tv [untitled] February 26, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm PST
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of the teachers at every sight and this is relevant and important work and i am happy to have the opportunity to work with professional, librarians across the school district. thank you very much. >> and while we are taking pictures, i want to clarify that the special service award is presented to the library team, row khel, and michelle and ellen wu and it was presented by daisy santo s, i should have worn my glasses. >> thank you, mr. superintendent. item d we have our student delegate's report, miss ly and miss wong. >> we currently have ten students running for the delegates for the 2013/2014 from seven different schools and the orientation is tomorrow. our tenth annual fac youth
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summit is on april 5th at fort mason we have secured several workshops to date like the peace pac and the college prop and lbqt, issues. we will have student entertainment, like the drummers from the school of the arts and break dancers from galalao of high school. >> also on march first, 2013, sfusd students will participate in the free muni for youth program traveling to and from school is important and so the students will be taking part in ridership lessons, also the students who want to apply can do so before june 2014 and you go to to apply. >> thank you. >> all right. we are at item d. no we just finished d.
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>> we are at item e the parent advisory council report, i see that we have pac representatives in the audience, please approach. >> good evening, everyone, my name is angel quan and i have a son who is attending first grade. and tonight, i am going to report on pac, work, with george here. good evening commissioners, superintendent, my name is georgia williams bratt i am the parent advisory coordinator and i will be co-presenting with angel. >> we are going to talk about three items first, the after school or advisory council,
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second, the family engagement network, and the third, the new graduation pass off. the after school for our advisory council, the pac has a sit on the after school advisory council and also called asa council. this is a formal collaboration between the school districts, and the city of san francisco. and the afa council includes school district staff, the sf, department of tru dent youth and other city and county agencies who are supporting our school time programs, and the program providers, parent advocates and community funders. last week, one of our pac member brenda martin, who
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traveled to baltimore as a pac rep to the san francisco after school all advisory council with four other asa council members to attend a conference. this conference is about building local systems to improve after school programs. teams from more than 30 u.s. cities attended the conference. council members have this opportunity to share those prejudices and learn from each other and hear from innovative thinkers in the field, san francisco was one of the very first city teams to improve parent at the conference. the pac recognizes the value that these opportunities provided to bring the parents and statutes into the conversation at the conference. the pac was to acknowledge the
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giving foundations for the generous financial contributions making it possible for the pac members martin to attend a conference as well as the other asa team members. the engagement network, this past december, 2012, ruth reboski the coordinator of family and community partnerships, commenced the first monthly meeting of the school, district, family and engagement network. the pac of many participants among community organizations and district staff who come together to share experiences ideas and suggestions about how to support schools and the district as a whole to effectively engage parents and family of school district students. one of the main goals for
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advancing the family engagement network is to ensure that diverse statutes helps to shave the revision of the engagement and empowerment plan. the pac is encouraged to know that after many delays, since the district first (inaudible) the development of the plan in 2009, the process of updating and expanding the draft into a functional district-wide plan has (inaudible) again. under guidance of new leadership, the pac is hopeful that the plan will set a clear standards and strings and systems and structures for family engagement and be (inaudible) of the diverse family voices and be the statute and the representative in the district. i just want to touch base about the new graduation requirements of the task force that we have
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been participating in. in the pac remains concerned about the number of students who remain off track to graduate with the implementation of the new graduation requirements schedule to take place in 2014. the impact of these changes for these students, disproportionately la teen no and african american and how well they will live their lives. it is not about (inaudible) but finding the viable ways for them to succeed to not become statistics in the system. we realize that there are challenges in implementing the requirements for this, this has remained a priority for the pac this year. pac members and i have been participating in the new graduation requirement task force to align our efforts with community and district staff. for the task force we believe that we can make the most
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impact of bringing the parent voices about the discussion of the systems and structures to support student success in immediating the requirements and to help to identify ways to improve communication with students and families about these matters. this past, earlier this month, it was announced that the task force and the district is in the process of hiring a superintendent for extended learning that will include coordinating summer school, evening school and after school programs. the pac is glad to hear that there will be some leadership provided and oversight to credit in the process for the class of 2014 and beyond. as part of this process of efforts the pac hopes that part of the role and responsibilities of this new supervisor will be to use the off track data to establish concrete time lines and clear
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messages of interventions and measurage out comes to correspond to the students who are off track to extremely off track to help them get back on track and to monitor the data of interventions that are working in each of these categories. no. also to establish a process of current and future enrollment, both ken ralized and site based as well as to monitor the success rates and attendance records. we also hope that there will be some identification and standardization of stages of intervention for recovery within each course as each reporting period happens and not waiting until the end of the class when a child is failing. we recognize that developing systems and structures is a complicated process, the pac members support the district in comprehending a plan with the urgent situation with the students being off track and the longer term strategies to resolve the barriers to graduation that impacts so many
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students. we look forward to hearing about the process through the participation in the task force and the information to share with the students and families about these matters from the district. >> any questions? >> thank you. are there any questions? >> yes. miss ly. >> will be students be part of this task force graduation or students will be involved in the process of making this happen or will it only be parents? >> it is actually part of this network. >> commissioner wynns? >> thank you. thank you for so for the report which is always illuminating but i wanted to take the opportunity to bring up a couple of questions about the issue of students not being on track to meet the new graduation requirements. so i guess that i'm making a suggestion, but also asking a question of staff about whether or how individualized our responses are so what i want to know is as part of our plan or
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could we be working on a plan with each student who is not on track has a plan developed with support? you know, in my ideal, and i am not suggesting this, i am only revealing probably my, you know, how long it has been since i have dealt with this. but, you know, a counselor ought to be or someone should be making an individual plan with each student that is not on track. could you update us at some time on what the nature of that kind of work and if that is part of the discussion with the task force? not now, but i hope that in the future i will have information about that. >> okay, commissioner? >> yes, in response to commissioner wynns's question. the curriculum committee will be taking on the summer learning opportunities including credit recovery at the april one meeting 6:00 here in this room. so we invite the pac and other interested members of the
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community to come here, what the district's concrete plans are for summer learning and credit recovery. >> i appreciate that they will be there, but will there be actual students in the process of like in all of this? >> we are not actually in charge of that but we would encourage the same participation. >> thank you. >> okay, no other questions or comments? thank you very much for your report >> we will move on now to item f, public comment on consent items. i have a number of speakers signed up for item f 11, non-reelection without cause of probationary teachers. so what i propose to do is i am going to call the names of all the speakers who have signed up and i would like to give you 20 minutes total time on this item. so you may speak for as long or
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as little as you like, when the timer goes off at 20 we will call the end of public comment on this item. so please, listen for your name and camas degusman. >> duales. and i want to apologize in advance if i manningle the names. >> lukesen, baclay, ramerio, chavez, warez, battle, degusman, coleman, hidago and robos if you can approach the podium if i called your name?
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>> first speaker approach the podium and state your name and begin timing now and when the 20 minutes is up we will call the public comment over on this item. >> good evening to all of the stake holders of the san francisco unified school district, my name is degusman and i am not speaking as an executive board member of the united educators of san francisco i am not. i am not speaking as an elected san francisco labor delegates
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or as the enrichment community advisory committee. i am speaking as an active member and advocate for the philippine community. and as a teacher of laho and she is one of the 33 teachers who are recommended to be not reelected for next year, and so is why the philippine community is here in such a short time that we organized the community. could you please stand up please? >> thank you. we have signs that says flawed practice and recent, stop the injustice, injustice for all, teachers why do we have this? thank you very much, you may sit down. and i have known her for over ten years, we have organized
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the philippine-american community around the reopening of the education center, strengthening the bilingual program, extending the k,-5 program to 8th grade. she was the co-founder and the former director of the philippine education system and the after school program. so her vision, her mission, objectives, practices, and instrumentation, they are all alive. that is betsy carmichael and we are taking care of the students but not only that, she is also across the san francisco city in the south east of san francisco, she was with the king for like 14 years as a professional and her first year as a probationary teacher there
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at the king. and i also would like to with her permission, pass to you the evaluation stellar evaluation of her teaching performance from that school. she is really an amazing teacher. with her permission, i want to share an excerpt from the summer evaluation, she has acquired great many strategies for engaging students in a quality that enfuses her classroom, is ten asty and a palpable belief that all students can achieve to high levels, okay? that is an amazing evaluation from her first year as a probationary teacher from her principal. strategis for engagement have
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included concrete incentive systems, a morning greeting that acknowledges students from multiple language backgrounds and regular connections to her students's parents, usually face-to-face, how many teachers do that >> she welcomes that and so that the home school link can ad resil ans to her students's learning habits. so not to reother electricity her is really a loss to not just the philippine community but i think to a very diverse, san francisco community. she is excellent with all students of color, the philippine teachers is only 5 percent of the san francisco unified, you know, employees. we need more philippine teachers, and we need more teachers of color and to put her on the chopping block with all of the great evaluations
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and a promising evaluation even from flinn is really shocking to us and that is why we are here. thank you very much. reskend her name and reelect her. good night. [ applause ] >> hi, there, my name is sandy coleman, i'm a parent of a child that graduated from flinn elementary school. my son michael was in mis coleman's class, so i am here to have her please reelected to be a teacher because she is a really excellent special education teacher. i think that a lot of things that people don't realize that when you have a child that has behavior issues it is hard to find a teacher that is a good fit and i moved my son in
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fourth grade to flinn elementary because his old school was not working out and he had a teacher that was abusive to the kids and i think that it is important that people realize that you have to find a teacher that is going to be nurturing, caring, pretty much like your child and keep your child in a safe space and we found that with miss coleman and i am just appalled as to why they would not want to have her come back to flinn because she was told that i did not make a connection with the students and i find that really untrue. because my child is a child who has trust issues and not to be able to connect the way that he did with her is hard for me to believe, because academically she was on point on the kids and i never had a problem with him having homework and she raised my sons test scores when he was moved there he was at the low basic, which was heart breaking for my husband and i to see that and for her to call me over the summer on her
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vacation to let me know that my son's scores were at proficient and advanced that speaks volumes because that is a true teacher. i just don't know what the school would do without her because those kids need someone who is nurturing and attentative and will keep the kids in a happy classroom, so i am asking you please not to let her go, because i really need a teacher that is focused and really is dedicated to her students. and i think that it would be a severe loss for that school to lose a teacher because i have had some good teachers and great teachers and very crapy teachers and for me, she is an excellent teacher. she may be young but she is really good with the kids. thank you. [ applause ] >> i'm a teacher at grant elementary and you will excuse me because i'm speaking for
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myself and this has been a really emotional time for me because the non-reelection is just a really, really unjust thing. i have not even been evaluated by the principal so he has no idea of my work. and just a piggy back off of what the previous parent was saying, working at special ed kids is very difficult and a kindergarten teacher and so i have two inclusion kids and i have been working really hard to support them and if i had known if my principal had informed me better what this meeting was about i would have brought them with me. they are going to write me letters of recommendation for this non-reelection goes through and have to apply at other places because we have been and we have gotten really close and i have supported them. so, i am working really hard to
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support those kids. and also, i'm a teacher of color like the person who spoke before me also. i'm philippine american and there is a small population of philippine teachers in the district and it does not make any sense because we are a growing community and we are actually out growing the chinese population in california and i think that it would be a shame to lose a roll model of color. and just to kind of sum up why i think that non-reelection is unjust is because principals are to teachers as i think, teachers are to students. so, non-reelection without cause which is what i got, is like expulsion without cause.
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so, it just does not make any sense. i think that there needs to be... thank you. i think that there needs to be a lot more principal accountability. [ applause ] >> and i just feel a really big loyalty to this district because both of my parents have been in this district kindergarten through 12th grade, and they went to schools that don't exist any more, accept hoover and lowell and everette and my two sisters before me and me and i am working at the school right now that i went to and so it feels extra painful to not come back to the school that i work at.
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this is me. sorry to hog all of your time but i have a visual. this is me in my kindergarten class and this is me over 20 years later in the same place and in the courtyard. now teaching my class and so i just would really like to return to the school that i started at. thank you. >> hi mr., my name is marty dulalis and i am alumni of the after school program and tina lolho was more than a teacher to me, she was like an aunt and it means pita and she was like a mother to, she knew how to teach and oh, boy does she know how to teach. i was one of the problem children during my time.
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so, she was really empowering and she also was... yeah, she was really empowering because i have come up to this stand since i was seven and i learned how to speak in public and i learned how to vouch for my philippine-american community because there is not a lot of us, and we almost had the bilingual program taken away more than ten years ago, about ten years ago and i would really like to say that if you are talking someone that can teach kids and have a clear one of her alumni students speak here and vouch for her, this is a really great teacher, why would you take her away? thank you, everyone and i would really like to thank the philippine-american community and everybody that really really thinks that she could
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stay because why would you take somebody that can create or i am power a student like me like the parents? like her students now? so i would really ask the board to rescind the non-reelection with no cause, thank you. >> for the next speaker i just wanted to do a quick question? how many minutes left? >> 7 minutes, there are a number of people waiting to speak, monitor your time. >> i will be brief. thank you for the opportunity to speak i am speaking in favor of tina and i have a third grader in the school that she helped to found and i have known her for three years that my son has been involved in the program and she is a truly inspiring individual and she has an amazing talent for inspiring parents and i think that to lose her would be a
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huge disservice for the school district and the school where she is serving now as well as a huge injustice to the community that is represented here tonight, so thank you. >> my is teresa and i'm actually marty's mom, and i have had several meetings and we found out information that are really disturbing and this is cause for investigation like a flawed practice. this actually leaves room for somebody to abuse a practice, abuse a system. you know, relearned that second-year teachers, you know, go through a flawed practice that is really unfair, in the case of tina or our teachers all of the rest of the teachers are on the chopping block right now. there is no equity, we want to make sure that there is nothing of a personal nature that the school principle or whoever
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have concocted and we feel this is a personal measure and we feel this as an attack on tina and also the philippine community and the teachers that we value here in the school district. there is a box, if someone gets non-reelected if she or he would like to apply to a job somewhere in the other school district, there is a box that says have you ever been non-reelected? that is a red flag if a teacher actually checks that box, it is like saying that i have been fired and rehired again. so, we know, we know tina's caliber and we know her for many years and it is not just in the community. she is an excellent teacher. we want to let the board know that this is not over and we will continue as at community to fight for tina and fellow philippine and teachers until this label is taken of
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