tv [untitled] November 15, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm PST
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there arguing for more certainty. i can credit chris shaffer and the professional facilitators that she brought into that town hall meeting to kind of tone down the tension and the anxieties and instead turn people -- everybody involved there on more to a simple problem solving path. how do we make these potentially incompatible activities fit within a greater community plan? and i must also credit terrace allen who was the first entertainment representation of the task force because when we first began to meet in the arts and entertainment focus group which we met for almost a year terance assured the neighbors the entertainment industry had no intention of asking for an entertainment zone that they
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weren't asking for special zoning configurations or anything. they simply wanted to be included as part of the great mix use community and to be treated accordingly, and on that note that really eased the tensions and we proceeded through the whole first years of our process in a very cooperative vain and basically drafted the outlines of what our entertainment policy is that is before you today. upon adoption of the 1990 zoning when residential became a fully permitted use planning in the city basically put out the welcome mat to residential uses. you basically said you're fully permitted as a right. come down to south of market. buy a
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home. buy a property. please expand that property. this is not the scenario you've often heard where people move down to the area of an airport and then move in at the end of the runway and they're surprised to find out there are airlines taking off. this is sort of the reverse of that. they moved down to a neighborhood where the city said the welcome mat is out and then the airport moves to their backyard. that's a little bit different, but our basic policy was we're not going to pull the welcome mat out from anybody, not from under the entertainment industry or from under the neighbors who moved in and bought property and planned on being here forever, so the basic premise of the western soma process was no losers.
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everyone starts off with what we got going right now and then we will work on seeing how we can enhance that for everybody. the sally proposals that cory presented to you was one of the early suggestions that came before you but basically they violate the fundamental principle. everyone started off as equals. we didn't do anything del trimental to the entertainment community and they shouldn't be asking us to do that to the residents. this next one is an interesting suggestion and i promoted that on the task force but planning department came back to us and said it would be extremely difficult to configure because if the entertainment -- if 11th street corridor remains in the wmug zoning area those buffers would have to apply to every
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night time use in the wmug and that would dramatic's reduce the housing we would be able to produce, so we dismissed those. we explored many other solutions. in fact i told you before. on the entertainment we had more than 60 meetings. 60 meetings publicly noticed devoted to subject of entertainment. the organization c mac, california music and culture industry were notified of all of the meetings. terance allen and shawn manchester and president of cmac and rob remedy and runs the clubs in the city and the director of the entertainment commission got an
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email every monday morning throughout the process telling them what we were discussing and they choose not to attend 60 meetings of the task force that addressed entertainment. those who did attend representing the entertainment committee did have some difficulty trying to frame coherent solutions, but at one time or another almost everyone on the task force tried to assist them, offered solutions. between 2008 and 2011 this last stage of our process the entertainment component was beefed up significantly, but to them it was never good enough. understand what the western soma plan does provide. a continuation of the legal non conforming status north of
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harrison street. every club that currently exists is guaranteed rights to continue to exist forever. no dangers that we will lose any of the existing night clubs. stronger building code standards are written into the plan and placed the burden of sound proofing for venues. clubs as kobe mentioned will have the rights to expand. would change the club to allow non conforming status to continue on even beyond the demolition of the current building and continue that entertainment use after new construction is completed. we allow all forms of entertainment for expansion in the new area south of harrison street. it's
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just a logical extension of the purposes of the sally zoning district to have the service and light industrial uses with the prohibition of housing units it seems like a natural extension if the entertainment industry does need to expand sally seems like it's the place for that to occur. i'm sorry. we also welcome entertainment to be part of the folsom street commercial corridor through limited live performance. we don't increase residential capacity along 11 ethstreet in anyway and i think that is very important to note, 11 ethstreet. we don't increase the capacity for residential in anyway and as cory mentioned again there are maybe one or two soft sites. there is the
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famous purple building. i don't know. maybe one more soft site where there is potential for residential development. nobody got everything they wanted throughout our process but this say community plan, not an entertainment plan. all things considered i think the entertainment industry did pretty darn well. let me kind of reiterate here. western soma already has the greatest concentration of night time entertainment in the entire city. a change from non conforming to has a right for night clubs won't allow the night clubs to be any noisier. down zoning the neighbors will not stop them from complaining. the sally proposal that cory presented violates fundamental principles of fairness that are the basis for the western soma plan. buffers around existing
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clubs are impractical because they would imply to the entire mug area and drastically reduce the housing produced. the western soma plan is the first major rezoning to include the issue of entertainment. eastern neighborhoods did not even address it because as dan snyder told me in the past if they brought up entertainment it would blow the whole plan apart. they don't even address entertainment. we do. >> i want to make sure that our commissioners get a chance to ask you questions later and i think you've did a very good job of repeating what mr. teague has properly presented. >> one final paragraph. >> okay. >> the proposal before you is the best effort of the entire community to balance entertainment with all the other competing interest that go into making a complete neighborhood and that works for everybody. thank you. >> thank you very much. i
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appreciate all your effort on this. >> thank you. >> >> thank you jim and hopefully we have a good understanding of the entertainment issues and the scenarios that are available for consideration. can i get the overhead again? so to pivot a little bit away from controls and zoning entertainment and talk a little bit about implementation in terms of impact fees that maybe generate and what they maybe spent on. you have the implementation document in your packet. i put out one table that concap laits the major components there and the projects call out in the plan, some rough calculations of the projected costs and comparing that to the amount of
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revenues as projected to be created within the planned area based on the growth projections, and before i get into detail of that i think it's important to note that a nexus -- they had their own nexus performed and it very much fell in line with the structure that eastern neighborhoods currently uses. used a lot of the eastern neighborhood information to come to conclusions and implementation document because it's basically going to fall into eastern neighborhoods so i want to make that clear it's not a separate system anyway. it's a part of eastern neighborhoods but look at western soma and projecting to generate $42 million in impact fees over the course of now and 2030, but if you look at the projected cost of the projects that we
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have and nearly 92 million so obviously there is a gap to be filled. that isn't uncommon when it comes to impact fees and projects that we need to empplentd around the city. to briefly go through some of the projects called out as priority. a park publicly accessible near eighth and ringgold. a number of alley improvements on various areas. also greening of the 12th corridor. 12 ethstreet is a pretty wide street. it actually doesn't get a lot of traffic and there is a lot of opportunity as an entry way into the western portion of western soma to green that significantly and grate green scape for residents and businesses in that area, and then also a child care facility within western soma which is definitely needed, and
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calls out specifically near eighth and ringgold but a facility in general is definitely needed. so in the same vain currently on the eastern neighborhoods cac there are four non voting members from western soma that sit on the committee. with the adoption of this plan and eastern neighborhoods part of the plan the vote members would be voting member exercise go from 19 to 19 members. >> >> the board supervisors would increase the appointments from nine to 11 and district six getting the extra two and mayor's pointees increase from six to eight and at large numbers increase from two to three so that say run down of some of the details in the zoning and the planning code and obviously the entertainment issues and staff is available for any questions you may have.
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>> thank you. is there any public comment on this item? i do have speaker cards here. brian tan and john golden. >> good afternoon commissioners. i am brian tan. i am here to speak on behalf of my as a resident of san francisco but i also serve on the entertainment commission for the city and urban planning representative. i sent you an email very early this morning but wanted to be present to speak publicly about it. after joining the entertainment commission january 2012 i was sought out by entertainment businesses along 11th street and offer my perspective on the western soma plan. they expressed concerns that the plan insufficiently dealt with the businesses as a part of the fabric of the
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neighborhood and low on options with that neighborhood. central to their concern is that while a new entertainment uses are permitted in the proposed plan south of harrison it fails to adequately support the viability of the area for the future entertainment of western soma. the citizen status as legal non conforming uses and continuation in the plan effectively treats these important stakeholders as an after thought. night time entertainment is prohibited in much of the area. it divides and relocated it rather than treating as assets in the community. i have learned to come and respect how professionally the businesses operate and how passionately they care about the community and the impact they have on the community around them and furthermore i am impressed with the work of the entertainment commission, the police department and leaders in the
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industry such as c mac and work tirelessly to make entertainment safe and accessible in san francisco. our commission has the power to cite, permit with condition, fine and suspend licenses to problematic venues and provides a direct path for residents and neighbors and anyone in the community to address concerns related to entertainment in every neighborhood. i am confident in our commission's processes and ability to up hold these processes and to hold a higher standard for entertainment industry when it comes to community relations especially along 11th street. now after looking through the plan it was unfortunate to see it short changes entertainment. it's prohibited throughout the plan. south of sally is permitted but this feels regressive and out dated perspective within any
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neighborhood. i urge you to support option that option and one other option that isn't listed and allow for night time entertainment as permitted use and wouldn't need to be rezoned. you can read my comments in my letter and thank you for your time and consideration. >> thank you. >> commission, director i am john golman of goldman architect, the architect of a proposed building at the site of the infamous purple building and we submitted for
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permit and it's on hold because the clients would have to pay for $150,000 for their own eir and instead of that they have waited for the process to proceed which has taken another seven years. we had three meetings. the first meeting at swing and two meetings at the soma leadership council and at that time we met with representations of the night time entertainment industry and we actually changed the design of the building to meet the concerns. originally we had townhouses and larger family units and large scale building and on 11th as well as in the back. we redesigned the building so there is only one bedroom and studio apartmentos the front of the building so there are no family buying units on the front of the building so we made those changes in
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response to our meetings. we thought that met their concerns. i explained that with modern architectural design and other modern design there is no measurable sound coming from 11th street into those units so i feel they are compatible uses. the incompatibility that is being discussed is coming from older buildings with no acoustic insill laigz and designed long ago. if i was a young person i would be delighted to live on 11th street and i went to clubs all the time. i think there are lots of people that would like to live in the area so what happened in 2005 after we made the changes that the night time entertainment industry was requiring of it, which i was happy to do, and then they came back and any type of housing
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isn't compatible with night time uses so after i redesigned the building they decided that wasn't good enough, so what i am here to say with the proper unit mix such as what we're doing, proper acoustic design, proper mechanical system design housing should be allowed on that block and we have active permit on that site and i'm not sure with down zoning now -- what happened happen with our permit? normally you're approved to whatever is in effect at the time you submitted so i'm not sure what happened happen. thank you. >>i will call a few other names. doug caldwell -- did i call you earlier? i'm sorry. kowg cane. robert, go ahead. and tim colin. >> thank you for hearing me. i am robert cole. i run sunset
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and produce festivals in the city and consider myself an ombudsmen and speaking for the entertainment community. i listened to mr. meeko comments and i appreciate the work he did with the community meetings. i do want to refute a couple of his assertions. one western soma is not the most intensive concentration entertainment in the city. it's the eastern mission district and nor club openings are happening there because of this process and several have left and the paradise lounge has sat vacant in anticipation of what is happening. i don't know anyone that wants to open the vacant spaces and bring jobs to the area because of this
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uncertainty hanging over the head. when you have this uncertainty why would you want to build a business in that neighborhood? the other thing i would like to refute is that this whole idea that these residents didn't move into underneath a run way. slims is the best example of this. the folks that moved next to slims night club knew it was there since the 80's producing live music 689. it's one of the renowned music halls in san francisco and the one neighbor created thousands dollars of bills moved in after slims and they established a precedent of entertainment in the area and i don't think fair to the entertainment community and 11th street and all clubs and no residents. we have other areas
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of the city and have mix use and i live on a block and i enjoy some peace and quiet and there are plenty of places in the city we have that and that's why we have a planning and entertainment commission and a process that works to resolves the disputes and that's the final thing i will say we do have a process in place. the entertainment commission came in five, six, seven years ago and many of the conflicts that were described from the 90's don't happen now because we have a legal process and not everyone is happy but it's a rational process and it works to resolve these disputes in a sunshine infested above the board manner. thanks guys. >> hi. i am glen hyde and i am representing myself and i apologize for misrepresenting myself the last time i spoke.
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it was me trying it to get too much out. i said i was speak for example the commission and i wasn't and i would like that to be known and today as well. today i represent the neighbors and i don't see that we need to have a war. a lot of my work has been around better solutions to the problems that neighbors and entertainment are having. in my first year and a half with the entertainment commission i spent time talking about party buses who are extremely disruptive to neighborhoods and there is a bill that has been passed to manage under age drinking that is happening on the buss and we are going after with regulating the alcohol being served on the buses on a state level so we don't have this disruption and we think with these things coming out of the entertainment commission as well as soft close closings we can minimize a lot of impact and i don't think there needs to be
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a war or there needs to be a complete incompatibility. i appreciate the gentleman who was talking about housing that is built well and entertainment working together. i also would like to say that i agree with brian tan to rezone 11th street with 3b or permitting entertainment as a use in the mug especially since there are residential buffers and i would like to speak about limited live only being placed on the folsom corridor. there are many small businesses that will have influx of people into the neighborhood and hopefully to serve the neighborhood and the neighbors better we can allow limited live on the rcd as well so the corner businesses have all the opportunity to make it, and as far as i can tell the people who are moving into this area especially right now are many people involved in the tech
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sector and will continue to be in the tech sector and i see soma as being able to have growth similar to the mission and one of the things that is great there is that there is entertainment. it's full every night and we can only benefit these small businesses and continue to make them part of the community instead of a suing them from it. thank you very much. >> good afternoon commissioners. tim colin on behalf of the housing coalition. i spoke last week. we continue to be concerned by some of the design features with the plan intended to impede housing. i was struck by the figure of 209 units: if i understand right that's the new net units created under this plan. i hadn't seen that before. this goes back to the history of it in regard to how
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much consensus and agreement and how inclusive the process was i would say i remember it a little differently. if it was as inclusive as it was claimed we don't understand how the community stabilization plan could have included a metering plan for housing, for jobs, a requirement for housing affordability that isn't found anywhere else in the city and highly controversial features that made into the plan. we agree there are positive features of the plan that deserve our support and your--
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and we believe this raises questions about the adequacy of this plan to address long-term housing needs especially considering enormous investment into the corridor plan. we don't believe that western soma doesn't take advantage of the e eir capacity. we have talked about architects and rear yard setbacksis better understood as a land banking plan than promote the type of urban youth we would like to see. we question why the zoning administrator is prevented from making rulings
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in western soma he might be able to make in other parts of the city and regarding that gap on impact fees where do the fees come from if a plan is designed to restrict development? we think it has a lot of work to do on it yet. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners, i am kowg cane and hotel designer and developer. as you can see there is going to be a lot of conflict over this particular western soma district. i would like to call your attention to three zones of influence which have not been discussed today and those three zones are specifically mid-market development and the grocery store zone. i call it a zone. that is from trader joes all the way to food co including rainbow and costco which is really the grocery shopping area of the city and
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