tv [untitled] March 14, 2013 10:30pm-11:00pm PDT
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if the kitchen is the requirement of there being a unit, you still have one unit with a kitchen in it. it would be the new unit. and then the cottage would be accessory. >> it's more dwelling unit removal, not loss of a dwelling unit. >> well, i don't really -- it's a relocation. we have a lot of situations where we might have a merger and they merge the units and they take the kitchen out, but this is not what we're doing here. we're just redistributing it to another place. i mean, that's kind of my -- i don't know. i understand it's a difficult situation. but the logical thing is to put the kitchen where most of the family is going to be most of the time. and, you know, then the smaller number of occupants would proceed from the cottage to the kitchen when it was dinner time. bring everyone, all those children into the back cottage to have dinner. so, it seems kind of backwards. >> commissioner wu.
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>> well, is there a world in which we can -- [laughter] >> where we can say it doesn't trigger mandatory dr, we are we can circumvent the fact -- >> yes, we can just make a finding. >> well, i think [speaker not understood], i'm not sure. without scott here, i'm not sure. what i would suggest maybe it sounds like you're supportive of the project if the kitchen is in the front. >> yes. so, maybe make a finding that you would prefer that solution and ask staff to -- and ask the za to look for a solution that allows that to happen. ~ because the way the current situation -- we have been advised on the current situation the removal of the kitchen in the rear unit constitutes a demolition and therefore a mandatory dr which means coming back to you for another dr. so, obviously everyone wants to avoid that.
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so, if there is -- so, maybe you could take dr, ask that the kitchen be moved to the front and ask us to figure out a solution to make that happen. >> this particular finding would be associated with the mandatory dr that we would have to evaluate and that's what would trigger that process. >> can i ask the project sponsor what he thinks about that possibility? if i were given or allow today relocate the kitchen to the front building without going through the expensive process of doing the neighborhood notification, loss of dwelling unit and all the other requirements needed for that, i would be willing to do that. and from my discussion with the rear neighbor, they were supportive of my project if the kitchen was located in the front building. >> among the possibility -- a
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required change in the plan, but would require the two -- excuse me, the plate, is that the two buildings were connected. i mean, i don't know if that's the possibility. it would require some change in plans and some physical enclosed space connecting the two. it would require a variance. that's another hearing, but it's not a dr. >> i would rather -- i make a motion to take dr and i think instruct the zoning administrator to find a way so that the project sponsor can move the kitchen to the front building without mandatory dr, without it being considered the loss of a -- what was it, the loss of a dwelling unit removal. >> second. [multiple voices] >> wait. >> one second. >> can i make a suggestion that maybe you take a motion of
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intent to allow findings to come back to you that may satisfy the mandatory discretionary review findings? >> yes. >> that way the action you take will be a discretionary review and you will be adopting findings that are specific to a mandatory -- [multiple voices] >> we'd have to have another hearing. the matter could be placed under consent to adopt the findings of the dr action. >> the public hearing is closed. >> okay, thank you. ~ for the suggestion. i believe that is a motion of intent to take dr given the circumstances i outlined earlier. >> second. >> commissioner sugaya. >> mr. hillis, did you want to -- >> no, i'm done. >> okay. i just wanted to add to the motion -- not add to the motion, but i think that the commission's feeling is that there really isn't a dwelling unit removal in the sense that there is still going to be a
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dwelling unit. there is going to be the smaller cottage in the back and there is going to be a brand-new building in the front and in essence i think you can say that there is no removal. we're just moving one component of the cottage to the new building in the front. and, so, i think the technicality of the way the legal language may be written doesn't apply in this case because it's a special situation. and we really aren't removing a dwelling unit per se. so, if the za can get his mind around that, then i think that's the intent of the commission. >> commissioner moore. >> i would like to ask staff perhaps to also work a little with the applicant as you are now figuring out exactly how to package it. instead of putting on these
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plans that there will be a subsequent permit for the cottage, i would like to have the department give the applicant a little bit more guidance of one, the removal of the kitchen requires, but also when remodeling, this does not all of a sudden become a foreign object, but that it follows your guidance in terms of what he can and can't do. it is really important because the way it's currently drawn, and that's why i called you, is we have a thing there where no plans shown, we'll have a future kind of [speaker not understood] application for improvements, but we are not dealing about two houses in this kind of zoning district. that's where my concern come in. i i'd like to see a little bit more guidance at least in kind for them so there is no future disasters. >> commissioners, i'm sorry, i didn't catch who seconded that motion. >> i did. >> commissioner antonini, thank
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you. so, commissioners, on the motion of intent to take dr and approve the project with the kitchen being moved to the front of the building and continued to next week or -- >> it would have to be two weeks. >> which would have to be april 4th because the 28th is -- >> continued to april 4th to adopt findings that would satisfy the criteria for dwelling unit removal. commissioner antonini? >> aye. >> commissioner borden? i'm sorry. commissioner hillis? >> aye. >> commissioner moore? >> aye. >> commissioner sugaya? >> i just want to clarify the public hearing is closed? >> yes. >> aye. >> well, it will be an agendized item. we have to take public comment if someone chooses, but we'll be placing it under consent. >> we'll change that in the rules. >> i don't think you can unless you can change the sunshine ordinance. >> the board of appeals does president do that. >> that was aye, commissioner sugaya? thank you. commissioner wu? >> aye. >> and commission president
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fong? >> aye. >> so moved, commissioners. that motion passes unanimously 6 to 0 and places you under public comment. i have no speaker cards. >> is there any public comment this evening? if not, commissioner moore, you had -- >> the dr applicant was trying to add a comment when i talked about the rear cottage. they had an agreement [speaker not understood]. perhaps that could be communicated to mr. smith so that it is indeed properly put to record. >> okay. >> thank you. >> seeing no public comment, the meeting is adjourned. [adjourned]
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(applause). >> remember this so years later, some years ago i got this award, congressional -- freedom award, i got it from the then-speaker of the house, a guy named dick army. i went back there, i went into his office and in walks nancy pelosi, she says mr. leader, i believe this is the first time i've been in your office. i said, it takes joe marshal to bring democrats and republicans together. here she is. >> thank you very much, joe. ordinarily i wouldn't mind hearing joe marshal say some nice things that are on this piece of paper but the fact is we've come to hear from all of you. it's an honor to be here
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at the omega boy's club. it started right about the time i went to congress, about 26 years ago, over 25 years ago. joe marshal is way up there on mount olympus, one of the gods, one of the real people who does the most important work, help young people reach their aspirations, their fulfillment to reduce the violence in the communities in which they live. so joe marshal, thank you for your on-going and well recognized nationally and locally and every way globally, really, for the effectiveness of your leadership. thank you, joe marshal, for your hospitality and for your friendship and most of all for your leadership for america's children. just a few weeks ago and actually one week ago, the president took his and all of us who are engaged in any aspect of public life take an oath to protect and defend. protect and defense. that's
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the oath we take, to protect and defend the constitution, the constitution and all the rights contained therein, the right to assemble, the right to worship, the right to be in our country. prrp we have really got to do more. i think what we saw in new town drove home how urgent and necessary it is for us to act. no more words, we need action. but this has gone on in cities across america and places across america every single day. >> amen. >> joe, amos, reverend brown, i am never going to a child care center, day care center in san francisco a number of years ago and we were playing, little 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds and a balloon popped and one of the children said, drop. drop. imagine that a little child would think that. what does
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that say about the community and our need to do more to honor that oath to proat the -- protect and defend. this is it. we have to measure up. measure up. and we cannot accept anything less than success. the president has said he would give it his all. the vice president has called upon you as intellectual resource and social innovators to get your suggestions about how we should go forward, how we should proceed. but proceed we must and succeed we must. our purpose today is to hear from you, as many as as we can, and from the leadership of our city, i am honored to welcome the chair of our house task force on gun violence protection, my colleague,
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congressman mike thompson. i will say later about him but i wanted you it hear from him. i was so proud the mayor is here and we salute him for his leadership and his effectiveness and his action on this very important issue. the police chief is here, we thank the chief for your leadership as well and look forward to hearing from you and of course i have the privilege, i have the privilege of sharing representation of san francisco with jackie and will share her experience as a member of the task force, as a member of congress. so we all have, the president has been great, he's put by executive order what he can do, we have the most effective
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backgrounds here, we have to address the mental health issues but 99 percent of people with mental problems are more likely to be a victim of violence than to be a perpetrator of violence. ak 47's or high capacity, as mr. thompson tends to say, assault magazines, these high capacity weaponry to cause more damage to do so in a way that really does help us protect and defend. i'll have more to say in this limited amount of say so i am going to yield with great respect it my colleague who has spoken out on this so mag 95 sently in the congress of the united states and is a respected voice on the subject, congress woman jackie spears. >> thank you for your
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leadership and your powerful comments this afternoon and dr. marshal for hosting us to my great colleague and friend and sharer of the chairmanship of the task force who is walking a very delicate line but doing so very ably and effectively, to our great mayor of our great city, thank you and to our great police chief who i really enjoy the opportunity to work with. i am pleased to be here. i am honored to be here. i tell you that this is personal for me, it's also professional for me. i realized after new town that in many ways i had failed. i had failed to do my part. we all failed to do our part when there is yet another homicide that takes place. and it's no
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longer good enough to say, well, that's someone else's problem. it's really our collective problem. and i think the tragedy, the unspeakable tragedy that occurred in new town, has awakened in americans across this great country that we have not -- we have to do so much more; that we have allowed the laws in this country to erode, a menace to have taken place in the (inaudible) congress have taken authority away from organizations like the cdc to do studies, taken away the authority of the atf to do its job to go after the bad gun dealers, only 1 percent of them, but they are responsible for 57 percent of the crime guns in this country, so much that has to be done. now last saturday we had a gun
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buy back in san mateo county. with we today is captain sam gallagher. if you want to talk to him about the success of that buy back, i'm sure he will be happy to accommodate. it opened at 10 am, there were people lining up at 8 am. they waited in line from 10 am to 3pm to turn in their guns. there were more than 680 guns turned over, 338 handguns, 371 long guns, 24 assault weapons. one of the assault weapons that was turned over was called a street sweeper. i saw a street sweeper in action today. it is devastating what that
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instrumentality can do. it mows down people. that was collected in a county that has the second lowest crime rate in the state. so i, for one, think there is much, much more we must do to address this issue and i think the american people are ready to do it. thank you. (applause). >> and this is truly one of those things, none of the people need any -- next we hear from our mayor. when we have some violence in the bayview between asians and blacks mayor lee met with me on a weekly basis, so i know he wants to do -- i saw it first hand up close and personal something else that he does to end the violence that goes on. >> thank you, joe.
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thank you very much, congress woman pelosi for being here and congressman thompson, both of you taking such swift action to have a dialogue. it's appreciated, and congress woman spear for just your own personal experience and what you are doing now. we're really grateful. i'm just one of many mayors. i want you to know that being part of the u.s. conference of mayors i had a lot of discussions with other mayors who are faced with tremendous challenges in their cities and if i've learned anything in the last couple of years being both interim mayor and the new mayor and many of you know i'm not a lifelong politician so i learned the politics of this job somewhat on the job. but one of the things i do know at heart is that we all struggle with this and we know it can
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never be an answer only that the police can solve or law enforcement in general. that we quickly learn that mental health, that preventing ammunition and guns from getting on the street, that education, job training, paying attention to housing, poverty, isolation, all of those elements lead to the uptick in violence. that's actually quite a strong lesson for all of us mayors to learn as we ask each other for help in solving this. and i want to thank all of you in this audience from adult provaition, juvie probation, our interfaith council, community-based organizations, for helping me carve what we can do in this city. as many of you know i've been a champion for jobs and i truly believe that job creation and better economics is going to be a big answer.
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but it isn't the only answer because i quickly realized i can't give a dead kid a job in this city. there is no answer for that. we've got to find better answers for people who are confronted with decisions they have to make to not take the violent road for that decision. and it starts early and many of you reminded me, start now, mayor, start investing in education. start investing in community-based ways in which we can reduce the attitude that violence can resolve something. and then make sure we work with our health departments and our medical experts to get to the things that people can't control among themselves. these are all things that i'm learning quickly and i asked for help and i'm getting it and that no mayor of any city should ever faced with these kinds of gun violence and so
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forth should stop asking for help because the answers will come forward with everybody participating and everybody contributing in all these aspects. many of you know that i struggled with the uptick in gun violence this past summer. the chief and i were on the telephone and on the texting every morning finding out which of our children died the previous night. and it isn't a good thing, it isn't good to wake up to this. you know that. many of you who work in this community know that that is not what you want to either wake up to or go into the night on. and so i've always tried to picture who that youth was and what he or she may have been had they had a chance to get past this and that then i have
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to go over in my head, have i done everything that i could as a mayor? and this is something where i think the national dialogue has to take us. it's not about so much politics, although there's a heavy dose of that. all of us in addition to what happened at sandy hook or what happens every single day we're reminded about, have to take this personally. we have to personalize this for ourselves. if it means even picturing our own kids walking down third street or tennessee street or in chinatown or in the mission, what can they be confronted with? how can we improve conditions for this not to happen? so all of us have to make sure that when it comes to the national and the regional and the local discussion about guns and about ammunition that we've got to make this personal to ourselves. we've got to really talk to everybody about this so that we can keep pushing for the reforms, getting these automatic weapons and munitions
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off our streets. there is no place for that. there is no place for these kinds of weapons to be on our streets. at the same time recommitting ourselves to the things that we do have control over, that we must do. the local gun buy backs and joe, again, thank you for you and omega boys club working with police and all the other law enforcements to get the gun buy backs now in planning now an additional 4 events, 4 gun buy back events to try to take them out of our public housing, out of our communities, our streets, doing the best we can to prevent this from happening. as a mayor i'm going to continue speaking out with representative pelosi and congressman thompson and senator feinstein and guess what, whatever we do locally, when i work with melia cohen
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making illegal hollow point munitions that have no place in our society here, we know that if the next county over doesn't do the same thing or the next region, it will come in very easily. we have to work locally, regionally and nationally. so as we do these things i'm going to continue talking about the support, snore feinstein's national support for the assault weapons ban she had in the 90's that (inaudible) in 2004, it's going to be aupb uphill fight as president obama has reminded us, but we have to keep talking about it. we have to keep the pictures of our youth in front of us in everything that we do. so this is what i am willing to do and again continue asking everybody for help in the city because the more i do that, the more of the graciousness of our
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community comes out because this is not something that just law enforcement can do, it's got to be our whole society acting together. thank you. (applause). >> i will take this opportunity to present our chief who has been working very closely with me and reminding me of both the do's and the don't's, but also working in strong collaboration and i'm glad that he's helping me head up, increase in officers but also the increase in training our residents to work with the police officers and work together in collaboration, chief grayson. >> i know we want to get to the questions but i wanted to thank leader pelosi and congressman thompson for your leadership on this and of course our own mayor and dr. joe, one of our own police commissioners, for hosting. violence from semiautomatic rifles is no stranger to san
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francisco. everybody is talking that 18 years ago is the last time the 49ers won the superbowl but also it was when jim gelf was killed with a national 223 semi auto when he yelled out -- now this is the amazing part, this is the capacity of this gun, he held off 120 police officers for half an hour, firing over 500 rounds before we were able to neutralize him. just a few blocks from here was murdered with an ak 47 and just in the fall chief zefferman of juvenile probation took on a gang member bound to do homicide, those officers with a mini mac-10 pistol and now he's gone. there were 45 homicides last year in san francisco by gun fire. 25
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percent of those happened right here in the bayview district and that's an annual phenomenon. none of this is worse than what happened in new town. i was in washington yesterday and we heard from the city chiefs more detail than i wanted to know about that will probably come out in time, but if there was anybody who should not have a weapon it was that kid, who wasn't actually a kid, he was 29 years old. if we can just go with president obama's recommendations, senator feinstein asking for the assault weapons ban again, i think it's critical that some of the recommendations of the major city police chiefs in this whole country are to impose legislation that would require states to recognize any and all concealed carry permits, that sounds far-fetched but it made it to
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the floor and made it last year. in arizona you can walk around like a western cowboy with your gun on your hip, oppose legislation that furlts erodes atf authority, require unlicensed private pack ground dealers to do background checks at gun shows, reinstate the assault weapons ban and impose penalties for illegal guns and ban internet sales, require all firearm sales to be person to person with licensing of all ammo vendors. we would also like to see a couple of the provisions that went into law in new york, anyone who contemplates use of a fire in any criminal way has to be roerted by a therapist. the person who keeps the house that that person lives in wouldn't be allowed to have a gun in that home,
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