tv [untitled] February 12, 2013 11:00am-11:30am PST
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>> item five is recommendation adoption of the fiscal year, 2013-2014 for the transportation fund for clean air. >> hello i am from the transportation authority. first for background on the transportation fund for clean air program. this program funds transportation projects that reduce emissions from motor vehicles. these funds are available generally through two means. first is the county fund and the regional fund. the regional fund receives a surcharge on vehicle registration fees on cars registered in san francisco and that is administered directly by the air district and the program manager fund receives the other part of the surcharge and is administered by the authority, so the purpose of this is propose the fiscal 2013-2014 year expenditure criteria for san francisco program manager
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program. our proposed fiscal 2013-2014 are essentially the same from previous years. the criteria is fairly straightforward and we have been successfully program every project applicant in recent years. before we consider any project for the fund each project must meet eligibility screening requirements established by the air district and those are project types, basic project type and cost effectiveness. cost effectiveness is measured by the air district and measures the cost of the emissions for each of the projects. if a project passes screening eligibility we use the local criteria that consists of five criteria of the first is project type and we rank those in descending order so the top ranking project is zero emissions non vehicle
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projects and bicycle improvements and transit improvements and traffic calming and other programs. then we have shuttle services that provide trips of transit. then we have alternative fews vehicles project and finally any other project eligible to the governing legislation. the next is emissions reduceed in cost effectiveness. here we give priorities to projects that gain this and that is measured by the amount of organic gases and night gendioxide and prioritize these types of projects. the next is project delivery. we give fund to these that are completed within two years. we look at
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program diversity which means we develop a program of diverse project types and serves multiple constituents and we have other considerations and we consider projects look to see if the project sponsor has fulfilled monitoring programs for any previous project and we look to make sure previous projects have been completed with scope and budget and the sponsor hasn't violated terms of that for those and we have $750,000 available for the projects in the fiscal year of 2013-2014 and due to these but a few of these and clean air taxis and in terms of the schedule we released it for the program on february 4. the applications are due on april 1 and we anticipate brings a program of projects for consideration to this committee at its may
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meeting. this timelines allow us to get these to the project sponsors on the due date. more information can be found on our website. and with that i can take questions on the program or this particular -- any bit of the local expenditure criteria. >> thanks for getting so much information so quickly, but it's good to see our 4-dollar per vehicle dmv money going to great projects and this is for six to 10 projects? >> typically it's the amount of money from the past years and the number of projects we're able to partially or fully fund. >> and the criteria is similar to last year criteria as well? >> almost identical. any other questions colleagues?
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commissioner yee. >> my question is pretty much a process question. the content was okay. in regards to the criteria and one of the things that was stated in the criteria that didn't pass yet is that projects, request for projects would be due on march 2 or something like that, which i didn't understand if we're passed it today how does one prepare for a request by march 2? >> thanks for the question. the way we set up the call for questions this particular year. we released two other project sponsors and the folks that do the funding opportunities and the social media and we had a draft call for projects which was last week with the note that the criteria would not -- we would anticipate approval at the board meeting and at that time we would let everybody know what the final criteria were.
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>> thank you. >> i am [inaudible]. i am acting executive director. to answer the question for the benefit of those watching. if you have a project idea now is the time to get in contact with a likely project sponsor such as the sfmta or if you have an idea and get in touch with the authority staff we can hook you up with a sponsor, and the reason the schedule is going in parallel with the criteria is once the board approves the project we can get the funds out to the sponsors as soon as we can. >> thank you and thank you. so seeing no other questions let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone that would like to speak on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. commissioner campos. >> thank you. thank you mr.
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chair, i appreciate the presentation, and i make a motion to move this forward, the recommendation. >> so it's moved and seconded. without objection colleagues. thank you. ms. ching please call the next item. >> >> item six is recommend allocation of $2,862,045 to prop k funds and conscience and this is an action item. >> thank yous. >> >> good morning again. this item begins on page 67 of the packet. we received three requests totals 2.8 million and you can review the applications received and pages 72 through 74 you can read brief project descriptions and notes on key issues that maybe of interest to you.requested
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this funds from prop k for the design and construction of the n-judah customer first and improvements to the light rail and around the corridor. you can view a project map on page 98. these share similar objectives to the project and aim service reliability and customer increase and decreased time and increased rider ship. this includes dedicated lanes and selling signs and branding and install identification transit only cameras. this is matching a federal grant of about 4 million from the metropolitan transportation transportation commission. their grant program places a
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heavy emphasis on project delivery of 24 months of grant award. we are recommending a multi- allocation to meet the project completion deadline. the sfmta has requested funds for the d of this project. this begins on page 96 and for future corridor work and signals and accessible pedestrian signals and other locations. you can view a map of the locations. the sfmta has has plans to review the conduit conditions at 10 additional locations along this street with pedestrian counsel down the signals but have deteriorated conduit. the
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sfmta is coordinating this project. the sfmta anticipates completion of this so the public works can include this with the paving work and result in costing efficiencies and minimum impact to the public. the construction of the conduit is anticipated to be done by prop k funds and finally the sfmta has requested about 2 million in prop k funds for contract 33, signal modifications projects and include signal improvements at 17 locations. the request starts on page 117 of the packet. this project will include as you can see on the slide before you the installation of traffic signals, pedestrian count down signals
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and accessible signals and left and right improvements and additional signal heads and finally a new traffic signal at moscone and masonic and you --. this prop k allocation supplemented from a target fund. the sfmta anticipates construction of all improvements will be completed in august 2014 and with that i can take any questions. i am aware of that sfmta managers are here as well. >> commissioner campos. >> thank you very much. i wanted to just ask a couple of questions. i think that these projects are very very important and i know that for a lot of neighborhoods, a lot of districts this is something that's going to improve the
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service. i was wondering if you could talk about the level of coordination between the two agencies, between the ta and the mta. one of the discussions we had in the past is making sure that we have as much coordination as we possibly can, and that there is as much efficiency as possible, and i am just wondering if you can talk about, and also if you can talk about whether or not you anticipate any cost overruns in any of these expenditures and completeod time? >> for all of the projects? >> yes. >> i know they have coordinated to some extent, obviously on the [inaudible] fund projects to insure funds are available at the time they are needed. in terms of cost overruns that is something that i suspect our
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colleagues at sfmta have to address but based on this the costs seem in alignment with costs we received previously so the expectation is that they should not occur. with that said i -- >> maybe we can hear from the interim executive director. >> of course. >> thank you. >> thank you. yes it's a big question there. i'm not used to seeing you here. so this is a good segue to an item later on the agenda and prepare for example the update of the prop k strategic plan and the five year prioritization program. that's the first place for us to coordinate with the mta and the other sponsors. without giving away too much of that presentation this body works with the sponsors to lay out the next five years of projects. in terms of delivering on time and on budget the most critical to watch is the n-judah customer first project. we helped
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partially fund a similar project on the [inaudible]. these are critical. it's really the first wave of implementation. these are not subject to the eir. they're accomplishing many of the same things and once it's approved it will make changes to that as well and that is what we will report back to you and on performance benefits as well. >> thank you. i am sure supervisors -- when it comes to that it's a big priority. thank you. >> commissioner breed. >> thank you. i just had a few questions. so this -- i notice that there weren't -- this increases efficiency. do you have percentage wise in terms of what the results of the increased efficiency is as a result of this project? >> i believe our understanding is that these specific improvements will result in one
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minute travel time improvement and the transit effectiveness project will contribute additional minutes on top of that. shawn kennedy is here from the sfmta. he is the project manager. if i could i would like to invite him up here so you're aware within the allocation request we have a deliverable to measure the before and after results after the improvements are implemented. >> sure. thank you. so yeah we're expecting a minute, a minute time savings or so with the customer first projects. they're really related towards enhancing the customer environment and making kind of our high quality frequent network more visible to the customer so we're seeing these as complementary trying to get off to the same objectives as
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tep but they're not those projects constructed, and yeah the minute time savings we have a number of other projects within it being cleared right now environmentally for time travel reduction. >> commissioner, could i jump in. shawn, can you qualify how the one minute savings -- i know there is a dollar savings and how much is that worth? >> yeah, we haven't quantified the operational cost savings yet. there are a lot of factors going into our operational costs model, so we're still working on quantified exact number for that, but it will be substantial. >> i just think this is a lot of money for a one minute time saving and i i'm just not clear as to what type of difference this would make especially because it doesn't include
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additional trains or improvements to the trains. >> the capital stuff is within the tep and that's why these projects are not in there. they're more for the customer experience and why it's customer first projects and colorize a lane helps enforcement and in that area and the only one that allows left turns and you're allowed to enter that and we see cars encroaching it and slowing down the trains and we hope that colorizing will cut down on the tactics by automobiles and improve the look and feel of the system and our high travel corridorred. >> how do you enjoy the look or feel if the train is over
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crowded or if you can't get on the train or there are empty trains out of service and constantly passing you by and you're late to work. i am trying to understand. i am going by what i am experiencing and what the complaints that i am getting from the people who ride the n judah in my district and the continual problems in the peak times in the morning. it's a real problem and when i think how we spent money in the city and what we should be focused on i think about additional trains so people can get to work on time. >> sure. two points and one obviously fleet is good but under funding -- funding constraints. we need to better manage the system and one reason you see crowded trains and aside from number of cars that you
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see crowded trains is that their reliability takes a hit so you get more bunched trains. you get off schedule and then you have a lot more people tried to crowd on one of the first trains and we hope with the first up and with the lanes and self enforcement can increase reliability and that is one way to enhance the customer experience. >> and you don't have like what this means in terms of dollar figure? >> no. we don't have that right now. >> okay. thank you. >> you bet. >> commissioner yee. >> thank you. this couple acronyms in here in the report because i am new i don't know what they mean, so one of them is pcs and the other is aps. can you plain that? >> absolutely. so these both
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refer in the signal projects and that is pedestrian crossing and aps is accessible crossing and have the hearing impaired sounds. please don't hesitant to ask questions. this section is full of acronyms. >> if i want more information on a particular modification in terms of this contract and section improvements. it says one of them number nine, full upgrade at aps install one curb ramp. for me to understand it better is -- i couldn't find anything in the report. is there something else to look at to get more details? >> we have harvey quan can hear it. he's from the signal section from sfmta and happy to meet you with after or even
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better [inaudible] >> good morning commissioners. through the chair, commissioner yee i think you're referring to intersection number nine which is circular monterey and one of the challenging ones in the city. the scope of the project there is basically remove all of the signal and for the people coming from monterey and we going to install a curb ramp at one of the corners where it's missing and install the signals for the hearing impaired. >> does this -- one of the issues on that corner or on that intersection is that there is a
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median on monterey boulevard, and it's about 18 inches -- maybe 12 inches wide, so if one doesn't make it across and you're standing on a median and the traffic coming off the freeway they're going like 50 miles per hour, doesn't seem like a safe condition. is this going to be addressed? >> that is something we did look at. the median on monterey is pretty wide and it narrows down as you approach the intersection so it's a challenging location to do. as part of the project we will extend the signals for the time for pedestrians to cross at monterey boulevard. the crossing is not at 90-degrees. it's skewed and i understand the challenges but our project will extend the signal there to give pedestrians time to cross. >> but there is nothing you can
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do with the median itself? >> that is something we did look at and we struggled to find a way to widen it. it's constrained location. we expanded one of the islandos the north side and made it larger so pedestrians have a better location to stand, but the median itself is challenging. it's a pretty narrow area i understand. >> well, i hope you folks will continue looking at that issue because it's -- i think what you need to do is stand there and you get a sense of what people have to deal with on that median. >> i would be happy to work with your office and explore further designos that. >> thank you. i know there are a couple more questions and i wanted to chime in that the staff really provide tremendous amounts of information that come to us, so i'm really appreciative of that. i really
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like the signal improvements, intersection improvements that impact my district, but also commissioner breed's as well. the residents off of ewing and masonic and the target there are appreciative of the improvements there and i would like to thank target for the leveraging of the money as well. i know the scheduling opening is in the fall for that store and i hope the improvements are timed for some of those occurrences and thank you to all of you for being here as well. ms. lam bardo. >> if i might and commissioner yee's meetings and this might be your second meeting but your questions are spot on. we will address this later on talking about the needs assessment as part of the county update but in with respect to the n judah
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area and we have to deal with significant crowding problems today and reliability issues with the transportation system but plans for significant growth in the future and it's a double whammy that not everyone has to deal with it. this is one of several projects we received funding from the metropolitan transportation commission. it's specific intended to grow ridership and reliability. i know the numbers seem strange but a minute savings is significant for this investment. we can come back to that later. commissioner breed. >> [inaudible] just so this for the grant received. it's specific to that. i am wondering why this and why not additional trains? and if this
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is to increase ridership if you have a crowded train, if people can't get onto these trains during commuter hours i mean what is the point? >> i completely understand. we really in san francisco need a multi-pronged approach. this particular program at sfmta is designed to do low level for these improvements and we're making it more reliable and user friendly. >> the question i have -- the last question i have is in regard to the cameras. is there going to be tickets associated with those cameras that are just mailed to people for violations? >> commissioner, yeah, we have an existing 30 buzzes that have toll cameras on them and we
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have issued since 2009 10,000 citations with the cameras. the idea is they can't ticket for moving violations. only if you're double parked in a transit only lane so it basically takes a picture of the car that is sitting there and gets the license plate and we mail that. >> okay. thank you. >> commissioner campos. >> thank you mr. chair. if i may add a couple of points to my colleagues. the way the process for funding these projects works under prop k is that the county transportation authority staff gets a request from the agency. in this case it's the muni, mta, and they make an assessment analysis whether or not their request is consistent with the goals and the objectives of prop k, and based on that analysis they make this recommendation. my suggestion would be to the
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mta given the questions that have been asked, which i think are on point. it's useful going forward for the mta to sit down with the individual supervisors. we're asking to spend money on a particular project in a certain district and you sit down with the supervisor before you come to plans and programs because as supervisor breed rightly points out there's a question of is this really the best way to use these funds? we know that legally programmatically it's good to do that but in need to a specific neighborhood is this the best way to invest it? i think those are the kinds of questions that that we want to see in plans and programs, and i think having that discussion with the supervisor in advance
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would be very useful. >> thank you. so colleagues let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to speak on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues, is there a motion? >> so with the understanding with the hope going forward we will hear, have more of the communication i move this item forward with a positive recommendation. >> can we do this without objection colleagues? thank you. let's 1130 now. let's keep this meeting moving. >> item seven is recommendation of the prop k strategic plan. this is a action item. >> good morning. this is a fitting item to follow this last item. this is an amendment
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