tv [untitled] January 10, 2013 3:00pm-3:30pm PST
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the 100% housing affordable housing for families making less than $50,000. that is the reality of my family and that is the reality of many families in the mission. and i want them to continue in the city and continue to be in the district where they feel comfortable and where they feel safe. so, i urge you to please take in consideration the needs of our communities and to really benefit. the communities are there and really need the support of affordable housing in our district. thank you so much. >> thank you. good afternoon, commissioners. my name is wendy phillips. i'm the executive director of dolores street community services. and as you might know, our organization has been in the neighborhood for 30 years providing services to the homeless community and also affordable housing. you've heard a lot of community support today. our perspective as an
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organization who does this kind of work may be a little bit different, again, because of some of the impacts it has on the communities that we work with. we were involved in the process with the developer [speaker not understood] inclusionary requirement through the land dedication. and, so, we continue to support that option allowing lower income residents to be able to stay in the neighborhood. and also we look forward to continuing to work with the mayor's office of housing to clarify guidelines and procedures to make land dedication viable for future developments, to counter gentrification and also ensure that our community receives its fair share of affordable housing that's equivalent to other inclusionary requirements. i also just wanted to say briefly, we do operate two affordable housing sites in the neighborhood. and we also encountered some opposition from our most recent development on woodward street. initially the neighbors were very concerned with us moving in and since then we've actually completely turned around and have been thanking
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us for the stabilization that we have brought to that block. and, so, we know that affordable housing can actually be very nice buildings, very nice communities that actually contribute to the neighborhood and not been a detriment. briefly, i just want to speak to the community benefits agreement as well and, again, not repeat, but support my colleagues' statements around the community benefits being related to mitigating the impacts. in the original agreement that's been circulated, you may note that there are no organizations that work on land use, that have worked on antidisplacement or affordable housing that are included there. and, so, we feel that, you know, not necessarily which organization should be included, but just that whatever community benefits are approved, that they should be directly related to the impacts of the project.
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so, an example that has been brought up is a commercial stabilization fund, but i think just a broader stabilization fund that might prevent displacement of residents as well. and lastly, i guess i'll just say given the impact of -- that this development and many recent developments have had in our community in terms of driving up prices, we will be strongly advocating for 100% affordable housing on publicly owned land and we'll probably see some of those projects coming forward in the next couple years. so, thank you for your attention. >> thank you. hello, good afternoon. my name is teresa [speaker not understood] and i'm a youth program coordinator at [speaker not understood]. and i just want to really ask the commission to think about how stressed out -- how stressed out families are in the mission because working with youth, working with families, the number one thing on their mind is am i going to
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get kicked out of my house, am i going to have to pay a thousand dollars to $3,500 in a neighborhood that is the only place i've ever lived. and i think that those are the type of situations that our members are in and we really want to focus on how -- our neighborhood has been brutalized by displacement, mostly driven by profit-driven planning. so, how is that mitigating? how are we making developers responsible for that? and i think this is a step in the right direction, but we really need to be a strong city that stands by the families that have built not only this neighborhood, but this city. as a person that was born in this city, my dad was a laborer here for over 40 years, i have a right to be a part of a neighborhood ha has been a part of me my whole life. and, so, we really want to support the 46 units of 100 affordable housing for families
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making under 50,000 because it's the right thing to do, because developers owe that to our community. thank you. >> thank you. i'll call a couple more names. rita vinson, williams mcpen, and phil lesser. good afternoon to the commission. my name is rita vinson and i am here on behalf of the mission hiring hall. impart of the program to call the construction admin training program and we just recently graduated and i'd like for my fellow classmates to please stand. we are the recent graduates of
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the training program for administrative -- for construction. and we are in support of this project because it will bring a lot of jobs to the community, which we trained hard to work in this field. we have accountants. we have project manager possibilitieses. we have future engineers that would really benefit from this project that will probably go on for more projects. * so, we would just like to say that we would like for you to go ahead and support this project that will allow people like myself and people that i graduated with employment opportunity for the san francisco and for the mission district. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. thank you, commission, for having me.
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my name is shanel william. i'm here with the mission hiring hall pre-apprentice program. i'm a laborer. i'll be one of the ones working on the project making sure that it runs as best as it can be. these are my classmates. they will also be helping me. and i thank you guys for making this project go well. thank you. >> thank you. good afternoon, commissioners. my name is [speaker not understood], the construction program manager at mission hiring hall. and we are supporting this project partly with the community benefit package that the developer has put together to implement john avalos' local hire ordinance and create construction opportunities for these young men and young women in our training programs. also as ms. vinson mentioned, opportunities in the construction administration field on this project. and i think also what's really
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exciting is that the developer has committed to a 50% hiring goal on the post build out jobs. so, it really will, you know, strengthen the mission community, providing targeted outreach for impacted families, to provide, you know, sustainable living wage jobs and also providing opportunities for young men and women to begin their careers in the construction field and in a lot of ways we see this benefit package being a win/win. so, we do support this and thank you. >> thank you. commissioners, good afternoon. philip lesser, mission miracle mile business improvement district. mr. ionin, if i may have the overhead, please.
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those of us who are vintage 1950s, this is what the street looked like back then. that's not a bread line. those are people waiting to buy tickets at the then new mission theater. and next door we had hale's department store. [speaker not understood] army street, now cesar chavez, division street. that's the 12 ocean avenue down there. we also had quite a few cars back then just like we have today. so, that's something that's not new. what's happened in the interim, however, is we've seen decline in the area. 10 years ago it looked like that. that's the frontage. and the property owners on that block at that time formed the business improvement district,
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ask that business improvement district just cleaned up that street. the whole purpose of that was to invite investment. and we could not be happier than to have these two organizations come and invest, and i'll pull a number out of my hair, $60 million. if i'm off i'm not going to be off very much by what we're talking about here. if that's happening, we're going to get 160 more units of housing in the mission, 114 on this street that we spent a lot of time talking about in the eastern neighborhoods process, should be vertical, intensification of use. and you get more than twice the minimum amount of affordable housing. if this were inclusionary, wouldn't even be 20 affordable housing units. everything about this is positive. what i would like to chat about is parking. this is a unique parcel in that it backs onto bartlett street, a part of bartlett street that
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is one way, that comes to a t on 21st. there is very little foot traffic on this part of bartlett street and fantastic egress. as you can see we've always had a crush of automobiles on this street even with the two bart stations. even though we have the muni lines. please provide them with the .75 parking. there aren't very many places that we can find parking in the mission district. this is an ideal place for it. so, thank you for that consideration. >> thank you. calling two more speakers. sam ruez, azaria anya. hi, i'm with the mission language and vocational school.
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when azaria and i stepped in, i thought she was [speaker not understood], apparently she is not. there she is. you want to come up? good afternoon, commissioners, commissioner antonini, so nice to be here before you this afternoon. first of all, i want to thank you for your work. i am a former commissioner for the school board and also redevelopment. so, i know what you go through in every one of these meeting. but this afternoon i am here to ask you for your support of the new mission theater that is going to be an excellent addition, an important addition to the mission district, our community. i know you have heard plenty about this project and you will continue to hear more. but what i wanted to let you know is that this project is going to make a tremendous difference in terms of jobs, in
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terms of income that comes to the mission. and i would like to respectfully ask you for your support. thank you very much for all the work you do and wish you the best this year. thanks. >> thank you. good afternoon, commission president, members of the commission. my name is sam ruez and i am the executive director for mission neighborhood [speaker not understood], nonprofit in the mission community with over 52 years, providing services to low-income families in the greater mission community. i'm here this afternoon to encourage your support for this particular project and support for all aspects of the project, including the affordable housing units that are proposed to be built on cesar chavez and shotwell, which is, by the way, an a -- aspect of the project
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that is somewhat being driven by the mayor's office of housing. and i believe with that level of support, this project should move forward and that it merits for you to vote in favor of the project this afternoon. versus deferring on the vote. i'm confident the developers as well as the consultants that work with this developer are in a position to reach out to the community and address the most recent concern, idea which i support, by the way, a community benefit that will address specific concerns and issues as have been expressed. in my over 30 years of work or career as an administrator in the mission community of a nonprofit organization, i have never encountered a developer with such a strong community consciousness. i believe that the way that he
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has approached this project engaging community is one that should be practiced more often. there is no doubt in my mind that if one of the conditions to include or add a community benefit plan that such will be forthcoming. i also support the recommendation of the -- of fair legal counsel, specifically in relationship to the number of parking stalls that will be extended or approved with this project. so, with that being said, i hope that you approve this project. thank you very much. >> thank you. are there any additional public comment or speakers on this item? euronext. -- you're next. give you my card. i'm ray sloan. i've been a 25-year resident of
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the area and we've certainly seen a lot of changes taking place. i see this development as very positive. i also want to support the community benefit asset rather than think that it is going to be a very fine addition to the community and all that. so, ask for your approval. >> thank you. sir. hello, commissioners. my name is nelson alvarado. i came here 199, october 16th. i was 9 years old, i came from my country, el salvador. the next day was the earthquake. [laughter] and i totally wanted to go back. i remember my mom cheering me up. one of the first places she took me was to go see robo cop at the theater and that made me want to stay ever since. [laughter] so, can you guys please
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consider? that's it. thank you. >> thank you very much. any additional public comment on this item? okay. seeing none, the public comment portion is closed and we'll open up to commissioners. commissioner antonini. >> thank you. i had the benefit of seeing the new mission theater yesterday and seeing firsthand what is being planned and what a wonderful project this is for a lot of reasons. but speaking specifically to the theater part of it, we're not only bringing back the new mission theater, but we're saving the architectural beauty of the theater but making it a more practical use. it will probably be largely cabaret so, there will be the ability, which we have in a theater in san francisco now where people can go there, they can dine during -- watching a movie. i think this is becoming more popular. but i was told by the project
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sponsor and mr. marquez, and i believe this is the case, this is carefully crafted and we have to move forward today. this is the first venture for alamo films out in the bay area. and mr. reid is here, i believe he's still here. but he had told me that they are the opposite of the megaplex. they are community based within walkable areas and it's a perfect solution for san francisco. so, enough about the theater part of it, but there were two or three things that came up. one thing that makes me think this is such a great project is that this there was so much done, even groups that might be in opposition to this project, are in favor of it because of what's being done with the off-site housing and the land
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dedication part of t. so there are many carefully crafted parts to this. but i think one of the most important aspects of this is to make sure we have the adequate amount of off-street parking because the financing of the theater, the financing of the off-site, all of that has to come out of the condominium sales pretty much largely. it's not possible to sell these condominiums and fewer buyerses are around because they don't have a parking place, then i think the whole project could fall apart and there's a lot of benefits. mr. marquez, perhaps you could comment for a moment on the necessity of the kind of parking we need to have. and also i understand that there is a possibility to include some more bike parking to be able to allow for an increased amount of bikes to be parked in the project. thank you, commissioner.
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on the point of bike parking, i also want to, even though we're not required to do any at the theater, we are studying very carefully to have bicycle parking in the lobby. and right now our architect is here and we've done some initial analysis that appears it is going to yield about 25 valet parking spots inside the theater lobby. this has been done in austin. the ceo tim league is a cyclist and he loves the idea of providing more bicycle parking. so, we're thrilled about that. also in the existing space, aside from the parking spaces that we're asking, the .75, there is room for us to add at least another 20, potentially a few more spots and the project architect could address that. but we're committed right now. we have 41 bicycle spaces.
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we could do at least another third bicycle spaces in the garage so long as they were not class 1 which requires a lot more space. but we could definitely do that. in terms of the parking, part of what happens when you take the affordable housing out -- off-site, that requires additional absorption and it makes it more difficult to sell the units without the parking space, whereas the affordable housing units usually don't require as much parking. so, that is a consideration. and while the benefits are not tied directly to the parking, it is the tally of the financing, something that is very important to provide more benefits to the community. i do want to emphasize there's been a lot of comments about -- from the public.
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this is an idea that we the developer through legal counsel and community counsel and collaboration with speaking with a number of organizations agreed that there's more need to provide community funds for local nonprofit organizations on the one hand, and that is something that we don't know of any other [inaudible] and we're seeding that project. to do that. also, which i think is also crucially important is the commercial stabilization fund that we're seeding with $200,000. and then again, to emphasize the point that we're committed to growing those funds. and i do think this is a model that while we can't resolve all of the issues in the community, we're setting the bar in such a way that future developers could also feed into this fund so that the community and organizations like dolores street who are experts, meza and others could work
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collectively to make a better community for all. >> thank you, mr. marquez. i appreciate it. and, you know, we need to pass some conditional use provisions here. and certainly the requirements are necessary and desirable. and if ever a project were necessary and desirable, this one is. but we do have to pass a conditional use to allow the increased parking and a few other things that, you know, are fairly modest. but i mean, this is very important to make the thing work. and the only other comment i had was, you know, on the design of the condaleeza. and i have worked a little with the architect and i thought that maybe the glazing could be cut down a little bit. but these are things that we can work on, staff can continue to work on design to perhaps make it even more appealing. and i'm very supportive, i am prepared to move support for project as presented by the
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sponsor with the .75 parking. and the other things. but we have other comments by commissioners so i think i'd like to wait until we're done with some more comments here. thank you. >> thank you. commissioner sugaya. >> yes, as with commissioner antonini, i'll start with the new mission theater. i don't know how many of you years and years and years ago remember that the new mission theater was proposed for demolition. and i think you should -- i hope everybody is supporting the new mission theater at this point. and i think we need a little -- i won't ask for a round of applause, but some recognition for those bad historic preservationists that are always trying to stop development from having saved the theater from destruction by city college. and that's why you have a venue now that everyone seems to be in support of.
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i know it very well because my firm did a lot of pro bono work to show city college that it could reuse the theater in its configuration by using the auditorium for an auditorium, by reconfiguring as the architect has done here the upper portions that are now being theater, but could be classroom spaces and lecture spaces and whatnot. in any case, congratulations to the theater folks and look forward to going to some performances there. on the housing project, i think we need a little clarification. a lot of people have spoken about the necessity and the desirability of the community benefits package. i think it should be mentioned that the planning commission and the department has no authority to force the developer to actually implement that package. that's strictly a private
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affair between the developer and the community organizations and community groups. i assume that have been negotiating this and we'll continue to participate in it. but you can't -- i just want to make clear that the commission can't add a condition to our approval to require the developer to do that. so, it will continue to be a case where the community groups will have to be diligent and cooperative and work with the developer and the same with the developer. i'm sure, you know, they're not going to renege on this, but i just wanted to make planning commission and the city's position clear on that. they will be, however, paying into the eastern neighborhoods impact fees. and those, i don't think necessarily can be targeted directly to the area around the development because it's a different kind of process. people have questions, they can
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ask staff about how the eastern neighborhoods impact fee system works. but just wanted to get that out on the table. the other thing, with respect to the affordable housing, the projection is under the land dedication option that moh figured there could be approximately 46 units built there. but those 46 units i believe are dependent on moh being able to come up with the funds separately from this process in order to build those units. so, people who -- i hope that's another clarification. the developer is making the land dedication that will come to the city. i'm not sure the legal way that happens, but then the city will have land on which to build the actual unit. moh doesn't -- they may have funding which i don't know about, but they then have to find a developer, nonprofit
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developer, housing developer who specializes, i assume, in low and moderate income housing. they have to go through the process of funding that and, you know, doing all the negotiations. so, it will take some time. i don't know from moh, do you have some projected -- do you have any projection as to how the actual development might come to fruition? >> traceyy [speaker not understood] -- [multiple voices] >> after the land is conveyed to the city we would issue a request for proposal for the development. as commissioner sugaya mentioned, we would select a developer and the developer would go through the development process, filling out the architectural plans, permitting, putting the financing together with our help. >> okay, thank you. that's all i have. i'm going to make a motion, though, and make a motion to approve the projects with conditions as proposed by staff. >> second.
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>> commissioner wu. >> i have a lot of thoughts about this project. so, i want to say that it's clear from the number of community members who turned out and the [speaker not understood] we got from the developer, a serious developer has taken on community outreach and i appreciate that. we've seen this developer really do their i think due diligence, above due diligence really showed to be a good neighbor. also i think this project raises a lot of policy questions for us that as we move forward and we think about things like community benefits, like displacement, that we can try and figure outweighs to really address it more precisely. and then there is the question of land dedication. so, i think even though the commission cannot force the developer to do a cba, i think this is only the public forum really to talk about it and i think that that's important.
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