tv [untitled] March 7, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm PST
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been able to come to an agreement. we would love to see this happen again, it's outside our ability to grant >> you show on your map does that easement continue down to the end of the street? >> they have the utility easement. >> the issue is it's owned by i believe u c s f by the city is not named on title for that utility easement it's outside my body of knowledge to know. it's along the lines to basically modify that easement
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to allow an additional overlay of pedestrian walkway >> in if the project gets approved wield you to pursue but i don't know how we can mandate that? >> we can eminent domain it and but some level of funding to do the project if the property owner below would agree to it. i don't want to see the ba- my other question is on a your road way do you keep that at twro feet and have to parking or you
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could not built it >> this was from the first meeting with the fire department. >> you don't want to have parking on the street 1, 2, 3, 4. >> we'd love to have parking on the street we'd - it's nice not to have parking because it makes it more pedestrian friendly but the reality is that our lot - we're already taking 4 feet out of our builtable area. so we were left with no other choice but to provide the parking. i think it's a benefit if all
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parking process but, you know, you know - >> i don't know if it was originally built as parking on both sides from the beginning. >> the parking is killer loud and legal. >> it's legal on both sides. as i said on the hillside parking is prohibited because of a sharp turn are some issues >> we do want to say there is additional opportunity for parking but there is the opportunity to add additional parking but at this time we didn't ask for it. >> where would you add additional parking?
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>> in the - >> i think what gary was speaking of the parking garage we have some of our spots - and another thing the 20 foot roadways was the restriction of the lot in total 20 feet wide. there would be an opportunity should the homeowners association decided to grant us a space in a indeveloped part of the lot >> i certainly would like to see the parking it does bring
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more life to the street. and there's a lot of parking on upper cresting they're a lot of of visitors who may want to visit this area and >> it was helpful to make sure that the correct studies have been done. the major concerns are around traffic short of disallowing parking on one day of crestmont. i think parking - commissioner mentioned a couple of possibilities. i did take a visit up to the site and from my own experience i found it to be less congested.
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i feel like car conditions, conflicts between buses, pedestrians bicycle, and cars it doesn't feel that way to me up on the hill. i want to point out that is the first project we've got the pipeline on. this is about the housing goets goals in san francisco. although this is not affordable housing there is 60 percent of the above housing allocations for housing in san francisco. i think it's important to have new housing on the west side and not just concentrate all the development on the east side. we don't get the opportunity to talk about a lot of things here.
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i'm supportive of the project >> i think i echo a lot of wasn't the others have said. i want to thank the public for coming out. i have a large building being built across from me. it's extremely dense building but i actually look forward to it being built. but the point is we live in the city and your fortunate to live in a environment but it is true that this was always planned going back to the 1960s. but planning commission and a couple of different occasions
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authorized this on the lot. we don't have a lot of opportunities to develop homes for families here. when we do talk about families i mean, i live on off of - the parents on my street put cones in the middle of street to kind of help with the congestion so the kids can play in the street on saturday. it would be lovely if they didn't have any cars on the street which is the nice luxury that people have in this neighborhood. i understand when you hear the general plan that everyone thinks particularly of their
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neighborhood. but we have a larger charge at looking at the city as a whole. and the reality that we have people moving here and we can't prevent people from moving to san francisco and housing prices are all an all-time high. i have a friend who has to look in the million dollar rage. do you live in a 3 unit building do people live above you? so there's a rile need to provide this type of development. it's been respectfully to the way it's been the way it impacts
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the city. i think this is a really respectful project. so i know that for this scale of, you know, the impact that it's going to have they're going to be more cars and construction i i know that's a huge inconvenience but i want you to know it's not there to inconvenience you and i think at the end of the day it will be a good thing. this will actively enhance the stability of this hill. we see people building on water and the technology has gotten
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more advances. i want to thank you all are that i understand people don't want to see change in their neighborhood but we have to grow. thanks >> i'm going to follow the commissioners comments. how carefully we all look at this project i received and read ail your e-mails and went out to the site myself and walked the muddy road. and i think you'll all agree you're lucky to live there. as i realized this center piece was designed for a few more people to be lucky to live
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there. as far as traffic i'm sure you'll all been to the hills of berkeley some of the ideas - my only real concern is i'm happy that the architect brought up was the help from the far distance from the city is how this will look in the hillside. i was very pleased that the architect picked up on camouflaging to some degree and using all nature colors. so i'm supportive and i'll let the commissioner add his comments >> i agree with most of the comments from the other
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commissioners. i have one quick comment for staff. on most of the maps this development curves around and there's an indication of a roadway that goes down to a the court will tell you did he sack is that development in that area is this the last that can occur? >> that projects architect can answer that. >> that's fine. >> actually i don't have a map of that. you're correct as part of the own knowledge, own knowledge p u d there's another parcel and our road is on the third parcel with
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the one with the the court will tell you did he sack. we have never be able to establish came back with the owner. we actually tried to use their property to get to staff >> so there's a potential for alternative assess? >> as far as i have a couple of points that are disorganized. i've driven up there once by it wouldn't seemed to me that people are speeding along there anyway but but if people think that bumps are necessary i would not go installing them right away but as far as density and
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others have pointed out the change is better burden it the city has been facing in terms of people wanting to move here and the numbers of housing units that will have to be developed over the next 20 or thirty years and i would like to think that the entire city is on board with supporting a fair share of increased density so that doesn't all and i don't think it will but people like to think of it as occurring east of having an necessary and east and south of marketing arena various areas around the mission. we've had neighborhood plan and
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neighborhood plan processes in which the neighborhood did came to a the climax if they were in certain perimeters according to the neighborhood plan. so i don't think it's the case that it will increased density are a bad thing but in other places where the neighborhoods have go on begin through a situation in which they've analyzed and seen what the changes are in respect to the entire city we can do our part. in looking at your particular neighborhood i know there are denominates about this being too dense. the map that was provided by the developer which i assume
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nobody's actually changed the color coding on here does indicate that the development is quite in keeping with the immediate area. i i know there recent single-family houses more to the north and more to the south perhaps to the west that are blocked by an open space to the east but within the immediate area we have quite a bit houses that are two greater family units. so i don't think this particular unit is out of order for that immediate area and certainly won't effect the apartments down on 6th a western. i'm quite in support of the project. i'm also - you might want to
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think about it once it's constructed, once families move in they're going to be your imply neighbors and they may be nice people. so don't look at it as totally a negative experience >> well i'm going to speak in favor of the speed bumps. i think a lot of streets have a lot of speed bumps. one was put after a car admit and killed a child. but this is a the court will tell you did he sack but people can still speed. we have an easement behind our
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house but residents come down there pretty fast and it's blind behind our house and there's a lot of blind a lot of blind spaces. i don't know about the cost of it but more the existing neighbors should be very appreciable active it's kaumg the traffic. i have some questions. i know you spoke about possible putting the speed bumps in and the other thing you had mentioned is the lighting along the existing streets i'll pay for the llts and correct we've having had a number of deductions with the homeowners
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associations and we haven't made any specific paroles yet >> and i think we talked about that space which is the property of the existing homeowners which is somewhat of a park in there for their usage and your i imagine and there would be another opportunity there is a strip of land that is controlled by the h o a that extends the length of the road that could be extend into a walkway. >> i certainly hope you'll continue to work with the heroisms association. now the other areas that might have to be done in conjunction with the neighborhood.
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the repaving of the roads which is the city's job. perhaps in conjunction you could institute some way to cause herself help the city to get it done quickly. another thing is widening the street but there may be a few areas where there is no retaining wall yet and maybe if kitist could be made and parking could be limited on the hillside and you may have 10 spaces on one side of the road. those are some thoughts >> we look forward to this help
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of the city and the homeowners association. >> thank you very much. >> commissioner moore and i sense that the commission for all of the reasons that have been stated is inclined to support the project and i'd like to make a motion that we approve the project as specified. >> second. >> commissioners on that motion to paragraph the conditions. (calling roll) >> similar that motion passes unanimously. please retain from the clapping. the zoning administrator >> i move to close the hearing.
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