tv [untitled] October 31, 2012 8:30pm-9:00pm PDT
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francisco. use that money to create jobs in the private and public sector so that's my proposal to create jobs in san francisco. >> mr. rogers. >> i like that one. you know i think that the gross revenue tax is a progressive tax and that tax would allow new businesses, small businesses able to flourish so we have something to look forward to with that. that being said treasure island seems to me a car dependent project and unless you have a ferry that is going there and dropping you off, but that would be somewhat time consuming. the same is true with hunter's point and the problem is there isn't a lot of transportation near there. the trances bay terminal next to bart, next to cal train this is a great project and has so much
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commuter friendly things going on there, and as far as i am concerned when it comes to development in san francisco it's got to stop. >> all right. thank you sir. >> there are three parts of the economy, the consumer, the investment and the government. the only reason thing that has grown on a rapid rate is the government. the government gets their revenues through taxation or borrowing money. the problem is the regulations are hurting small businesses. 2/3 of all jobs are created by small business which are considered -- chapter s corporations and less than $250,000 killing all of the regulations and kill the incentive. the government doesn't produce anything. it's the private sector that produces the wealth and the opportunity. get the government off the back through regulations and taxation
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and you will see the city once again be vibrant. i'm telling you it's taxation and regulations. i have two successful businesses. i would not open another one in san francisco. i would not. >> thank you. mr. yee. >> here's the four things i would do to create jobs. number one, help the small businesses with a one stot shop approach. ocean avenue had a fire. nine businesses had a fire and the mayor came and if he could do that one time we could do that all the time and number two give taxing incentives for high-tech and these jobs and kids are graduates and we don't have the jobs and number three i would support the convention bureau in bringing tourism and we know tourism is really a big job producer in san francisco. number four, we also have lots
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of funding, government funding, that is supporting capital projects, and for instance 2006 we did not have local hiring for our bond measure. 2011 half a billion dollars worth of work. i want local hiring so that we pay for it. our people that live here should benefit from it. >> all right. thank you. all right. now we're going to come to the candidate's closing statements but i want to remind you if you haven't registered to vote you still have time. please urge everyone to register the deadline is october 22nd and if you moved you need to register again. we're going to do the closing statements in reverse alphabetical order and to the candidates please remember you have -- you got that one right, one minute each. mr. yee we will begin with you. >> i am norman yee and running for supervisor and lived in the
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district for 27 year scption my two daughters grew up and i am running because i want to grow our economy, make our streets safer and keep our families here, and have been on the school board as a president for eight years now and we turned the school district around to improve test scores and more fiscally accountable and this is what i bring in. i am a consensus builder. i work with people to find results and get results and i have been effective as elected official for eight years and i will bring that into the board of supervisors. thank you very much. >> i am bob squarey. i live in san francisco. the 49ers were founded in 46 in my honor. i want to thank them -- [laughter] i will be given my season
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tickets up when i leave the city. i had them for over 40 years. they're gone but with that said i started two successful businesses in san francisco. i have a childrens' foundation "one children at a time inc." and did jobs around the world and every nickel i raised go to helping the kids. i will bring a strong budget control initiative to san francisco and i will show it by opening my district office in either on ocean avenue, lake side, and out of the money they give i will take a part of that fund and pay for that office in san francisco, but i will open it in the district so i will serve the people. bob squirey. i appreciate your support. >> thank you. mr. rogers. >> i am glen rogers and a native son of san francisco. i went
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to school here wanting to do public service and i went to sonoma state and majored in sociology and when i graduated i joined the peace corps in afghanistan. after returning i saw some lovely places and i wanted to be a landscape architect. i went to colpolly pomona and encouraged me to get involved in politics. i have been working on projects like civic centers, parks, fountains, restoration projects, and i was a member of the california native plant society and board member for 15 years, and we look forward to your support. thank you very much. >> thank you. mr. lagos. >> yes. i want to thank everybody for coming out tonight and enduring us, and i just want to let you know that in my opinion district seven needs a
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progressive in this upcoming election i believe i'm that person. i came in second in 2008. i am the only candidate up here that ran in 2008. garnered 19% of the vote and i came in second, and i believe that we need to make our city affordable again for working people, the middle class people. it's not an affordable place to live anymore for most working people so that is something i will work on. and i will oppose major land use development because i believe it's a threat to the preservation of our neighborhoods. it's gentifies our city and it makes it basically a hostile place to live in my opinion especially living out in park merced so if you have a progressive on november 6 vote for me. thank you. >> thank you. ms. gavin. >> i am lynn gavin and i'm a pastor and like so many women there are multiple things that
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i do and we multi-task and kind of boring even though we didn't term that world. i am running because of the corruption and malfeasance at city hall. i got involved and i was angry they didn't disclose to me they wanted to demolish my apartment and which is a violation of the law and with sunshine i began to research and research and now i have 43 pounds of paper in the research and because my case, sunshine case, that found supervisors wiener, colen, chiu and mar and they broke the state law and that is why this case is in court. they shut down sunshine and the retaliation was so strong i was evicted from my home and because i was raised right i would do it over again, and once i am elected one of
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the law enforcement officials will swear me in. >> i am mr. garcia and have the diseepest experience of anyone. i have many years and seven years as an educators and taught there and president of board of ethics and board of appeals and 25 years of experience in doing service to the neighborhood. i am supported by the incumbent and scott wiener and others and i want very bad to be your supervisor and i am asking for your support and there's give me your vote on november 6. thank you. >> hi. i am joel io and i
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am running for supervisor and they have a way of looking at the happy meals but can't fill pot holes. where is the common sense? and many paid twice to fill the pot holes and where is the accountability of our money? so if you're tired of your house being the city's atm, if you're tired of the same politics and same choices i offer you an independent choice. i promise to be your advocate and work for you and not for the special interests and the super pacs that pass the other candidates and it's important in the junk mail and look at the fine print and see who is really spending on who and who is beholden to
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who. i worked as a journalist for years and i will bring that common sense to city hall. thank you. >> mr. crowley. >> thank you. i would like to thank the leauge of women voters. i believe what sets me apart is the integrity and problem solving i have in my years and i have a record of efficiency and infrastructure and fiscal responsibility. i have a passion for the people in the neighborhoods that i have known all by life. that's i didn't am supporting by the democratic party and diane fine stein and the firefighters and thousands in the strict. this campaign isn't about who is the best politician it is. it's about the best problem solver and with they am asking for your
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vote on november 6. >> all right. thank you. >> thank you. i am andrew blie and running for supervisor for the most important reason why someone should seek office and that is my love for san francisco. is there room for an idealists? i'm a father, and a political nobody. my wife and i are graduates of san francisco university and my life is about the betterment of the city and i run my own firm and conducted analysis and mapping for private firms, public agencies and for nonprofits. as a volunteer i was appointed to the advisory committee and i worked with police, and fire and doing pro bono mapping and to effectively and efficiencily reach out to homeless connect. i startinged
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the recycling program at the san francisco dormitories and as a musician i volunteer at libraries and community centers. san francisco is a small town. this is a small part of the small town. i card is out there and please be contact for a beer or a coffee. >> ladies and gentlemen you have a difficult choice. you have candidates knowledgeable and sense of humor and passionate. on behalf of myself and leauge of women voters and san francisco government and san francisco television and our thanks for all of the candidates for participating. it was a pleasure tonight. thank you to all of you that turned out
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president anthony rich and you may have noticed we have our beloved mascot bulls eye with us. it's an exciting time for target. as you know 2012 50 marks our 50th year and we have a new concept and designs for the urban shopper and to complement the city's character and the small store offers the product but more suited to these lifestyles. instead of 20-pound bags of dog food you will find smaller bags and treats to manage to carry around. this is the first store in san
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francisco and we are activating our first stand alone active wear store and part of our brand by champion so what does it mean for you? high end apparel without the high end prices and what better way to introduce this concept than here in america's most active community and a joy to join the mayors in san francisco and nakd in 2011 we two contributed $2 million to san francisco and have awarded several schools with grants for field trips and completed our first library make over in san francisco last week at sanchez college prep elementary about 2 miles from here. we support the united way
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and employee contributions. as you can see we believe strongly in giving back to the community. speaking of community i would like to introduce one of san francisco's most influential leaders. present at the groundbreaking of the target last year ed lee has been involved with this store since day one. his visionary leadership with the make over has created 600 construction jobs and 700 permanent jobs about three which of are in this target store. we appreciate the partnership as we work to bring san francisco a target store and we are pleased to have him today and ladies and gentlemen it's a great pleasure to introduce ed lee. [applause] >> you got to know i was more interested in bull eye's recognize to my name. thank you for that introduction and thank
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you bulls eye for wears 49er red. [applause] . it's my pleasure to be here. i can't think of a more centralized place for the target store to happen right in the heart of san francisco. i know john is here with our convention bureau and we are finishing a couple of weeks of huge conventions here and last week it was oracle and 50,000 visitors come here and i know they walked by and i know they thought it was open and poking their nose and get in and the ax tributes that you have here, but i want to contribute -- congratulate target and west field and over a year ago i was here punching holes in the wall just expecting a great thing to happen and this first in our city, a city target store here in the middle of the city
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is going to be great and i love daly city and others but you know they're quiet and rather to drive down there our residents, our visitors can have a store right in the heart and have the brand names of things we're accustomed here. i think they will find it convenient and on all levels of affordability and so forth and i think the store is going to be a over night success. i'm a big supporter of it. gosh talking about being a corporate citizen and the construction jobs and the permanent jobs and they really did itlet right way and of the 300 jobs people have been hired by city target. 70% are franciscan residents. isn't that a great accomplishment? i
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know they worked hard. they worked hard with mission hiring hall and economic and work force development and the hiring events here and training and built up the expectations and they were met and this is what i love about being the mayor of san francisco. we can talk about jobs and working with target we can actually deliver them and this is the prochgz a good economy brings. this is what working with business is all about. it's what working with corporate citizens like target is all about and the jobs are here not only because of target but you have shown a great effort with our schools. the backpack give give a way program was exciting with the schools and the grants and it's a wonderful time to work with you as a corporate citizen so i look forward to a great icon of a city target store here. it is part of a brand news revised
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buildings and restaurants in the grownt floor and meeting spaces -- i think i will hold a few fundraisers up top with that city view and fun to do and of course when my wife says "we haven't seen a movie later" we will get down here and it has it all here. we welcome target for being here. we thank you for your corporate partnership and the partnership on the hiring and we look forward to a great partnership for years to come and west field and united way of the bay area and i want to say thank you to the wonderful team. they really know how to work with all of the nonprofits, work with the business community and make that right connection like they did with target. these are all great partners and this is the private public partnership that we speak about in the city that has to be part of any city make up. this is the first for
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san francisco but i know l.a. has one. maybe they will open up a second one and chicago and seattle and we are glad to be joining the city stores and congratulations and as mayors do and this today is city target day in san francisco. [applause] >> thank you mayor lee. we are honored by your kind words and partnership, and now i would like to introduce anne wilson, president of united way bay area to come up and say a few words. >> thank you steven. this is a really great celebration want congratulations to you and congratulations to west field and congratulations to the city and congratulations to all your
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teammates who are here that have great jobs with a great company and as the united way target is a partner not just here in the bay area but all across this country. target teammates participate in the community and with many nonprofits and last year teammates give over $15 million to the local united ways and that is no exception here in the bay area. we value the partnership greatly. congratulations on 50 years. the bay year is celebrating 90 years this year so we have been partners all those years and the tradition conditions. mr. mayor speaking of partnerships one partnership that we were all a part of that you make didn't think is the summer jobs plus initiative. target joined by more than 100 companies with mayor lee to launch that
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program here in san francisco and one more example when we put out the call to employers who will participate and target was there like you are on so many civic initiatives. we are proud to be your partner and work with you and the bay area. we are very excited and we can say unequivocally to every neighborhood in san francisco this is a good neighbor. the commitment to community is part of the dna of target corporation and the volunteer hours, the giving, the against ros itd of the company and its teammates really is at the top of the heap nationally and locally so we thank you so much. we are here to celebrate with you this great milestone and really on behalf of dozens and dozens of nonprofits you reach out as a company to the nonprofit community everyday and your teammates do as well and we are
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so grateful and behalf of the united way and dozens of nonprofits who are your partners 365 days a year congratulations and welcome to the neighborhood. [applause] >> thank you so much. and in another partner i would like to bring up, tony rich, has been instrumental over the last couple offer years bringing the target store to reality. mr. anthony rich for west field, come on up. >> thanks david. thank you mayor lee and anne and i would love to thank bulls eye if he was here. well city target has arrived and seniors are the ones in the way of the shopping beginning. i will try to keep it brief. it's an exciting day for us and many dedicated
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themselves to this opening. this marks the completion of those efforts and i would like to thank the mayor, the city administrator's office, our retail partners and guests for their support as we work to transform this wonderful site. you all have been terrific. from my first visit three years ago i was amazed at the opportunity the team was approximately together here. with the transformed area and the lure of city target it's even better. as the mayor has said 700 people are working here now. it's just great to also see the flow of people between the garden and the dining terrace and the reinvention of this area has been key to the overall development. the renovated theaters and catering to thousands of people each week and now when you walk up and
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down mission and fourth street and getting that energized feeling of restaurants and shopping facing out to the street a very much san francisco feel. when my wife and i moved to san francisco we were struck by the fact this wasn't just a city of dreamers, but it was a city of dreamers that are doers and that's what leads to it is innovation here. we hope the reinvention will play its role in this important neighborhood. we are proud to work with you all. we are proud of the investment here and at west field san francisco center and with the addition of city target we look forward to seeing the area grow and we thank you all for being here. cheers. [applause] >> all right. i think it's just all been said. are you guys
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ready to open this thing? [applause] i hope that we got some shoppers out there tonight, some wallets. i would really love to bring up brian jenson and the a store leader and when you have something you want to tell him -- brian, come on up here. i would like to have dave polk who is the district team leader for the store. [applause] and we're going to have some of our store team come up. we're going to cut the ribbon and get this thing going if i can have the speakers come up as well.
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