tv [untitled] November 15, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm PST
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>> hillist aye, sack guy aye aye. and commissioner -- [inaudible] and so move the commissioners that the motion passes six to one.. >> commissioner is there a place on your regular -- excuse me the last regular calendar item case number 2009.0035 d d at fourion jersey street requests for discretionary review..
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>> staff here? s. >> good answering planning commission, washington southwest team leader this proposal is to allow the alteration of a an existing single family residents the property is locate the at fourion jersey street in the zoning grict and the application by two adjacent homeowners. the proposal is to construct a white vertical addition a rare horizontal addition and insed the set backs at the east side of the building and alter the fast sad of a single family
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illustrate 3 4 f1here, you will in the photograph of the house, -- here, where one two and then a third in the middle parlor. in that four-foot side set back, she gets aum of the light and air to those two rooms from that earn exposure and the large free in front of her impact the victorian that she has live in
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for three years that comes into the front parlor and so those side windows are very important and in the second parlor, the widow is the only access to light for that habitable room. here's a picture of the view from that widow. and the middle parlor and you can see the story poles. what she currently sees as blue sky, she'll now see as the wall of a building adjacent. where she is looking to the rear, to the south or to the north, the netting will be a solid wall. if you walk up to the widow and stand right at it and look up, oh, there is a little blue sky left so in this room who's affordability is afforded by this one widow and the middle bedroom in the house who's widow is on the north white wall let me point it out in the model on this elevation,
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those two rooms will now be shared by a third story addition. and, this third story addition, is going to severely deprive at the same time of day on march 20th at 9:00 a.m., 7525 any light that is going to get into that front widow. these horizontal bars that you see, have been removed from the building, thankfully, but only as recently as in november and we didn't have no time to remodel that. i think one of the things that we need to look at is if the project sponsor is going to weep keep the original permanent application, if you are going to forego the feels from a whole new set of reviews by war planners fine, but don't let the new applicant under the uold application take the project in the reverse
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direction that you want. accommodations for the light and error of the neighbor. >> second d r questionser you have five minutes good evening president wonk and members of the commission i'm i represent the neighbor and they have lived there last 40 years and i heard mr. washington say about all of the reiterations of the plans going through but the plans mail out in march of this year did not show any light windows, decks or set backs or skylight on the adjacent building it simply walled over those adjacent features and when these were brought these facts brought to the attention of the planner march 222005 and i am flaintd e-mail sent to the planner ten
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days before the 11 expired, that hey it's too late they should be prepare to file the d r that they thought that the plans were inaccurate and so basically, these poor focus had no choice whatsoever accept to file a d r just to maintain a code d r and it's incredibly unfair the player could have conforms what they were saying about these maps in two minutes with a google map and none of these were diminished capacitied on the plant and so not only did the department fail to do it's job and fail to check the plan for crazy and fail to dplie comply with section 311 when they were told that they had failed and they sithly said that's too bad and is response was that they have to file a d r and so the old plans here today the d r there is no question you would have to file a d r and
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there is an exceptional circumstances for the department to send out those sort of lance and the probability sponsor brief says it's enough that the neighbors understood the relationship of the proposed building to their buildings and widow and is that is on page six of the project sponsors brief. that is not true. that is not enough. the residential design guidelines and common sense tell us that plant must respond to specific features widow, doors, set backs, decks this is how we design plans. so, how on earth did the residential design team, find out or determine that these complied with the guidelines when none of those features were even shown? i don't understand. it also -- in the probability responder says immediately after finding out that these lands were wildly accurately they were changed that the no, sir truly the d
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r's from filed fix most ago and the plans were change three weeks ago and finally they said that the current plans comply and that is also not true and they also said that we mirror the light wells and set backs and that is also not true and that is what we are asking for. hold them to their word on the first page submit by ms., barclay who says we mirror the light wells they don't mirror their light wells they are 2 feet short on both end and so they are going to have a full wall sitting in the deck and is they finally added the deck and is set backs on both ends. they also extend far past all of the neighbors. since when did the residential design guidelines, permanent these wild extensions deep
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extensions under the rear yard look at the way the building is currently lined up right now the buildings are pretty much lined up all the way across miss may beels building is the one exception and that is a historic building but this current building goes even yet past my client's building and is that what the residential design guideline stand for to expend into the open space here three stories? that is not how i interpret them. finally the issue of the demlation in this case it's a demolition, the department called at that demolition when they first came into the department and i'll submit this, the department twice said very few existing walls have been retain on the probability and therefore the probability has been determined to be a tandem amount to a demolition and that was based on the original plans here's the first lan and there is the
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demolition plan for the current demolition, they are identical and so when did it stop being tanned mount to a demolition and so when magic wand was waved over this probability to make it an alter ration and it's a demolition that destroys affordable middle class housing. >> okay speakers in favor of the d r you have three minutes, i have one card here m. o n iq u e may be. >> i'm the owner of 485 jersey street and if live infinite value yo for 20 years now and i enjoy the architecture very much and as you know it's a wonderful area composed of edwardian and victorian homes and since i have
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lived in jersey street there have been no large additions on any of the homes on my block and we have been a very stable block in that period of time four and-a-half year ago the original owner of 48 one sold their home to bar ton and epiand is i work with in good fate with bar ton to come up with a modification that would reserve the light and air to my hope home and he made consegs by reducing the size of the home and modifying the effects that the house would have in both the personal property and back of my home however in spring of 2011 this home of two bedrooms and one bath under went a new construction consistenting of new kitchen epiand bathroom and floorings and it sold in august for a little over one .1 million to the current developer and is these present owner and is developers in no means is
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anything other than a demolition they tend to build a larger structure than that, that was previously negotiated between me and the previous developer and i'll like to keep the previously negotiables 15-foot set back that was played placed on the top level of the house and not to extend beyond a foot beyond of rear of my house and finally, i find it dysp concerning that the city allows developers particularly developers from out of town to come in and construct monstrous homes without any regard to the aesthetics of our neighbors and i think the acterek tour in our valley stands for itself it's a beautiful communal area and furthermore, these monstrous homes do nothing but create less affordable housing, four bedrooms and three and-a-half baths there is no larger structure on my block and so i
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guess in closing, i wouldic i would like to that i thank you all for your time and thank you for any consideration given to my request and as you all as not taken a walking tour of knowy valley, i think you would find the history and actech tour worth appreciating thank you for your time. >> thank you are there any other speakers in favor of the d r? come up thank you for this opportunity my name is dated measuringcal and my husband john and i have the adjacent mabels to the east side. we just celebrated living in our home for 39 years that we moved in on november 11th 19 sny we take great pride and a lot of pride in our home in the past 39 years. we refer to the previous
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owners of 481 jersey street to expand the property and out after a lot of negotiations with them we came to an agreement with a -- on the top floor and that included a 15-foot set back from the front of our house to match our front light well. these out of town developers bought the house last hear year which included the same building permanent. had the very first meeting with them at monday necks house with them and their design showed no bedroom and from the firsthand and they disregarded to the envelope that we had previously greed to they said flat out that three berms was the model and not negotiablable to eliminate a bedroom we do not agree with that. in march 2012, we had another meeting with the same developers and we requested they
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match our side wells -- light wells in the front and they agreed to that and they came out and they setup story poles which showed which showed where they would put -- where they would match us. this is a picture -- how do you turn this on? . >> it should turn on as soon as you start talking here's a picture from our front bedroom. that shows that they told us that they were going to match our side -- front light well. and here's another picture that shows from our other room they were matching it. and now, they have they are not matching it and they -- the final plans show that they are going 2 feet in the front in
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the light well and 2 feet in the back. our request is that they honor the original envelope at the top floor be going back 15 feet from the front of the house to match the front light well and to match the well in the back of the house as well and to reduce the overall size of the project. i also brought along two articles and i don't have time now, but, these articles were in the chronicle early in in year dilemma in halting the flight homes needed to -- thank you. >> for burrow and middle income thank you very much. >> your three minutes is -- quite short. >> it is sometimes next speaker please. >> well i hope it's shorter i'm the coowner of 475 jersey street and if i cry at -- if you have ever heard of -- syndrome
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when this nightmare started i was enable to walk or stand and so i didn't have a lot of involvement just a lot of stress stress stress the reason i'm here again speaking is because of all of the thing that have just happened the out of town developers are very nice people and i would probably like them in another life but at this point they are what they are and i'm hearing that they have got a one million dollar house that they paid for it and they will put in another million dollars and then it will sell for what? three, four, 5 million? tell me. the idea is that they have got a two dermabedroom home now, they want to make it into a four bedroom with a media room with all kinds of living space and whatever. we just are requesting that they respect our like privacy and reduction in size and whatever and as i said,, i hope i like you like i like them in another life u. thank you very much. >> are there any other speakers in favor of the d r?
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if not, the probability sponsor, you have five minutes. -- project sponsor --. >> members of the commission, my name is -- [inaudible] sponsor we have a brief submitted. eventually this particular project it has a number of demand on it in terms of the -- department guidelines and the commissions of the most setting neighbors and so what the project before you if i can have the microphone please, is
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that this is the sign-ing up of the project sponsor and we have matched it all the way down and that is the original color. and at the front top of it, where the windows are, we actually learned that about -- [inaudible] and as to the other side, this is the deck on the top floor. we have matched that deck over here, yes it's about 16-inches in front and it's not going to impact any of the light and air. the planning department asked for -- [inaudible/incomprehensible] and that goes here and it's 2 feet
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before the end offed widow over here and the problem is that we tried to push this as far as we can but there were two problems and one is the landing and you notice downstairs by the time we get here we have a problem with the stair and so we could not push the stairs any further and on this end, again, with this is -- push further than the bathroom basically, we end up with basically one laughabletory and this is family housing inferior family of three and two children are going to school at the same time in the morning. it's quite difficult to use the bathroom to get all of the kids ready. the project sponsor and dekoi and irene have two
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children they have a nine -years-old daughter and four -years-old son and so they are a family and what it's like to raise young children and to have family home in the need and this is designed for a family with children. the project site, the sooner the -- in the area have demand for diversity of housing and in fact it's an area where families and children like to go and -- [inaudible/incomprehensible] and so they have a diversity of demographic there and we believe that we have done everything possible to address the concern of the neighbor. the problem with not being able to set the fonts back is that it's just set back to -- and do i have have enough room for-two-three
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bedroom and the other two; the two and three bedroom, i meet the whole list of this work of this site and to put two bedrooms and the site and putting in a five bedroom in the back by the planning department, i lost the ability to have two berms that it's sufficient width to make the bedroom liveable especially if someone is going to end up with two children in one bedroom. so i would be glad to answer any question that is you may have. otherwise, i'll submit the probability brief and i know the commission reads this paper so -- thank you we may have questions for you, speakers in favor of the project sponsor if there are any? okay seeing none. you have a request for a
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two-minute rebuttal.. >> m o n iq u e at 485 jersey and on the screen presently is the previously negotiated top floor it's sheet a one .2 and i believe it's exhibit foyer in the project sponsor's brief and moan technique would gladly [spelling?] exchange the exchange for the 3-foot sidelight well over that portion of house and as you can see it doesn't extend as far as her house does in the rear and so by moving it back, we move it to the same depth as her building,
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we would gladly forgo the 3-foot long exchange for the 3-foot set back. in addition,, i think it's important to understand, again that when neighbors go through a process when a developer and they negotiate -- permanent but they want another bite at the apple and they talk about their norm lay and what their forma needs and but heres the floor and so, their form lay is solved now with the 15-foot
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set backs. >> do you have a question request for number two, you have a two minute rebuttal. >> thank you commissioners i know it's late and there is not much to what i already heard that we are going to match we are going to add the square feet but you cannot match the 2 feet that you need to match and they are going to add a light well and in the rear of widow it's going to be blocked and didn't hear any explanation why we need to go back past the existing neighbor and we are lined up in a row and into the rather yard and no explanation about that and what we would really like this commission to do and what is this commissions number one job is to protect the housing stock and to find out why it's not a demolition and the staff called in a demolition and said,
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