tv [untitled] November 9, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm PST
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wanted to say that the beach chalet and the park chalet and the new one you opened is incredible places and the beach chalet is at the western end of golden gate park. there are tremendous features of amazing history of san francisco with wpa created by lam bow in the 30's and the art work shows the favor of the time and incredible for fans to see that the wpa created these art projects and this is a dream they created when they were 24 and 25 years old at sf state. i am reading from the seven by seven magazine. and how was
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the idea for the beach chalet done? and in their early 20's at the time and this is lara speaking "i recently graduated from the beach chalet and came up for lease and we lived in the sunset and he had his eye on the spot for his dream restaurant. we were home brewing and decided brewing would be the perfect operation. he wrote the business plan for his final assignment at school and since i was a new mom i did leg work and literally before the web and my research was doesn't on the beach and checking with surfers and what their favorite foods were. that is from laura's writing and i want to thousands of people go there. i think as
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the giants win the world series there were be people at the park and beach chalet too and laura is a tremendous leader in the ocean beach revitalization effort. she serves on spurs, ocean beach master plan with me and supervisor chu and a tremendous activists to make sure that we have a sustainable future about everything and it's her dream and vision for businesses giving back to the stay and i want to thank you for the restaurant and this the vision you carried out and this is laura. >> thank you so much. [applause] >> that was a wonderful introduction. i really appreciate it and thank you so much supervisor mar for this wonderful honor to all of our supervisors and mayor for creating this opportunity for
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restaurants and it's wonderful to be among so many amazin restaurants in the city receiving this great award. we're very appreciative, and on behalf of my husband and partner gar and all of our team i want to express what a privilege we feel it is to operate restaurants in what we believe is one of the most beautiful parts of san francisco, golden gate park and ocean beach and as supervisor mar mentioned we have been working diligently for the last 15 plus years not just on these restaurants which are just so close to our hearts and it's the community that we moved to for college and raised our children in, and we feel so proud of not just being able to attract tourists to this world class location, but to also really serve our community. that was always part of our big
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goal in establishing these venues. the work at ocean beach has been a very significant effort on our part, and it's been a incredible opportunity to work with our san francisco leaders as a community, and the state and federal governments to bring all the different forces together to create an opportunity for stewardship and vision and we are so proud of where we are today and we have a very visionary and unprecedented set of recommendations for ocean beaf's master plan, and funding finally through spur. spur is doing an amazing job leading this process and that is super vieting and we have been thrilled to work with our leaders and also i want to say a business and one of san
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francisco's vital industries, the hospitality industry, your support of our businesses is really so important to our success, and our ability to contribute to our communities, so we really want to thank you for that as well. thank you so much. [applause] >> our last presentation today will be by our district ten colleague supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. good afternoon everyone. it's nice to see you. it's always fun to come to the chamber when we're celebrating. i want to read something to you. school is a social group of fish that swim in a coordinated manner to increase their family's over all defense, efficiency and success. this is the same principle that built a restaurant inside
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district ten also called school. not to be confused with old school which is also district ten business, but school. yeah. please come up. i am pleased here to honor a unique san francisco restaurant and skool and her and the partners have been the most active in the association and portero hill and dog patch and educated to make the neighborhood a thriving place and located on alameda and if you haven't been there you must go. take my word for it. it's a beautiful space and menu. they utilized local designers and recycled and refurbished to create their modern -- when i say modern it really is and
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modern and welcome being atmosphere. a special feature is their wonderful patio and garden style with heat lamps and the nights are chilly they have warm kompy blankets for you. they thought of everything. they continue the community commitment and look for sustainable greends and locally produced and glutton free and some deep fried japanese mushrooms. i haven't had that one. but i had the squid seafood spaghetti and it's divine and another favorite is the lavender pan cota for desert. on the review for school there was a couple that summed it up like this. "it was
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simply divine" and please put your hands together and welcome olia. >> thank you so much supervisor. really kind words. i am honored. i am humbled. i am happy to receive the award among the other lovely restaurants of san francisco and i am honored to be part of your district and playing a role and making it a better place for the future. [applause] and it's not entirely gliewton free but we have a glutton free menu. >> thank you supervisor cohen.
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i want to see if ms. mendoza from the mayor's office -- oh i didn't see you. well thank you for being here on behalf of the mayor and i appreciate the giant's paraphernalia. >> thank you. my hat is still wet from last night. an amazing victory. [applause] >> i am thrilled to be here this afternoon to represent the mayor to honor our restaurant, and with all due respect strfer mar the best was saved for last. [applause] >> i want to tell you a little bit about old school cafe and i know supervisor cohen is very proud of this establishment as well, so old school cafe is a faith base violence prevention program providing jobs and training to youth with emphasis on at risk youth age 16 to 22 in a 1940 style supper club. they
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confront the epidemic of violence and providing at risk youth who were incarcerated or part of the foster youth program with a variety of opportunities not normally afforded to them. i wanted to share an exert from a recent article about old school because the person that started old school is phenomenal and i know you did that and she was a correction's office and she worked with gang affiliated youth and bumped up against the same problem. many of the kids have committed crime for money and discourage them to return to drugs and violence after doing jail time she needed to offer a legal alternative. in 2003 theresa was unfortunately laid off by the
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school district but this was one of the time its was a blessing in disguise. she managed the head start family services program and in 2004 she had the idea of launching a restaurant entirely staffed by our youth . the goal was to provide job skills and provide and responsibilities among the young workers who range from 16 to 22. theresa had no experience i think it's safe to say in the restaurant business and she cashed out most of the retirement fund and opened school school cafe in 2005 and operated it out of her home. now 21 staff members serve up 75 southern style dishes nightly and sunday brunchs are packed. dozen of yelp reviewers have given five stars for fish and
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grits contest and won in the bay view several times i understand . the southern fried chicken and stew is also on that list. entertainment is provided by the youth from outside the program and auditiond and mentored in marketing their skills. the staff is trained in a program that emphasizes skills and accountability. i wanted to say on a personal note old school has been a tremendous addition to our community. they have been wonderful and we are so supportive of everything they of doing. i also want to give a shout out to the golden gate restaurant association and helpful with them. mayora lee has hosted several coffee there is and supportive of the work and we send down people. we had sales force send 50 of the
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staff down to support the efforts they're doing. we also have one of our staff members on the mayor's staff that goes and tutors and lieu is who is with us this afternoon and appreciate the work that he has been doing and ja -- ja king torres and the community members that stepped up and we have other members and former supervisor member dufty and cohen is out there often and you can see swing dancing in the plaza. i want to introduce to you theresa but also with theresa is a very special person. i want to introduce chef kevin so chef kevin has been incredible in helping the youth to understand the value of running a restaurant and has been working with them, and
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showing them how to cook basically, and i just saw chef kevin at another wonderful event, our california youth connections who work with our foster youth and donating his time and incredible jump laila and behind me i would like to introduce tammy, dominique, erin, deserie, chris, chef kevin and the leader of the pack theresa. plawz welcome old school cafe. [applause] and the mayor has presented them with a proclamation and they had time with him in his office and it was an honor to seeing the incredible youth doing what they do. they run the restaurant from the front to the back of the restaurant and i encourage all of you to come and have an
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incredible experience with the youth. not only will they serve you efficiently and amazingly and the food is topnotch and the entertainment and come on down and we expect to see you all at old school cafe. >> thank you very much. this is such an honor. we have 22 youth. a few were able to come today and the original name before i landed them a name was "give them a voice" and youth theater mission and how do we give our young people a voice in a way that empowered them instead when it comes out rang ree and nobody is want to come and we changed the name to old school cave -- cafe
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and i would like to have dominique speak and why this is important and these restaurants and employment is necessary and going to say a couple words on his personal. >> just to start off i would like to thank everyone that came and supported us. it means a lot to us and coming from me and our background. most of us growing up to have a place that we could go it to call home and family. you know it's not just a program, a job. it's more like a family to me personally because it helped me out so much like going through all what i have been through in my life and they just gave me that second chance at life to change, you know, and no one else would do that, and so i am really proud of myself and all my coworkers,
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my family, to see all the progress that we did. we started from nothing to something. we didn't know a lot about the restaurant business but we did our best to do it, and i just want to say thank you for supporting us and hopefully stop by. [applause] >> thank you old school cafe. i want to thank all of the colleagues for their presentations but i particularly want to thank all of the restaurants who everyday are cooking to make sure that san francisco and the rest of the world are well fed. congratulations. and with that we do have some additional business colleagues. why don't we go to our 4:00 p.m. special order. madam clerk will you call those items. >> items 18 through 21 comprise of special order at 4:00 p.m.
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persons interestedded in or objected to the public works department and tentative map for condominium conversion on dolores street. item 19 is the motion approving the public works decision to approve the parcel map. item 20 is motion disapproving the public works decision and disapproving the parcel map and 21 is direction of findings. >> supervisor wiener as the district eight supervisor for this project. >> thank you mr. president. i move to continue these items to november 20. >> supervisor wiener made a motion to continue these items to the november 20. is there a second? seconded. without objection these items will be continued to the 20 -- i was just told i need to ask for public comment so before we pass the motion to continue are there any members of the public that wish to speak on this item? okay seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues if we
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could take the motion without objection to the 20 of november that should be the case and i understand from supervisor kim that she has another special commendation. >> yes thank you so much. this coincided with restaurant week but as we honor some of the existing businesses and i want to introduce to the board and commend one of the new businesses and they're here in the audience today. so zen dust was -- we talked about in the midmarket and the twitter and this was the first company to move in to the quarter and beyond that resolution beyond attracting companies to a market with a high vacancy rate and make sure the companies become integrated into a area that existed and tenderloin and south of market and we passed a
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citizen's advisory committee to over see the project that we envision in fact a open collaborative and mutually beneficial relationship between the companies moving in and the existing groups there and many of whom were low income, but even i had concerns as we passed the resolution we wouldn't be able to obtai the lofty goals and i was proven wrong and they opened a office in the south of market neighborhood. when they out grew that they moved to midmarket in 2011. zen dust was the first company to take advantage of this and enter into an agreement with the city and engaged the city early on in the process and designated a staff person to coordinate with community relationships and that is tiffany who took on that
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role with gusto and surveyed their employees what they were working with the community on. this resulted in a clear list of action items reflected both in the interest of the workers and always the needs of the residents. they hosted workshops such as central market and tenderloin can store healthy food when kitchen access is limited and worked with the campaigns and whatever group they worked with or the collaborative. one of the parties for our office was to ensure with the growing job economy many of the residents benefited from this as well. zen dust took this to heart and hired two summer intens in the neighborhood and i know them personally and live in the affordable housing developments and two young people part of
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veetnies center and they walked a couple of blocks from the home to new tech companies in midmarket where they were getting trained and employed and a new growing sector for me was particularly heart warming. zen dust collaborated with the community services and in the audience and work with chef programs that they catered all of their work events and supported the effort of several of our groups to cultivate more community gardens in the tenderloin. we want to see more of this. the city cultivated an environment where tech companies can thrive but with with the thing that they would give back and i want to commend them for setting the standards that are moving in and we have several agreements that
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are about to be signed before the end the year. it is clear they have impact on the surrounding neighborhood and working closely with the residents and the community. this is extremely important so i know that the zen dust soon to be ceo and his partners couldn't be here today but tiffany is here on behalf of zen dusk. by the way she is on maternity leave and still came in to get the award and i want to bring up a couple more people to speak about the impact they have had with them but tiffany i wanted to give you an opportunity to speak first. >>i wanted to thank you for recognizing us. and the agreement we executed and we filed a second one and a pleasure to execute. we felt it helped integrate us into the community and everyday we are braced more and more and
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understanding the tenderloin and the tenderloin is establishing us and couldn't have done it without the community benefits agreement. we're are happy there are more interesting the process and i am excited to get the second one ramped up and ready to go. thank you for recognizing us. >> thank you supervisor, and zen dusk. tiffany. ken with community services. our organization has been in the south of market and the tenderloin neighborhoods for many years doing homeless services for the last 30 and it's excellent to have zen dusk as our new neighbor. our organization which provides shelter, housing, senior services, education and employment, provides these opportunities for homeless people. we are already seeing
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the benefit of their work with us and it was at the outreach of tiffany and bill clark and the director of education and employment who is out of town with work related to the chef's program and through that contact i think we made a great start working with zen dusk and particularly on the chef's program and it was a great day to be here and mentioned earlier and their collaboration too and for us in the chef's program and the training culinary program those community relationships are essential. it doesn't work if you don't have it. we have relationships with about 20 restaurants in the city and we have now the benefit of this community benefits agreement with zen dusk with catering. i just talked before i came over here three times i think so far and we look at that only as the beginning. we also had the
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pleasure of doing a little teleconferencing at zen dusk offices and their equipment is a little more state of the art than ours and we appreciated that and i think for us what is most significant is what supervisor kim referenced a moment ago and that's really concentrating on the food security issues of people that live in the tenderloin, live in the south of market, and our organization we have a thousand people in supportive housing. getting a roof over their heads doesn't tear care of their foods needs and having a community partner sharing in the commitment of the food security needs of people is very important. they hosted the improve sf conference in that regard. they provided some of the logistics and their staff
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sad side by side with us trying to get solutions and we are committed to proceed with that so i commend them and look forward to continued work with them and other community partners. thank you so much. >> hi. i am dina hillard. i am the chair of the citizen's advisory committee that works with the city administrator office, city administrator on these community benefit agreements and zen dusk was our first company that we worked with and they're actually in their second year of the cba but they were really easy to work with. they were very enthusiastic providing benefits to the neighborhood. they were very forth coming with any information we asked for and definitely a model for the other companies and in our conversations with the other companies we told them talk to zen dusk. they were amazing to work with, and i think for me
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what is unique about zen dusk is that there is a culture. you can tell there say culture in the company that desires to really integrate and be part of the community and provide benefits to the community, and it's not out of having to sign a cba, but it just really is evident to me it's part of the culture, their company, to want to provide the benefits to the neighborhood they're in, so i personally want to thank sen dusk. i hope any companies that come after them look at them as a model to proceed. anything we suggested to them, anything we ask the answer was always yes. it was never no we just appreciated how easy they were to work with.
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