tv [untitled] October 6, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT
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you into the t-shirt. >> they have an m & m bar, which is awesome. >> i got my ice cream at zinga. >> what are some of the other points, what is point no. 8, for example? >> point no. 8 is probably improve, that is a website where we invite -- it's a platform where we invite the public to tell us what they need to get improved in their neighborhood. then we ask tech companies to help us find solutions for that. that is how we keep engaged. that is how we bring technology right to the neighborhoods to allow people to suggest how we improve. you are asking the population to tell you what is wrong? >> absolutely. =::év2 it's better than them coming to the mayor's office to tell me everyday? >> they do that? >> oh, yeah. >> >> they just show up to the mayor's office? when i go to the tech
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companies, they usually give me 15 minutes with the employees and i listen carefully to them because they have the talent and if i can satisfy them and they stay in the city, the tech companis will stay in the city. >> any other points that you want to talk about? >> sf city is our citizens initiative for technology and innovation. that is what i call the technology chamber of commerce and we have over 300 companies now that are members. they are helping us figure out how to make sure that the companies are here, comfortably, but also how we train the new workforce to continue this fantastic growth in employment with the technology companies. >> and these companies are paying? >> oh, yes. >> who are the most helpful companies that you have found here? >> oh, gosh, there are so many of them. i was, for example, jawbone is one of the members and they stepped up along with all the members, all the major members of city this summer to help me
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create over 5,000 jobs for kids. >> child labor? >> no, summer-pay internships. >> not like 6 years old building iphones. >> these were high school and college graduates, but they are all looking for jobs and they want to be exposed to this wonderful world of technology. so they picked them up and a lot of that target was for disadvantaged kids in our city. >> that is great. >> and now these kids who came through these summer jobs, they are thinking about their future and thinking about getting through education and going on to the next step. they are not hanging out on the corners. they are part of the evolving success of the city. >> sf city led the effort to get tech companies to place these interns in their currently. >> and ron, i want to get back to sf city in a minute and give the mayor a chance to finish. i think he is on point 2 of the 17-point plan. i want to talk about sf city. >> i have another program
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called tech sf and that is a program that grew out of working with sf city and with the neighborhoods that wanted these job trainings. it's taking advantage of some $8 million that the federal government gave us to make sure that we don't experience the digital divide that we had experienced a decade ago with the bubble. and so that is aimed at working with city college, with school districts, with our neighborhood youth programs, to evolve a training program that is helped to be created by the tech companies themselves, put a curriculum together. >> great. >> that will allow them to be trained in the right skills, so when they come out of that training they are capable of taking up the jobs. >> so it's key that the tech community generate entry-level jobs for san francisco residents. and so right now we have the top tech employers submitting a
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list to sf city of the entry-level jobs that they want to hire in the next year. we're going to hand that to ed lee's team at tech sf. they will create curriculum to specifically train for those entry-level jobs that our tech companies. >> it's amazing. do you have -- i have a joke in a minute, but are other mayors coming to you and asking how do i help my own city? >> yes, i am a member of the u.s. conference of mayors. >> that sounds exciting [ laughter ]pt >> it's all the mayors from new york, to boston to los angeles and we all get together twice a year and we're exchanging stories of how we're trying to make our cities successful. >> do you all talk at once? [ laughter ] >> we usually do. we usually do. but this year, they listened to what san francisco was all about.
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and so at our advice, they created a task force on technology and innovation from the rest of the mayors and they made me the chair. so i get to chair that and i get to introduce all of the technology/innovation that we're doing in san francisco, offering samples to the rest of the cities across the country and have them interact with us. we're onto our third meeting and it's virtual meetings, as well as physical meetings. >> the mayors? >> the mayors, and they are excited about this because they know there is job-creation at the end. >> by the way, the other mayors when you go to their cities and go to the airport, it's always mayor xyz welcomes you. in san francisco it's small letters ed lee welcomes you and underneath that is the logos of ten san francisco tech companies that says, "welcome to the innovation capital of the world." >> yes so this banner you are getting a lot of mileage out of it. what are the ten logos on.
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>> sales force, riverbed, twitter, square, disadvantaga. >> how much do they have to pay to be on the banner? >> zero so far. >> i hear a lot about how you are helping the sort of masses and people who don't have the opportunities, but what are you doing for the billionaires of the city? [ laughter ] the guys who aren't feeling any kind of love at all? >> we have got a lot of love going on of one thing that we learned and i learned this very clearly through my interim year as mayor and we talked about it last year as well. we have a payroll tax that taxes job-creation in the city. and that was one of the most negative things we could do when we are trying to do the opposite of creating jobs. so in a discussion very intensely for the first year i made a commitment with the other candidates running for mayor and we agreed and got that consensus together just recently to get rid of the payroll tax and it helps
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everybody with a fairer tax system so we're incentivizing job-creation. >> it's called proposition e and we all want to vote yes on e, because yes on e reduces the payroll tax and switches the tax to a gross receipts tax. and saves tech companies millions of dollars so that they can go take that money and create new jobs. >> so that helps the billionaires and it also helps people who wants jobs? >> it also helps every small business in san francisco. >> it helps everybody. who is against it? it's those crazy, what are they called? the board of supervisors? >> no, we got a unanimous vote from the board of supervisors. >> oh, they are squared of d scared of you now? >> no matter what convention you went whether democratic or republican, the theme was the same, we have got to get this
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country going. we have got to create jobs and we have to innovate our ways to solution and this is what the board of supervisors and i. >> they are a bunch of communists, a year-ago they were piping up about this; right? this moons they are on your side. >> ed lee called five meetings at city hall and around the table were the labor unions. >> and they are going for this? >> and ed lee built consensus. to took months, but it happened. the biggest gift that the tech community in san francisco today can ever give san francisco is passing prop e, which creates jobs in san francisco, and helps small business. it's the longest legacy gift we can give and that is why i'm working so hard on it. 100 years from now, san
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francisco will continue to be the innovation capital of the world, because we made these concessions. >> okay. i'm not too concerned about 100 years from now. that is awesome, but i'm concerned with five years from now. let's go it sf city for a second. i know a lot of companies have benefited from the payroll tax changes that have happened. not all of them seem to be giving back as much. let's focus on the positive. who is really, really helping to give back and giving you the time and money you need to make these things work? let's call them out for doing well. >> funny enough it's the same companies that are on the sign at the airport. >> all of them? >> most of them. >> so which ones aren't helping out so much? i mean they are taking the benefit -- i mean, it was a tough road to get to lowering their payroll taxes and stock options. so
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which are giving back and when aren't? >> ed lee will continue to work to 100% consensus. sales force, riverbed, auto desk zanga, twitter, at&t has been awesome. >> how about aol? >> aol is headquartered in palo alto. >> something is happening in october? >> since we have benefited as a city so much and since we are like the third lowest unemployment rate in california because of the technology companies that are here, we wanted to celebrate that. we wanted to get the word out and we have declared the month of october to be innovation month in san francisco. >> awesome. >> it's fabulous because it allows us to demonstrate all of
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the different companies going on here. in fact,, we have a website that i want to drive everybody to that will explain and list all of the activities for innovation month. and that is if you go to that website, you will learn of all the activities. we have joined with with the summit team and ability to have these meetings and these conferences in a festival kind of way throughout the month. >> think of open cosf as open tech in san francisco. people sign up on the website and they will get to go to open house at any tech company we're signing up probably 40-50 companies. anybody can walk into zinga? >> you have to sign up,
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because we can't have too many people, but it's a way of people in san francisco -- >> it's a festival? >> to go visit the actual company. >> that is great. no way, not that i have anything to do with tech crunch anymore, but no way i would want people randomly walking into tech crunch, . >> it's a great open house and to kick it off, we have got a start-up map that we're launching. >> we have a start-up map? >> yes. >> and your chief innovation officer jay is backstage and he is going to show us something. you will have is to explain what this is exactly. >> the start-up map that is supposed to appear here in a minute. >> there it is. >> it's an interactive map that shows all of our -- some 800 plus start-up companis in san francisco, where they are located and information about them and we're launching this for the public to understand just like we do in one of our
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greatest industries, like tourism in the city. to locate places people know where it's happening and where you can visit and who is signed up for it? >> this is on >> this is tech crunch data? >> it is and we created with the gaffta? >> the gray area foundation for the arts. >> what is that? >> that is gaffta. it stands for gaffta. >> that is exciting. okay. >> what else do you got? [ laughter ] well, in addition to this, in addition to all the things we have, we're announcing 2013, we're going to be partnering with code for america, the city of san francisco and we're going to be working with jen and her team to make more
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improvements in the city. i also went to the new me accelerator, which is diverse technology and helping new entrepreneurs. that was wonderful to see as well, because that brings more people in. we have got a dialogue in the city going on about the shared economy. the new economy, where we're sharing things and which is trumping ownership and making access to the major thing rather than ownership. that is exciting to me. in fact,, you know, i have to say, i was really enthralled yesterday when jack dorsey said, it's maybe more about the revolutionary approach that we're doing with government, with social services, with the way we communicate. i want that revolution. i'm a young guy, too, and i remember, we used the word "revolution." i [wa*-pd/] want to use in a technology context. >> you were probably smoking positive when you used it back then. [ laughter ]
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>> i didn't inhale. >> revolution -- okay. i think the key thing to know is the big party next month, it's innovate month next month. huge open house with all the tech companies. go to and you can sign up. so that sounds like a lot of fun and there is the sf city, which is separate. and this is more, it seems like it's more a program to get the big and small tech companies actively participating in creating new jobs at all levels from entry-level on up, is that right? >> yes. if you look at sf city, the jobs initiative is one of the most important. but sf city actually has six pillars. >> okay. >> jobs, which we have talked about. public safety, which is a big
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issue. we w are le put tablets in the hands of sfpd in the patrol cars and on spend 40% of the time in the police station writing reports, which is the case today. and greg suhr is leading that revolution. muni, if you read the chronicle yesterday, page 1, sf city is sponsoring a program with muni called smart muni that allows realtime cooperation. that came out of a hack-athonby the way. so this hack-athon
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was held a year-ago and sf city grabs onto that project and fun and ited we're transitioning it into muni as we speak. in the education area, we supported the summer jobs effort. got the tech companies to place the interns. we're supporting the opening of college track in the bayview, which launches next week. we donate philanthropically and we're focus on prop e? >> you are for or against prop e? >> yes on prop e. i don't want to say who is registered to vote. >> who is registered to vote? >> please vote yes on e. if you are not registered to vote, please go to the sf city
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booth no. 29. it's on the right side as you walk out of the room and register to vote. >> and then vote no on prop e -- i mean vote yes on prop e. >> there is something that we want you to vote no on. no on the hetch hetchy proposition, which is f. >> is that a dam? >> hetch hetchy is an engineering marvel and some people want to mess with that. and we're saying don't mess with hetch hetchy. >> you don't drain hetch hetchy, which is the best water in the world. >> who likes our water? [ applause ] >> so keep hetch hetchy and no taxes. i have a quick question for you ron in the last-minute. you have this new venture fund that somebody wrote about. you could have raised a much bigger fund. why didn't you?
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>> no. 1, it's not my fund. i am the no. 1 investor. david lee and his team are the managers of the fund, but yes, we could have said let's raise a bigger fund. but bigger isn't always better. starting a company costs less. so we want to stick to our knitting, and invest $100,000 to $200,000 per company and the other benefit is that you can pay the fund back quicker. in a $30 million fund you only need one, but the brand continues to get better because we're relentless. >> a couple of years ago you were focused on investing and now you are focused with working with the mayor and the mayor's office and helping the city. >> well, tech and investing
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and helping san francisco all go hand in hand now. >> something shifted. is it this man? i'm sorry, i make fun of you sometimes, but i love what you are doing. you are everywhere and helping everyone and it's really awesome. it's not ed lee. >> it's not? >> it's the migration of tech companies to san francisco. when pin tryst moved to san francisco a month ago, that was just another reminder of the migration of tech companies to the area. >> and not doing things to screw it up? >> and ed lee likes what he sees and wants to create jobs and prosperity and he helping us any way he can. >> michael, i'm excited for the city. the technology companies that are moving in are not just moving in for their own selves, but they are also helping me redo a whole central market street. you should see the enliveliness.
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>> market? >> market street used to be our skid row. >> it still is [ laughter ] >> it's changing. you have to go to where twitter and the congregation of companies and small businesses are located there. >> all right. >> it's changing before our very eyes. the spirit of the city is strong. >> again, i mock a little bit, but i do see a change and these programs, there are a lot of crazy names and websites, there is some really cool stuff going on so i wanted to say thank you on behalf of the community for paying attention to us. >> thank you tech crunch for holding this in san francisco. [ applause ]
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>> the renovation of balboa park, the oldest in the city of san francisco, and now it is the newest part in the city of san francisco. through our partnership, and because of public investment from the two thousand eight fund, we are celebrating a renewal and an awakening of this park. we have it safer, happier, more joyous. >> 3, 2, 1, [laughter] =--[applause]
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>> it is a great resource for families, to have fun in the city, recreation. >> this is an amazing park. we have not revitalized it without public and private investment. the critical piece of the process of this renovation was that it was all about the community. we reached out to everyone in this community. we love this park dearly and they all had thoughts and ideas and they wanted to bring their own creativity and their personality to bear on the design. what you see is what the community wanted. these ideas all came from the residents of this community. as a result, there is a sense of ownership, pride and responsibility that goes along with what is going to be an exciting park.
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>> the public wants to access particular information about your house or neighborhood we point them to gis. gis is a combination of maps and data. not a graphic you see on a screen. you get the traffic for the streets the number of crimes for a police district in a period of time. if the idea of combining the different layerce of information and stacking them on top of each other to present to the public. >> other types of gis are web
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based mapping systems. like google earth, yahoo maps. microsoft. those are examples of on line mapping systems that can be used to find businesses or get driving directions or check on traffic conditions. all digital maps. >> gis is used in the city of san francisco to better support what departments do. >> you imagine all the various elements of a city including parcels and the critical infrastructure where the storm drains are. the city access like the traffic lights and fire hydrants. anything you is represent in a geo graphic space with be stored for retrieval and analysis. >> the department of public works they maintain what goes on in the right-of-way, looking to
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dig up the streets to put in a pipe. with the permit. with mapping you click on the map, click on the street and up will come up the nchgz that will help them make a decision. currently available is sf parcel the assessor's application. you can go to the assessor's website and bring up a map of san francisco you can search by address and get information about any place in san francisco. you can search by address and find incidents of crime in san francisco in the last 90 days. we have [inaudible] which allows you to click on a map and get
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nchldz like your supervisor or who your supervisor is. the nearest public facility. and through the sf applications we support from the mayor's office of neighborhood services. you can drill down in the neighborhood and get where the newest hospital or police or fire station. >> we are positive about gis not only people access it in the office but from home because we use the internet. what we used to do was carry the large maps and it took a long time to find the information. >> it saves the city time and money. you are not taking up the time of a particular employee at the assessor's office. you might be doing things more
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