tv [untitled] October 27, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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orange county recycles 30 million gallons of water a day, we recycle zero. we have a great opportunity to guarantee our water future and undo the damage to yosemite national park. >> sean, one point i know is the hydroelectric power generated by that dam, if i remember it's 41 million dollars? do i have my numbers right? >> there are a number of reasons why hetch hetchy is such a benefit to the city, not the least of which is that it produces carbon free public power to the city of san francisco. one of my favorite lines mike just used is this measure is about consolidating from 8 reservoirs to 7. another way to say that is to say this is about draining one
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of them, the hetch hetchy valley. have other studies said this is feasible? sure, just like tearing down city hall or knocking down the golden gate bridge, that's possible but not feasible. we're not going to spend 3 billion dollars to tear down the hetch hetchy dam. let's not forget, we are also stewards for two dozen cities in the peninsula. over 2 million californians benefit from the foresight of our forefathers almost 100 years ago in building hetch hetchy. while the rest of the state is tying themselves up in knots trying to figure out where to get their water. not only did we have the type of water storage hetch hetchy provides, not only today but in the future, we are in a solid place. and to spend this kind of money, and let's just talk about the $8 million dollars, i
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think that's one thing we can agree on. this calls for us to spend $8 million dollars. in my own district, out at like merced, we're taking that amount of money and building a water recycling plant. mike wants us to take that money and waste it on a report. why would we want to spend money to redo what's already been done? >> i upd. that does bring up an interesting point as well with the infrastructure that was voted on and is almost complete. can you address that investment that's already been made. >> absolutely. >> and also with the state of california's report suggesting that 8 million wouldn't be enough to get a plan done. so if you could just address those two points that have come up. >> sure, let me start -- again, go to the report it says
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again 7 million is what's needed for san francisco to engage in the planning process. the larger amount is if we bring in the park service and the state of california, which at this point we don't need to do, we just need the san francisco public utilities commission to get off their butts and start to think about the future more effectively. this really boils down it a 21st century versus the 20th century view of water. sean says our future is secure. it isn't. anyone who thinks our future water supply is going to be coming from the tuolome river is crazy. the one thing we know about climate change is we have to change our water sources. again, we don't recycle any water. we're going to start importing water from daly city next week. we have some plans on the books to do 4 million gals by 2035. that's a
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fraction. the san francisco business times recbltly said san francisco's plans for the future are baby steps and it's disgraceful. prop f is about getting us away from that vision and getting us to plan for the future. >> sean, as a wrap up, the dollars that we're talking about here, whether it's a values debate, that's one thing, that's some of the language that i respect. but when i look at the dollars, i'm not sure, could you dra*e address how that the city and the controller's report? it seems to be a fairly vast effect. >> there's no question, this is a significant impact on the city but let's translate that for our viewers. it's an impact on the rate payers. this is not born by the city's budget, it's borne by everybody's monthly water bill. we know everybody's water bill is going to climb because we have to rebuild our sewer
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system. on top of that do we want to add many hundreds or perhaps thousands of dollars to conduct a rate study that has been done several times that is going to completely drain the stoerplg capacity we have and absolutely put the city further back tomorrow than where we are today? >> we're talking about lettinging the rate payers decide for themselves. it gives the rate payers the information they need in 2016 if it gets back on the ballot. the controller's report is actually quite inaccurate. it projects if prop f passes, a plan is implemented, adopted by the voters and hetch hetchy valley is restored that it will cost $10 billion dollars. that's not what people are voting on here. they are voting on prop f which is simply an $8 million dollar planning process. it's not
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just an $8 million planning process, it's voting for san francisco's future and i urge people to go to and read about it. >> this is a measure hoisted on san francisco by outsiders. every san francisco political group across the political spectrum opposes this measure. this will cost us billions of dollars and it's an unnecessary complete waste of our rate payer dollars. we've done the studies, we know it's a waste, let's move forward with what we're already doing which are significant recycled water projects across the city. >> thank you, gentlemen. we hope this discussion was informative. for more discussion on this and other ballot measures in this year's election, please visit the san
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francisco league of women voters web site at remember, early voting is available at city hall from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm if you don' >> target of the first store in san francisco. i am steve bankly and president of the target stores in the san francisco bay area. i am very excited to be here for this event and i like to recognize san francisco mayor ed lee, ceo
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of united way anne wilson and west field group senior vice president anthony rich and you may have noticed we have our beloved mascot bulls eye with us. it's an exciting time for target. as you know 2012 50 marks our 50th year and we have a new concept and designs for the urban shopper and to complement the city's character and the small store offers the product but more suited to these lifestyles. instead of 20-pound bags of dog food you will find smaller bags and treats to manage to carry
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around. this is the first store in san francisco and we are activating our first stand alone active wear store and part of our brand by champion so what does it mean for you? high end apparel without the high end prices and what better way to introduce this concept than here in america's most active community and a joy to join the mayors in san francisco and nakd in 2011 we two contributed $2 million to san francisco and have awarded several schools with grants for field trips and completed our first library make over in san francisco last week at sanchez college prep
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elementary about 2 miles from here. we support the united way and employee contributions. as you can see we believe strongly in giving back to the community. speaking of community i would like to introduce one of san francisco's most influential leaders. present at the groundbreaking of the target last year ed lee has been involved with this store since day one. his visionary leadership with the make over has created 600 construction jobs and 700 permanent jobs about three which of are in this target store. we appreciate the partnership as we work to bring san francisco a target store and we are pleased to have him today and ladies and gentlemen it's a great pleasure to introduce ed lee. [applause] >> you got to know i was more
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interested in bull eye's recognize to my name. thank you for that introduction and thank you bulls eye for wears 49er red. [applause] . it's my pleasure to be here. i can't think of a more centralized place for the target store to happen right in the heart of san francisco. i know john is here with our convention bureau and we are finishing a couple of weeks of huge conventions here and last week it was oracle and 50,000 visitors come here and i know they walked by and i know they thought it was open and poking their nose and get in and the ax tributes that you have here, but i want to contribute -- congratulate target and west field and over a year ago i was here punching holes in the wall just expecting a great thing to happen and this first
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in our city, a city target store here in the middle of the city is going to be great and i love daly city and others but you know they're quiet and rather to drive down there our residents, our visitors can have a store right in the heart and have the brand names of things we're accustomed here. i think they will find it convenient and on all levels of affordability and so forth and i think the store is going to be a over night success. i'm a big supporter of it. gosh talking about being a corporate citizen and the construction jobs and the permanent jobs and they really did itlet right way and of the 300 jobs people have been hired by city target. 70% are
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franciscan residents. isn't that a great accomplishment? i know they worked hard. they worked hard with mission hiring hall and economic and work force development and the hiring events here and training and built up the expectations and they were met and this is what i love about being the mayor of san francisco. we can talk about jobs and working with target we can actually deliver them and this is the prochgz a good economy brings. this is what working with business is all about. it's what working with corporate citizens like target is all about and the jobs are here not only because of target but you have shown a great effort with our schools. the backpack give give a way program was exciting with the schools and the grants and it's a wonderful time to work with you as a corporate citizen so i look forward to a great icon of
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a city target store here. it is part of a brand news revised buildings and restaurants in the grownt floor and meeting spaces -- i think i will hold a few fundraisers up top with that city view and fun to do and of course when my wife says "we haven't seen a movie later" we will get down here and it has it all here. we welcome target for being here. we thank you for your corporate partnership and the partnership on the hiring and we look forward to a great partnership for years to come and west field and united way of the bay area and i want to say thank you to the wonderful team. they really know how to work with all of the nonprofits, work with the business community and make that right connection like they did with target. these
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are all great partners and this is the private public partnership that we speak about in the city that has to be part of any city make up. this is the first for san francisco but i know l.a. has one. maybe they will open up a second one and chicago and seattle and we are glad to be joining the city stores and congratulations and as mayors do and this today is city target day in san francisco. [applause] >> thank you mayor lee. we are honored by your kind words and partnership, and now i would like to introduce anne wilson, president of united way bay area to come up and say a few words. >> thank you steven. this is a
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really great celebration want congratulations to you and congratulations to west field and congratulations to the city and congratulations to all your teammates who are here that have great jobs with a great company and as the united way target is a partner not just here in the bay area but all across this country. target teammates participate in the community and with many nonprofits and last year teammates give over $15 million to the local united ways and that is no exception here in the bay area. we value the partnership greatly. congratulations on 50 years. the bay year is celebrating 90 years this year so we have been partners all those years and the tradition conditions. mr. mayor speaking of partnerships one partnership that we were all a part of that you make didn't think is the summer jobs plus
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initiative. target joined by more than 100 companies with mayor lee to launch that program here in san francisco and one more example when we put out the call to employers who will participate and target was there like you are on so many civic initiatives. we are proud to be your partner and work with you and the bay area. we are very excited and we can say unequivocally to every neighborhood in san francisco this is a good neighbor. the commitment to community is part of the dna of target corporation and the volunteer hours, the giving, the against ros itd of the company and its teammates really is at the top of the heap nationally and locally so we thank you so much. we are here to celebrate with you this great milestone and really on behalf of dozens and dozens of
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nonprofits you reach out as a company to the nonprofit community everyday and your teammates do as well and we are so grateful and behalf of the united way and dozens of nonprofits who are your partners 365 days a year congratulations and welcome to the neighborhood. [applause] >> thank you so much. and in another partner i would like to bring up, tony rich, has been instrumental over the last couple offer years bringing the target store to reality. mr. anthony rich for west field, come on up. >> thanks david. thank you mayor lee and anne and i would love to thank bulls eye if he was here. well city target has arrived and seniors are the ones in the way of the shopping
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beginning. i will try to keep it brief. it's an exciting day for us and many dedicated themselves to this opening. this marks the completion of those efforts and i would like to thank the mayor, the city administrator's office, our retail partners and guests for their support as we work to transform this wonderful site. you all have been terrific. from my first visit three years ago i was amazed at the opportunity the team was approximately together here. with the transformed area and the lure of city target it's even better. as the mayor has said 700 people are working here now. it's just great to also see the flow of people between the garden and the dining terrace and the reinvention of this area has been key to the overall development. the
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renovated theaters and catering to thousands of people each week and now when you walk up and down mission and fourth street and getting that energized feeling of restaurants and shopping facing out to the street a very much san francisco feel. when my wife and i moved to san francisco we were struck by the fact this wasn't just a city of dreamers, but it was a city of dreamers that are doers and that's what leads to it is innovation here. we hope the reinvention will play its role in this important neighborhood. we are proud to work with you all. we are proud of the investment here and at west field san francisco center and with the addition of city target we look forward to seeing the area grow and we thank you all for being here. cheers. [applause]
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>> all right. i think it's just all been said. are you guys ready to open this thing? [applause] i hope that we got some shoppers out there tonight, some wallets. i would really love to bring up brian jenson and the a store leader and when you have something you want to tell him -- brian, come on up here. i would like to have dave polk who is the district team leader for the store. [applause] and we're going to have some of our store team come up. we're going to cut the ribbon and get this thing going if i can have the speakers come up as well.
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>> hello, my name is jamie harper. in this episode, we are featuring the park locations in your very own backyard. this is your chance to find your heart in san francisco with someone special. golden gate park's largest body of water is this lake, a popular spot for strolling and paddling around in boats, which can be
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rented. created in 1893, it was designed foreboding and -- for boating. it is named for the wild strawberries that once flores. a pleasant trail follows the perimeter past huntington falls, 110 foot waterfall. two bridges connect the trail to the island. the climb to the hills summit, the highest point in golden gate park at more than four hundred feet. you can get quinces of the western side of the city through -- glimpes of the western side of city through a thick trees. the lake is ada accessible. it has a peaceful atmosphere where you can enjoy a warm day. walk along the lake and watched many ducks, and swans, and
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seagulls. it is a tranquil spot to stroll, enjoy each other's company, and sail away. many couples come here to take a ride around the lake, floating under the bridges, past the pavilion and waterfall. for a quiet getaway, it makes for a memorable and magical experience. located on 19th avenue, this grove is the place to wear your hiking boots, bring your family, and bring the dog because it has so much to offer you and your loved ones. it is a truly hidden gem in the city. the part is rich with eucalyptus trees. long paths allow you to meander,
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perfect for dog walking in a wooded environment. >> i enjoy this base and the history behind it. the diversity that exists in such an urban city, the concrete, the streets, cars, we have this oasis of a natural environment. it reminds us of what san francisco initially was. >> this is a section for dogs and plenty of parking. transit is available to get you there easily. and the part is ada -- park is ada accessible. there is also a natural lake. this is your chance to stroll and let the kids run free. it also has many birds to watch. it is the place to find some solitude from the city and appreciate what you share with a wonderful breath of fresh air.
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, an experienced this park and enjoy the peoples, picnics, and sunshine. this is a lovely place to take a stroll with your loved one hand in hand. located in the middle of pacific heights on top of a hill, lafayette park offers a great square a of a peaceful beauty. large trees border greenery. it features tables and benches, a playground, restaurants, and tennis courts. there are plenty of areas for football, frisbee, and picnics. it is very much a couple's part and there are a multitude of experiences you can have together. bring your dog and watch the mean go with the community or just picnic at one of the many tables and enjoy all of the park
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has to offer. many couples find this is the perfect place to put down a blanket and soak up the sun. it is a majestic place you can share with someone you cherish. it is located along the 1 and 10 buses and is accessed from the 47 and 90 buses. it is ada accessible. for more information about reserving one of these locations, call 831-5500. this number is best for special events, weddings, picnics, and the county fair building. for any athletic fields and neighborhood parks, 831-5510. you can also write us. or walking in and say hello at
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old lock cabin, golden gate park. and of course you can find more information and reach us at >> jennifer wagner. jnny first joined the league in san francisco in 2001 and has since volunteered in many roles at the local, regional and state and nation levels she currently volunteered as the president of the league of woman voters of california, and is a small business owner here in san francisco. she holds a degree in government, from claire
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