tv [untitled] February 26, 2013 9:00pm-9:30pm PST
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new common core standards and we are beginning to really roll that out starting with ela and we have the next generation of science coming up on us and just recently approved are the new eld strapped aders and that is going to be a fundamental change and not just how we refer to the professioncy levels but that is a body of work that is embedded through ut the day throughout all of the con content areas and there is a great deal of work that needs to be part of the our road map moving forward. >> so could we find another place or way to have more detail on this? or maybe the opportunity to actually have a discussion about this? >> i would think that say curriculum committee item. >> so to say that we have already slated moving toward the common core implementation with the focus on the humanities at the may 6th committee. i don't expect a lot of answers
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but a road map in the direction that the district is pursuing will be discussed. >> i think that commissioners you will be getting more information and we are planning to be at the next board of education meeting to give you an update on the allow plan and so as you begin to see all of these different pieces and these different plans, coming together, you will see how this is related to the work as a whole and how we made it cohesive and coherent between the different times of plans that were required to development or we are developing as our own strategic actions based on what we see are a need to know districts. >> thank you. >> miss ly? >> is there any statistics somewhere because it tells you in the chart, of has the sfufd met their objective, but how many students are el learners and how many students are not meeting the academic targets in
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the language arts? what is the percentile in this? >> i don't have that exact information. but i could get that to you. >> okay. thank you. >> any other questions or comments from the board. no, >> yes? >> all of us. >> will you be able to get that to all of us? >> fantastic. >> thank you. >> i can tell you that right now our current percentages are meeting that target for english, language arts is 48.2 percent of all the english learners. so, and it is just under the require, what is the requirement or the target was for this year. >> okay. thank you, everybody. thank you, mr. chavez, i believe that is all of the questions, thank you for the report. >> all right we are going to move on with our agenda, item n
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is the consent calendar resolutions removed for the second reading and action. there are none. now at item 0, which will be the vote on the consent calendar. but before i do that i would like to ask mr. bushman come up and give us a brief overview of the non-reelect process and the various terms and the probationary teacher and non-reelect. >> and yeah, the best way to look at the non-reelect is to look at it from the other perspective and that is that you have when we hire a new... every new teacher that we hire, we have until march 15th of their second year in that job to make a decision on whether they are going to have permanent in this district, which is, you know, almost a job for a life. i mean, it is in my opinion, it is not enough time to make that kind of a decision, but that is
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the way that it is. and, so, we rely on our principals to make that tenured decision about these new teachers in that very short period of time. and i think that it is a reasonable to put that trust and the confidence in our principals and if they are not up to that then they probably should not be principals in those schools, those are the cold, hard facts. so a non-reelection is intended to be without cause. it is intended to be and granted if you have a non-reelection and that question is asked that comment was made tonight that if you have to check the block have you been no one reelected in a school district it is true. what i have done in order to try, in order to remove that
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stigma is give each of those teachers that are not reelected the opportunity to do a resignation and then that is the way that we look at it, they resigned, you know, on their own in good standing in this district. it is a difficult thing to do, but, when you think of the impact on the students of the district and the long term, it is one of those hard calls, and one of those decisions that we trust our principals to make and it is important that they make it and they make it you know, that they do it to the best of their ability and do it correctly. so, non-reelect is a decision whether or not to grant tenure. >> thank you. >> mendoza. >> sometimes it is not a good fit at that particular school. could you be clearer on what the opportunities are for those
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that are not reelect in terms of reapplying the following year or what is the process for them to get supported. i think that a lot of what we are feeling is like sometimes they just need to be better supported in order to come back. and i don't want to discourage people who, you know, should be in the classroom or could be in a classroom to stay in the classroom. there is a continuing rumor, if you will, it used to be that when someone was non-reelected that they could not reapply to the district and for a year and they were required to go someplace else, show that they were a good performer someplace else and then return to the district. that is not the case. for the last, for three years now, it has been, it is our policy that they are not reelected, and having done nothing wrong. and so they have every right to reapply for any position that
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we have in this district and in some cases they are, they are rehired. so, thank you. >> any other questions? >> comments in >> okay. thank you, mr. bush man for that clarification and so now could we have a roll call on these? >> let me just say this, that mary richards over sees that program who is behind me. but she over sees that program and she talks, and she discusses this at length with the principals and helps them with their or whatever decisions that with this very difficult decision that they are trying to make and she also speaks with the individuals that are impacted by being non-reelected and talks to them about what their options are. we try to treat them had you
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manly as possible. >> roll call. >> ly. >> yes. >> wong. >> yes. >> fewer. >> y*e. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. yes, except abstain on k5 and no af11. >> thank you. >> miss mendoza? >> yes. except items k3, and k4. >> that is an nay. >> dr. murase? >> aye. >> wynns. >> yes. >> norton. >> yes. >> item p, consent sal der there are none tonight. >> item q, adoption of a revised board policy 1000 series that will replace the current board policy and may i
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hear a motion and a second. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. >> and this will be held over for action at the meeting at the next board meeting of march 12th. and there are no public speakers signed up for this item >> item s, first the standing committee may we have a report from the rules committee. >> this is my report here. so please, indulge me. a lot of firsts here, everybody is leaving. so i am going to take a while with this. no, if my fellow commissioners would also chime in on some of these things that you had prior experience with and history with, so the first thing we did was we had our folks come from sacramento our advocates and capital advisors came and gave us a huge packet. >> they are back.
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>> good. good. >> all right. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> so, we had you know, a lot of bills that were sort of brought to us, but it was kind of the first stage of it so we are just kind of taking a look at what is out there, and sort of a general overview of the major issue areas that the legislature is considering. we talked pretty extensively about the state budget and the governor's budget proposal. and we talked about the local control funding formula and some of our concerns about that but we are sort of at the preliminary stages at least with respect to legislation, so that the bill introduction deadline for the state legislature was just this past week and so we are going to have them come back at the next meeting in march and that is when we will take the positions on the many pieces of the legislation that will effect us deeply. so that was the legislative overview, the second item that we heard was the proposed
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amendments to the city and county of san francisco municipal ordinance regarding mobile food truck facilities. >> yeah. so, there was a conversation about some potential amendments to that policy that were being considered by the board of supervisors we discussed with our staff about whether we are okay with some potential amendments that modified the length from which a mobile food truck could be from some of our high schools, i did not know this was the kind of thing, but apparently it is. >> apparently it had a lot of discussion over time. so we did move forward with the recommendation that they go ahead and accept or pursue those amendments. and... >> i don't know if it was all of those amendments that they sent over from city hall, but i
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definitely think that we had some direction for our staff to go especially around the areas that we have already researched and already proven through our own efforts are not fruitful for school sites >> sorry. >> you were saying that we want additional amendments not that we supported the amendments. >> we did not support any of the amendments or anything in the ordinance, the new ordinance as proposed. we wanted to change. >> we were supporting our own. >> we wanted changes of the >> as proposed a number of changes that would make us feel more comfortable being neutral on this resolution. and there were i would say, strong opinions all the way around on the committee. but, the consensus of two of us, at least, was, that would have accepted the staff proposal that to seek
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amendments and if those were accepted that we would be neutral on the proposal. >> thank you. >> thanks for the back up. then as we discussed we already discussed the revision of the board policy. which we talked about already this evening as well as the board policy 1000 series and we had some conversation about how within that board policy we make note of it was not in that piece, where we make note of where if something comes from resolution, a board resolution, how that is sort of noted within the board policy. >> right, in the ongoing update of the board policy there was discussion about how or whether we should include the history of certain policies and the current format, the history of where the board policy came from is not incorporated and the committee thought that we should note that. so that was sort of or
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definitely the consensus of the committee was to have to go back and really make sure that we make note of when a policy came from a board resolution that that is note somed how and lastly, we had a conversation about the schedule of advisory committee reports to the board of education, currently, the pac and the sac, provide the report at every board of education meeting, we are having a conversation about whether there might be some rotation and how to make sure that the other advisory committees are brought in and reporting back to us at an appropriate time for them and for us. and so, the next steps for that, i believe, commissioner maufas has agreed to take the lead on that along with commissioner davis and they are going to present back to the rules committee. >> that is correct. >> thank you. i'm all done. >> any questions?
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>> no. >> quick, leave while you can, president kelley. >> we are going to move on. and we are going to hear all of the other reports by board members, are there any other reports by board members? >> yes. this is the time, where if you have an announcement or a report to make on a topic you may do so, so i am going to start with commissioner murase. >> just on monday, the curriculum committee will be meeting on march 4, on science, technology and engineering and math. i just want to congratulate the alliance of black school educators for the accident honor roll celebration last week it was really wonderful. i want to do a shout out to the numerous elementary schools who
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paraded in the chinese new year parade, the ones that i saw, gordon low and west portal and it was really wonderful to see the kids and their families. i want to announce national read allowed day at sunset elementary this friday, i hope that folks can participate. and the japanese bilingual and by cultural program. celebrating the 40th anniversary on march 9th. and congratulations to cyc on its 43rd annual festival of youth on march 13th. >> thank you. >> commissioner maufas? ? i just want to follow along with commissioner murase indicated with the alliance of black school educators thank you for being there and i know that you were under the weather but it was nice to have you give a welcome and it was very
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much appreciated. and thank you commissioner murase and haney for coming and i know that other board members were trying to make it there as well. my one announcement this weekend although there are many events, i am happy to represent the board of education at the black cuisine judging contest saturday since none of you will make it because you will be at the summit or the conference on saturday march second, it is the 33rd annual black cuisine cook off. there will be many, many food vendors as well so if you are not judging in the contest, there will be a wonderful compliment of all kinds of food, there available and it is really supporting the bay view hunter's point, dr. david george senior center. and cathy davis was really leading the charge this year. so, i will represent you all
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well. just so you know. >> all right, commissioner mendoza. >> thank you. >> so on the report so buildings and grounds met on monday and we had a really good conversation about local hire policy and we put forward a positive recommendation which will be coming to the full board directing the staff to develop a policy. and there is a city school district select committee meeting tomorrow and there are a couple of agenda items and one includes the presentation of the shared school yards and the other is i am sorry, thursday. yes. what did i say? >> tomorrow. i still, thank you. and then, a discussion on middle school on the middle school or the middle school development.
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and actually i don't know if i framed that properly. >> good enough. >> more or less. >> we are not really fully clear. >> and then i want to just make a couple of announcements, there is the 6th annual crab fest for san francisco rec and park fund at the irish cultural center tomorrow evening. and why i wanted to note this is because this was set up actually by supervisor elsbern and he created this event to support the local charities in the bay area and it has been a huge success over the years, but last year the rec and park scholarship allocated $160,000 and many of the students have benefited from the scholarship fund and i wanted to thank them for their efforts in continuing to do that and announce that
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the mlc academic middle school and their students of promise and the pta is having a family night dinner and town hall meeting and that is going to be tomorrow evening, i am sorry, thursday. thursday is really hard for me. thursday from 5:00 to 7:00 at mlk. i know i want it all to go away and there is also, on friday, is the finals for the poetry slam. that youth speaks hosts every year and this is going to be for their annual slam competitions and competition and there are 6 finalists, i am actually going to be judging this on friday evening and just wanted to note that the 6 finalists are from the schools that they are from are raw talent and school of the arts
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and okay land and mission high and burton high and so i am looking forward as not being biased on who should win that competition. and i want to congratulate ellis and that is going to be honoring all of the accomplishments this year with their multiple acknowledgments, both state and federal, and local accomplishments, and congratulations to principal esito for all that she has done to work closely with the staff to make all of that happen and the parents. congratulations to everyone on that. and i know there is, i am sorry. >> my schedule looks a little bit different. there is one other thing that imented to share, so on saturday, at city hall, college
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track is going to be hosting college track san francisco day and it is an opportunity to expose our students to mentor and career fields that low income first generation students that are under represented in including technology and junior engineering science and sales. and so there will be folks from multiple organizations in those arenas that will be mentoring 200 youth that are part of college track to help them think about careers and stem and to connect them with internship opportunities down the road. so that is going to be on saturday from 11 to 3. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner wynns? >> thank you. >> i want to announce that the budget committee will meet on march 6, at 6:00. and then, second i just wanted to say that the school of the
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arts, spring musical, 42nd street will open on thursday night and i am not at liberty to announce the surprise guest in the pit that night. because they have not announced it yet. >> it was in the chronicle today. >> okay. >> having said that, i understand there to be two, but one of them as left. so the superintendent, i have tickets for friday night because i got them before this thursday night opening night. treat was announced so i may have to sneak in the back. but any way superintendent carranza will be in the pit and run out there and get your tickets and always the musical is extraordinary there and it will be wonderful and congratulations to on you
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musicians. >> vice president fewer. >> yes, thank you, so i just wanted to mention that we have a couple of read aloud. alamo is tomorrow and the schools is friday and the 8th is sherman and so if anyone is interested. and then, really? >> okay. lock is friday, too. so if you want to road. but i also just want to remind our listening public that financial aid applications are due march second. so it is important to get those in and this year, you can apply for a grant if you are an ab 540 student which is a new development. so i want to make sure that all of our students and parents know that every single one of our counselors have been trained to assist you with these horrible daunting forms. so, i advise everyone to start early, because in case you are missing one or two items it will eliminate your
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applications so you want to make sure that you have time to be reviewed and if you are missing something you can edit your application to make the march second deadlines, so everybody it is the second half of our promise to or for a greater opportunity and to enter college, and we are graduating all students, ready for college, eligible, and are living wage job and this is the second half of the promise that there is money for you to go to. so i applied for my three children to go to college, and all of the grants and fasfa forms and i advise everybody to do so. >> superintendent you had an announcement? >> i want to echo what vice president fewer just said. i just completed my fsafa form and you may think, well, why? i am finishing my doctorate and i have one semester left and i
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applied and i did the fasfa so if i can do it, you can do it. okay? it is superintendent-proof. so, my quick announcement, i want to thank the board for moving through this meeting quickly. i need to get home and practice. but i do want to announce for the public that this saturday the march second from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. we will be having our school planning summit at everet middle school that is 450 church street and you can log on to the district's website and you can register for the school planning summit. and you don't have to be a member of the school site council although if you are a member that would be wonderful for you to come. you will have an opportunity to have some very interactive sessions. all of our schools will be there and all of the leadership from the schools and the district will be there as well and we will talk budget and
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strategic planning, you need to sign up in advance if you would like child care., come on to the website and you can sign up and we look forward to seeing all of you there. >> thank you. >> translation is available. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner? >> i have a quick announcement in the spirit of letting sacramento know that we are not in the clear yet, this weekend, i will be chairing what is our eleventh annual uc student association lobby conference that is a 3-day conference and we prepare in the lobby and clinics and workshops and it culminate.. s on monday where the students and as well as staff and high school students and uc, and csc
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students come together and march on the capitol and have a rally, last year we had 10,000 and we are hoping for that number this year, no matter the number, we are going to make a statement to sacramento that we need more support and public education and stow so we will be there and the public is welcome and we will be starting at 10 a.m. in sacramento and so please join us. >> thank you. >> one last before we move on, commissioner mendoza reminds me one last item. tomorrow is the media day for the youth ts festival which will be opening i believe next week the 7th of march. and at the asian art museum this year, this is a new venue for it, it is the youth art festival and a lot of performance and visual art displays. >> it is young at heart. >> no it is youth festival now.
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>> yeah. >> so, i will be participating the superintendent will be participating. and i believe that the mayor as well will be there. he is hosting the media event tomorrow on the steps, yes. and so you may will get some coverage and maybe you will check out the arts festival and it is going to be great. >> we are going to move on now to item t and report of closed section actions. from the closed section of february 19, 2013, the board of education approved by a vote of five ayes and two absent, mendoza and maufas the expulsion of one student. and five ayes and one nay the executive director. >> there are no informational items and item v is the adjournment and we are going to adjourn in the
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