. my name is dr. chris thompson
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from the university of san francisco. go, dons. 1855. i have not been there that long. i am in the department of exercise and sports science. i think it is a good match for me to be demonstrating the wii, which is a good physical activity. i am joined on the stage by a student, not from usf, but from san francisco state. we actually talk to each other. this is mackenna. >> good morning. >> finally, i am joined by alicia from the independent living center in san francisco. it is great for all of you to be here today.
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people will be trickling in over the next half hour. we will give you a taste of what wii is like. we have set up the game. i will start by playing mackeena in a game of tennis. the interesting thing about wii is we use this little remote. just by moving our arms, we can control movement on the screen. you will be watching up on the big screen as we play a game of tennis. are you ready? all right. we will select two players. that is me. does that look like me? it kind of those -- of does. does that look like mackenna? that is not by chance.
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you can make the person look like anything you want. they can even look like aliens. interesting. we are going to play some great tennis today. ok. one thing to tell you, there is a little bar on top of the television. it picks up the movement of our arms. we're going to face the television as we play. here we go. how many of you are cheering for me? how many of you are cheering for her? what is up with that? [laughter] that is it. you are going down. we're going to play a single game of wii tennis. are you ready? all right. here we go. we're going to get intense.
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[applause] ♪ >> i just got destroyed. there we go. i lost badly. let's hear it for mackenna. ok, we're going to demonstrate one other sport quickly. then alicia and i will play. maybe i will have them play a game of wii tennis themselves so we can see how the adaptive equipment works. we're going to go to quit. we're going to a different sport. we're going to go to baseball. all right. we have two players for
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baseball. in baseball, you have a pitcher and hitter. i will be pitching. actually, i will be hitting. she will be pitching. are you ready? ok. go ahead. oh, no. [laughter] that is not good. all right. i have one strike on me. oh, no. this is horrible. the pressure. oh, i think i struck out. this is not good. [laughter] ok. very good. she can choose different pitches to pitch.
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that is kind of fun. here is our team. our team is getting ready to take the field. we will be playing each other in a really tough game of baseball. it looks like a nice day over at&t park. let's do this thing. oh, i swung too late. strike one. too early. strike two. oh, no. [laughter] i'm out. this is awful. this is very embarrassing. pitch. yes! what a catch! that was a great catch. our final out in the inning. go ahead. fouled it off.
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destroyed. uh oh. oh, no. i did not score that inning. i did not even get a hit. now we switch. i am attaching -- pitching. i will throw a fastball right by her. fastball coming, the heater. yes! strike. oh, my gosh. that is crushed. she is going to have an inside the park home run. this is not good. a triple. that is not good. boo. boo. that is it. you are going down. here comes a tough pitch. strike! there we go.
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strike! i struck her out. one out. if she scored a run, she will win. we have to refer her to strike out two work times. -- we have to root for her to strike out two more times. use long to early. he swung too late. you are going down now. too early. this is it. this is the final. this will be a tie game. oh, no! this is awful. i made the catch. we ended up tying the all of the innings. we both played a full inning. one of us pitching, one of us hitting. it is a fun way to engage in an activity together, get a little competition. it is always friendly competition.
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good game. [laughter] ok. but we also want to show is that the wii can be used with people who may have disabilities, who might not have full use of their arms or legs. we have alicia from the independent living center to help us demonstrate some adaptive equipment specific for people with disabilities to use the wii. it is great to have you with us. >> thank you. great partnership. >> you will turn yours on. ok. notice she has a hat on that has a wii remote mounted on it. instead of using her arm to
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control the remote, she uses her head. we will play a couple of games. it will be me against alicia. you better root for alicia. this is the main menu screen when you start wii. the main activity is in the left corner, sports. turn yourself off. are you off? keep yourself off. we choose on the menu. hit a for you. on the main menu, on the upper left-hand corner we see sports.
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that is the activity we loaded in the console. using her head, she is choosing wii sports. it will be the two of you against each other. what is interesting is we have buttons. instead of buttons on the remote, there are buttons she can use her hands with allowed to be an adaptive devices for someone with a disability. turn on your remote. he will play against each other. i will narrate. it will be mackenna versus alicia in a game of tennis. winner takes all. hit no for save file. these are the introductory menu screen for wii, very simple to navigate through.
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we will choose tennis at the top of the screen. they will choose two players. we have created a character that looks a lot like alicia and another character that looks like mackenna. they will be playing against each other in a game of tennis. all right. all they do is simply stand facing the television. you will push a. hit ok. hit a. hit a and b together. here we go. single game start. alicia will be serving. mackenna will be receiving the surf. we will see what happens.
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by using her head, she is able to serve. nice shot. mackenna gets the first point. watch how alicia turns her head to control the swinging of the racket. interesting stuff. she is serving again. mackenna hits out of bounds. you are tied. very well done. here comes another serve. boom. great serve. good enough. alicia scores another point just by turning her head. good try, mackenna, but you did not get anything. tie ball game. a great return by mackenna.
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alicia could not quite get to that one. she swung too late. 30-30. nice work. 40-30. one more point and alicia wins the game. mackenna missed it. alicia wins. let's hear it for alicia. that is a quick overview of how we use the wii. questions? the question is, do you have to have a special computer to connect the wii to a television? the answer is no. this box is the council. you plug the cd into it and plug
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into the tv. any television will work with the wii. it works well with a big flat screen tv because you can see the action better. good question. one more question. allen? the average cost? if you are one of the contract in city senior centers, this is part of our broadband technology grant, the average cost is zero. [laughter] if you were to buy this for your home, it costs a couple of hundred dollars. the games cost between $20.40 dollars. they have hundreds of different games to play. to the games cost between $20.40 dollars. and hundreds of different games to play. we have other adaptive devices that can be used with the wii. this is a foot pedal.
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-- this is a foot pedal. along with the buttons on the hand device connected to alicia's remote, we can use foot pedals if there are games the require numerous controls. it is very adaptive. then, really interesting. what about someone who may be a quadriplegic and does not have the ability to use arms or legs? there is a sip and tug adapter that allows someone to control the wii with his or her mouth. you can still engaged the wii by puffing into the tube. this company has made the wii completely accessible for anyone
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to play. it is a great option. if you want more information about the adaptive equipment for the wii, visit alicia's booth. >> i work for the independent living center in san francisco. i manage a program for people with disabilities that need assistance devices. there is a great program with the at&t network. a co-worker and i work with it. if anyone is interested in borrowing the equipment, you can call our office. we can help you to register. it has no cost. you can keep it up to 30 days. you can borrow a lot of things that will help people with different needs to play wii or do anything else. even simple things. let's say someone wants to buy a walker but you are not sure what
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kind. if the center happens to have different ones, you can try different walkers before you make a final decision of what you want to buy. >> fantastic. they will have a resource table throughout the course of the day. if you want more information about the adapted wii equipment, this is what it comes in. when we went through the metal detector this morning, they looked very closely at this thing. it just has the remotes, the sip and puff, and the different adoptive -- adaptive equipment for the wii. the cost is around $1,000. they have already purchased it. they will let the center's bartlett for free. this is a nice resource.
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-- they will let the centers borrow it for free. this is a nice resource. you can borrow it from the adoptive living center. any other questions about using the wii? are you looking forward to having the opportunity to use the we at your center? no? [laughter] ok. some people might not be into using the wii. that is perfectly fine. yes? blind person. there may be some opportunities for people who are visually impaired. >> the director of our center is blind. she was telling us a story. she had a lot of fun playing bolling -- bowling. if you can remember what movement and where you had to do it, it is very fond -- very fun.
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bowling is one of the possibilities with the wii without having any adaptation, just having the remote and directing the person in the right spot. >> i have heard a couple of people have commented they cannot afford the wii. go to your local senior center. the broadband technology grant program has purchased about 40 systems to be distributed throughout the city. find out if your local senior center is part of that program and has a wii. i am going to be doing training with all of the senior center a activity directors in the next couple of weeks so that all of them will know how to supervise and manage and use the system. by this summer, there should be wii at a senior center near you.
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we urge you to try out this new activity. it is really fun to play golf, tennis, baseball, even boxing. challenge someone you do not belong with well at the senior center to a game of boxing, but do not actually punched a person -- punch the person. do not do that. it should be a great opportunity this summer to experience the wii. they will start with the formal program in a few minutes. we wanted to give you a demonstration of the wii. look forward to seeing you soon look forward to seeing you soon in the future. >> welcome to city hall. thank you for joining us. thank you for coming out. i want to thank members of the
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board of supervisors. i want to thank them for being here in this joint recognition of our commissioners and members of 14 different bodies that will be appointed today to committees and commissions. i want to thank all the friends and family for joining us. let me say how excited i am this past week, i have been watching a certain convention. next week, we will have an even more exciting convention to watch. it is of course, in the spirit of the expected national, regional, and state elections we are preparing for. it is also a reminder of the importance of our civic duty and
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all the different departments we have created. public engagement is extremely important to the way we run government in san francisco. it has always been about public engagement. we need the last bodies come a different viewpoints, different economic classics -- classes, ethnicities, and regions of the city to be well-represented on everything we do because that is what makes our city great. it is that the verse you point coming together to focus -- it is that diverse viewpoint coming together to focus and figure out with the public what it is that we should do, that it is time well, well thought out, and what we need to do to show the rest of the country that this city can work itself out of the economic doldrums and into
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presenting hope and economic opportunity for everybody, no matter their backgrounds. we also reflect our regional values in this city in many different ways. we want to continue selecting people who will make sure government and all of our programs are open to everybody. i want to thank each and every one of the people in front of me today representing the different bodies we are about to make appointments to and thank you for your sacrifice, time, and energy. today we get to recognize you. tomorrow, people will start yelling at you. it is part of that process. it is one we cherish no matter what body we're on. i know former mayor willie brown is here. i want to thank him for
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constantly being a support to all of our commissions and for being here today. i want to recognize each and everyone of you today by asking you to stand and be recognized as i call your commission and name out. for the board of appeals, we have an lazarus. joshua, thank you for being here. for the construction and workforce advisory committee, a body i helped to establish as city administrator, this body is going to be important for us because in our economic recovery we need to work better with our construction companies to make sure everybody has a
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chance to work in our city. bob alvarado, thank you for being here and part of it. ed riskin, thank you for stepping up again. florence, thank you. harland kelly, our general manager to be. thank you. kent, thank you for stepping up. yes, i will tell you what you are paid for after. [laughter] james, thank you for being here. coming out of retirement, thank you for stepping up. thank you for all of your great work.
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joshua, you are appointed to two conditions today. -- two commissions today. thank you very much. mohammad, he always needs help. thank you for stepping up. [applause] oscar delatorre, the northern california carpenters regional council, thank you. laborers council. tim, thank you for being here. the film commission, patrick johnson, thank you for stepping up. an invaluable planning council that i will be working closely with as we move into
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