tv [untitled] December 29, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PST
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they generate from us, that they will have a contractual obligation to share that with the city so that we can mine that to the rest of the city, that's advance of opportunities for everybody. i know at the heart of sharing this data, there is going to be a lot more jobs created, a lot more people out therein venting new ways to establish small businesses that will improve the way we live and work and play in the city. and we look forward to great events like a super bowl host or something like that, we're going to be able to give people a really rich amount of programs that they could access from here to santa clara to san jose. we can act regionally with our data and we can join and continue to be in the great city of san francisco. so, i want to thank all of the people, all of the different starting up companies here and those that are inventing with us, thank them for celebrating
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innovation month in such a exemplary way. and i think we're going to have a lot more to announce before this month is out, including on our way to the world series. thank you very much. (applause) >> now, if i may introduce our partner in crime here, board president david chiu who is also going to be complimenting us with all of his efforts at the board. come on up, david. (applause) >> good morning. i am incredibly excited to be here today for a couple of reasons. first of all, the hatchery is one of my favorite places in the city. there is truly a bee hive of activity of the newest innovations that san francisco will be famous for. i also love the fact that just a couple of blocks from here is where our san francisco giants are moving on to the world series. but just in this room, all of you are giants and making sure that san francisco is the world champion when it comes to innovation.
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13 years ago, i like all of you started a company. i started in i-ti a technology company in the 1.0 world. it was a company that created technology to connect citizens better with government * . i ran it for almost nine years. and when i was elected to office four years ago, i was unfortunately more surprised than i wanted to be about how far behind san francisco government was. this was very 2008, 2009. with you i'm really proud of the leaps and bounds we have taken as a city * . i was proud in 2010 to help move forward legislation to really bring together city departments to work in a coordinated way with our committee on information technology. to help create a chief information officer position for the city. i was also proud to work with then mayor newsome in passing the first generation of open data legislation that we have. but as our civil grand jury in june pointed out, our i-t in
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san francisco is still in need of a culture shock. and this is where all of us come in today. we have 200 data sets that have already been put out there, but by and large the data sets put out by city government are data sets that i think show us in a very positive way. from my perspective, it's important for us to keep on pushing data sets that allow us to deal with the sometimes imperfections in city government. to figure it out, where it is we need to take risks, we are we can be more entrepreneurial, where we can be more transparent and frank little more accountable to all of you as the residents and as our customers here in city government. and this is why i am proud tomorrow to help move forward legislation that my staff has been working closely with jay nath and mayor leon that will real i do three things. first of all, it will create a chief data officer because we need one person who is responsible and accountable for moving forward our open data agenda. secondly, we're going to require every department in the
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city to have a representative who is responsible for data so you can go to our transit agency, our police department, any of our 50 plus departments and know who can help you get the data that we need. thirdly, we need to make sure that we have common standards so that as this data is presented, all of us can know how to use it, how to play with it and move things forward. now, i want to take this moment to issue a challenge to the smartest and the brightest in san francisco here in this room. there are three ideas that have been working on for the last year that i would love to see potentially in hack-a-thon to help move our city forward. the first has to do with a favorite topic of san franciscans. how many of you have had your car towed in san francisco? how many of you have not been as happy as you wanted to be about that experience? so, last year i had hundreds of residents who were unhappy about the fact that there were
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special events that san francisco will often do. whether it be the america's cup, sunday games, giants streets they will wake up for the car that is typically legally parked on this their street and find out they can't get it back but for a $500 fibromyalgiav. i protionx posed to the public if your community can help us figure out an app so if i provided my cell phone to city government, we can let you know if the street cleaning is going to happen tomorrow. we propose this had last year. mayor lee was supportive. we're still waiting for it to happen, idea number one. idea number two, my constituents ask me can you tell us where every single dollar in city government goes? whether it goes to an individual, nonprofit, someone providing goods and services in our city? last year i proposed an open budget application so that we could drill down and know where every single penny of city government is being spent. i want to thank our budget
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director who is here, our city controller. we are working on this, but we are still months away from getting the data that we need to provide this information to you. my third idea, i want to thank our rec and park department. you're going to be hearing a little bit from the director of that department, phil ginsberg about the new application they have helped us with. i'm very proud of what rec and park is doing. this is something i've been discussing with mr. ginsberg for some months now. but in addition to the information that you can now get about where our parks are, i think we need to take this one step further. we need to allow folks to do the online transactions that allow people to make reservations at the barbecue pit or at that picnic table. these are three of hundreds of ideas that i have heard over the last few years. my guess is you in your heads have the solutions to them today. and mayor lee and i are looking forward with this legislation with all of you to figuring out how to make our city government the best 21st century city
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government that we have in the entire world. so, thank you for being here, and it is my pleasure to introduce our mayor's budget director kate howard who in addition to helping to balance multi-billion dollar budgets every year, she will tell you about our plans around our chief data officer. thank you so much for being here. (applause) >> good morning, everyone. i'm kate howard. i'm the mayor's budget director. i'm here to just to talk briefly about the really exciting opportunity that i think is going to be coming up in the city, which is announcement of our new chief data officer. some people may think that the budget office is mostly being countered, but really our office is focused on how do we make government more efficient, how do we make it more effective, and how do we use information to make better decisions. and i think that's why the mayor has asked that the chief data officer sit in my office. so that they have access to
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financial information as well as a team of people who are already inclined to work on analytical problems. so, as the mayor and board president chiu indicated we'll be hiring a chief data officer looking for the best and brightest people. so, if you know of people or if you yourself are interested, i'd love to talk to you, so, find me after. the role of this person is to figure out how do we build on what we've already done in terms of open data, how do we make government more transparent, what kinds of standards are needed to make sure that data is accessible both within the city, between agencies and also to the private sector and the public. and i think that this person, this data officer really will help us do what many of you in the private sector are already doing well, which is using that information to make better decisions. and that's really what our office is all about. it's really why we need this person to help us understand what data is out there and how do we utilize that in
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conjunction with the other information that we already have. you can send a tweet. so, we're finalizing the job announcement now. if you're interested, or you know someone who is interested, you can send a tweet to sfmoci and we'll be posting the job announcement there. so, thank you very much. it's my pleasure to introduce the general manager of our rec and park department who has done some great partnerships around open data, phil ginsberg. (applause) >> can you all hear me? i'll talk into the mic. i'm the general manager of your recreation and park department and i really couldn't be happier. the recreation and park department is a city agency that historically has suffered from maybe the worst website and some of the worst technology in government. and over the last few years we have worked really hard to improve that park user's experience through the use of technology. and i want to start out before
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we talk a little about the app saying a if you thank yous. i really want to thank mayor lee to his incredible commitment to technology and frankly the recreation and park department. i want to thank supervisor chiu who has been a leader both in the parks world and in the technology world. sf city has really been a driving force behind helping government think about new ways, new and improved ways maybe for some of you they're old ways now. but new and improved ways for government to reach users of our programs and services. and i want to say the last special thank you to the folks from apple-liscious. this thing is awesome. this past year, the trust for public land which is a national parks organization determined that san francisco, which has 4,000 acres of open space and over 220 parks, over 15% of the city's land is open space. the trust for public land said we have the best urban park system in america. and the challenge for us is
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making sure that all of our park users understand all of the wonderful things in our park system and know how to use our parks to tailor to their own specific experience. as diverse as this city is, there are hundreds if not thousands of different ways that people like to use and enjoy our parks. and in this app there is information about our parks, about our play grounds, about our ball fields, about our trails, about our community gardens, about the 300 pieces of public art in our jurisdiction. you can reserve a picnic bench. there's a running feed of news and events. you can volunteer in our park system by using this app. you can donate to the recreation and park department a very worthy causey might add using this app. and you can find all kinds of incredible information. so, we are just so thrilled and i wanted to give just such a big thank you to apple-liscious. we've been trying to figure out how to make it out in a world
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of declining resources and really they knocked on our door and they said, we want to help. we like to say around here that in the 21st century government can't do it alone any more. we need partners and, boy, did we find a great one. this platform is really going to help fulfill the incredible potential of our park users. 96% of san franciscans live within 10 minutes walk of a park which is an amazing, amazing, amazing stat. and now we have a tool to make it easier and more enjoyable for people to get what they need out of our parks. so, again, i'm very grateful. i want to give a big shout out to sean who is here from my staff who spent hours and hours and hours working with yo yashida. (applause) >> at the end of the day this is about content. and sean really partnered with apple-liscious who came up with
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a good idea and we believe it is one of the most powerful mobile applications certainly in the parks world and maybe in government. and right now it's primarily focused on information with a little bit of reservations but it's going to be able to do so much more over time as we continue to evolve as a department. so, love your parks. download one of these things. and let me introduce yo yashid, a. let me say to all of you out here keep doing what you're doing * . because with your help you are really making government better. so, i wanted to say thank you to the hatchery and everybody in this room. yo? (applause) >> thank you, thank you, mayor ed lee. thank you, phil ginsberg and the hatchery for hosting us. i use open data. our company was founded three years ago using open data. we are one of the first sustainable companies to use open data and be sustainable innovation, meaning we can generate revenue and keep mobile applications for
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government going. we are really excited to be here today. this is our official launch of apple-liscious. i would like to thank our team, kevin, rick robbins, moment of all [speaker not understood] for my cto and co-founder. this was a very long, long journey with the city, but we had the help of leaders like phil, mayor lee, jay driving behind the scenes, the efforts for business to work with government. and i think we've accomplished that with this unique partnership moving forward. we're excited now there's cross-department collaboration with the san francisco arts, with the san francisco public art which has now been thanks to sean working late last night, putting the public arts into golden gate park. this is providing access. it's providing efficiency, and it's providing new revenue streams and opportunities for the city of san francisco and
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other departments. we are really excited to be here and i thank you all again for this opportunity to be able to innovate, to be able to work with the city of san francisco, and have this incredible opportunity to be here at the hatchery launching our application and our company. thank you very much. (applause) >> thank you, yo. so, san francisco has been a leader in open data for the past three years nationally. in 2009 we launched our open data initiative, one of the first cities to do so. in 2010 we partnered with the white house to launch open 311 api, the first ever read write api for cities. we now have over 40 cities that have joined us. in 2011 we partnered with gray area foundation on a series of hack-a-thons, 10,000 attendees, and created nearly 30 applications all being powered by open data.
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now in 2012 we have our legislation that you heard about. as you heard, we announced the chief data officer. we have a network of open data coordinators within each agency. and these coordinators, their primary responsibility is to provide insight, is to provide transparency into the data sets that they manage. and that's really important. we want to make sure that you guys have a clear understanding in our community about the data that we manage so you can tell us where we should be going next in terms of opening up our data sets. we also are doing some structural changes so that open data is really the default position for our city. we're making sure that data belongs to our city, not the vendor. and second, we're making sure that any software that we buy or build hatx a public api or some equivalent. we don't want to be held hostage by a vendor or by technology. this data belongs to our constituents. we are simply stewards of it. in closing, i want to thank the hatchery, i want to thank our city leadership, mayor, as well as president chiu and
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partnering with us on this legislation. and i want to thank all of you in our community who have really done amazing things with this data. it's just a celebration of the good work that you're doing that we're here. open data would not exist without our community. so, with that, i'm going to actually hand it off to 100 plus to do a really quick demo and then we're going to do a little q & a and we'll have them come up next. >> 100 plus, we're based here in san francisco. we are interested in small healthy behaviors, ways to be healthy that don't involve going to the gym. we created a system where we recommend hops or help opportunities. these are little activities and places that are seed by users and served to other users based on location. and we used open data to seed our entire system.
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so, we input over a thousand things from open data including parks and fountains and civic art and to focus on trying to get people to walk more in their daily life. so, we have things like parks and there are 695 pieces of civic art in the city. what he we do, then, is take these -- we serve up based on your current location. if you're interested in doing that, we share who created the activity so we give people credit for inspiring others. we show you information about the activity that it's free, it's food for kids, where it is, and then photos of other people who have completed this activity. and if you're interested in doing it, we route it for you and as you're doing that we collect data from the gps showing how much work you put in. so, steps in intensity, elevation distance travel. our goal is to make health not feel like work. show an impact doing small things like taking the stairs instead of escalator, walking somewhere to get a healthy lunch. we created an overall health
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score based on life expectancy. for that we're using a lot of data from the u.s. government, cdc, another company called practice fusion and electronic medical record vendor. and again, what we try to do is make health fun and make the experience of health about exploring this great city that we're in and then showing the long-term health benefits of doing so. right now we're looking for beta users in the city and we'll launch in about a month or two. thank you very much. we're really happy to be here. (applause) >> cool, we're going to do a short panel talking about the state of open data and sort of what specifically some of these companies are doing which you've gotten a brief peek on. again, you're probably familiar with, already know who a lot of these people are. really quick go down and have everyone introduce them self. >> hello,ishv. my name is ian kalen, hottved by the department of energy and i support thuous us chief technology officer todd park who is not the cto, but assistant to the president.
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>> and i'm peter hirschberg, run publicly a dozen hack-a-thon, [speaker not understood], build apps and explore what's possible. >> i'm chris, the co-founder and ceo of 100-plus and we use data from many different sources to try to help people be more healthy in their daily life. >> hi. [speaker not understood]. we're a mapping and location-based analytics platform. and we are working with open data and trying to see how we can turn data into information, data into knowledge, and the kind of decision products. >> hi, i'm john, ceo of motion loft. we're trying to understand how people move around cities and provide that data to the public to build new tools for public safety. >> hi, i'm [speaker not understood] with code for
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america. we're a peace core for geeks. we're trying to bring talent from the private second for and government to innovate. we work with dozens of citieses across the country and next year we should be working with san francisco which is up, great. >> i'm filling in for a second. [speaker not understood]. >> hi, i'm yo yashida for appaliscious. >> we'll try to get a conversation going to talk about typically what you're doing. i'd be interested in hearing each one of you talk a little more about what you think -- it certainly is a term we're hearing a lot today and in the past. we'd love to hear what you think open data is now, sort of how far along are we in terms of actually getting governments to release that data and actually getting companies to do interesting things with it. >> this is kind of awkward
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sitting on his shoulder. you know, we've been doing this in america for awhile. i would say this is a nice turning point. before there were people on the outside banging on the door, open data, give me your data. now you're seeing governments take the turn themselves and set up a culture and the institutions like chief data officers where they're actually proactively doing it themselves. this will actually be the third chief data officer in the country. chicago has one, philadelphia has one. so, [speaker not understood]. i have mixed feelings about it. no. i just think that it's great to see governments themselves start to do this and that means there is going to be a vibrant ecosystem. >> just to add to that, [speaker not understood]. in fact, we actually learned a lot of lessons from what finphily and chicago have done. >> we're looking at what
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departments are working with. they're improving their data. open data legislation has been out there. we've bon working with them because we realize they need to have clean data sets to have good information for the public. so, it's been kind of a synergy between the private sector and the public sector where the departments themselves have been motivated in assigning tasks to their department to make sure that those data sets are clean which then benefits both public and the private sector. >> so, i'm pretty excited about living in a city that is kind of the forefront of public data. i can't really think of another city that has spurred so much innovation as well as san francisco. [speaker not understood]. >> we're also really excited about this. everybody is going to say that, but as a private company who builds tools and allow you to do things with data, this is one of the most important things that's happening for our customers, this movement of
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open data. i get asked every day by our customers, i'd like to do this, but where is the data, how do i get the data? they have the idea, but they don't have the resources to necessarily make that idea -- bring that idea to fruition. and, so, this is going to mean huge things for innovation as the mayor said, and huge things for our customers. we work with a lot of civic start-ups who are trying to do better things for their community and by combining private data that you see in here with companies, with the public data through the portal, we can actually start to make businesses around the data. >> i think we're at the very, very beginning of this. one of the best parts of the job is i get to hang out with other people who are really trying to do very innovative things and be very creative. i talk about some of the data sets we use. most people still don't know they exist despite great efforts from the city and others. and, you know, a lot of entrepreneurs that we're
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looking for is the way to get leverage, a way to build an experience or build a product before we have 100,000 users using it. open data is the key way to do that. you can start out with this experience, very lively and robust with very few users. and then when the first users come in, there is actually something for them to do and see. and i think that you'll start to see as the data sets get more robust and a little bit better and hopefully as we get to improve them ourselves and put them back into the public domain, the innovation that comes off with them is just going to grow exponentially. >> this seems like a really important moment. the world of civic innovation until now has really been focused on sort of open public data and the private data world has been separate. the fact that the city realizes that it is private data that adds to that and provides so much more richness because it is information as motion loft tells us where people are dwelling in the city or in the park applications how people are using it. when you add all that together, that leads to new forms of
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innovation. this summer there was a project in singapore, urban prototyping singapore where we worked with local interests to open up over 30 private data sets and we had to engineer, what kind of contract would you have? how would you handle privacy? how would you let people use it for only that purpose? that form of innovation as it spreads here and elsewhere i think leads to a whole lot of new possibilities and applications. and this great cross trading between the private second for and public sector is just now taking off. in many ways san francisco has a special responsibility here. lots of cities are investing in opening data. that's a lot of supply. you need the demand side to prove to the city it's worthwhile and to prove to the public you can build an ecosystem there. we can do things with that whether bottom up activities, gray area or private companies. so, it's a moment of real burst of innovation and the landscape changes as the public
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and private sides come together. >> i very much agree with everything that was said. i'll add that in addition to the public sector, at the city level for open data disclosures and the private sector i can also speak to how important this is at the federal government level as well as we continue to work with cities across america to get more open data sets released, to the question about the history and we really look to recent examples to see the dura power of open data sets. my favorite examples are weather when weather data was released, weather and many others, and gps global positioning system. we know the history there was the military infrastructure that liberated public consumption and use, but the things we expected such as navigation, but also things that people didn't necessarily anticipate in the beginning such as precision crop farming which lowers the cost of food in the supermarket ultimately. so, the question is now what is the next gps, what else can be done? how can the federal government work with cities, with platforms like,.gov and other systems like that. how can we liberate some of
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this data while also protecting privacy and confidentiality which is hugely important and something that we're seeking to celebrate and support in a way our customers which i'm sitting alongside here, for the entrepreneurs and the organizations that are using consuming this data to turn them into real value. that is something that is very significant priority for the administration and that's why the president launched an open data initiative to support. >> let me dig a little more on the federal side. can you talk a little more about the work that you specifically are doing and sort of, you know, how the department of energy when it became interested in open data, what is available right now? >> there is so much available for start-ups right now. it's hard to choose a few favorites. wow, i can tell you what some of the best ones that people have told me are the most popular so that will be like many other things in the start-up world, it's not the government that is going to come up with the answer. it's partners working together to find the solution. so, one data set that comes to
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mind, i want to do a show of hands. i get this question a lot in terms of how much of the work is getting out there. how many of you have ever heard of the green button, a green button? most of the panelists and audience members. it's a good thing we're here. it is a initiative launched by the white house but industry led. you should be able to get your own energy data in a machine readable format you can then give to companies, organizations like the ones being celebrated here today to provide real value to you such as saving money, improving energy efficiency, and protecting the environment. so, the green button here we are in san francisco, i can say with some public comfort that pg&e is a signatory to the green button, download my data. and basically you go to the utility website. you can download your own green button data which by itself is, well, i'm an energy guy, an energy geek. i consider with confidence. it is not interesting, necessarily, but when you take your green button data and you give it to some companies, they have amazing things they can do with that
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