tv [untitled] November 1, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT
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while living in the dorms at san francisco state i started and ran the recycling program which reaches over 5,000 campus residents. after moving off campus i delivered thousands of meals for project open hand and tutored literacy to adults. enteredctionv a -- supervisor elsbernd appointed me, i worked with sfpd, play guitar, give blood several times a year, and going over this list, hoping to demonstrate to you my core belief in civic duty and community involvement. i also believe that the next step in my ability to contribute is to help govern as supervisor. now just a few of the many important issues. we are in economic straits and need to be conservative with our finances now and for the future. pension, salary and benefit reform has come a long way, but we need to do more. let's work with all stakeholders to assure that rules are based on fairness and financial realism for all, not
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for the personal enrichment of a few. i would rewrite the public flaping rules which are costing the city millions. why should a candidate receive up to 150,000 city tax dollars then spend that money on consultants in walnut creek or in san jose which is being done now? i'm not one of the quarter million dollars candidates but i've raised several thousand dollars, buttons, website, campaign essentials all produced here in san francisco. homelessness and panhandling, when friends visit from out of town they are aghast at the number of people on the streets. some are truly destitute. on the other end of the spectrum, some have homes. compassion, resources and outreach are crucial, but we also need city government to know that we won't tolerate people fighting, stealing, making messes or harassing residents, shoppers and visitors.
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i applaud the mayor for recently working with police, dph and the courts to institute mandatory treatment for the most chronic and costly individuals. but we also need law enforcement to tell people that they can't rome around town or come in from outside the city to block sidewalks and beg for change. this is a tough topic to tackle without sounding like some uncompassionate right wing jerk, but the situation is getting worse and we need to do what is best for everyone, including residents, small business owners and visitors. let's raise all schools up to excellence. we won't have to send our kids across town because the school lottery didn't work out. city college: let's follow the state restructuring report and learn from the operational dysfunction that has plagued the college for years. this brings up proposition a. we should not be burdening homeowners and small businesses with another tax, but city college is too important to jeopardize so i will put aside my taxation reservations and vote yes on a.
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public safety, using a number of methods let's encourage our police and firefighters to live here in the city. we will have another earthquake and we need them here, not up in pet lululemon a, not down in half moon bay. speaking of earthquakes are you prepared? right choice voting, like it or not it will be a factor in this race. i hope you'll choose me in this race. if you're already committed please consider me for second or third. whether you vote for me or not, please just be sure to vote. it's our right, it's our privilege and frankly i believe it's our duty and i won't tell you who to vote for for president, but my candidate handled don't ask don't it will and we share. thank you very much.
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>> my name is francis xavier crowley. as a district 7 native, i want to represent the twin peaks neighborhoods because i care about the community i grew up in and want to serve my fellow residents. my record as a dedicated public servant, community volunteer and leader of the international alliance of theatrical demonstrates my commitment to san francisco. performing arts, symphony, television, motion picture industry in san francisco. i am proud of the work i've done to bring both labor and management together. the stagehand has a strong working ship with management. we forge contracts and deals that bring both sides together and provide compromises that
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give working people excellent salaries and benefits and management to operate beneficially and turn a profit. in my mind this is the type of leadership and the type of relationship building that is exactly what we need from district 7 at city hall. during my 15 years as leader of the stagehand, i distinguished myself as a skillful negotiator and leader in one of the most competitive sectors, san francisco economy, managing several hundred contracts and generating 1.3 billion in wages. in lead he ship with stagehands i played a vital role as president of the public utilities commission, and a member of the chamber of commerce. during my time as president with the puc, i managed the time on budget, the largest infrastructure project of the generation. and the 4.6 billion hetch hetchy project that ensures the protection of our water sister. during my time in the port commission i led the charge of the development of the james r.
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herman cruise terminal which serves multiple purposes by creating jobs and protecting the industry that has been part of the backbone for the port and part of the future in terms of fishing transportation and mobile goods and services. i have no ambition for any other than this job as district 7. i was born in the district, graduated from here, i lived in san francisco my entire life. i raised my family here. i know the people and residents, not just my district, but the entire city. i would be an excellent representative of district 7 but the entire city. i am the number one choice of the democratic party and number 2 chartion of the bay guardian and number 3 choice of the republican party. conservatives, moderates and progressives support me because they trust me. i have a record of putting the city first and demonstrating capacity to work with different
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viewpoints. as supervisor i will make funding of public safety initiatives which includes training new police and firefighters my number one budget priority. i will make sure that promises made at park merced are kept. make sure that the boat house at lake merced is built with input from the community and becomes a beacon for local residents and their families. i will also make sure there is a real pipeline for students and a local academic institutions. return thousands of jobs that are becoming available as companies seek to improve and move into the city and hire and thrive. my career has been prepared for me for this job. i have the record of experience to serve and the ability like no one else in this race for district 7. i humbly ask for your vote in the election district 7. please vote fx rally number 1 on november 6.
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>> hi, i'm joel, the only candidate endorsed by the san francisco chronicle to be your next supervisor in district 7. i'm running for supervisor because we don't need city hall to ban toys and happy meals. we need city hall to fill potholes. you know, we paid to fill those potholes twice. first in taxes and then a bond. but do you think our streets are twice as good? we need accountability for our money. we also need common sense. i know common sense is a buzz word, but people are hungry for it. i love john stewart in the daily show, but san francisco has to stop giving him such easy material for his jokes. if you're tired of city hall not focusing on the basic, if you're tired of your house being the city's atm and if you're tired of the same old politics and the same old choices, i offer you an independent choice for supervisor. i'll be your advocate. if you're like me, you want san francisco to be an off beat tolerant and fun. but you also expect a
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functioning city that buses run on time, potholes get paved, and city programs are held accountable nor how they spend our money. i'll be your common sense supervisor. the reality is we need to raise revenue and cut spending. we can't pretend we're immune to what's happening 100 miles away in stockton which is going bankrupt on pensions. we have to face the reality of basic arithmetic. i'm not against taxes, but just have to be spent smartly and with accountability. we need to audit programs and pay for only what works. we can't just keep going back to homeowners with bonds and parcel taxes and use them as the city's atm. we have to champion entrepreneurs. that means if someone has a good idea, city hall should help make it happen, not delay it with bureaucratic roadblocks. we need a one-stop shop at city hall that makes it easy to start and grow small business. a dynamic local economy depends on small business. we can't live on facebook
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alone. i'm a small business owner and i know why it's important to streamline the process at city hall. i have also held government accountable, both as a journalist and in my social justice work at the aclu. i'll hold government accountable again. this time from inside city hall. san francisco is a city of neighborhoods which is why it's important that your supervisor pay attention to what our neighborhoods need. i want to focus on kids and families. too many are moving away from san francisco. we need them. that's why i want to make sure our parks are centered on recreation for kids, families and pets. we need more affordable middle class housing for families and most important, we need neighborhood schools so you can walk your kids to. and everyone on the block goes to the same school, neighbors know each other. they can bond. it's the best way to build a strong community. i went to public schools and state college which equipped me for many opportunities in life. i was fortunate to receive a
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full scholarship to harvard where i recently completed a master's degree in public administration. i'll work hard to apply the public policy lessons i learned to bring common sense to city hall. when the san francisco chronicle endorsed me they called my website smart. i hope you agree. check it out, enguard that's engardio,.com. if you're you like what you see, share it with your friends. i'll work for you, not for the special interests that back other candidates. if you want a true candidate vote for joel engardio as district 7 supervisor. thank you. >> hello, my name is mike garcia and i'm running for supervisor in district 7. i'm proud to be endorsed by the incumbent district 7 sean
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elsbernd as well as supervisors scott weaner, carmen chu, and alioto-pier and barbara coffman. many organizations have endorsed me kg building owners managers and association e san francisco apartment association, the association of realtors, plan c, the chinese american democratic club, the alice lgbt democratic club and the coalition for responsible growth to name but a few. i am originally from norxv and new orleans and i have an mba. i was one of nine children. when i was in new orleans i started two businesses. a band booking agency and management marketing consulting firm. i also taught high school math to under privileged children and i later taught at loyola university in their business department. i was very active in the civil rights movement in new orleans. i moved to san francisco in 1980 with my wife cheryl and our son scott because i bought a seat on the pacific stock exchange in order to trade
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options for my own account. i did that successfully until 1980 at which time i became an arbitrator for finish ra, the financial industry regulatory authority. i'm still an arbitrator for finra. i also taught as an adjunct professor at usf. i taught real estate in their finance department. when i stopped trading i became more deeply involved in that district. i was elected to the st. stevens school board and was also appointed to the board of directors at the stones town ymca. i coached youth sports at the y and i also fund raised for both organizations. later fund raised for sacred heart where my son went to school and st. ignatius where my daughter went to school. my son is in the police department and my daughter works in the tech industry. my wife and i are very proud of both of them. i served on my homeowners association as delegate to the western twin peaks western counsel and worked to prevent
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stones town project which would have altered the character of our neighborhood. i fought to get two stop signs on eucalyptus drive. i waged an eight year battle to get playground equipment. i negotiated with loyal high school to -- a building pr project in our neighborhood. in 2001 i was appointed to the board of supervisors to the ethics commission and elected president by my fellow commissioners. in 2004 mayor newsome appointed me to the board of appeals and i served two terms as president. the issues that are most important to me are the economy and jobs. pension reform and quality of life issues. as someone who started and ran three successful businesses and taught business at two universities, i feel as though i'm equipped, well equipped to understand business and to look at legislation through an economic prism to determine its effect on our budget and our jobs. it is important to me to stress that while i have a strong business background, i am not
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asymmetrical. i care deeply about social issues. in order for san francisco to help children, at-risk teens, the he will sadderly and anyone who needs a helping hand from government, we need to get and keep our fiscal house in order. kennedy said the budget is a moral document of a society. and i adhere strongly to the sentiments of that statement. i will use my experience i gained as a commissioner to streamline the processes of some of our city departments, particularly the permitting process. we have allowed process to become product. we should not defy our building codes and vilify the builder who is trying to navigate the system. we need to change the culture of doing business in san francisco, be more accommodating to individuals who provide necessary services or housing or office space or seismically safe hospital beds and in the process create jobs and ultimately add to our tax base so that we can get back to
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maintaining the high quality of life that we have the right to expect in the greatest city in the world. such as good transit system, high quality schools in every neighborhood, well maintained streets, parks for children and adults to enjoy, and the assurance that the police and firefighters will be given the tools necessary to keep us safe on our streets and in our homes. my name is mike garcia and i would love to have your support for district 7 supervisor. thank you. >> hello, my name is lynn gavin and i'm running for supervisor november 6, 2012 in district 7. i am sick and tired of being sick and tired of the malfeasance and corruption in our local government and have
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decided to do something about it by running for supervisor. my mother helped raise one of the most distinguished and respectable law enforcement officials in this country who was considered an untouchable. he is respected by both major political parties. organized crime runs our local government. it is apparent by the fact that six supervisors violated state laws to pass a sweetheart deal for the park merced developer. when they were called out for breaking the law, they collaborated to break the law that granted citizens and residents oversight to their activities. the retaliation they deliberately vote today remove the sunshine ordinance task force only physically disabled member. even though they offered to stay on the task force until
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they successor could be found. the sunshine ordinance task force has a mandate that one member must be physically disabled at all times. they deliberately voted to remove the only physically disabled member of the task force, and the removal of this person was the dismantling of the sunshine task force. as a result, the sunshine task force could not perform their duties. it has been five months since the sunshine ordinance task force has met. when the six supervisors voted to remove the physically disabled person from the task force, two felonies were committed. they were obstruction of justice and felony perjury. sunshine ordinance section 67.36, the sunshine ordinance shall supersede all local law.
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the sunshine ordinance provides the residents a check and balance watchdog of local government. elected officials and department heads, including the mayor. under the sunshine ordinance, the board of supervisors must take the tutorial every year and sign an affidavit that they agree to uphold the sunshine ordinance. i am running for office to address corruption and malfeasance within our local government. san francisco was once renowned for its glamour and sophistication. it is the birth place of the united nations. residents of the city and people across the nation call san francisco the theater of the absurd. i was born and raised in missouri. my mother helped raise one of the most distinguished and respectable law enforcement officials in this country, former head of the fbi william webster. if you have the courage to vote
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for me, i will show you that elected officials do care about civic pride and integrity. my mother raised me right. let's get busy. we have a lot of work to do. >> hello, my name is julian largos and i'm running for district 7 supervisor because in 99% of san franciscans are tired of politics and i will be a representative who will look out for the best interest. that person is me. in 2008 i ran for the same office and finished second behind the current termed out incumbent. those optimistic electoral votes from that race made it clear to me the voters of district 7 were ready for change for the better. that is why i'm running again in 2012.
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things have worsened in our city since 2012. more people are out of work. more residents come to live here and leaving in droves, but many are fed up with the growing lack of accountability coming from the board of supervisors. one of the main reasons i'm running is that the special interests who control city hall need to have their power placed in check. currently major developers have their sights set on manhattanizing our district like the new park merced project. these kind of projects need to be opposed because they contribute to the displacement of our citizens, gentrification of our district's neighborhoods, the upsurge in traffic congestion to our streets and highways, and the deadly increase in water and air carcinogenic contaminants to our district's environment. i am also concerned about the economic health of our city and
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the seemingly recollectless spending that gets approved annually by the board of supervisors all at the expense of you, the taxpayers. currently we are exceeding $7 billion being passed routinely without an objection from the board. the city civil grand jury reported if rising pension costs are not addressed quickly the city's financial health will be jeopardized and leveraged out to generations to come. if elected i will make sure our future budgets remain balanced without cutting public services or benefits, privatizing our parks and other public resources, replacing additional burdens on the taxpayers. part of my commitment to making san francisco a compassionate city to live in is my proposal to establish animal adoption centers so every homeless pet has a second chance and being found a loving and safe home. for those pets that can't be found good homes, i would propose creating city-run pet sanctuaries so that every pet
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has a safe place to live, thrive, and be cared for. i also propose making san francisco a world leader in providing alternatives to its residents and visitors along with expanding food alternatives of both local retail grocers, restaurants and cafes. i also support the rights of families to send their children to the neighborhood schools and keeping those schools safe and secure for those students who attend them and those employees who work at them. ladies and gentlemen, district 7 and the west side of san francisco is a special place to live in. its open green spaces and peaceful neighborhoods are the main reasons we choose to live there. i want to keep it that way. i have a lifelong track record of representing average working and middle class people like yourselves, the 99% having worked as an organizer of workers and tenants and
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teaching generations of students in our public schools. i have the experience to do this job and get it done. on november 6, i urge you to join me in reclaiming democracy in san francisco for the rest of us by electing me, julian largos as your supervisor in district 7. for more information about my campaign, visit my website, julian largos for thank you for listening and i look forward to having you as my constituents in the very near future. >> hello, i'm glenn rodgers, pla, and i am running for district 7 supervisor. pla stands for professional landscape architect. this november election promises to be one of the most important elections in recent history for
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those that reside in district 7. due to the threat of overdevelopment to one of our community's most cherished open spaces in park merced's garden apartments. this affordable community is the largest of its kind west of the mississippi. as a san francisco native, i remember the profound disappointment i felt when the classic fox theater on market street built in 1929 during the heyday of the movie industry, was torn down and replaced with an office building. today, i'm afraid i will feel the same disappointment with the destruction of our historically significant park merced garden apartments designed by thomas church, the father of landscape architecture in the bay area. i, glenn rodgers, will attempt to revisit this approval of the park merced development endeavoring to halt rather than exacerbate already unacceptable
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levels of congestion on 19th avenue. with an increase in 17,000 residents and an additional 6,000 parkses installed, this project is car dependent, a free shuttle to bart is not enough incentive to make this project commuter friendly. other important issues include, in my campaign, are fire hydrants in san francisco are not uniform with the rest of california. should san francisco experience another catastrophic earthquake and fire, visiting firefighters will not have easy access to available water. we need standardized fire hydrants. i would like to begin a discussion about a department of public safety. this is a combination of the police, fire and emergency services into one department. there could be a cost savings due to a reduction in department heads and fewer employees required. presently, this is in existence in the city of sunnyvale. park lawnses should include
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maintenance. currently they do not. unfortunately today when a park is finished, we watch it fall apart before our eyes. parks and medians should be planted with california natives to provide sustenance for local fauna. solar windows should be installed in every new building. older buildings should be retrofitted with solar windows to reduce the urban heat effect in san francisco. the top of new buildings could have green roofs which could delay ask reduce stormwater discharge into the bay as much as 40%. i know many of you have already made up your minds about who you are going to vote for in the district 7 election. as a group, i like the candidates for supervisor who are friendly, bright, and accomplished people. however, i would like to have you look at this race again with a fresh perspective.
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ironically, all eight of the candidates for supervisor in district 5 are against the development of park merced. while serious candidates in district 7 are for this project. how is this possible? our supervisor candidates in district 7, lacking political courage, are they afraid to challenge the status quo? are they seduced by the very money that makes them consider front runners? those in district 5, from the influence, are able to concentrate only on the hardship of more traffic on 19th avenue. and the citizens united case, we have learned that large sums of money are a hindrance to democracy. why is it that we do not make the same comparison with the race for supervisor? instead, the newspapers consider the well funded candidates to be the most electable, not the most influenced by money. if money buys influence, don't we want candidates that are free thinkerses? one more time, i ask you to look at your choice for
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supervisor. are you going to pick a free-thinking candidate for supervisor for district 7? are you going to vote for glenn rodgers? thank you. >> hi, i'm norman yee. i'm running for supervisor in district 7. i'm a native san franciscan. i've lived in district 7, west wood park neighborhood for 27 years where my two daughters grew up and we were able to go to the public schools. so, here i am, i'm the president of the school board. i've been working on children and family issues pretty much my whole entire adult life. i have a bachelor's degree from cal civil engineer, and six months into my first job as an engineer i decided that that wasn't real where my passion was.
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