tv [untitled] October 16, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT
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money, chance to jump the line. you give the guy who has been benefiting from this medallion, this list, a whole lifetime and a -- exit way. you give the guy who missed his first chance, who never bothered put his name on the list a and i have earned this chance. i'm not asking for charity. i've had people puke on me. i've cleaned my life. and now i want you to honor the contract. reward me for my labor. and when yoñ cut me off,gdja6g mr. heinicke, remember this, when you cut melt; off -- >> chairman nolan: thank you. >>v0f5e6# if you -- i going to t myself and -- and -- wait for my kids and i'll shootfuhñ myselfs
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over because i don't want to go to trial. >> chairman nolan: next speaker please. >> jeffrey rosen, is hew/] dqg ? isisa pardinis. >> my name is jeffrey rosen and i am on the san francisco cab drivers association, i'm the director on their board. been driving a cab 17 years. i'm not going to yell. there a no sense in it. we've been complaining. people are upset. we're enraged as cab drivers. you can tell. but who's listening. i don'tyofsñ know. it's crucial. we've been putting our labor into this, really. the other thing that's really important here, no more earned medallions, honor the waiting
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list. you're forcing our hand. we're enraged. there's no other choice we have other than to pursue legal action, most likely a ballot initiative. so let the courts, let the voters, because you're not listening. can hear that. thank you for your time. is mr. pardinis here? honorable officials? i don't think so. you are dishonoring the people you are working for and being paid by. if youi$dz)> have no common sen, continue. i don't want to mud sling. but you put yourself in a
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position where we feel the need to defend ourselves because you are dishonoring what is going on. be honorable, please. honor the contracts. we've been waiting for, for so many years. listen to this, or you will have to deal with the repercussions later. we're coming for you. we're not going to stand by and be rolled over, just because you think we're easy prey. i don't think so. >> chairman nolan: next speaker please. >> okay. was that -- okay, one -- >> my name is -- and i -- the first time i come here, i've been working 22 years, 16 of those waiting on the list. families, so -- only thing is honor the list. what is the problem? what is the main concern?
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i me with've been dealing&zp people -- all kinds of people. you know that. it just for our family. if i was single, -- i'm not supposed to even be here>;ts ii was single. but it's for my family. i represent my family. this one here. so open your hearts. you know, think about it. and make sense. there's a lot of people that are, you know, upset and you listening to all this. so this my concern is please, open your hearts, and think about, because we have families. and this what matters. >> chairman nolan: thank you. next speaker. >> tareke mamud, barry toronto. >> you know what you have doneí. merely got some election
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>> i'm not going to say good afternoon. i'm going to say i'm going and filing a sunshine complaint. because you allowed all those youth people, all those youth past people, to speak for two minutes, public comment, when there's no item on the agenda. and we had to sit there for hours until a taxi item came up and then you gave us one minute? what. you know what, the sheriff may have bruised his wife but you have stabbed us, not only in the back, but on our groin. is that domestic violence or what. we're inside you. we're part of your group, and you tell us that we don't belong? i'm telling you, you issued these 200 medallions. as a city agency you have to make sure they get a living wage and they have to get benefits, and proper working conditions. because you are in effect their
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employers. but you signed a contract with the companies that run the medallions for you. >> chairman nolan: thank you. next speaker. >> julio paro, is he here?6 tony lee, followed by david basada and aaron small. >> good afternoon. >> good evening, sir. my name's ton lee. if you like to improve the taxi industry in san francisco we ought to look at hong kong and new york city, look like. the driver in new york and hong kong, they engage to the customer without the cab company. but they can choose to -- cab company as well, but they can use -- engage the customer without the cab company. the -- cab company, you need it or don't need it san francisco very soon otherwise the cab company has a lot of lobbyist
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come to you and you listen to them because they have too much money and too much power, they know a lot of people in city hall. we a cab driver lit a guy and now just 200 cab are going to the cab company. i think cab drivers should have same equal rights to lease the medallion from you, it's like 1900 from you, that's a way you can give a job to a cab driver. thank you. >> chairman nolan: next speaker please. >> david basada, aaron small, abell amid. >> can you show this to the people. okay. my name is david basada, medallion 833. i have here the constitution of the united states. i didn't write it. it>h;+
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make it bigger so that they can understand. it says here no state could abridge life, liberty, and property of any citizen in the united states, irrespective of color, race, or upbringing. how come you're depriving them of the medallion that they have waited for so long? this is abridging the life, liberty and property of any of the citizens. this is a clear violation of the constitution. i kept this book until i got -- from the state university. are you trying to say that the state university is doing illegal? >> chairman nolan: thank you. >> aaron small, abdell hamid,
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tackunbow. >> arin small, 16 years yellow cab for desoto, been on the list 14 years, here to protest your action in giving medallions to the companies over people like me that have been on the list and been working on the street for 20 years, a lot of us a lot more than 20 years. as far as i understand it, this fairness. is that notry(1n correct? would you not agree with me? i don't get any response. but this action of yours to bypass people lat myself and give those medallions to the companies and retain that income public trust. everybody who hears this story can't believe it. it's not going over well. i beg you to urgently reconsider your actions to something more sane and sensible and in line with your mandate as
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commissioners on the taxi industry. thank you. >> chairman nolan: thank you. next speaker. >> abdell hamid, solrin amad. >> hi. my name is -- i've been a cab driver for 12 years. i've been on the waiting list for about 12 years. and i've been told when i putmmy free. and i've received a letter from sfmta saying that i'm eligible to by it for 250. and i just want to show my feeling -- i'm -- reported from the mta that i've spent so many years trying to get to a point
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where i been told, and now just i feel like i've been let down by these 200 medallions given to companies and i feel i've been left over and i don't feel that's right and i've been working hard and had to make decisions to start driving a cab and since -- i'm are sorry i was not clear enough but you got the message. i please urge you to review your -- decisions lately that doesn't help cab drivers who are part of the mta and who helped build this industry -- who just came. thank you for listening to me although i didn't make sense but i think you got my thoughts. >> amad albond. >> good afternoon. this is my second time here.
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today. and i've workedwy time, which was last month, going to two towng-q]2 meetingd as such we're going to be in the agenda today. speak today. but i don't think i have enough time. and i think that the same way the way the taxi part of the sfmta -- in the industry. it's what we are here, everybody is shouting here. i hope there's going to be a structure, a well-governed structure, where everybody is supposed to follow the rules. we follow the rules. and i hope you don't think that i'm supposed to say i can't say because i don't have enough time. maybe next time the time here will be -- and i hope so too. thank you. >> chairman nolan: thank you. next speaker. >> amad -- >> good evening, mr. chairman
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and director. i'm not going to -- i'll speak very silent and -- okay. i'm an applicant on the list. i put my name in 1995 and i been waiting. i'm 62 years old. i've been waiting on that medallion. and then 50 medallions have been issued seniority which is director heinicke, when he was taxi commission, i remember he said -- was to be 50 unlimited number but now they are full time. and then another hundred, 200 went back to the dump so we are skip 200 names. so you issue the 200 for the company for 1900 and they're goix(?kañ to charge for 5500. applicant, in need -- more in need for that than the company need. obviously is a contract and
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please -- it. thank you very much. >> chairman nolan: thank you. next speaker. >> -- snyder followed by peter wit and ann gotra. >> full time cab driver will drive about 36,000 miles a year. and carry between six and 9,000 passengers. most cab drivers are not the 1%. most cab drivers don't live in forest hills. they are real workers, doing our real job.
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when you change the time limits from the first part of the meeting to the second part of the meeting, because maybe you are tired, is not only disrespectful of the working poor, but may very well be under the sunshine ordinance, and any law case, a denial of equal protection of the law. >> chairman nolan: next speaker please. >> peter wit, followed by gotra and then barry corngold. >> mr. wit. >> well, geez, first of all we all know what a new york minute is. we all know what a mexican minute is. now we all know what a san francisco minute is. you know, fudge, i know you love to eat fudge and you like to fudge your minutes. we should get a minute and 59 seconds. thank you very much. okay. this is just the beginning.
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you know, this is what you've done. and you will reap the repercussions. okay? because you have created it and u grown it from a little seedling. one minute. disrespectful? you might as well just puke on us. okay? kick us in the -- where do you want to cut the list off. i think the last person on the list should be honored. where do you want to cut us off, at the neck? i don't really need to say any more. thank you. >> chairman nolan: next speaker. >> barry corn. gold, burke. >> i am ashley, i'm a religious person -- very critical people are upset. they want their right --epñvw f constituent right because when we start the cab -- medallion
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given by the list, they're free, and then they start the price with the guys putting not right, they like to pay the price. please give to them medallion, make peace. god bless you. >> chairman nolan: thank you. next speaker. >> barry corngold, branton burke, patricia aguilar. >> i really -- you're exemplifying the lack of respect that's shown to cab drivers in our every day world, disresective when we drive t cabnd you have been disrespecting us. meetings weree came up withblz ( somewhat fair[%ifíq)uv list would stll get medallions earned as well as letting some older senior medallions holders sell them andeople futher down he list buy them.
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nsead,acdg to the e-mai we got rough public infoation act this is not revenue according to director heinike, 10 milion a year subject enou for you guys and the 2.9 million that you get from our permit fees is what pays for our regulation. the rest of the stuff goes to you. you're not doing anything about illegal limos and taxis, you're devaluing the medallions. why do you deserve the money more than cab drivers who risk their lives, throwing their backs up, wasting careers driving a cab instead of somethin else they could be doing. >> chairman nolan: next speaker. >>good aftnoon. i had ameeting with mrenley before iot to address you. i'm a little confused now. is the changes that are supposed
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to take effect posted by yur offic going to take effct tomorrow? or was? it seems that somebody doesn't know how to fllow the rules about letting thecommy knunit tat the changes are coming orow. tomorow,he three stops on the core bit ne are going eliinated withut any public nput exep the people who live ononview and glnview. i don't think that's right. frankly i think that's illegal. and based on what i heard from mr. hleyhe is shed that nobody w notified other than t people who live on donview and glenview. thank you. >> chairman nolan: thank you. next speaker r aguilar. >> hello.
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i'm-- rke has been saying because he h outlined what is the problematic in th process of the following wat needs to bon. i'm just reviewing something thatwas done in 2008, a agreed tohat these three stops that a proposd to be eliminated actually form a transit -- for -- and glenview, hub for many students of -- middle school. there were any other passenger who wants to use that particular line,ijcayi>
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area -- right in that area there, and has been ever single year. >> chairman nolan: thank you. >> wilson habib. he's the last person who has turned in a speaker card. >> good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. i know that whatever i say, it is not going to change your mi mind. but i've been serving san francisco for the last more than 10 years. i've been taking people to hospitals, i've been taking people to, you know, your family, your family members, to whatever they want to go. proudly serving the san francisco for more than 10 years. but in return, what i've been
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waiting -- the waiting list more than eight years. in return what i got is nothing. we offer mta more than the company -- what the company offered. i don't know why -- why mta doesn't want to take the offer. i mean why is mta really against cab drivers who is always servingvery day the san franciscans. i mean the voters have to finally decide this. >> chairman nolan: thank you. >> did pilpel. >> david pilpel. regarding the 37 lie, there is a compliced history on that. director ris kin to ptthat in amemo to the board eplaining what's happened and what is proposed to change there. i've commented beforeon the new transit shltrs.
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and ie asked to no success but will try again for the status of the transition from the old shelters to the new shelters and in particular why there's no muni -- no next muni sign at third and market, balboa park station and 19th and hallway. id point out on the bart plus agreement i don't believe you've gotten a memo on this yet. there is some proposal at staff level to discoinue that instrun. i believe that's a decision of this board to make. and that there's been a inghear on that, and you should get a more full report and we should discuss that at the next meeting. i'd also ask you to consider and the public to consider the level of rhetoric on -- issues like taxis. it's a very complicated policy matter but we should not try to make it as personal as much as possible. >> chairman nolan: that will conclude the public comment period. >> it does appear that somebody else --
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>> chairman nolan: come ahead please. >> my name is paul fernández. i've been a cab driver for 28 years. i'm number 505 on the medallion list. apparently i'm going to get screwed out of that medallion. i was also on the s medallion list. i was no. 50 on the list. 50 were given out. and i got screwed out of that medallion too. i don't know how. you know, i've been working a long time, driving a cab. i can't do anything else at this point. you know, i'm 64 years old. not much i can change in my life now. you know, so giving the medallions to the corporations is bull.
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thanks. >> chairman nolan: thank you. that will conclude the public comment. i'd like to add a couple of points. we thought originally this was going to be a date for taxi items but they were not ready to go and that was noticed properly as of last thursday or friday when the agenda came out. secondly, the stuff about the cabs, the unlicensed cabs, i noticed with great interest that the california puc is issued cease and desist orders for all three companies. we're supportive of that effort. i don't know why, with the cease and desist order appears like almost nothing has happened. we will át back with the taxi issues on november -- what is it? november 20. the issues with the list and those kind of things will be there at that point. so, okay. thank you members of the board. we're not allowed to take action on this at this point but we have a closed session coming up. is there a motion to do that?
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